Russian Institute for Public Networks explained


The Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (RIPN) is a Russian institution that operates in two main areas:


The institution was created by the State Committee of the RSFSR for Science and Higher Education, the Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE). IV Kurchatov and the Information and Computing Center of the IAE them. IV Kurchatov in 1992 and registered as a non-profit organization.[1]

Until 2001, it was the only registrar of .ru domain names. In 2000, after the beginning of the creation in the zone .ru of the distributed domain name registration system, established the registrar RU-NIC (RU-CENTER) and from 2001 ceased signing new domain registration contracts. Earlier signed agreements on registration and support of domains operated until January 1, 2005, and to continue the maintenance of domains, the owners had to transfer them to one of the accredited domain name registrars without fail.

In 2004 the non-profit organization became autonomous, having transformed from the Institution "Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks" to the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks" (ANO "RIPN").

Projects of RIPN

Free Domain Registration

Until December 27, 2010 RIPN managed a number of public and geographical domains intended for registration of third-level subdomains.

Among these domains were:

Subdomains ("third-level domains", that is, type were registered free of charge in accordance with the rules of using the corresponding public domain. Domains were registered using a web form for domain registration.

Since December 27, the Institute has been transferring all administrated third-level domains to RU-CENTER support. Domains are registered through the RU-CENTER web interface, but already on a fee basis.

Since 2015, these domains are served by a single Flexireg registry, the infrastructure of which was created by RIPN. This registry provides distributed access to registrars for domain name service. Thus, it became possible to register third-level domains not only through RU-CENTER, but also through other registrars.

See also

