Rayleigh test explained
Rayleigh test can refer to :
- a test for periodicity in irregularly sampled data.[1]
- a derivation of the above to test for non-uniformity (as unimodal clustering) of a set of points on a circle (eg compass directions).[2] Sometimes known as the Rayleigh z test.[3]
See also
External links
Notes and References
- http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1994MNRAS.268..709B Confidence Intervals from the Rayleigh Test
- http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10676-circular-statistics-toolbox--directional-statistics-/content//circ_rtest.m MATLAB code for circ_rtest function
- http://webspace.ship.edu/pgmarr/Geo441/Lectures/Lec%2016%20-%20Directional%20Statistics.pdf Lecture on directional statistics