Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Explained

Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal
Caption:Header for Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal
Abbreviation:Rambam Maimonides Med. J.
Editor:Shraga Blazer
Publisher:Rambam Health Care Campus
License:Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

The Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal is a quarterly international, peer-reviewed, Open Access medical journal sponsored by Rambam Health Care Campus covering medical research, in the spirit of Maimonides.[1] [2] The journal was established in July 2010[3] and the editor-in-chief is Shraga Blazer.

The Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal charges no submission, publication, or subscription fees[4] and is supported by donors.[5] The journal also has a no-advertisement policy.[6]

The journal is abstracted and indexed in PubMed Central, EBSCO Information Services,[7] the Emerging Sources Citation Index,[8] SCOPUS,[9] Journal Citation Reports (JCR),[10] the Directory of Open Access Journals,[11] Cabell's Scholarly Analytics, and Google Scholar. It is also a CrossRef member.

The journal has a JCR impact factor (IF) of 1.5 for 2022; and a 2022 SCOPUS CiteScore Factor of 2.6.[12]

The journal has published multiple articles of interest that have been cross-posted on university websites,[13] medical societies,[14] businesses,[15] and more. The Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal is known in particular for publishing articles relating to ethics,[16] Jewish law and medicine,[17] [18] controversial topics of strong potential benefit to the academic and medical communities,[19] [20] [21] and the history of medicine -- particularly with regard to Judaism and Jewish contributions to medicine.[22] [23]

Notes and References

  1. News: Siegel-Itzkovich . Judy . Health Scan: New Israeli medical journal – online and free . 30 March 2014. Jerusalem Post. August 22, 2010.
  2. News: Maimonides leaves 'practical legacy' on modern medical practice. SunSentinel. January 13, 2014. Jeffrey F. Barken, JNS.org.
  3. Web site: Israeli Medical Journal Admitted into NIH International Research Database . https://web.archive.org/web/20130915172459/http://thejewishlink.com/archives/2519#sthash.bhX1LWXT.dpbs . dead . September 15, 2013 . The Jewish Link . 30 March 2014 . September 10, 2013 .
  4. Web site: About Us . 2023-11-29 . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . en.
  5. Web site: Our Donors and Sponsors . 2023-11-29 . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . en.
  6. Web site: Sponsored Publications and Advertising . 2023-11-29 . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . en.
  7. Web site: Title Search . EBSCO Host Research Databases. EBSCO Industries, Inc.. 27 February 2017.
  8. Web site: Master Journal List . . Intellectual Property & Science . 2017-03-02 . 2017-09-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20170926150543/http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/mjl/ . dead .
  9. Web site: Scopus preview - Scopus - Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 2022-07-10 . www.scopus.com.
  10. Web site: Journal Citation Reports . 2022-07-10 . jcr.clarivate.com.
  11. Web site: Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal – DOAJ . 2023-11-29 . doaj.org . en.
  12. Web site: RAMBAM . American Friends of . 2023-09-28 . First Impact Factor for Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 2023-11-29 . American Friends of Rambam Medical Center . en-US.
  13. Web site: Search . 2023-11-29 . touroscholar.touro.edu.
  14. Web site: 2016-01-31 . Rambam Maimonides Med J Special Issue on Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma האגודה הישראלית לאנדוקרינולוגיה . 2023-11-29 . he-IL.
  15. Web site: 2023-11-11 . Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης για "Rambam" – Ελληνική Ιατρική Εταιρεία για τα Κανναβινοειδή . 2023-11-29 . el.
  16. Golan . OG . Marcus . EL . July 2023 . Should We Provide Life-Sustaining Treatments to Patients with Permanent Loss of Cognitive Capacities? . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 3 . 3 . e0018 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10081 . 23908842 . 3678818 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  17. Halperin . M . April 2011 . Organ Transplants from Living Donors – Halachic Aspects . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 2 . 2 . e0042 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10042 . 23908800 . 3678940 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  18. Loike . JE . Krupka . M . October 2023 . The Jewish Perspectives on Xenotransplantation . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 14 . 4 . e0024 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10511 . 37917864 . 10619987 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  19. Ashkenazi . I . Beyar . R . Blazer . S . Ciechanover . A . Skorecki . KL . October 2023 . Release Our Hostages Now! . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 14 . 4 . e0019 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10507 . 37917868 . 10619985 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  20. Glick . S . Clarfield . M . Strous . RD . Horton . R . January 2015 . Academic Debate: Publications Which Promote Political Agendas Have no Place in Scientific and Medical Journals, and Academics Should Refrain from Publishing in Such Journals . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 6 . 1 . e0003 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10178 . 25717385 . 4327319 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  21. Hotez . PJ . January 2023 . Global Vaccinations: New Urgency to Surmount a Triple Threat of Illness, Antiscience, and Anti-Semitism . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 14 . 1 . e0004 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10491 . 36719666 . 9888484 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  22. Vanderhoek . JY . October 2023 . Jewish Hospitals in 20th Century Amsterdam: A Tale of Growth, Change, and Decline . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 14 . 4 . e0025 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10512 . 37917861 . 10619991 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.
  23. Hemstreet . DE . Weisz . GM . July 2023 . Remembering Dr Mark/Meir Dvorjetski: Physician, Survivor, Teacher, Historian, and Pioneer of Shoah Medicine Research . Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal . 14 . 3 . e0018 . 10.5041/RMMJ.10505 . 37555718 . 10393471 . PubMed, EBSCO, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals.