Reet Kasik Explained

Reet Kasik (born 5 May 1946) is an Estonian linguist.[1]

She was born in Tallinn. In 1969, she graduated from Tartu State University with a degree in Estonian philology. Since 1969, she has taught at the University of Tartu. She has also taught Estonian language in several universities in Finland.

She has investigated word forming of Estonian language (Estonian: eesti keele sõnamoodustus), teaching of Estonian language to foreigners, and language of journalism.

In 2018, she was given Wiedemann Language Award.[2]

Selected publications

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Kasik, Reet - Eesti Entsüklopeedia . . 31 January 2023.
  2. Web site: Wiedemanni keeleauhinna tänavune laureaat on Reet Kasik . . 31 January 2023 . et . 8 February 2018.