Ronald Kessler Explained

Birth Date:31 December 1943
Birth Place:New York City, U.S.
Occupation:Journalist, author
Subject:Intelligence, current affairs
Relatives:Ernest Borek (father)
Minuetta Kessler (mother)
Morris C. Shumiatcher (uncle)
Birth Name:Ronald Borek

Ronald Borek Kessler (born Ronald Borek; December 31, 1943) is an American journalist and author of 21 non-fiction books about the White House, U.S. Secret Service, FBI, and CIA.

Early life and education

Kessler was born in The Bronx, New York City, the son of microbiologist Ernest Borek and concert pianist Minuetta Kessler, and grew up in Belmont, Massachusetts.[1] After his parents divorced and his mother remarried, he adopted his step-father's last name. He attended Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1962 to 1964, where he was a student reporter for the campus newspaper The Scarlet and exposed racial housing discrimination in a report that prompted state anti-discrimination regulations.[1]


Kessler began his career in 1964 as a reporter with the Worcester Telegram, followed by three years as an investigative reporter and editorial writer with the Boston Herald. A series he wrote while there was instrumental in the installation of a better plaque commemorating the location of Boston's Pre-Revolutionary-War Liberty Tree. During these years, his reporting won awards from the American Political Science Association (public affairs reporting award, 1965), United Press International (1967) and the Associated Press (Sevellon Brown Memorial award, 1967). In 1968, he joined The Wall Street Journal as an investigative reporter in the New York bureau.[2]

From 1970 to 1985, Kessler was an investigative reporter for The Washington Post. In 1972, he won a George Polk Memorial award for Community Service because of two series of articles he wrote—one on conflicts of interest and mismanagement at Washington area non-profit hospitals, and a second series exposing kickbacks among lawyers, title insurance companies, realtors, and lenders in connection with real estate settlements, inflating the cost of buying homes.[3] [4] That series resulted in congressional passage in 1974 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), which outlaws kickbacks for referral of settlement services in connection with real estate closings.[5] Kessler was named a Washingtonian of the Year for 1972 by Washingtonian magazine.[6] In 1979, Kessler won a second Polk Award for National Reporting for a series of articles exposing corruption in the General Services Administration; he won even though his editor, Ben Bradlee, had not submitted his stories for consideration.[4] [7] Kessler's Washington Post stories reporting that Lena Ferguson had been denied membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) because she is black led to her acceptance by the DAR, appointment to head the DAR Scholarship Committee, and widespread changes in the organization's policies to increase membership by blacks.[8]

In 2006, Kessler became chief Washington correspondent for conservative cable news company Newsmax, where he became a leading promoter of Donald Trump.[9] He left his position at Newsmax in 2012 citing "editorial changes",[9] but has continued to write articles for the site.

In 2014, Franklin Pierce University awarded Kessler the Marlin Fitzwater Medallion for excellence as a prolific author, journalist, and communicator.[10]


Kessler has authored 21 nonfiction books on intelligence and current affairs. Seven of these, Inside the White House (1995), The Season: Inside Palm Beach and America's Richest Society (1999), A Matter of Character (2004), Laura Bush (2006), In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect (2009), The Secrets of the FBI (2011), and The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents (2014) have reached The New York Times Best Seller list for hardcover non-fiction.[11] [12]

Kessler's 1993 book, The FBI: Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency, led to the dismissal by President Clinton of William S. Sessions as FBI director over his abuses. According to The Washington Post, "A Justice Department official ... noted that the original charges against Sessions came not from FBI agents but from a journalist, Ronald Kessler [who uncovered the abuses while writing a book about the FBI, leading to Sessions' dismissal by President Clinton] ..."[13] The New York Times said Kessler's FBI book "did indeed trigger bureau and Justice Department investigations into alleged travel and expense abuses [by FBI Director William Sessions, leading to his departure] ..., but also noted that the hastily published book included a claim it called "Sensational but unexplained, the assertion borders on the irresponsible."[14]

Kessler's 1996 book The Sins of the Father about Joseph P. Kennedy received negative reviews. The Washington Post called it "relentlessly uncharitable", a "sour and mean-spirited book", noting that "the author frequently resorts to speculation, guesswork and innuendo. This has the effect of making many of his attacks seem underhanded."[15] New York Times reviewer Michiko Kakutani called it a "meanspirited, speculation-filled biography ... a determinedly poisonous portrait of the man."[16]

Despite reaching the New York times bestseller list, Kessler's 1999 book The Season: Inside Palm Beach and America's Richest Society received "tepid, if not stinging, reviews" and received criticism from some Palm Beach locals that it did not portray their town accurately.[17]

In his 2002 book The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, Kessler presented the first credible evidence that Bob Woodward's and Carl Bernstein's Watergate source dubbed Deep Throat was FBI official W. Mark Felt. The book said that Woodward paid a secret visit to Felt in California and had his limousine park ten blocks away from Felt's home and walked to it so as not to attract attention.[18] The New York Times said the book offers an "understanding of the institution's history, as well as an account of what it is like to be on the inside ... Kessler investigates the relationship between FBI directors and sitting presidents and also includes exclusive interviews with Robert Mueller, who led the FBI in the period immediately after 9/11."[19] Jon Stewart of The Daily Show said Kessler's 2007 book The Terrorist Watch: Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack is a "very interesting look inside the FBI and CIA, which I think is unprecedented."[20] The Washington Times said of the book, "Ronald Kessler is a veteran Washington-based investigative journalist on national security. His unparalleled access to top players in America's counterterrorism campaign allowed him a rare glimpse into their tradecraft, making The Terrorist Watch a riveting account."[21]

Kessler's 2009 book, In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect, was described by USA Today as a "fascinating exposé ... high-energy read ... amusing, saucy, often disturbing anecdotes about the VIPs the Secret Service has protected and still protects ... [accounts come] directly from current and retired agents (most identified by name, to Kessler's credit) ... Balancing the sordid tales are the kinder stories of presidential humanity ..."[22] Newsweek said of the book, "Kessler's such a skilled storyteller, you almost forget this is dead-serious nonfiction ... The behind-the-scenes anecdotes are delightful, but Kessler has a bigger point to make, one concerning why the under-appreciated Secret Service deserves better leadership."[23] However, the Washington Post review called its revelations "boring and familiar", noting "What is truly dangerous is the kind of National Enquirer-style gossip in Kessler's book" as "the author simply milked the agents for the juiciest gossip he could get and mixed it with a rambling list of their complaints."[24]

Kessler's 2011 book The Secrets of the FBI presents revelations about the Russian spy swap, Marilyn Monroe's death, Vince Foster's suicide, the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, and J. Edgar Hoover's sexual orientation. It tells how the FBI caught spy Robert Hanssen in its midst and how secret teams of FBI agents break into homes, offices, and embassies to plant bugging devices without getting caught and shot as burglars.[25] [26] [27] However, The Washington Post review said "There are tidbits here that probably do qualify as 'secrets'. But there's a lot of padding too: ... None of this is to say that Secrets of the FBI is not a gossipy, easy-to-gobble book; it is. In places it almost reads like 'The FBI for Dummies'."[28]

Kessler's 2014 book The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents debuted at No. 4 on the hardcover nonfiction New York Times Best Seller list.[29] In the book Kessler reports that Vice President Joe Biden enjoys skinny dipping, which offends female agents, and that being assigned to his detail is considered to be the second worst protective assignment in the Secret Service after Hillary Clinton's detail.[30] The book also reveals that the Secret Service covered up the fact that President Ronald Reagan's White House staff overruled the Secret Service to let unscreened spectators get close to Reagan as he left the Washington Hilton, allowing John W. Hinckley, Jr. to shoot the president.[31] However, Marc Ambinder's review in The Week called the book's details "salacious" and "cringe-worthy", noting a "surprising number of weird inaccuracies" that led him to believe "Kessler seems to have listened to his sources, written their words down, and then simply printed as fact their allegations or observations without checking on them."[32]

Kessler's 2018 book was The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game. The Washington Posts review, by Hugh Hewitt, called the book "trustworthy, and, in an unusual twist these days, it's favorable to the president. ... Kessler also got Trump to sit down for an interview on New Year's Eve at Mar-a-Lago, a conversation that shows the president confident and comfortable in his role. ... Kessler conveys Trump's world in coherent, readable fashion, and provides the players' assessments of one another."[33]


Kessler has written The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time, The Washington Times, and Politico opinion pieces, including "Surveillance: An American Success Story" on Politico, "Reform the Secret Service" in The Washington Post, and "The Real Joe McCarthy," which attacked efforts by some conservative writers to vindicate the late Senator Joseph McCarthy, and in The Wall Street Journal.[34] [35] [36] Kessler's op-ed "Time to Rename the J. Edgar Hoover Building" detailed Hoover's "massive abuses and violations of Americans' rights" as FBI director for nearly 50 years.[37]

In a Time magazine opinion piece, Kessler wrote "The Secret Service Thinks We Are Fools" after the White House intrusion based on his book The First Family Detail.[38]

On January 4, 2010, Kessler wrote a Newsmax article revealing that the Secret Service allowed a third uninvited guest to attend President Obama's state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh besides party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi on November 24, 2009. The Washington Post said, "Kessler reported that the agency discovered the third crasher after examining surveillance video of arriving guests and found one tuxedoed man who did not match any name on the guest list."[39]

In an article for Newsmax, on March 16, 2008, Kessler incorrectly reported that Senator Barack Obama attended a service at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ on July 22, 2007, during which Jeremiah Wright gave a sermon that blamed world suffering on "white arrogance". The Obama campaign denied that Obama had attended the church on the day that sermon was delivered and other reporters discovered that Obama was in fact in transit to Miami, Florida on that day.[40] Shortly after the controversy broke, Kessler confirmed to Talking Points Memo that he attempted to remove information documenting it from his English Wikipedia biography.[41]

In "A Roadmap to Trump's Washington," Kessler described the carrot-and-stick approach Trump used to get his Mar-a-Lago estate approved as a club by Palm Beach Town Council members and predicted he would operate in the same manner as president to win over support for his agenda.[42] In "The Anatomy of a Trump Decision," Kessler depicted how Trump makes decisions by focusing on his decision to turn his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach into a private club.[43]


Kessler's writings have been criticized in publications such as The Washington Post and The Week for overt partisanship and a lack of journalistic rigor.

In a note to The Week, Kessler disputed charges of inaccuracy, including uncertainty over whether then-Vice President Joe Biden had spent a million dollars of taxpayer funds to take personal trips on Air Force Two back and forth between Washington and his home in Wilmington. The publication agreed to update Ambinder's article, saying that "... author Ronald Kessler provided The Week with documentation from the Air Force about Vice President Biden's travel" and linked to the Air Force's letter responding to Kessler's Freedom of Information Act request with the official record of Biden's flights back and forth between Washington and Wilmington with their cost as listed in Kessler's book The First Family Detail.[44]

Noting Kessler's extraordinary access to the then Secret Service Director, Mark Sullivan, during the writing of In The President's Secret Service, James Bamford wrote in a review in The Washington Post that:[45]

A September 30, 2014 Politico piece by Kessler on Secret Service blunders, including allowing a knife-wielding intruder to race into the White House and failing to detect gun shots at the White House until four days later,[46] was criticized by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo for allegedly implying that because he had not taken steps to correct the problems within the agency by replacing the director, President Obama would be at fault if the Secret Service's security breakdowns led to his own assassination.[47] A subsequent editor's note called that a misinterpretation. The reference in question said, "Agents tell me that it's a miracle an assassination has not already occurred. Sadly, given Obama's colossal lack of management judgment, that calamity may be the only catalyst that will reform the Secret Service."

According to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on CIA torture and the report itself as reported in The New York Times, Kessler's book, The CIA at War, "included inaccurate claims about the effectiveness of CIA interrogations" provided by the CIA to Kessler and New York Times reporter Douglas Jehl, such as the claim that the arrests of terrorist suspects were based on information from interrogations of other terrorists under torture. The report said this rationale was used to justify the use of torture.[48] In a comment to The New York Times, Kessler said he corroborated what he was told with the FBI, and he called the Senate report discredited because it was written only by Democratic lawmakers and did not include interviews with many of the main players.[49] [50] Subsequently, John Brennan, President Obama's appointee as CIA director, said that while no one knows whether the information could have been obtained otherwise, "[o]ur review indicates that interrogations of detainees on whom EITs [enhanced interrogation techniques] were used did produce intelligence that helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorists, and save lives."[51]

Personal life

Kessler is married and has two children.[52] [53] He met Donald Trump while writing his book about Palm Beach and has since said he considers him a personal friend, leading others to call him Trumps "No. 1 Cheerleader".[54]


TitleYearISBNPublisherSubject matterInterviews, presentations, and reviewsComments
The Life Insurance Game: How the Industry Has Amassed Over $600 Billion at the Expense of the American Public1985Henry Holt & Co.Life insurance
The Richest Man in the World: The Story of Adnan Khashoggi1986Warner BooksAdnan Khashoggi
Spy vs. Spy: Stalking Soviet Spies in America1988Charles Scribner's SonsSoviet espionage in the United States
Moscow Station: How the KGB Penetrated the American Embassy1989Charles Scribner's SonsEmbassy of the United States, MoscowInterview with Kessler on Moscow Station, February 23, 1989, C-SPAN
The Spy in the Russian Club: How Glenn Souther Stole America's Nuclear War Plans and Escaped to Moscow1990Charles Scribner's SonsGlenn Souther
Escape from the CIA: How the CIA Won and Lost the Most Important Spy Ever to Defect to the U.S.1991Pocket BooksVitaly Yurchenko
Inside the CIA: Revealing the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Spy Agency1992Pocket BooksCentral Intelligence Agency
The FBI: Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency1993Pocket BooksFederal Bureau of InvestigationBooknotes interview with Kessler on Inside the FBI, September 12, 1993, C-SPAN
Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution1995Pocket BooksUnited States Secret Service
The Sins of the Father: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded1996Warner BooksJoseph P. Kennedy Sr., Kennedy family
Inside Congress: The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill1997Pocket BooksUnited States CongressWashington Journal interview with Kessler on Inside Congress, May 26, 1997, C-SPAN
The Season: Inside Palm Beach and America's Richest Society1999HarperCollinsPalm Beach, FloridaPresentation by Kessler on The Season: Inside Palm Beach, October 10, 1999, C-SPAN
The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI2002St. Martin's PressFederal Bureau of InvestigationPresentation by Kessler on The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, June 5, 2002, C-SPAN
The CIA at War: Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror2003St. Martin's PressCentral Intelligence Agency, George Tenet
A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush2004SentinelGeorge W. Bush, Presidency of George W. BushPresentation by Kessler on A Matter of Character, August 11, 2004, C-SPAN
Laura Bush: An Intimate Portrait of the First Lady2006DoubledayLaura BushPresentation by Kessler on Laura Bush: An Intimate Portrait of the First Lady, April 19, 2006, C-SPAN
The Terrorist Watch: Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack2007Crown PublishingWar on TerrorPresentation by Kessler on The Terrorist Watch, November 19, 2007, C-SPAN
The Daily Show interview with Kessler on The Terrorist Watch, March 12, 2008
2009Crown PublishingUnited States Secret ServiceThe Daily Show interview with Kessler on In the President's Secret Service, August 2, 2009
Washington Journal interview with Kessler on In the President's Secret Service, August 22, 2009, C-SPAN
The Secrets of the FBI2011Crown PublishingFederal Bureau of Investigation
The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents2014Crown PublishingUnited States Secret ServicePresentation by Kessler on The First Family Detail, October 8, 2014, C-SPAN
The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game2018Crown PublishingPresidency of Donald TrumpWashington Journal interview with Kessler on The Trump White House, April 10, 2018, C-SPAN
After Words interview with Kessler on The Trump White House, April 27, 2018, C-SPAN
Presentation by Kessler on The Trump White House, April 6, 2019, C-SPAN

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: The Daily Beast. From Washington Post Reporter to Trump Cheerleader. Lloyd. Grove. April 10, 2018. December 6, 2023.
  2. Web site: Ronald Kessler Bio. March 27, 2016. March 30, 2016. live.
  3. Web site: Scandal Series Wins Prize. February 1, 1973. Oakland Tribune. March 22, 2008.
  4. News: Susanna. McBee . Reporter Is Cited For GSA Articles . . February 12, 1979.
  5. Book: Hearing before the House of Representatives Committee on Small Business. 1994 . U.S. Government Printing Office . 9780160441707 . November 7, 2016.
  6. Web site: Past Washingtonians of the Year . . January 29, 2008 . March 26, 2008 . March 24, 2008 . . live .
  7. Web site: A History of Journalistic Integrity, Superb Reporting and Protecting the Public: The George Polk Awards in Journalism. Hershey. Edward. Long Island University. March 22, 2008. March 28, 2010. live.
  8. The Washington Post, March 12, 1984, page A1; April 18, 1984, page C1; April 5, 1984, page C3; March 27, 1985, page A22.
  9. Web site: Discredited Author Ronald Kessler Has Next Anti-Clinton Gossip Book. Matt. Gertz. Media Matters for America. July 31, 2014. December 6, 2023.
  10. Fry Lecture Series Brings Ronald Kessler to Franklin Pierce University. February 24, 2014. March 7, 2014. March 7, 2014. live.
  11. Web site: Author Ronald Kessler offers inside scoop on the Secret Service. Bob. Sirott. Marianne. Murciano. WGN Radio 720. September 25, 2014. December 6, 2023.
  12. USA Today, May 7. 2009, page 5D
  13. The Washington Post, June 19, 1993, page A1; The Washington Post, July 20, 1993, page A1.
  14. News: John. MacKenzie. How the G-Men Measure Up Now. The New York Times. September 12, 1993. September 11, 2017. August 3, 2017. live.
  15. News: A Kennedy Scorned. Stephen. Birmingham. March 25, 1996. December 6, 2023. The Washington Post.
  16. Web site: Just Wait Till Your Father Gets Home. Michiko. Kakutani. November 29, 2012. December 6, 2023. The New York Times.
  17. Web site: Palm Beach exposi sells out, enrages socialites. Salon. Craig. Offman. December 2, 1999. December 6, 2023.
  18. The Washington Times, June 2, 2005, page A11; New York Post, June 3, 2005, page 14; The Washington Post, December 20, 2008, page A1.
  19. News: Conceptión. de León. 3 Revelatory Books About the FBI. The New York Times. May 11, 2017. May 12, 2017. May 12, 2017. live.
  20. "Ronald Kessler"
  21. The Washington Times, December 18, 2007, page A15
  22. USA Today, August 18, 2009, final edition, page 3D
  23. News: . August 4, 2010 . August 5, 2010 . In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect . August 11, 2010 . . live .
  24. News: James Bamford Reviews Ronald Kessler's 'In the President's Secret Service'. James. Bamford. The Washington Post. August 23, 2009. December 6, 2023.
  25. Web site: Home Visits And Other Secrets Of The FBI. . October 8, 2017. October 9, 2017. live.
  26. The Secrets of the FBI by Ronald Kessler. August 1, 2011. Crown Publishing Group. November 6, 2011. August 27, 2011. live.
  27. News: FBI secret ops help prevent new 9/11: Author. August 2, 2011. CBS News. November 6, 2011. September 4, 2011. live.
  28. News: Ronald Kessler's "The Secrets of the FBI". Bryan. Burrough. The Washington Post. August 25, 2011. December 6, 2023.
  29. Web site: The New York Times Best Seller list. August 16, 2014. . August 16, 2014. December 5, 2013. live.
  30. News: Payne. Sebastian. Joe Biden, just a regular guy who goes skinny dipping. dead. July 1, 2015. The Washington Post. August 2, 2014.
  31. Web site: Ronald Kessler Newbook. June 29, 2015. June 24, 2015. live.
  32. Web site: The weird inaccuracies in Ronald Kessler's new book on the Secret Service. The Week. Marc. Ambinder. January 12, 2015. December 6, 2023.
  33. News: Washington Post. Ronald. Kessler. April 6, 2018. April 6, 2018. A First Year Assessment of Trump's Triumphs. April 12, 2018. live.
  34. News: Ronald . Kessler . Surveillance: An American Success Story . Opinion . . August 23, 2013 . August 26, 2013 . August 26, 2013 . . live .
  35. News: Ronald . Kessler . The Real Joe McCarthy . Opinion . . April 22, 2008 . April 16, 2017 . April 17, 2017 . . live .
  36. News: Ronald . Kessler . Reform the Secret Service . Opinion . . March 15, 2015 . March 18, 2015 . March 17, 2015 . . live .
  37. News: Ronald. Kessler. Time to Rename the J. Edgar Hoover Building. December 28, 2020. December 29, 2020. December 28, 2020. live.
  38. Ronald . Kessler . The Secret Service Thinks we Are Fools . Opinion . . September 23, 2014 . September 25, 2014 . September 25, 2014 . . live .
  39. News: Secret Services confirms report of 'third crasher' at White House state dinner. January 4, 2010. Roxanne. Roberts. Roxanne Roberts. The Washington Post. Amy. Argetsinger. Amy Argetsinger. November 6, 2011. November 9, 2012. live.
  40. News: Schedule Puts Obama in Miami During July '07 Wright Sermon. Fox News. March 17, 2008. November 5, 2011. March 18, 2008.
  41. News: Newsmax's Kessler Scrubs Reference To His Obama Factual Blunder From His Wiki Page. Greg. Sargent. Talking Points Memo. March 17, 2008. March 18, 2008.
  42. News: Ronald . Kessler . A Roadmap to Trump's Washington . . April 3, 2017 . April 4, 2017 . April 4, 2017 . . live .
  43. News: Ronald . Kessler . The Anatomy of a Trump Decision . . April 26, 2017 . April 27, 2017 . April 28, 2017 . . live .
  44. News: The Week. The Weird Inaccuracies In Ronald Kesslers New Book On The Secret Service. August 31, 2014. August 30, 2014. live.
  45. News: James Bamford Reviews Ronald Kessler's 'In the President's Secret Service'. The Washington Post. September 11, 2017. December 14, 2017. live.
  46. News: Politico Magazine. Obamas Life Is At Risk. October 1, 2014. October 1, 2014. live.
  47. News: Really Politico. Talking Points Memo. October 1, 2014. October 1, 2014. live.
  48. The Senate Committee's Report on the CIA's Use of Torture
  49. News: 7 Key Points From the C.I.A. Torture Report. The New York Times . December 9, 2014 . March 3, 2017 . December 13, 2014 . . live . Ashkenas . Jeremy . Fairfield . Hannah . Keller . Josh . Volpe . Paul .
  50. News: Report Says C.I.A. Used Media Leaks to Advantage . The New York Times . December 10, 2014 . September 11, 2017 . August 30, 2017 . . live . Cohen . Noam . Somaiya . Ravi .
  51. Web site: CIA Pushes Back on Assertion That It Overstated Intelligence From Detention Program. . ABC News. June 28, 2020. October 21, 2020. live.
  52. Book: Ronald Kessler. Marquis Who's Who in America, 2007. Marquis Who's Who Inc.. 2006. 0-8379-7006-7.
  53. DC Style, March/April 2006, page 150
  54. Web site: What Makes Ronald Kessler Donald Trump's No. 1 Cheerleader?. Lloyd. Grove. The Daily Beast. July 12, 2017. December 6, 2023.