Romani alphabets explained

The Romani language has for most of its history been an entirely oral language, with no written form in common use. Although the first example of written Romani dates from 1542, it is not until the twentieth century that vernacular writing by native Romani people arose.

Printed anthologies of Romani folktales and poems began in the 20th century in Eastern Europe, using the respective national scripts (Latin or Cyrillic). Written Romani in the 20th century used the writing systems of their respective host societies, mostly Latin alphabets (Romanian, Italian, French, etc.).


Currently, there is no single standard orthography used by both scholars and native speakers. Efforts of language planners have been hampered by the significant dialectal divisions in Romani: the absence of standard phonology, in turn, makes the selection of a single written form problematic.

In an effort to overcome this, during the 1980s and 1990s Marcel Courthiade proposed a model for orthographic unification based on the adoption of a meta-phonological orthography, which "would allow dialectal variation to be accommodated at the phonological and morpho-phonological level". This system was presented to the International Romani Union in 1990, who adopted it as the organization's "official alphabet". This recognition by the International Romani Union allowed Courthiade's system to qualify for funding from the European Commission.

Despite being used in several publications, such as the grammar of Romani compiled by Gheorghe Sarău and the Polish publication Informaciaqo lil, the IRU standard has yet to find a broad base of support from Romani writers. One reason for the reluctance to adopt this standard, according to Canadian Rom Ronald Lee, is that the proposed orthography contains a number of specialised characters not regularly found on European keyboards, such as θ and ʒ.

Instead, the most common pattern among native speakers is for individual authors to use an orthography based on the writing system of the dominant contact language: thus Romanian in Romania, Hungarian in Hungary and so on. A currently observable trend, however, appears to be the adoption of a loosely English-oriented orthography, developed spontaneously by native speakers for use online and through email.

Descriptive linguistics has, however, a long and established tradition of transcription. Despite small differences between individual linguists in the representation of certain phonemes, most adhere to a system which Hancock terms Pan-Vlax.

Latin script

The overwhelming majority of academic and non-academic literature produced currently in Romani is written using a Latin-based orthography. There are three main systems that are likely to be encountered: the Pan-Vlax system, the International Standard and various Anglicised systems.


In most recent descriptive literature, a variety of orthography which Ian Hancock terms Pan-Vlax will likely be used. This orthography is not a single standardised form, but rather a set of orthographical practices which exhibit a basic "core" of shared graphemes and a small amount of divergence in several areas. The Pan-Vlax script is based on the Latin script, augmented by the addition of several diacritics common to the languages of eastern Europe, such as the caron. Sometimes stress is indicated with an acute accent.

In the following table, the most common variants of the graphemes are shown. The phonemes used in the table are somewhat arbitrary and are not specifically based on any one dialect (for example, the phoneme denoted pronounced as //d͡ʒ// in the table can be realised as pronounced as //ʒ//, pronounced as //ʐ// or pronounced as //ɟ//, depending on dialect):

Romani "Pan-Vlax" alphabet!Grapheme!Phoneme!Example
A apronounced as //a//ambról pear
B bpronounced as //b//barvaló rich
C cpronounced as //ts//círdel he pulls
Č čpronounced as //t͡ʃ//čačó true
Čh čhpronounced as //t͡ʃʰ//čhavó boy
D dpronounced as //d//drom road
Dž džpronounced as //d͡ʒ//džukél dog
E epronounced as //e//eftá seven
F fpronounced as //f//fóro town
G gpronounced as //ɡ//gadžó non-Rom
H hpronounced as //h//herdelézi Saint George's Day
Ch chpronounced as //x//chal he eats
I ipronounced as //i//iló heart
J jpronounced as //j//jag fire
K kpronounced as //k//kaj where
Kh khpronounced as //kʰ//kham sun
L lpronounced as //l//lačhó good
M mpronounced as //m//manúš man
N n pronounced as //n//nasúl bad
O opronounced as //o//ochtó eight
P ppronounced as //p//paramísi fairy tale
Ph phpronounced as //pʰ//phabáj apple
R rpronounced as //r//raklí non-Romani girl
S spronounced as //s//somnakáj gold
Š špronounced as //ʃ//šukár beautiful
T tpronounced as //t//tató hot
Th thpronounced as //tʰ//them land
U upronounced as //u//umál field
V vpronounced as //ʋ//vurdón cart
Z zpronounced as //z//zor power
Ž žpronounced as //ʒ//žója Thursday

The use of the above graphemes is relatively stable and universal, taking into account dialectal mergers and so on. However, in certain areas there is somewhat more variation. A typically diverse area is in the representation of sounds not present in most varieties of Romani. For example, the centralised vowel phonemes of several varieties of Vlax and Xaladitka, when they are indicated separately from the non-centralised vowels, can be represented using ə, ъ or ă. Another particularly variant area is the representation of palatalised consonants, which are absent from a number of dialects. Some variant graphemes for pronounced as //tʲ// include tj, ty, ć, čj and t᾿. Finally, the representation of the second rhotic, which in several dialects has been merged with pronounced as //r//, tends to vary between ř, rr, and rh, and sometimes even gh, with the first two being the most frequently found variants.

International Standard

The International Standard orthography, as devised by Marcel Courthiade and adopted by the International Romani Union, uses similar conventions to the Pan-Vlax system outlined above. Several of the differences are simply graphical, such as replacing carons with acute accents—transforming č š ž into ć ś ź—and acute accents with grave accents. However, its most distinctive feature is the use of "meta-notations", which are intended to cover cross-dialectal phonological variation, particularly in degrees of palatalisation; "morpho-graphs", which are used to represent the morphophonological alternation of case suffixes[1] in different phonological environments; and a double dot (¨) to indicate a centralized vowel.

The "meta-notations" are ćh, ʒ, and the caron (ˇ; named Romany: ćiriklo after the word for bird), the realisation of which varies by dialect. The first two are respectively pronounced as pronounced as //t͡ʃʰ// and pronounced as //d͡ʒ// in the first stratum but pronounced as //ɕ// and pronounced as //ʑ// in the third stratum. The caron on a vowel represents palatalisation; ǒ and ǎ are pronounced pronounced as //o// and pronounced as //a// in Lovaricka, but pronounced as //jo// and pronounced as //ja// in Kalderash.

The three "morpho-graphs" are ç, q. and θ, which represent the initial phonemes of a number of case suffixes, which are realised pronounced as //s//, pronounced as //k// and pronounced as //t// after a vowel and pronounced as //ts//, pronounced as //ɡ// and pronounced as //d// after a nasal consonant.


The English-based orthography commonly used in North America is, to a degree, an accommodation of the Pan-Vlax orthography to English-language keyboards, replacing those graphemes with diacritics with digraphs, such as the substitution of ts ch sh zh for c č š ž. This particular orthography seems to have arisen spontaneously as Romani speakers have communicated using email, a medium in which graphemes outside the Latin-1 charset have until recently been difficult to type. In addition, it is this orthography which is recommended for use by Romani scholar and activist Ronald Lee.

Romani in Macedonia

Romani in Macedonia is written with the following alphabet:

This alphabet is used in the educational system in Macedonia for Romani-speaking students.

A aB bC cĆ ćČ čD dDž džE e
F fG gGJ gjH hI i J jK kKh kh
L lLj ljM mN nNj njO oP pPh ph
R rS sŠ šT tTh thU uV vY y
X xZ z

noted that the following alphabet is used by Romani people in Macedonia and Serbia (Kosovo):

A aÄ äB bC cČ čKj kj (Ćć)D dGj gj (Ǵǵ)
Dž džE eF fG gH hX xI i J j
K kL lLj ljM mN nNj njO oP p
Q qR rS sŠ šT tU uV vZ z
Ž ž

Finnish Romani

Finnish Romani (or Finnish Kalo) is written with the following alphabet:

A aB b(C c)D dE eF fG gH h
Ȟ ȟI i J jK kL lM mN nO o
P p(Q q)R rS sŠ šT tU uV v
(W w)(X x)Y y(Z z)Ž ž(Å å)Ä äÖ ö

The letters in parentheses are only used in loanwords and are therefore not always part of the alphabet. The digraphs , kh, ph, th, and are used, but are not letters of the alphabet. Š and Ž are only used in these digraphs.

Cyrillic script

Cyrillic alphabet of Kalderash dialect
Upper caseА Б В Г Ғ Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Кх Л М Н О П Пх Р Рр С Т Тх У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Ы Ь Э Ю Я
Lower caseа б в г ғ д е ё ж з и й к кх л м н о п пх р рр с т тх у ф х ц ч ш ы ь э ю я
Cyrillic alphabet of Ruska Roma dialect
Upper caseА Б В Г Ґ Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Ы Ь Э Ю Я
Lower caseа б в г ґ д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш ы ь э ю я

Greek script

In Greece, for instance, Romani is mostly written with the Greek alphabet (although very little seems to be written in Romani in Greece).

Arabic script

The Arabic script has also been used, for example, in Iran. More importantly, the first periodical produced by Roma for Roma was printed in the Arabic script in the 1920s in Edirne in Turkey. It was called "Laćo" which means "good".

Comparison of alphabets

Hungarian1971 Romani World CongressAmerican RomaniPan-VlaxMacedonianInternational Romani Union StandardFinnish Romani?Kalderash dialectRuska dialect
LovariCarpathianOfficial Teaching AlphabetFolk Alphabet [2]
pronounced as /[a]/AА,[3] Я [4]
pronounced as /[ɑ]/Acolspan="3" rowspan="2"
pronounced as /[æ]/Ä
pronounced as /[b]/BБ
pronounced as /[ts]/CTsCC, Ç[5] Ц
pronounced as /[t͡ʃ]/ChČĆЧ
pronounced as /[t͡ʃʰ]/ChhČhĆh[6] Чхcolspan="2"
pronounced as /[d]/DD, Θ[7] DД
pronounced as /[dz]/Dzcolspan="11"
pronounced as /[d͡ʒ]/DzhƷ[8] Дж
pronounced as /[ɟ]/DyGjGj (Ǵǵ) colspan="5"
pronounced as /[e]/EЭ, Е
pronounced as /[f]/FФ
pronounced as /[ɡ]/GG, Q[9] GГ[10] ҒҐ
pronounced as /[h]/HГ
pronounced as /[x]/X[11] XXXȞХ
pronounced as /[i]/IЫ, И
pronounced as /[ɨ]/ÏІcolspan="2"
pronounced as /[j]/JYJJЙ
pronounced as /[k]/KKK, QKК
pronounced as /[kʰ]/KhKhКх
pronounced as /[l]/LЛ
pronounced as /[ʎ]/LyLjcolspan="5"
pronounced as /[m]/MМ
pronounced as /[n]/NН
pronounced as /[ɲ]/NyNjcolspan="5"
pronounced as /[o]/OО, Ё
pronounced as /[ø]/ÖÖcolspan="3"
pronounced as /[p]/PП
pronounced as /[pʰ]/PhPhПх
pronounced as /[r]/RР
pronounced as /[ɽ], [ɻ], [rː], [ʀ]/Ř, Rr, Rh, Gh[12] RrРр
pronounced as /[s]/SS, ÇSС
pronounced as /[ʃ]/ShŠŚШ
pronounced as /[ɕ]/ŚĆhcolspan="4"
pronounced as /[t]/TT, ΘТ
pronounced as /[tʰ]/ThThТх
pronounced as /[c]/TyTj, Ty, Ć, Čj, T’ĆKj (Ć) colspan="5"
pronounced as /[u]/UУ, Ю
pronounced as /[y]/ÜÜYcolspan="3"
pronounced as /[v]/VВ
pronounced as /[ʋ]/Vcolspan="3"
pronounced as /[z]/ZЗ
pronounced as /[ʒ]/ZhŽŹЖ
pronounced as /[ʑ]/ŹƷӁ

See also


Suggested further reading

Notes and References

  1. Whether these endings are to be analysed as postpositions or case endings is still a matter of debate in Romani linguistics. See, for example, and for varying approaches.
  2. Phonetic assignment provisional (not in source)
  3. After hard consonants
  4. After soft (palatal) consonants
  5. Represents pronounced as //s// after vowels and pronounced as //tˢ// after nasals.
  6. Represents pronounced as //t͡ʃʰ// in the first stratum and pronounced as //ɕ// in the third stratum.
  7. Represents pronounced as //t// after vowels and pronounced as //d// after nasals.
  8. Represents pronounced as //d͡ʒ// in the first stratum and pronounced as //ʑ// in the third stratum.
  9. Represents pronounced as //k// after vowels and pronounced as //ɡ// after nasals.
  10. As in Russian, this orthography does not distinguish between pronounced as //ɡ// and pronounced as //h//.
  11. This is the Greek letter Chi and was ordered alphabetically after H.
  12. Only exists in some dialects and varies according to dialects.