Salvia dominica (Dominica sage, in Arabic (Maru = مرو or "Khowwekha" = خويخة), in (Hebrew: מרווה, marva) is a strong-scented perennial shrub found throughout the eastern Mediterranean, especially Jordan[1] Israel,[2] Lebanon and Syria. The branched inflorescence is one of several salvias thought to have inspired the design of the menorah. It grows to about 1 meter in height and width, and blooms in spring or early summer with pale yellow and white flowers in delicate whorls.[3]
A group of Italian and Jordanian researchers isolated twenty-four new sesterterpenes, some of them with interesting biological activity due to their interaction with tubulin-tyrosine ligase (TTL), an enzyme involved in the tyrosination cycle of the C-terminus of tubulin, and inhibit TTL activity in cancer cells.[4]