Sara McLaughlin Mitchell explained

Sara McLaughlin Mitchell
Birth Date:28 June 1969
Field:International relations
Work Institution:University of Iowa
Alma Mater:Michigan State University (PhD)
Thesis Title:The Systemic Democratic Peace
Prizes:Collegiate Scholar Award, Faculty Scholar Award

Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (born June 28, 1969) is an American political scientist and the F. Wendell Miller Professor of Political Science at University of Iowa. She is known for her expertise on international relations and political methodology.[1]


Mitchell received her B.S. in economics and political science from Iowa State University in 1991 and her Ph.D in political science from Michigan State University in 1997.[2] Her areas of expertise include international conflict, political methodology, and gender issues in academia. She is co-founder of the Journeys in World Politics workshop, a mentoring workshop for junior women studying international relations.


External links

Notes and References

  1. Owsiak. Andrew P.. Mitchell. Sara McLaughlin. Conflict Management in Land, River, and Maritime Claims*. Political Science Research and Methods. 2017. 7. 43–61. 10.1017/psrm.2016.56. 157725508 . 13 May 2018. en. 2049-8470.
  2. Web site: CV: Sara McLaughlin Mitchell. May 16, 2018.