Rainbow Railroad Explained

Rainbow Railroad
Purpose:Global LGBTQI+ refugee support and advocacy
Headquarters:Toronto and New York City
Region Served:Global

Rainbow Railroad is the umbrella organization of two separate nonprofit entities — the Toronto-based Rainbow Railroad and the New York City-based Rainbow Railroad USA Inc. — both of which help global lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and other sexual minority/gender-nonconforming (LGBTQI+) individuals escape persecution and violence in their home countries. Founded in 2006, Rainbow Railroad's name and concept draw inspiration from the Underground Railroad, used during the 19th century by enslaved Africans in the United States to escape to free states and/or into Canada.[2]

Since its founding, Rainbow Railroad has assisted more than 13,000 LGBTQI+ refugees and internally displaced persons, including more than 2,000 individuals evacuated through its Emergency Travel Support (ETS) program.[3]


2006 through 2019

Effecting resettlements one or two at a time out of Jamaica, Nigeria, and Uganda in its earliest days,[4] the organization enjoyed gradually increasing efficiency and professionalization. It earned charitable status from the Canada Revenue Agency in 2013,[5] hired Executive Director Justin Taylor as its first full-time staffer in 2014,[6] and acquired 501(c)(3) status (as American Friends of Rainbow Railroad Inc. and later Rainbow Railroad USA Inc.) in the United States in 2015.[7]

Upon Rainbow Railroad's 10th anniversary in 2016, the Winnipeg-based Upside Down Tree Foundation gifted the organization with a transformational $400,000 CAD grant. The gift provided critical funding for the execution of a three-year strategic plan under which the organization's leadership would prioritize an expanded capacity, service mix, and reach to previously unserviced areas of the world.[8] The same year, Rainbow Railroad's Board of Directors tapped Ken Gibson, former Chief Financial Officer for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, as interim ED upon Taylor's departure.[9] Kimahli Powell, former Director of Development and Outreach for the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, would join by year end as Taylor's permanent successor.[10]

Rainbow Railroad began in 2006 as a small, Toronto-based volunteer collective with the shared objective of assisting at-risk LGBTQI+ individuals facing violence and persecution find refuge in safer regions globally.[11]

After revelations in 2017 about anti-gay purges and concentration camps in Chechnya (and on a smaller scale in neighboring Ingushetia and Dagestan), Rainbow Railroad mobilized the emergency evacuation of approximately 70 Chechen men to safer countries in collaboration with the Russian LGBT Network.[12] [13] [14] The resettlement, then the largest intervention in Rainbow Railroad's history, featured prominently both in a May 2019 instalment of the American television news magazine show 60 Minutes and in a July 2019 issue of Time magazine.[15] [16] The appearances served to bolster the organization's international profile.

The number of resettlements facilitated by Rainbow Railroad would grow annually from its inception. By year end 2019, the organization had helped more than 800 individuals resettle through ETS.[17]

COVID-19 pandemic and program refinements

The growth in annual resettlements facilitated by Rainbow Railroad slowed amid worldwide travel restrictions brought on when the outbreak of COVID-19 grew to pandemic levels in spring 2020. Facing uninterrupted help requests during this period, the organization's leadership turned to a focus on complementary services — chiefly government-assisted resettlements, temporary cash support to those requesting help, grant support to locally acting partner organizations, information/network referrals, and crisis readiness.[18]

The pivot enabled not only a sustained response to help requests in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, but a rapid and significant increase in cases deemed resolved per revised KPI tracking — i.e., in 2019 Rainbow Railroad facilitated 200 cross-border resettlements; in 2020 the organization resettled 75 individuals, but was able to assist an additional 426 individuals across a more robust complementary service mix. In subsequent years, these areas of work would increasingly constitute a suite of discrete programs.

2021 and beyond

In 2021, Rainbow Railroad partnered with the Government of Canada and Canadian human rights education centre Equitas on the Act Together for Inclusion Fund (ACTIF). The fund enabled work between Rainbow Railroad and six partnering agencies across Central and South America and Sub-Saharan Africa to build LGBTQI+ advocacy and asylum seeker support capacity in the regions and to develop alternative resettlement pathways that did not rely on North American and European governments.[19]

After the August 2021 fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban regime, Rainbow Railroad raised concerns about the situation for LGBTQI+ people living in the country.[20] As of August 2022, over 5,400 LGBTQI+ Afghans had reached out to Rainbow Railroad since the Taliban takeover a year prior. [21] Between August 2021 and June 2022, Rainbow Railroad helped to resettle 247 LGBTQI+ Afghans in Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.[22]

In June 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government announced that Rainbow Railroad was being named a direct refugee referral partner with the ability to identify and recommend up to 250 at-risk LGBTQI+ refugees per year for resettlement in Canada.


Emergency Travel Support (ETS)

Through its ETS program, Rainbow Railroad provides travel consultation and help in securing such essentials as pre-travel medical and legal services, travel documentation, safe housing, land and air transit, and asylum-claiming assistance upon arrival in safer countries.

Cross-border resettlements falling under the ETS program are crafted using routine commercial and/or private travel channels as an option for those at-risk individuals whose circumstances do not meet eligibility or priority requirements for government-assisted resettlements.

ETS was Rainbow Railroad’s initial mode of intervention and remains its core service. As of year-end 2023, the organization had helped 1,900 people from 34 different countries resettle globally since its founding through ETS.[23] In 2023, Rainbow Railroad successfully coordinated resettlements to 24 transit or final destination countries, including Canada, Germany, the United States, France, Argentina, Spain, Netherlands, Montenegro, Australia, Brasil, Finland, Malaysia, South Africa, Kenya, Mexico, Togo, United Kingdom, Italy, Lebanon, Nepal, Portugal, Rwanda, Switzerland, and Türkiye.[24]

Complementary programs

Program 1: Cash Assistance

Rainbow Railroad provides temporary direct cash assistance to those who, for various reasons, are not able to leave their country of residence.

Recipients of cash assistance may use these funds to secure such essential needs as safer accommodation, food, gender-affirming healthcare, mental health supports, or legal services. As well, some recipients have used cash assistance to offset time off work sufficient to explore safer employment opportunities or alternate in-country emergency travel options. Human rights defenders have used cash assistance to safeguard themselves while helping others and sustaining their activism in their home countries.

The length of cash assistance provided to individuals can vary based on their unique circumstances, but Rainbow Railroad reports that as of 2023 such support ranges between one and six months.[25]

Program 2: Partnership Development

Rather than attempting to execute its work from within queer-hostile countries, Rainbow Railroad invests in partner organizations, activist networks, and human rights defenders that have expertise in delivering on-the-ground relief services to at-risk LGBTQI+ individuals in these parts of the world. Since 2006, Rainbow Railroad has partnered with over 50 such partners across 28 countries, ensuring they have critical funds, network connections, and other resources to do their work.[26]

Program 3: Crisis Response

Antipathy toward LGBTQI+ individuals combines with other regional trends to occasionally trigger crises targeting queer communities. Rainbow Railroad regularly reports via its website and social media channels on related instances of anti-queer legislation, heightened surveillance and intimidation, mass arrests, torture, disappearances, and killings in various parts of the world. Through tracking these instances — and the geopolitical developments that historically have preceded them — Rainbow Railroad is able to ready a rapid response, often entailing the expedited implementation of its combined program suite, as needed.

Crisis Response is implemented in collaboration with global partners. As Rainbow Railroad explores models for a worldwide network performing this work, in 2023 the organization supported the launch of the Regional Network for Human LGBTQ+ Mobility. A coalition of 10 Latin American organizations, the Network aims to develop multipronged supports for displaced LGBTQI+ persons in the region, including standing “whole of route” migration assistance as well as advocacy and lobbying for more favourable international border policies.[27]

Program 4: Information Services & Referrals

Rainbow Railroad provides information about and referrals to the services of other LGBTQI-facing organizations around the world. These referrals are meant variably to work alongside the interventions conducted by Rainbow Railroad, in service to those individuals for whom locally accessible supports may be sufficient to meet their safety needs, or for individuals whose circumstances fall outside of Rainbow Railroad’s own capacity or mandate.

In addition to facilitating connections to and among other service delivery organizations, Rainbow Railroad provides documents such as letters of support as needed.

Amid year-over-year inclines in the number of help requests received by Rainbow Railroad, Information Services & Referrals is an increasingly utilized part of its service mix. The organization reported a 77-percent increase, for example, in the number of individuals benefitted from Information Services & Referrals throughout 2023 as compared to 2022.[28]

Program 5: Government Resettlement Pathways

As a complement to international resettlement routes devised through ETS, Rainbow Railroad works with governing bodies in Canada and the U.S. to pursue several direct government-assisted pathways into those countries.

= Government-Assisted Refugees

=In June 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government announced that Rainbow Railroad was being named a direct refugee referral partner with the ability to identify and recommend up to 250 at-risk LGBTQI+ refugees per year for resettlement in Canada.[29] [30]

The partnership, first publicly announced by Trudeau and Canadian immigration minister Sean Fraser at Rainbow Railroad’s annual Freedom Party Toronto gala,[31] was the result of several years of advocacy by the organization for a dedicated LGBTQI+ refugee referral pathway. According to the organization, the partnership made them among the first civil society agencies outside of the UNHCR to enjoy such a relationship with the Canadian federal government and the only queer-specific agency to enjoy such a relationship with any national government. Rainbow Railroad advocates for similar partnerships with other national governments .[32] [33]

= Private Sponsorship

=Under Rainbow Railroad’s Private Sponsorship program (PSR), the organization collaborates with volunteer settlement teams to support LGBTQI+ newcomers to Canada.

Individuals eligible for this program must meet the Government of Canada’s definition of a Convention refugee – i.e., a displaced person not yet in Canada who cannot return to their country of nationality or habitual residence, cannot integrate in their country of refuge, and has no timely solution to resettle in a country other than Canada.

Settlement teams take on the responsibility of arranging temporary housing and 12 months of financial support for their matched newcomer, greeting them upon arrival in Canada, and assisting them in gathering employment resources, social services, public benefits, a social network, and other essentials to successful integration.[34]

= Welcome Corps

=In 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden's administration created a new refugee sponsorship program, Welcome Corps, which identifies and supports Communities of Care (CoC), groups of five or more private American citizens or permanent residents convened to support a refugee in their community during their early days of residence in the United States.[35]

Rainbow Railroad has multiple points of involvement with Welcome Corps. It advised in the formation of the program and was selected as one of four organizations who can refer refugees into Welcome Corp. In addition, Rainbow Railroad is, itself, a CoC and works to recruit, train, and support other queer-friendly CoC in LGBTQI+-affirming cities across the United States.[36]

= Priority-1 referrals

=Holding the Biden Administration accountable to its commitment to advance LGBTQI+ rights globally, Rainbow Railroad advocated for a direct referral mechanism for queer refugees hoping to resettle in the United States as well as for a prioritization of urgent cases and a review of refugee detention laws to ensure the safety of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers.[37] [38] In 2023, the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration granted Priority-1 (P-1) refugee referral power to the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Persons.[39] Rainbow Railroad has cultivated a relationship with the envoy’s office toward the goal of utilizing the P-1 channel to assist urgent LGBTQI+ resettlements to the U.S.[40]

Case intake and triage

Rainbow Railroad accepts help requests via a secure online form available in Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.[41]

As Rainbow Railroad receives more requests annually than it can service, it has developed a system of triage articulated using the acronym V-I-T-A-L.[42]

Country of request/nationality of request tracking

Rainbow Railroad annually ranks the countries of request and countries of nationality of those from whom it receives help requests. The organization defines a “country of request” as the country where a requesting individual is living at the time of their request for help. By comparison, “country of nationality” refers to the country where a requesting individual was born, or where they hold citizenship/legal residency documents.[43]

Top 10 Countries of Request (2023) Top 10 Nationalities of Request (2023)
1. Pakistan [44] 1. Afghanistan
2. Afghanistan 2. Uganda
3. United States 3. United States
4. Uganda 4. Pakistan
5. Kenya 5. Russia
6. Türkiye 6. Nigeria
7. Nigeria 7. Syria
8. Morocco 8. Morocco
9. Russia 9. Kenya
10. Egypt 10. Algeria


Rainbow Railroad issues separate financial statements for its Canadian and U.S. branches. In 2023, the organization reported revenue of $8.5 million CAD against expenses of $8.5 million CAD in Canada, and revenue of $3.3 million USD against expenses of $4.6 million USD in the United States.[45] [46]

Individual and private foundation contributions constitute a majority of funding for both Rainbow Railroad and Rainbow Railroad USA. In 2023, these sources accounted for 91.5 percent and 97.5 percent of revenue for the organizations, respectively. Supplemental revenue streams in 2023 included ACTIF grant funding, government support, investment income, and other miscellaneous sources.[47] [48]

Fundraising events also account for a small share of income, with Rainbow Railroad’s Toronto Freedom (occasionally styled as “FREEDOM!”) Party being the organization’s largest annual event. New York City and Los Angeles also have been sites for offshoot Freedom Parties.[49]

Notable support

In 2014, TD Bank Group became Rainbow Railroad’s first corporate partner with a $50,000 CAD grant as part of the bank’s WorldPride Toronto 2014 funding strategy. The gift enabled the hiring of Rainbow Railroad's first executive director.[50] In 2015, the bank committed to donating Aeroplan miles to Rainbow Railroad for every dollar spent on a TD Aeroplan Visa card in the Greater Toronto Area. The initiative netted 7 milion Aeroplan miles, benefitting Rainbow Railroad's work.[51] As of 2023, the bank remains a top supporter of Rainbow Railroad, serving as the recurring Presenting Sponsor of its Toronto Freedom Party.[52]

In 2022, Rainbow Railroad received an unrestricted $5 million USD gift from American philanthropist Mackenzie Scott with which the organization established an operating cash reserve.[53] [54]

Charity ratings and recognition

As of 2023, Rainbow Railroad carries a ★★★★☆ rating from Charity Intelligence Canada,[55] a ★★★☆ rating from Charity Navigator,[56] and a Platinum Transparency seal from Candid.[57]

Notable recognition







See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Alumni 2016 . Rainbow Railroad . Rainbow Railroad . 8 August 2024.
  2. Web site: Manglone. Kendra. 'Rainbow Railroad': Toronto charity helping LGBT people escape violence. CTV. 23 July 2017. Toronto. 18 June 2015. 17 July 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170717050250/http://www.ctvnews.ca/rainbow-railroad-toronto-charity-helping-lgbt-people-escape-violence-1.2428479. live.
  3. Web site: About - Rainbow Railroad . live . July 29, 2024 . Rainbow Railroad.
  4. Book: 2017-2019 Strategic Plan . Rainbow Railroad . 2017 . 2 . August 6, 2024.
  5. Web site: Taylor . Jillian . 2 December 2016 . Syrian man arrives in Canada thanks to the Rainbow Railroad . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20170124214237/http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/rainbow-railroad-lbgt-upside-down-tree-1.3876845 . 24 January 2017 . 23 July 2017 . CBC.
  6. Web site: 2016 Report to Funders . live . July 28, 2024 . Rainbow Railroad.
  7. Web site: Rainbow Railroad USC Inc. - GuideStar Profile . July 28, 2024 . Candid..
  8. Web site: 2017-2019 Strategic Plan . live . Rainbow Railroad.
  9. Web site: 2016-08-23 . Rainbow Railroad executive director resigns Xtra Magazine . 2024-08-08 . en-CA.
  10. Web site: 2016-10-18 . Rainbow Railroad hires Kimahli Powell as new executive director Xtra Magazine . 2024-08-09 . en-CA.
  11. Web site: About . 2024-07-28 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  12. Web site: Lamont. Will. Rainbow Railroad Announces Emergency Response Plan for LGBTQ People at Risk in Chechnya - urgently requests Canadian Government assistance. CNW Group Ltd.. 23 July 2017. 18 April 2017. 1 July 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170701171943/http://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/rainbow-railroad-announces-emergency-response-plan-for-lgbtq-people-at-risk-in-chechnya---urgently-requests-canadian-government-assistance-619716213.html. live.
  13. Web site: Avery. Dan. An LGBT "Underground Railroad" Is Working To Evacuate Gay Men From Chechnya. NewNowNext. 23 July 2017. 20 April 2017. 1 August 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170801144218/http://www.newnownext.com/chechnya-rainbow-railroad/04/2017/?. live.
  14. News: Canada Secretly Sneaks LGBT Russians Out Of Chechnya. 14 November 2017. All Things Considered. NPR. 8 September 2017. en. 15 November 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20171115015323/https://www.npr.org/2017/09/08/549549949/canada-secretly-sneaks-lgbt-russians-out-of-chechnya. live.
  15. Web site: May 19, 2019 . Rainbow Railroad: The organization saving LGBT citizens from hostile governments . live . July 28, 2024 . CBS News.
  16. Steinmetz . Katy . 26 July 2019 . Victim of Chechnya's Anti-Gay Purge Speaks Out: 'The Truth Exists' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20200613231225/https://time.com/5633588/anti-gay-purge-chechnya-victim/ . 13 June 2020 . 7 June 2020 . Time . en.
  17. Book: 2020-2022 Strategic Plan . Rainbow Railroad . 2020 . 8.
  18. Book: 2020 Annual Report . Rainbow Railroad . 2021.
  19. Book: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution: 2022 Annual Report . 2023 . Rainbow Railroad . 46 . August 1, 2024.
  20. Web site: Rainbow Railroad - Statement on the Situation of LGBTQI People in Afghanistan. www.rainbowrailroad.org. 27 July 2022. 27 July 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220727201544/https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/the-latest/statement-on-the-situation-of-lgbtqi-people-in-afghanistan. live.
  21. https://www.thedailybeast.com/some-lgbtq-afghans-are-finally-safe-thousands-are-not
  22. Web site: How Canada is failing LGBTQ+ Afghan refugees. 27 July 2022. Xtra Magazine. 9 June 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220609150038/https://xtramagazine.com/power/politics/afghan-refugees-rainbow-railroad-224567. live.
  23. Web site: 2024 . 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . Rainbow Railroad . 25 . en-US.
  24. Web site: 2024-06-17 . 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution by rainbow_railroad - Issuu . 2024-08-09 . issuu.com . 24 . en.
  25. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . Rainbow Railroad . 28 . en-US.
  26. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . Rainbow Railroad . 28 . en-US.
  27. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 32–34 . en-US.
  28. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 36 . en-US.
  29. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 38 . en-US.
  30. Web site: 2023-06-08 . Providing LGBTQI+ people with a safe home in Canada . 2024-07-31 . Prime Minister of Canada . en.
  31. Web site: LeBlanc . Hillary . 2021-09-27 . Trudeau Attends Rainbow Railroad Freedom Party And Announces Partnership To Support 2SLGBTQI+ Refugees In Canada . 2024-07-31 . byblacks.com . en-gb.
  32. Web site: Pride 2023 Donor Impact Report . 2024-07-31 . Rainbow Railroad . 8 . en-US.
  33. Web site: Rainbow Railroad Calls for a Direct Referral Partnership with the U.S. Government . 2024-08-09 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  34. Web site: Canadian Private Sponsorship . 2024-07-31 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  35. Web site: Home . 2024-07-31 . Welcome Corps . en-US.
  36. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 39 . en-US.
  37. Web site: 2021-02-05 . Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World . 2024-07-31 . The White House . en-US.
  38. Web site: July 2021 . Partnering with Rainbow Railroad: Three Recommendations for U.S. Policy-Makers . July 31, 2024 . Rainbow Railroad.
  39. Web site: About Refugee Admissions . 2024-07-31 . United States Department of State . en.
  40. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 39 . en-US.
  41. Web site: Request help from Rainbow Railroad . 2024-08-12 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  42. Web site: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . 2024-08-01 . Rainbow Railroad . 14–15 . en-US.
  43. Web site: 2024-06-17 . 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution by rainbow_railroad - Issuu . 2024-08-09 . issuu.com . 61 . en.
  44. Per Rainbow Railroad data, 81 percent of requests originating from Pakistan are from Afghans taking temporary refuge in the country.
  45. Web site: 2024-06-17 . 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution by rainbow_railroad - Issuu . 2024-08-01 . issuu.com . 112–113 . en.
  46. In 2022, Rainbow Railroad USA received an unrestricted $5 million USD gift from American philanthropist Mackenzie Scott, allowing the organization to establish an operating cash reserve to support strategic initiatives. In 2023, the organization utilized $1.375 million from this reserve to fund critical initiatives and operations, resulting in a planned deficit of $1.375 million.
  47. Book: Rainbow Railroad Financial Statements, December 31, 2023 . Hilborn LLP . 2024 . Toronto . August 4, 2024.
  48. Book: Rainbow Railroad USA Inc. Financial Statement, December 31, 2023 and 2022 . PKF O’Connor Davies . 2024 . August 4, 2024.
  49. Web site: NYC Freedom Party (Past) . 2024-08-05 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  50. Book: 2014 Report to Funders . Rainbow Railroad . 2015 . August 4, 2024.
  51. Book: 2015 Report to Funders . Rainbow Railroad . 2016 . August 6, 2024.
  52. Web site: Freedom Party Toronto 2024 . 2024-08-05 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  53. Web site: An Investment for our Future - Statement from our Executive Director . 2024-08-05 . Rainbow Railroad . en-US.
  54. Book: 2023 Annual Report: Understanding the State of Global LGBTQI+ Persecution . Rainbow Railroad . 2025 . 95 . August 4, 2024.
  55. Web site: Rainbow Railroad . 2024-08-09 . Charity Intelligence . en-gb.
  56. Web site: Charity Navigator - Rating for Rainbow Railroad . 2024-08-05 . www.charitynavigator.org . en.
  57. Web site: Rainbow Railroad USA, Inc. - GuideStar Profile . 2024-08-05 . www.guidestar.org.
  58. Web site: 2017 Award Recipients . 2024-08-07 . AFP Toronto . en-CA.
  59. Web site: Dunn . Bryen . 2017-06-13 . Pride Toronto announces Parade Grand Marshal, Honoured Group and Youth Ambassador . 2024-08-08 . TheBUZZ Magazine . en-CA.
  60. Web site: Bonham Centre Awards Gala 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180401092818/http://sds.utoronto.ca/event/bonham-centre-awards-gala/. dead. 2018-04-01.
  61. Web site: Rainbow Railroad to Receive IGLTA’s Pathfinder Award . 2024-08-07 . The International LGBTQ+ Travel Association . en-US.
  62. Web site: 2018 Nominees and Recipients – INSPIRE Awards . 2024-08-08 . inspireawards.ca.
  63. Daniel Reynolds, "Canada's Drag Race Makes Over LGBTQ+ Refugees in Unforgettable Episode" . The Advocate, August 21, 2020.
  64. Web site: Rainbow Railroad wins International Community Trailblazer at GAY TIMES Honours 2021. 26 November 2021. GAY TIMES. 19 November 2021. 26 November 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20211126170950/https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/honours/rainbow-railroad-wins-international-community-trailblazer-at-gay-times-honours-2021/. live.
  65. Web site: Niewiarowski . Erik . 2023-10-19 . Tesco, Durex and Contiki among change-making brands honoured at PinkNews Awards . 2024-08-05 . PinkNews Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news LGBTQ+ news . en-US.