The Royal Commission on the Electoral System was formed in New Zealand in 1985 and reported in 1986. The decision to form the Royal Commission was taken by the Fourth Labour government, after the Labour Party had received more votes, yet it won fewer seats than the National Party in both the 1978 and 1981 elections. It was also a reaction to the power displayed by Prime Minister Robert Muldoon, whose action of illegally abolishing the Superannuation scheme in 1975 without any repercussions highlighted the need to distribute power in a more democratic way.[1] The Royal Commission's report Towards a Better Democracy was instrumental in effecting New Zealand to change its electoral system from first-past-the-post to mixed member proportional.
The Royal Commission consisted of
The Royal Commission established ten criteria for choosing an electoral system. The criteria were not weighed equally by the commission, and a balance was sought.
1. Fairness between political parties
The number of seats in the House should roughly reflect the number of votes received2. Effective representation of minority and special interest groups
The membership of Parliament should reflect the divisions of society3. Effective Māori representation
Māori should be fairly and effectively represented in House
Treaty of Waitangi & aboriginal rights should be respected4. Political Integration
All groups should respect views taken by others in society5. Effective representation of constituents
An electoral system should encourage close links and accountability to the community6. Effective voter participation
The voting system should be understandable
Power should be hands of voters to make/unmake governments7. Effective government
Governments should be able to act decisively and fulfil their responsibilities to their voters8. Effective Parliament
Parliament should be independent from government control
Parliament should be able to authorise spending and taxation as well as legislate9. Effective parties
Political parties should be formulating policy and providing representation10. Legitimacy
Fair and reasonable to the community
The Commission evaluated first-past-the-post, single transferable vote, Supplementary Member, Alternative Vote and mixed member proportional.
In 1992 and 1993, two referendums were held, resulting in the adoption of MMP. The threshold was changed to 5% and the Māori electorates were retained instead of allowing Māori parties to avoid the threshold. The number of MPs was increased to 120.
A referendum was held on increasing the term of Parliament to four years in 1990. It failed to pass; Parliament continues operating under a three-year term.