Mat (profanity) explained

Mat (ru|[[wikt:мат|мат]]; [[wikt:матерщина|матерщи́на]] / [[wikt:матерный|ма́терный]] [[wikt:язык|язы́к]], matershchina / materny yazyk) is the term for vulgar, obscene, or profane language in Russian and some other Slavic language communities.

Four pillars of mat

In 2013, Roskomnadzor compiled a list of four lexical roots, with any words derived from these roots - nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles etc - of the Russian language which it deemed "absolutely unacceptable in the mass media": khuy ("cock"); pizda ("cunt"); yebat ("to fuck"); and blyad ("whore"). Roskomnadzor defined the banned terms as follows: "Obscene designation of the male genital organ, obscene designation of the female genital organ, obscene designation of the process of copulation and obscene designation of a woman of dissolute behavior, as well as all linguistic units derived from these words".[1]

David Remnick writes that mat has thousands of variations but ultimately centers on those four words.[2]

Mat-words were included by Polish publisher Jan Baudouin de Courtenay in the 3rd and 4th editions of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, which was printed four times in 1903–1909 (twice) and in 1911–1912, 1912–1914.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The inclusion of rude and abusive words became an obstacle to the reprinting of this version of the dictionary in the Soviet Union for censorship reasons.[8]


Khuy (Russian: [[wikt:хуй|хуй]]; {{audio|Ru-Khuy.ogg|хуй), often also written in Latin as "hui" or even "hooy" by Russian schoolchildren/beginners in their English studies, means "cock", "penis", or for an equivalent colloquial register: "dick". The etymology of the term is unclear. Mainstream theories include from Proto-Indo European (PIE) *ks-u-, related to хвоя (khvoya, "pine needles"), attributed to Pederson, 1908.[9] [10]

From PIE *hau-, related to хвост (khvost, "tail"), attributed to Merlingen, 1955; from Mongolian хуй (khui, meaning "sheath" or "scabbard"). This was the etymology endorsed by the Soviet government and attributed to Maxim Gorky, who claimed it was a loan word, imposed during the Mongol yoke. Alexander Gorokhovski suggests the derivation from the Latin huic (lit. "for that", used on prescriptions for genital diseases) as a euphemism, because the old Russian "ud/uda" (from PIE root *ud- meaning "up, out") became taboo in the mid-18th century.[11]

The first volume of the Great Dictionary of Mat by the Russian linguist and folklorist treats only expressions with the stem хуй (khuy), numbering over 500 entries; 12 volumes are planned. The word khuy also appears in various other Slavic languages with the same meaning and pronunciation but not always the same spelling, such as the Polish chuj.


Pizdá (Russian: [[wikt:пизда|пизда́]]; {{audio|Ru-Pizda.ogg|пизда) means "cunt". A derivative of this word is the interjection pizdets. This word, depending on the situation, can express a vivid form of almost any emotion, ranging from sadness and annoyance ("Pizdets, my girlfriend cheated on me", or "Pizdets, I missed my flight"), to an expression of joy ("Pizdets, my son has just been born!") [2]


Yebát (Russian: [[wikt:ебать|еба́ть]]; {{audio|Ru-Yebat.ogg|ебать) means "to fuck (somebody)". This verb expresses a unilateral action and always requires (or implies) a direct object. The mutual action expressed in English with verbs "to copulate", "to have intercourse" is rendered in mat by the reciprocal form of the verb, yebátsya (Russian: [[wikt:ебаться|еба́ться]]): "to fuck each other". Historically, women have been perceived as sexually submissive, so the verb mostly refers to an action of a man. In modern times it may refer to a woman's action, in contexts when she initiates (or plans to initiate) the intercourse or plays an active role. See the wiktionary entry for some figurative uses of the word.


Blyád (Russian: [[wikt:блядь|блядь]]; {{audio|Ru-блядь.ogg|блядь) means "whore".[2] In the Old East Slavic the word блѧдь (блядь in modern orthography) – blyad, meaning: "deception, nonsense, insane, adulteress",[12] is preserved in the Church Slavonic in three meanings: "deception, delusion", "idle talk, trivia" and "debauchery, adultery".[13]

To enhance the expressivity, the word may be combined with the non-mat insult "suka" (Russian: [[wikt:сука|сука]], bitch) to form "suka, blyád" (сука, блядь) especially among Internet users and memes, an approximate analogue for the expression "fucking shit". The term is popular in the Counter-Strike video game community in the stylized form of "rush B, cyka blyat".[14]

History and use

Some claim that the term mat derives from the Russian word for mother, a component of the key phrase "Ёб твою мать", "yob tvoyu mat (fuck your mother).[15] However there is a Russian expression "благим матом" (blagim matom) which has no relation to obscenities, and whose etymology is unsure as well.[16]

Obscenities are among the earliest recorded attestations of the Russian language (the first written mat words date to the early Middle Ages[17]).

Mikhail Lermontov's 1834 "A Holiday in Peterhof" ("Петергофский праздник") is one example of the usage of mat.

And so I will not pay you:However, if you are a simple whoreYou should consider it an honorTo be acquainted with the cadet's dickИтак, тебе не заплачу я:Но если ты простая блядь,То знай: за честь должна считатьЗнакомство юнкерского хуяIták, tebé ne zaplachú ya:No yésli ty prostáya blyad,To znay: za chest' dolzhná schitát'Znakómstvo yúnkerskogo khúya

The prologue to Luka Mudishchev, probably written at some time in the mid 19th century, was often ascribed to Ivan Barkov, an obscene poet who lived in the 18th century:[18]

Hear ye, matrons and widows fair,Young girls with cherry still untouchedLet me tell you up front A few words about fuckingО вы, замужние, о вдовы,О девки с целкой наотлётПозвольте мне вам наперёдСказать о ебле два-три слова. O vy, zamuzhnie, o vdovy, O devki s tselkoy naotlyotPozvol'te mne vam naperyodSkazat' o yeble dva-tri slova.

Mat is also used in humor or puns by juxtaposing innocent words so that the result will sound as if an obscene word was used. An example is a Don Cossack song cited in And Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Sholokhov:[19]

Щуку я, щуку я, щуку я поймала.

Девица красная, уху я варила.

Уху я, уху я, уху я варила.

Here "Уху я варила" ("I cooked the fish stew") may be reinterpreted as "У хуя варила" ("Cooked near the dick") or even "Ух, хуй я варила" ("Ooh, I cooked a dick").

The contemporaneous use of mat is widespread, especially in the army, police, blue-collar workers, the criminal world, and many other all-male milieus, with particular fervor in the male-dominated military and the structurally similar social strata.[20] An article by Victor Erofeyev (translated by Andrew Bromfeld) analyzing the history, overtones, and sociology of mat appeared in the 15 September 2003 issue of The New Yorker.[21]

In the context of the Russo-Ukrainian War, two mat phrases were popularized internationally: "Putin khuylo!" and "Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй" ("Russian warship, go fuck yourself"), as expressions of the Ukrainian defiance.

Legal issues

In the Soviet Union obscenity was censored in print and in the media, and could be prosecuted as petty hooliganism when used in public places. With the collapse of the Soviet Union censorship of mat stopped, and a number of writers, singers, and actors started using taboo-shattering mat in their works. For example, the singer Sergey "Shnur" Shnurov is notorious of using mat in his songs.[22]

In 2013 mat has been banned in Russia in all mass media, printed and electronic.[2] [1] Since July 1, 2014, mat has been banned in Russia from all movies, theatrical productions, and concerts.[2]

In modern Russia, since the times of the Soviet Union, the use of obscenities in public aggravates a disorderly conduct and may lead to its qualification as petty hooliganism, punishable under article 20.1.1 of the Offences Code of Russia,[23] although there was no clear legal definition what exactly constitutes an obscenity.[24]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Роскомнадзор накажет СМИ только за четыре матерных слова
  2. Putin's Four Dirty Words . David. Remnick. 5 May 2014. The New Yorker. 6 September 2017.
  3. Web site: English: Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language. Владимир Иванович Даль, Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de. Courtenay. 31 May 1909. Wikimedia Commons.
  4. Web site: English: Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language. Владимир Иванович Даль, Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de. Courtenay. 31 May 1907. Wikimedia Commons.
  5. Web site: English: Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language. Владимир Иванович Даль, Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de. Courtenay. 31 May 1863. Wikimedia Commons.
  6. Web site: English: Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language. Владимир Иванович Даль, Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de. Courtenay. 31 May 1863. Wikimedia Commons.
  7. Web site: В. И. Даль. Биобиблиографический указатель / Рос. гос. б-ка, НИО библиографии; Сост. О.Г. Горбачева. Ред. Т.Я. Брискман. Библиогр. ред. Е.А. Акимова. — М.: Пашков Дом, 2004. — С. 9—11. — 134 с. . 14 April 2019 . 30 January 2019 . . dead .
  8. Предисловие от редакции // Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка. В 4 т. Том 1 / В.И. Даль. — 6-е изд. стер. — М.: Дрофа, Русский язык-Медиа, 2011. — С. III—XII.
  9. Web site: Comments. 16 March 2007. 9 May 2007. dead.
  10. Web site: Russian Mat – Consequences of Destruction of the Taboo; Cultural taboos and their influence on the result of communication . Voronezh. 2005. 184–197. ru:РУССКИЙ МАТ – СЛЕДСТВИЕ УНИЧТОЖЕНИЯ ТАБУ (Культурные табу и их влияние на результат коммуникации.). 6 September 2017. ru.
  11. Web site: . ru:Матерщина: седая древность и цветущая юность. Foul language: gray antiquity and blooming youth. A. . Gorokhovsky. ru. 6 September 2017.
  12. [Izmail Sreznevsky|Срезневский, Измаил Иванович]
  13. [:ru:Дьяченко, Григорий Михайлович|Дьяченко, Григорий Михайлович]
  14. Web site: Villanueva . Jamie . Heath . Jerome . CS:GO Dictionary: A Complete Guide to Counter-Strike Slang . Dot Esports . 3 March 2021.
  15. Web site: The Unique Power of Russia's Underground Language. Yerofeyev. Victor. Viktor Yerofeyev. 12 October 2003.
  16. Благим матом
  17. [:ru:Русский_мат#Мат_в_берестяных_грамотах|Obscene lexics in birch bark documents]
  18. Web site: «Лука Мудищев» — история и мифология расхожие заблуждения («Luka Mudishchev» – istoriya i mifologiya raskhozhiye zabluzhdeniya). Luka Mudischev – The History and Mythology: Widespread Misconceptions). ru. 8 August 2008. dead. 17 December 2007. dmy-all.
  19. Web site: А. Чернов. Запрещенный классик.
  20. Mikhailin. Vadim . Russian Army Mat as a Code System Controlling Behaviour in the Russian Army. The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies . 1 . 29 September 2004 . 24 May 2018.
  21. Dirty Words. 15 September 2003. Victor. Erofeyev. 42. The New Yorker. 6 September 2017.
  22. , Расфигачечная, February 9, 2016
  23. Web site: Article 20.1 . Offences Code of Russia. 8 December 2003 . нарушение общественного порядка, выражающее явное неуважение к обществу, сопровождающееся нецензурной бранью в общественных местах ... влечет наложение административного штрафа в размере от пятисот до одной тысячи рублей или административный арест на срок до пятнадцати суток" ('disorderly conduct displaying explicit disrespect to society, accompanied by obscene language in public ... is punishable by a fine from 500 to 1000 rubles or arrest up to 15 days'). Government of Russia.
  24. Web site: . ru:Министерство связи определит понятие нецензурной речи. Department of communications will define 'obscene language'. Lenta.Ru. 24 July 2009. ru.