In fluid dynamics and invariant theory, a Reynolds operator is a mathematical operator given by averaging something over a group action, satisfying a set of properties called Reynolds rules. In fluid dynamics, Reynolds operators are often encountered in models of turbulent flows, particularly the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, where the average is typically taken over the fluid flow under the group of time translations. In invariant theory, the average is often taken over a compact group or reductive algebraic group acting on a commutative algebra, such as a ring of polynomials. Reynolds operators were introduced into fluid dynamics by and named by .
Reynolds operators are used in fluid dynamics, functional analysis, and invariant theory, and the notation and definitions in these areas differ slightly. A Reynolds operator acting on φ is sometimes denoted by
R(R(\phi)\psi)=R(\phi)R(\psi) forall\phi,\psi
and sometimes some other conditions, such as commuting with various group actions.
In invariant theory a Reynolds operator R is usually a linear operator satisfying
R(R(\phi)\psi)=R(\phi)R(\psi) forall\phi,\psi
Together these conditions imply that R is idempotent: R2 = R. The Reynolds operator will also usually commute with some group action, and project onto the invariant elements of this group action.
In functional analysis a Reynolds operator is a linear operator R acting on some algebra of functions φ, satisfying the Reynolds identity
The operator R is called an averaging operator if it is linear and satisfies
R(R(\phi)\psi)=R(\phi)R(\psi) forall\phi,\psi
If R(R(φ)) = R(φ) for all φ then R is an averaging operator if and only if it is a Reynolds operator. Sometimes the R(R(φ)) = R(φ) condition is added to the definition of Reynolds operators.
\partial\phi | |
\partialt |
\partial\langle\phi\rangle | |
\partialt |
, \left\langle
\partial\phi | |
\partialx |
\partial\langle\phi\rangle | |
\partialx |
Any operator satisfying these properties is a Reynolds operator.[1]
Reynolds operators are often given by projecting onto an invariant subspace of a group action.