Samuel Abraham Poznański Explained

Samuel Abraham Poznański or Shemuel Avraham Poznanski (he|שמואל אברהם פוזננסקי, Lubraniec, 3 September 1864–1921) was a Polish-Jewish scholar, known for his studies of Karaism and the Hebrew calendar. Arabist, Hebrew bibliographer, and authority on modern Karaism; rabbi and preacher at the Great Synagogue in Warsaw.

He graduated from a gymnasium of Warsaw and studied at Warsaw University and the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin.[1] At that time he formed an intimate friendship with his teacher Moritz Steinschneider, for whose eightieth birthday in 1896 he edited the Festschrift.

He was appointed a member of the Warsaw council of rabbis by a committee of the Great Synagogue on Tłomackie Street, Warsaw just before his death where he preached. Orthodox Jews opposed his appointment and even resorted to street demonstrations.[2] [3] He was succeeded at the Great Synagogue by Moses Schorr in 1923.

He was an ardent Zionist, and a delegate to the First Zionist Congress.


Poznanski is the author of the following works:

He has contributed also numerous articles to the "Monatsschrift," Stade's "Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft," "Ha-Goren" (Berdychev), "Ha-Ẓefirah" (Warsaw), "Revue des Etudes Juives," and the "Jewish Quarterly Review".


  1.,_SAMUEL_(Jewish_Encyclopedia) Samuel Poznanski
  2. Édité par le comité de la Grande Synagogue à Varsovie. Livre d'Hommage à la mémoire du Dr Samuel Poznanski (1864-1921) offert par les amis et les compagnons du travail scientifique (Book of Tribute to the Memory of Dr. Samuel Poznanski (1864-1921) offered by his friends and companions in scientific work). Warsaw 1927, rep. Jerusalem 1969.
  3. R. Zebrowski, "Modernization or an attempt to divide the community? Battle for the appointment of a progressive rabbi in Warsaw" (abstract)

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