Rhagio Explained
Rhagio is a worldwide genus of predatory snipe flies. Several species in this genus are referred to as downlooker or down-looker flies because they sometimes perch on tree trunks in a head-down position. There are approximately 170 species. They can be distinguished from other rhagionids by the open anal cell on the wings and the lack of a kidney-shaped arista.[1]
Furia ithacensis is a species of the pathogenic fungus in America that causes a fatal disease in flies, specifically snipe flies.[2]
- Rhagio acutatus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio albibarbis (Bigot, 1887)[4]
- Rhagio albicornis (Say, 1823)[5]
- Rhagio albipilosus Becker, 1921[6]
- Rhagio albus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio algericus (Becker, 1906)[8]
- Rhagio alumnus Walker, 1852[9]
- Rhagio amurensis Makarkin, 1992[10]
- Rhagio annulatus (De Geer, 1776)[11]
- Rhagio apiciflavus Yang & Yang, 1991[12]
- Rhagio apiciniger Yang, Zhu & Gao, 2005[13]
- Rhagio apicipennis (Brunetti, 1909)[14]
- Rhagio arcuatus (Meijere, 1911)[15]
- Rhagio astictus Yang & Yang, 1994[16]
- Rhagio aterrimus Zeegers & Álvarez, 2016[17]
- Rhagio balcanicus (Strobl, 1902)[18]
- Rhagio basalis (Philippi, 1865)[19]
- Rhagio basiflavus Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio basimaculatus Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio basiniger Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio bawanglinganus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio beckeri Lindner, 1923[21]
- †Rhagio bifurcatus (Meunier, 1902)[22]
- Rhagio biroi Szilády, 1934[23]
- Rhagio bisectus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio bitaeniatus (Bellardi, 1862)[24]
- Rhagio brunneipennis Leonard, 1930[25]
- Rhagio calcaratus Statz, 1940[26]
- Rhagio californicus Leonard, 1930[25]
- Rhagio capnopterus (Wiedemann, 1828)[27]
- Rhagio cavannae (Bezzi, 1898)[28]
- Rhagio centrimaculatus Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio chillcotti James, 1965[29]
- Rhagio chonganus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio chongqinensis Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio choui Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio chrysopilaeformis (Bezzi, 1898)[28]
- Rhagio chrysostigma (Loew, 1857)[30]
- Rhagio cinerascens (Röder, 1884)[31]
- Rhagio cinereus (Zetterstedt, 1842)[32]
- Rhagio cingulatus (Loew, 1856)[33]
- Rhagio conspicuus Meigen, 1804[34]
- Rhagio corsicanus Becker, 1910[35]
- Rhagio costalis Matsumura, 1911[36]
- Rhagio costatus (Loew, 1862)[37]
- Rhagio costimaculatus Matsumura, 1916[38]
- Rhagio crassitibia Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio dashahensis Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio dichromaticus Chillcott, 1965[39]
- Rhagio difficilis Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio dimidiatus (Loew, 1863)[41]
- Rhagio discoidalis (Brunetti, 1912)[42]
- Rhagio dulonjianganus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio elenae Soboleva, 1991[43]
- Rhagio expansus James, 1964[44]
- †Rhagio expassus (Meunier, 1910)[45]
- †Rhagio exporrectus (Meunier, 1910)[45]
- †Rhagio expositus (Meunier, 1910)[45]
- †Rhagio exsanguis Meunier, 1910[45]
- Rhagio fanjingshanus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- †Rhagio fascinatoris (Meunier, 1910)[45]
- Rhagio ferruginosus ssp. griseicollis Frey, 1954[46]
- Rhagio ferus (Meunier, 1910)[45]
- Rhagio flavicornis (Macquart, 1826)[47]
- Rhagio flavimarginatus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio flavimedius (Coquillett, 1898)[48]
- Rhagio floralis Panzer, 1804[49]
- Rhagio floreus Panzer, 1804[49]
- Rhagio floridensis Chillcott, 1965[39]
- Rhagio formosus Bezzi, 1912[50]
- †Rhagio fossitius Melander, 1949[51]
- Rhagio freyae Lindner, 1923[21]
- Rhagio fuscus (Wiedemann, 1828)[27]
- Rhagio fuscipennis (Meigen, 1820)[52]
- Rhagio gansuensis Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio gracilis (Johnson, 1912)[53]
- Rhagio graeculus (Loew, 1869)[54]
- Rhagio grandis Szilády, 1934[55]
- Rhagio guadarramensis Strobl, 1909[56]
- Rhagio guangxiensis Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio guizhouensis Yang & Yang, 1992[57]
- Rhagio hainanensis Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio hangzhouensis Yang & Yang, 1989
- Rhagio henanensis Yang, Zhu & Gao, 2002[58]
- Rhagio houae Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio huangi Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio huashanensis Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio hyaloptera (Wiedemann, 1828)[27]
- Rhagio idaeus Bezzi, 1908[59]
- Rhagio immaculatus (Meigen, 1804)[34]
- Rhagio incisus (Loew, 1872)[60]
- Rhagio insularis Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio inurbana (Aldrich, 1915)[61]
- Rhagio inutilis Walker, 1848[62]
- Rhagio iriomotensis Nagatomi & Nagatomi, 1990[63]
- Rhagio itoi Nagatomi, 1952[64]
- Rhagio japonicus Matsumura, 1916[38]
- Rhagio javanus Lindner, 1925[65]
- Rhagio jinxiuensis Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio karafutonis Matsumura, 1916[38]
- Rhagio korinchiensis Edwards, 1919[66]
- Rhagio latifrons Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio latipennis (Loew, 1856)[33]
- Rhagio libanonicus Szilády, 1934[55]
- Rhagio lineola Fabricius, 1794[67]
- Rhagio longshengensis Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio longzhouensis Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio lugens (Philippi, 1865)[19]
- Rhagio luteus Soboleva, 1984[68]
- Rhagio lutifaciatus Okada, 1941[69]
- Rhagio maculatus (De Geer, 1776)[11]
- Rhagio maculifer (Bigot, 1887)[4]
- Rhagio maculipennis (Loew, 1854)[70]
- Rhagio maolanus Yang & Yang, 1993[71]
- Rhagio matsumurae Lindner, 1923[21]
- Rhagio medeae Iacob, 1971[72]
- Rhagio meridionalis Yang & Yang, 1993[73]
- Rhagio miyonis Nagatomi, 1952[64]
- Rhagio mongolicus Lindner, 1923[21]
- Rhagio montanus Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio montivagus Edwards, 1919[66]
- Rhagio morulus Nagatomi, 1971[74]
- Rhagio mystaceus (Macquart, 1840)[75]
- Rhagio naganensis Nagatomi, 1952[64]
- Rhagio nagatomii Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio napoensis Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio neimengensis Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio niger (Meigen & Wiedemann, 1820)[52]
- Rhagio nigratus (Philippi, 1865)[19]
- Rhagio nigrifemur Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio nigritibia Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio ningminganus Yang & Yang, 1993[20]
- Rhagio notatus (Meigen, 1820)[52]
- Rhagio ochraceus (Loew, 1862)[37]
- Rhagio olgae Soboleva, 1991[43]
- Rhagio olsufjevi Soboleva, 1989[76]
- Rhagio orestes Chillcott, 1965[39]
- Rhagio pallidipennis Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio pallidistigma (Meijere, 1924)[77]
- Rhagio pallipilosus Yang, Zhu & Gao, 2005[13]
- Rhagio palpalis (Adams, 1904)[78]
- Rhagio perdicaceus Frey, 1954[46]
- Rhagio petrovae Soboleva, 1989[76]
- Rhagio philippinensis Frey, 1954[46]
- Rhagio pilosus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio plumbeus Say, 1823[5]
- Rhagio poecilopterus Bezzi, 1908[59]
- Rhagio politaeniatus (Bellardi, 1862)[24]
- Rhagio pollinosus Leonard, 1930[25]
- Rhagio pseudastictus Yang & Yang, 1994[16]
- Rhagio puellaris Nagatomi, 1971[74]
- Rhagio pullatus (Coquillett, 1898)[48]
- Rhagio punctipennis (Say, 1823)[5]
- Rhagio rolandi Becker, 1921[6]
- Rhagio rondanii Bezzi, 1908[59]
- Rhagio sabahensis Nagatomi & Nagatomi, 1990[63]
- †Rhagio samlandicus (Meunier, 1916)[79]
- Rhagio sardous Szilády, 1934[55]
- Rhagio scapulifer (Bigot, 1887)[4]
- Rhagio schmidti Lindner, 1931[80]
- Rhagio scolopaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)[81]
- Rhagio separatus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio shaanxiensis Yang & Yang, 1997[7]
- Rhagio sheni Yang, Zhu & Gao, 2003[58]
- Rhagio shennonganus Yang & Yang, 1991[12]
- Rhagio shimai Nagatomi & Nagatomi, 1990[63]
- Rhagio shiraki Szilády, 1934[23]
- Rhagio sikisimanus Nagatomi, 1972[82]
- Rhagio simushirus Soboleva, 1989[76]
- Rhagio singularis Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio sinuatus Edwards, 1919[66]
- Rhagio songae Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio sordidus (Loew, 1862)[83]
- Rhagio stigmosus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio strigosus Meigen, 1804[34]
- Rhagio subannulatus (Philippi, 1865)[19]
- Rhagio subpilosus (Becker, 1892)[84]
- Rhagio taorminae Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio terminalis (Loew, 1861)[85]
- Rhagio tipuliformis Fabricius, 1794[67]
- Rhagio tonsa (Loew, 1869)[54]
- Rhagio triangulatus (Brunetti, 1920)[86]
- Rhagio tringarius (Linnaeus, 1758)[81]
- Rhagio tuberculatus Yang, Yang & Nagatomi, 1997[7]
- Rhagio turcicus Lindner, 1931[87]
- Rhagio unicolor (Brunetti, 1912)[42]
- Rhagio uniguttatus (Osten Sacken, 1881)[88]
- Rhagio validus (Meunier, 1899)[89]
- Rhagio venetianus Becker, 1921[40]
- Rhagio vermileonoides Frey, 1954[46]
- Rhagio vertebratus (Say, 1823)[5]
- Rhagio wenxianus Yang, Zhu & Gao, 2005[13]
- †Rhagio wheeleri Melander, 1949[51]
- Rhagio wuyishanus Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio xanthodes Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio yasumatsui Nagatomi, 1972[82]
- Rhagio zhaoae Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
- Rhagio zhejiangensis Yang & Yang, 1989
- Rhagio zhuae Yang, Dong & Zhang, 2016[3]
External links
Notes and References
- Book: Stubbs, A. . Drake, M. . amp . 2001 . British Soldierflies and Their Allies: A Field Guide to the Larger British Brachycera. 512 pp. British Entomological & Natural History Society . 1-899935-04-5.
- Web site: Christine . Young . Furia ithacensis - Pathogenic Fungus on Snipe Fly (Rhagio sp.) - by Christine Young - JungleDragon . www.jungledragon.com . 30 December 2022 . en.
- Book: Yang . D. . Dong . H. . Zhang . K.Y. . Diptera. Rhagionidae Athericidae . 2016 . Fauna Sinica. Insecta . 65 . ii + 472 pp.
- Bigot . J.M.F. . Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. Leptidi J. B. (Meigen, System. Beschr., II, 1820) . Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France . 1887 . 12 . 97–118 . 29 August 2022.
- Say . Thomas . Descriptions of dipterous insects of the United States . Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia . 1823 . 3 . 73–104 . 1 May 2020.
- Becker . T. . Neue Dipteren meiner Sammlung. Rhagionidae . Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie . 1921 . 11 . 41–48 . 30 November 2022.
- Yang . D. . Yang . C.K. . Nagatomi . A. . The Rhagionidae of China (Diptera) . South Pacific Study . 1997 . 17 . 2 . 113–262.
- Becker. Th. Die Ergebnisse meiner dipterologischen Frühjahrsreise nach Algier und Tunis, 1906. Zeitschrift für systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie . 1907. 7. 33–61. 13 July 2016.
- Book: Walker. Frances. Diptera. Part III, pp. 157-252, pls. 5-6. In [Saunders, W. W. (ed.)], Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Sauders, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Vol. 1. 1852. Van Voorst. London. 1–474.
- Book: Makarkin . V.N. . [Fam. Rhagionidae]. (ed.), [Insects from Khinghan Nature Reserve. Part 2] . 1992 . Dal'Nauka . Vladivostok . 255–259 . Russian.
- Book: De Geer . C. . Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des insectes . 1776 . P. Hesselberg . Stockholm . viii + 523 pp., 30 pls.
- Yang . D.. Yang . C.K.. Five new species of Rhagionidae from Hubei (Diptera). Journal of Hubei University (Natural Science) . 1991 . 13 . 273–276.
- Book: Yang . D. . Zhu . F. . Gao . C.X. . Diptera: Athericidae and Rhagionidae, pp. 724-730. In: Yang, X.K. (ed.), Insect fauna of Middle-West Qinling Range and south mountains of Gansu Province . 2005 . Science Press, Beijing . Beijing . ix + 1,055.
- Brunetti . E. . Revision of the Oriental Leptidae . Records of the Indian Museum . 1909 . 3 . 417–436.
- Meijere . J. C. H. de . Studien uber sudostasiatische Dipteren. VI . Tijdschrift voor Entomologie . 1911 . 54 . 258–432, pls. 18–22 . 5 October 2019.
- Yang . D. . Yang . C.K. . Two new species of Rhagionidae from Maoer Mountain in Guangxi (Diptera: Rhagionidae) . Guangxi Science . 1994 . 1 . 32–34.
- Zeegers . T . Álvarez Fidalgo . P. . A remarkable new species of Rhagio Fabricius, 1775 from the Iberian Peninsula (Diptera: Rhagionidae) . BV News. Publicaciones Cientificas . 2016 . 6 . 50–61.
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- Philippi . Rodolfo Amando . Aufzahlung der chilenischen Dipteren . Abhandlungen der Zool.-Botan. Gesellschaft in Wien. . 1865 . 15 . 595–782 . 28 April 2019.
- Yang . C.K. . Yang. D. . Eight new species of snipe flies from Guangxi (Diptera: Rhagionidae) . Journal of the Guangxi Academy of Sciences . 1993 . 9 . 46–52.
- Lindner . E. . Dipterologische Studien. I. Rhagionidae . Konowia . 1923 . 2 . 1–11 . 26 August 2022.
- Meunier . F. . Etudes de quelques diptères de l'ambre . Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie . 1902 . 16 . 8 . 395–405 . 24 October 2022.
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- Book: Wiedemann . Christian Rudolph Wilhelm . Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Als Fortsetzung des Meigenschen Werks . 1828 . Zweiter Theil. Schulz . Hamm . xxxii + 608 pp., 7 pls .
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