Renewed African Socialist Movement Explained

The Renewed African Socialist Movement (French: Mouvement Socialiste Africain Renouveau) is a political party in Chad. It is considered a moderate opposition party allied with the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement (MPS),[1] and it participated in the government as of 2007.

Brahim Koulamallah was the party's candidate in the May 2006 presidential election,[2] taking fifth (and last) place with 5.31% of the vote.[3] [4]

Notes and References

  1. "Du concrêt"
  2. "CHAD: Opposition denounces poll as ‘masquerade’, refuses to field candidate"
  3. "CHAD: Deby win confirmed, but revised down to 64.67 pct"
  4. Valery Gottingar, "Scrutin présidentiel du 03 mai 2006: le Conseil Constitutionnel proclame le Président Idriss Deby Itno réélu au premier tour avec un score de 64,67%.", Chadian government website, May 29, 2006 .