Samaritan Aramaic Explained

Samaritan Aramaic should not be confused with Samaritan Hebrew.

Samaritan Aramaic
Nativename:Samaritan Aramaic: ࠀࠓࠌࠉࠕ
Pronunciation:in Semitic languages pronounced as /arɑmiθ], [arɑmit],
[ɑrɑmɑjɑ], [ɔrɔmɔjɔ|]/
Region:Israel and Palestine, predominantly in Samaria and Holon.
Extinct:by 12th century; liturgical use
Fam3:Central Semitic
Fam4:Northwest Semitic
Fam7:Palestinian Aramaic
Ancestor3:Old Aramaic
Ancestor4:Middle Aramaic
Ancestor5:Palestinian Aramaic
Script:Samaritan alphabet
Glottorefname:Samaritan Aramaic

Samaritan Aramaic was the dialect of Aramaic used by the Samaritans in their sacred and scholarly literature. This should not be confused with Samaritan Hebrew, the language of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Samaritan Aramaic ceased to be a spoken language some time between the 10th and the 12th centuries, with Samaritans switching to Palestinian Arabic as their vernacular.

In form, Samaritan Aramaic resembles the Aramaic of the Targumim, and is written in the Samaritan alphabet. Important works written in it include the translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch, legal, exegetical and liturgical texts.


Exodus XX.1-6:

Notice the similarities with Judeo-Aramaic as found in Targum Onqelos to this same passage (some expressions below are paraphrased, not literally translated):

  1. Umalleil Adonai yat kol pitgamayya ha'illein lemeimar
  2. Ana Adonai elahach de'appeiktach me'ar'a deMiṣrayim mibbeit avduta
  3. La yihvei lach elah achoran, bar minni
  4. La ta'aveid lach ṣeilam vechol demu devišmayya mille'eila vediv'ar'a millera vedivmayya millera le'ar'a
  5. La tisgod lehon vela tiflechinnin arei ana adonai elahach el kanna mas'ar chovei avahan al benin maradin al dar telitai ve'al dar revi'ai lesane'ai kad mašlemin benayya lemichtei batar avahatehon
  6. Ve'aveid teivu le'alfei darin lerachamai ulenaterei pikkodai

See also


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