Richard Vyškovský Explained

Richard Vyškovský (13 July 1929 – 1 August 2019)[1] [2] was a Czech architect and creator of paper models.

In 1960s Vyškovský worked for the State institute for reconstruction of historic towns and monuments (SÚRPMO) in Prague. After a discussion withcolleagues, complaining about the limited availability of die-cast Matchbox scale cars sold in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic only in Tuzex shops, he decided to create similar models from paper.[3] His first model was designed after a die-cast Packard Landaulet model manufactured by Lesney Products under code Y-11 in the series Models of Yesteryear. In October 1968 the newspaper Lidová demokracie published a short article about "ing. Blecha and his colleague" accompanied by photos of paper models Mercedes 38/220 and Packard Landaulet.[4]

The state-owned publishing house SNDK and Vladislav Toman, editor in chief of ABC magazine, showed interest in publishing paper models by Blecha/Vyškovský. Already in 1968 SNDK published their paper diorama "Hussite siege of Karlštejn".[5] ABC Magazine published a simplified paper model of a Packard Landaulet in March 1969.[6] In the following seven years Blecha and Vyškovský published in ABC and SNDK/Albatros a series of further paper models, including a vast model of Prague Castle. From 1976 Vyškovský designed the models for ABC and Albatros on his own. The first published self model was Formula 1 Ferrari 312-T2 of Niki Lauda for ABC.[7] Since 1997 his models have also been published by the company ERKOtyp, which is co-owned by his son Richard.[8]

Books with paper models


  1. News: 2009-10-20 . Richard Vyškovský vytvořil vlastní království . Richard Vyškovský created his own kingdom . . 2014-01-30 .
  2. News: 2019-08-01 . Zemřel legendární tvůrce papírových vystřihovánek Richard Vyškovský . Legendary papercraft maker died . IDNES.CZ . 2019-08-01 .
  3. Book: Fajkus . Stanislav . Kropáček . Josef . Pavelka . Robert . 2009 . Papírový svět Richarda Vyškovského . Paper world of Richard Vyškovský . cs . Praha . XYZ . 978-80-7388-271-6 .
  4. News: md . 1968-10-31 . NÁPAD, který by neměl zapadnout . Lidová demokracie . cs .
  5. [Česká televize]
  6. ABC mladých techniků a přírodovědců, volume 13, issue 12
  7. Stanislav Fajkus, Papírová archeologie aneb historie vystřihovánek v ABC (6.), ABC, 26 August 2004
  8. Commercial register at, company number (IČ) 25101226, ERKOTYP, s.r.o., since the incorporation on 21 January 1997 is Richard Vyškovský (born 1968) co-owner and managing director of the company

External links