Rankine vortex explained

The Rankine vortex is a simple mathematical model of a vortex in a viscous fluid. It is named after its discoverer, William John Macquorn Rankine.

The vortices observed in nature are usually modelled with an irrotational (potential or free) vortex. However, in a potential vortex, the velocity becomes infinite at the vortex center. In reality, very close to the origin, the motion resembles a solid body rotation. The Rankine vortex model assumes a solid-body rotation inside a cylinder of radius


and a potential vortex outside the cylinder. The radius


is referred to as the vortex-core radius. The velocity components


of the Rankine vortex, expressed in terms of the cylindrical-coordinate system


are given by[1]



\begin{cases}r/a2&r\lea,\ 1/r&r>a\end{cases},vz=0



is the circulation strength of the Rankine vortex. Since solid-body rotation is characterized by an azimuthal velocity


, where


is the constant angular velocity, one can also use the parameter


to characterize the vortex.

The vorticity field


associated with the Rankine vortex is

\omegar=0,\omega\theta=0,\omegaz=\begin{cases}2\Omega&r\lea,\ 0&r>a\end{cases}.

At all points inside the core of the Rankine vortex, the vorticity is uniform at twice the angular velocity of the core; whereas vorticity is zero at all points outside the core because the flow there is irrotational.

In reality, vortex cores are not always circular; and vorticity is not exactly uniform throughout the vortex core.

See also

External links

an example of a Rankine vortex imposed on a constant velocity field, with animation.

Notes and References

  1. Book: Elementary Fluid Dynamics . D. J. Acheson . . 1990 . 0-19-859679-0 .