SM U-67 explained



Ship Country:German Empire
Ship Name:U-67
Ship Ordered:2 February 1913
Ship Builder:Germaniawerft, Kiel
Ship Yard Number:204[1]
Ship Laid Down:2 February 1913, as U-8 (Austria-Hungary)
Ship Launched:15 May 1915
Ship Commissioned:4 August 1915
Ship Fate:20 November 1918 - Surrendered. Broken up at Fareham in 1921.
Ship Class:Type U 66 submarine
Ship Displacement:
  • 791abbr=onNaNabbr=on surfaced
  • 933t submerged
Ship Length:
  • 69.50NaN0 (o/a)
  • 54.66m (179.33feet) (pressure hull)
Ship Beam:
  • 6.3m (20.7feet) (o/a)
  • 4.15m (13.62feet) (pressure hull)
Ship Draft:3.79m (12.43feet)
Ship Height:7.95m (26.08feet)
Ship Propulsion:
Ship Speed:
  • 16.8kn surfaced
  • submerged
Ship Range:
  • 7370nmi at surfaced
  • 115nmi at submerged
Ship Test Depth:50m (160feet)
Ship Complement:4 officers, 32 enlisted men
Ship Armament:
Is Ship:yes
Is Multi:yes
  • IV Flottille
  • 28 October 1915 – 11 November 1918
  • Kptlt. Erich von Rosenberg-Grusczyski[2]
  • 4 August 1915 – 15 March 1916
  • Kptlt. Hans Nieland[3]
  • 16 March 1916 – 14 December 1917
  • Kptlt. Helmuth von Rabenau[4]
  • 15 December 1917 – 15 September 1918
Operations:13 patrols
  • 17 merchant ships sunk
  • 3 merchant ships damaged
  • 1 auxiliary warship damaged

SM U-67 was a Type U 66 submarine or U-boat for the German Imperial Navy (German: Kaiserliche Marine) during the First World War. She had been laid down in November 1913 as U-8 the second boat of the U-7 class for the Austro-Hungarian Navy (German: Kaiserliche und Königliche (K.u.K.) Kriegsmarine) but was sold to Germany, along with the others in her class, in November 1914.

The submarine was ordered as U-8 from Germaniawerft of Kiel as the second of five boats of the U-7 class for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. After the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Navy became convinced that none of the submarines of the class could be delivered to the Adriatic via Gibraltar. As a consequence, the entire class, including U-8, was sold to the German Imperial Navy in November 1914. Under German control, the class became known as the U 66 type and the boats were renumbered; U-8 became U-67, and all were redesigned and reconstructed to German specifications. U-67 was launched in May 1915 and commissioned in August. As completed, she displaced 791t, surfaced, and 933t, submerged. The boat was 69.5m (228feet) long and was armed with five torpedo tubes and a deck gun.

A part of the IV Flotilla throughout the war, U-67 sank 17 ships with a combined gross register tonnage (GRT) of 39,720 in thirteen war patrols. She also damaged four other ships of . On 20 November 1918, nine days after the Armistice, U-67 was surrendered to the British. She was broken up in 1921 at Fareham.

Design and construction

After the Austro-Hungarian Navy had competitively evaluated three foreign submarine designs, it selected the Germaniawerft 506d design, also known as the Type UD, for its new U-7 class of five submarines.[5] The Navy ordered five boats on 1 February 1913.[6]

The U-7 class was seen by the Austro-Hungarian Navy as an improved version of its U-3 class, which was also a Germaniawerft design.[7] As designed for the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the boats were to displace 695t on the surface and 885t while submerged. The doubled-hulled boats were to be 69.5m (228feet) long overall with a beam of 6.3m (20.7feet) and a draft of 3.79m (12.43feet). The Austrian specifications called for two shafts with twin diesel engines (2300lk=inNaNlk=in total) for surface running at up to, and twin electric motors (1240abbr=onNaNabbr=on total) for a maximum of when submerged. The boats were designed with five 451NaN1 torpedo tubes; four located in the bow, one in the stern. The boats' armament was to also include a single 6.6cm (02.6inches) L/26 deck gun.

U-8 and sister boat were both laid down on 1 November 1913, the first two boats of the class begun.[8] Her construction was slated to be complete within 29 to 33 months.

Neither U-8 nor any of her sister boats were complete when World War I began in August 1914. With the boats under construction at Kiel, the Austrians became convinced that it would be impossible to take delivery of the boats, which would need to be towed into the Mediterranean past Gibraltar, a British territory.[9] As a result, U-8 and her four sisters were sold to the Imperial German Navy on 28 November 1914.[10] [11]

U-8 was renumbered by the Germans as U-67 when her class was redesignated as the Type U 66. The Imperial German Navy had the submarines redesigned and reconstructed to German standards, which increased the surface displacement by 96t and the submerged by 48t. The torpedo load was increased by a third, from 9 to 12, and the deck gun was upgraded from the 6.6cm (02.6inches) gun originally specified to an 8.8sp=usNaNsp=us Uk L/30 one.

Service career

U-67 was launched on 15 May 1915. On 4 August, SM U-67 was commissioned into the Imperial German Navy under the command of Kapitänleutnant Erich von Rosenberg-Grusczyski.[1] On 28 October 1915, U-67 was assigned to the IV. U-Halbflotille in which she remained for the duration of the war.[12]

In March 1916, Kapitänleutnant Hans Nieland replaced von Rosenberg-Grusczyski as the captain of U-67,[1] and it was under his command that U-67 was most successful, sinking 17 ships with a combined a total of, while damaging a further four of 19,048 GRT.[13] U-67s most successful month was April 1917, when she sank four ships of 15,223 GRT in a span of twelve days.[14]

Nieland was succeeded as commander of U-67 by Oberleutnant zur See Helmuth von Rabenau in December 1917. Under his command during the last eleven months of the war, U-67 sank no more ships. During her service career under three commanders, U-67 had completed thirteen war patrols. She was surrendered to the British on 20 November 1918, nine days after the Armistice, and broken up at Fareham in 1921.[1]

Ships sunk or damaged

Date! width="140px"
Cardonia United Kingdom2,169Sunk
Whitgift United Kingdom4,397Sunk
Chanaral France2,423Sunk
HMS Intaba4,282Damaged
Daisy Denmark1,227Sunk
Punta Teno Spain1,042Sunk
Butron Spain2,434Sunk
Lorton Peru1,419Sunk
Headley United Kingdom4,953Sunk
Kish United Kingdom4,928Sunk
Rhydwen United Kingdom4,799Sunk
Portloe United Kingdom3,187Sunk
Port Jackson United Kingdom2,309Sunk
Harrildsborg Denmark1,547Sunk
Viking Sweden873Sunk
Rigmor Denmark798Sunk
Idomeneus United Kingdom6,692Damaged
Breynton United Kingdom4,240Damaged
Redbridge United Kingdom3,834Damaged
Premier United Kingdom49Sunk


External links

Notes and References

  1. 67. U 67. 1sub. 12 January 2015.
  2. 274. Erich von Rosenberg-Grusczyski (Royal House Order of Hohenzollern). 1comm. 12 January 2015.
  3. 223. Hans Nieland. 1comm. 12 January 2015.
  4. 255. Helmuth von Rabenau. 1comm. 12 January 2015.
  5. Gardiner, p. 340.
  6. Gardiner, p. 343.
  7. The U-3-class submarines, however, were less than half the displacement and nearly 90feet shorter than the U-7 design. See: Gardiner, pp. 342–43.
  8. Helgason, Guðmundur. WWI U-boats: U 66, WWI U-boats: U 67, WWI U-boats: U 68, WWI U-boats: U 69, WWI U-boats: U 70. U-Boat War in World War I. Retrieved on 9 December 2008.
  9. The Austro-Hungarian Navy's Germaniawerft-built U-3 class boats had been towed from Kiel to Pola via Gibraltar in 1909. See: Sieche, p. 19.
  10. Gardiner, p. 177.
  11. In April 1915, just five months later, the German successfully entered the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar, proving that delivery would have been possible after all. See: Gardiner, p. 343.
  12. Tarrant, p. 34.
  13. U 67. u67. 1boat. 9 December 2008.
  14. U-67 had also sunk four ships in February 1917 but with a lesser tonnage, .