Ružička reaction explained

The Ružička large-ring synthesis or Ružička reaction or Ružička cyclization is an organic reaction in which a dicarboxylic acid is converted to a cyclic ketone via heating with a thorium oxide catalyst. The reaction is named after Lavoslav Ružička, who invented it in 1926.[1]

The reaction has been applied in the synthesis of Exaltone, a low-toxicity synthetic musk.


  1. Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes II. Synthese der carbocyclischen Ketone vom Zehner- bis zum Achtzehnerring. L. Ruzicka . M. Stoll . H. Schinz . Helvetica Chimica Acta. 1926. 9. 1. 249–264. 10.1002/hlca.19260090130 .