Radio24syv Explained

Owner:Berlingske People A/S (a Consortium by Berlingske Media and PeopleGroup)[1]

Radio24syv (English: "Radio 24 seven") was a Danish public service radio station sending talk radio. The radio station was financed by public money through mandatory licence fees, but was privately owned by Berlingske Media and PeopleGroup. The public funding was followed by requirements about the types of programs the radio station should broadcast.

The radio station was untraditional and provocative, and has been credited with reviving Danish talk radio.[2] [3]

The satire show program The Short Radio News was among its most popular programs.[4]



In 2010, shortly after he was appointed as new Minister of Culture, Per Stig Møller floated the idea of a new country-wide radio channel.[5] A few months later, political negotiations regarding media concluded with a political agreement between the incumbent Venstre-Conservative government, and Danish People's Party and Liberal Alliance, its parliamentary support. A part of that agreement was the establishment of a new privately owned radio station, financed by public money, meant to compete with DR P1, operated by the state-owned DR.[6] Following the announcement, the coming radio channel was given the nickname "Radio Møller", in reference to the Minister of Culture.[7]

In January 2011, the new radio channel was sent in public procurement. While several actors in the Danish media marked planned to launch a bid, at least two consortiums declined (JP/Politikens Hus and Danish TV 2; and Dagbladet Information, Fynske Medier and Douglas Entertainment), as they felt the very detailed requirement in the procurement threatened their editorial freedom.[8] [9] Eventually, only one actor made a bid, a consortium consisting of Berlingske Media and PeopleGroup, and in April 2011, they were rewarded the procurement. They named the station "Radio24syv", and it started broadcasting on 1 November 2011.[10]


In December 2012, the radio changed its slogan from "Denmark's new talk radio" to "Room for differences" (Danish: "Højt til loftet").[11]

In May 2015, radio host Asger Juhl killed a rabbit, by hitting it with a bike pump, during a morning program about animal welfare. The purpose was to highlight the hypocrisy about people's relation to animals while eating meat. During the program, television personality Linse Kessler tried to prevent the killing. The rabbit was eaten by Juhl and his co-host Kristoffer Eriksen that evening.[12] The killing gained international attention and sparked many angry reaction, with the hosts receiving death threats.[13] [14] The killing was defended by the radio, as the rabbit was eaten and not thrown out.[15]

On 19 November 2018, former gang leader and radio host of Police Radio Nedim Yasar was shot and died the following day. After leaving his criminal life behind, Yasar had become a mentor for troubled youths, and talked about his experience. A book about Yasar's life, written by his co-host Marie Louise Toksvig, had just been released, and Yasar was shot when he left the book reception.[16] [17] In December 2018, three men was arrested and charged with murder in the case, with a fourth following in January 2019. The case is expected to go to trial in January 2020.[18]

2019 closure

In March 2019, Radio24syv announced that they would not apply to have their broadcasting license renewed when it was to expire on 31 October 2019, effectively closing the radio station. The decision was based on a new political requirement that at least 70% of all editorial staff should be situated at least 110 km from Copenhagenit was a wish from the Danish People's Party (DPP) that the station was moved to Jutland. Originally, in a June 2018 political agreement, the requirement was that 50% of all editorial staff and all administrative staff should be placed in Jutland, but as such a requirement for administrative staff turned out to be against EU law, they were changed in later political negotiations.[19] Following the announcement, the DPP was met with heavy criticism, with chief of programs, Mads Brügger, calling it "a victory for pettiness and vindictiveness" and "harassment" by DPP.[20] Two weeks later, DPP said that while they would not change the requirements, they were open to see if Radio24syv could survive in another form.[21]

Eventually, only one party applied for the license, and the FM channel was in July awarded to Radio4, which is owned by a consortium headed by Jysk Fynske Medier, for the following eight years. The license was followed by funding of 108 million DKK the first year, falling to 93 million DKK the last.[22]

In May, the government and DPP announced an agreement that should make it possible for Radio24syv to continue broadcasting. The agreement launched a new talk radio station, which was to broadcast via DAB instead of over FM. This new station would receive yearly funding of 70 million DKK, and would not have any geographic requirements. This station replaced another planned DAB station with focus on culture and classical music, which was dropped.[23] In August, the owners of Radio24syv announced that they intended to apply for the new DAB station.[24] Companies interested in the originally planned DAB station decided to withdraw from the contest, with Bauer Media calling the process "a joke", and Le Gammeltoft from Heartbeats saying that the procurement was already decided in favor of Radio24syv.[25]

Radio24syv surprisingly lost the procurement to Radio Loud, a channel aimed at young listeners and owned by local radio channels in partnership with a number of cultural institutions.[26] Both Loud's application and the decision, taken by the governmental Radio and TV Board on 22 October, to grant them the channel was heavily criticized.[27] [28] Their application was written in just over a month,[29] and Sebastian Dorset, intended to be responsible for satire, was contacted two days prior to the deadline.[30] The Radio and TV Board twice raised doubts that Loud could fulfill the minimum requirements, but did not disqualify them.[31] Media experts warned that Loud's partnership model could mean that they were used for advertisement for their partners, and could distort competition. Media expert Lasse Jensen called the closure "the most absurd media-political process, he had ever seen".[32]

The Radio and TV Board evaluated the applications using a point system, where program plans was weighted 40%, quality and realism 35%, and economy 25%. Ultimately, economy was the greatest factor for Loud's win. On a scale from 0 to 8, both Radio24syv and Loud got between 6-7 points on the first two categories, but on economy Loud received 7 points, while Radio24syv received only 1 point. Radio24syv had applied for the full funding of 280 million DKK over four years, while Loud had applied for 261 million DKK. The third bidder, dk4, had applied for 256 million DKK, and was awarded 8 points.[33] According to experts, the model used caused the economy to be of more importance than the 25% implies.[34] While the model was known in advance, the estimated lowest bidder, which determined the variance, was not. Experts said Radio24syv had been sloppy in their application, and that they were too confident in themselves. Jakob Kvist replied by saying that their bid was to continue Radio24syv, and that contentwise the evaluation was "completely incomprehensible".[35] Mathematicians have found errors in the calculations of points, but not enough to change the overall result alone.

The surprising result led to the involvement of politicians. Two days after the announcement, the Danish Social Liberal Party said they wanted a rerun of the procurement, with Jens Rohde saying it was not fair because Radio24syv would cover all of Denmark, but Loud would not.[36] Applicants could choose between two different DAB nets and Loud choose one that only covers about 82% of Denmark, which was sufficient to be considered nation-wide.[37] Liberal Alliance and The New Right later joined in, also wanting a rerun.[38] Other parties demanded an explanation from the acting Minister of Culture, Rasmus Prehn. Experts warned that the political involvement threatened the arm's length principle.[39] On 28 October, Prehn said the Radio and TV Board should answer all the questions that the applicants might have.[40] Radio24syv sent in almost 70 questions.[41] In their answers, given on 1 November, the Radio and TV board dismissed the criticism, and stood by their decision.[42]

Radio24syv ended their broadcasting on 31 October 2019 by playing Fanfare for the Common Man live from their roof.[43]

On 5 November, after a meeting between the acting Minister of Culture, the Radio and TV board, and spokespersons from the political parties, Prehn said that it was not legally possible to reopen the procurement.[44] On 23 November, Radio24syv sued the Radio and TV board; a lawsuit financed by the Civil Rights Foundation.[45]


Jørgen Ramskov has been CEO of radio24syv for its entire broadcast period. However, in May 2019 he announced that he would leave the station, when the current broadcast permit runs out on 31 October 2019. In August 2019, Jakob Kvist was announced as new CEO and editor-en-chief, should they gain the new DAB-permit.[46]

Originally, Suzanne Moll was editor-in-chief, and leader of the news department, but in November 2013, it was announced that she had quit, effective from the end of January 2013. Jørgen Ramskov took over both of her responsibilities, while a new administrative leader were hired.[47] In August 2014 Simon Andersen became leader of the news department.[48] In September 2018 Kristoffer Eriksen succeeded him in that job.[49]

To lead the program department, Mikael Bertelsen and Mads Brügger were hired as channel chief prior to the station starting to air. In November 2012, after Moll had quit, but before it was announced, Brügger was fired effective immediately by Ramskov. The firing were caused by a split between the program department and the news department, and an underlying disagreement about how the channel should evolve, with both Bertelsen and Brügger experimenting, while Moll stood for the serious. After only 32 days, Brügger were re-hired in the same job, but now both his and Bertelsen's job title renamed to program chiefs instead of channel chiefs.[50]

Recurring programs

100% Brian2019Politics
24 Questions for the Professor
(24 Spørgsmål til Professoren)
24syv Documentary
(24syv Dokumentar)
24syv Afternoon(24syv Eftermiddag)2011–2014Current and news
24syv Morning
(24syv Morgen)
2011–2019Current and news
24syv News
(24syv Nyheder)
2011–20195 minutes news every hourCurrent and news
24syv Weekend2014Current and news
3. Planet from the Sun(3. Planet fra Solen)2011–2012Science, technology and societyKnowledge
55 minutes
(55 minutter)
2017–2019Single story in depthCurrent and news
AK 24syv2011–2019Culture
2011–2019Surveillance and intelligenceSociety
Anne Hunt(Annejagt)2015–2016Society
Anti-democratic Festival(Antidemokratisk Festival)2014SatireEntertainment
Aydin and the Father's Group(Aydin og fædregruppen) 2012Society
Bearnaise is the Animal King
(Bearnaise er Dyrenes Konge)
2014–2019Food reviewsCulture
The Mind Field(Bevidsthedsfeltet)2017–2018Society
The Tan Line (Bikinilinien)2015Entertainment
Car Radio(Bilradio)2013–2015Culture
Magazines from the mouth
(Bladet fra munden)
Bom and Bjerke(Bom og Bjerke)2011–2012Everyday feminismSociety
The Bureau for Rejected Literature(Bureauet for Afvist Litteratur)2013–2015Culture
The Waist
The Cavling Committee(Cavling Komiteen)2014–2015Media discussion by award-winning journalistsCurrent and news
Center for Crazy Analysis(Center for Vild Analyse)2011–2012Business
The Comedy Club Smiling Table(Comedyklubben Smiling Table)2017SatireEntertainment
Cordua & Steno2011–2019Right-wing political punditsPolitics
Croque Monsieur2015–2019FranceCulture
The Women's Magazine(Damernes Magazine)2013Culture
Voice of Denmark(Danmarks Röst)2014Radio to politically correct SwedenCulture
Date Line
2012–2019International newsInternational
The 6 Hats(De 6 Hatte)2011–2017Entrepreneurs and their business ideasBusiness
The Blue Book
(Den Blå Bog)
2019Kraks Blå BogCulture
The Burning Man(Den Brændende Mand)2015Documentary
The Short Radio News
(Den Korte Radioavis)
2015–20172018–2019Satire with fictional Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm and Rasmus BruunEntertainment
The Short Weekend News(Den Korte Weekendavis)2018
The Best Time(Den Bedste Tid)2014–2015Current and news
The Great Novel(Den Store Roman)2011–2013Following authors who write a novelCulture
The US presidential election(Det amerikanske præsidentvalg)20122012 United States Presidential electionBusiness
The Little Meme Factory
(Det Lille Mememageri)
The Next Chapter
(Det Næste Kapitel)
2015–2019Interviews in two partsCulture
The Red Area
(Det Røde Felt)
2013–2019Left-wing political punditPolitics
What we talk about
(Det, vi taler om)
After Eight
(Efter Otte)
2013–2019Evening rebroadcast of clipsCurrent and news
Are You Sunshine?
(Er Du Sunshine?)
2016–2019Friday barEntertainment
An Animal Life(Et Dyreliv)2014–2016Culture
Europe in Flames
(Europa i Flammer)
2012–2019EU debatesPolitics
The Fat Monkey's Closing-time
(Fedeabes Fyraften)
2017–2019Odd stories by Anders Lund MadsenEntertainment
Finn'ish Therapy
(Finnsk Terapi)
2014–2019Conversations with Finn NørbygaardCulture
Fishing License
2017–2019Conversations while fishingCulture
Fitness M/K2015–2019TrainingCulture
Genie in the Bottle
(Flaskens Ånd)
2011-2019Conversations while tasting wineCulture
Football FM
(Fodbold FM)
Start Over with Jeppesen(Forfra med Jeppesen)2011–2015Society
Parent-school Portal
The Frank Aaen Archive(Frank Aaen Arkivet)2014Cleaning up in Frank Aaens archivesCulture
Genialos2011–2018Physicist Holger Bech Nielsen and reality star Sidney LeeEntertainment
Ghetto Fitness2018–2019Culture
Globe Russia(Globus Rusland)2011–2012Current and news
Globe USA(Globus USA)2011–2014Current and news
Poets of Grøften
(Grøftens Poeter)
(Fun in the Toll Ring)(Halløj i Betalingsringen)2011–2013SatireEntertainment
Hilter's Dog-ears
(Hilters Æselører)
2015–2019Books about World War IIKnowledge
Huxi and the Good Old Parliament
(Huxi og det Gode Gamle Folketing)
2012–2019Former MP's discuss politics with Huxi BachPolitics
Hviid's Shelter(Hviids Varmestue)2015–2017Society
Højlund's Heroes(Højlunds Helte)2014–2015Current and news
Iben and the Mother's Group(Iben og Mødregruppen)2011–2013Culture
Internal Affairs(Interne Affærer)2011–2012Michael Berthelsen and Mads Brügger discuss Radio24syvCurrent and news
Hunting License
2017–2019Out huntingCulture
Jalving's History Hour(Jalving's Historietime)2012–2014Culture
Je Suis Jalving2016Society
Jeppe's Biblical School
(Jeppes Bibelskole)
2015–2019Reading the bible piece for pieceKnowledge
The Campaign Trail
2016–2019US politicsInternational
China Talk
The Clown from Lambedusa
(Klovnen fra Lambedusa)
The Collection(Kollektionen)2012–2016FashionCulture
The Continent(Kontinentet)2011EU. Precursor to GlobeCurrent and news
Kristian Leth's Magic Circle(Kristian Leths Magiske Cirkel)2012Culture
Culture in the week(Kultur i ugen)2012–2013Culture
The Copenhagen Model(Københavnermodellen)2016De-radicalization via improvisation theaterEntertainment
The Future of Lasse Rimmer(Lasse Rimmers Fremtid)2014Lasse RimmerCurrent and news
Aqua vitae
(Livets vand)
Lubarski's Method
2019Couple's therapySociety
The Independent(Løsgængeren)2011–2014Søren FauliSociety
Madam Blue(Madam Blå)2018Society
Mads Holger in Herning(Mads Holger i Herning)2013Entertainment
Mads Holger's New Years Reception(Mads Holgers Nytårskur)2013–2016Society
Mads Holger's Swan Song(Mads Holgers Svanesang)2015Meltdown of the Conservative People's PartySociety
The Voices of Power
(Magtens Stemmer)
2018–2019Portraits of the eliteSociety
Mary and the Old White Men
(Mary og de gamle hvide mænd)
Meet the Selsings2017Right-wing debateSociety
Holding the Microphone
The Millionaire Club
The Millionaire Club Evening(Millionærklubben Aften) 2013
My Greek diary(Min græske dagbog)2017Documentary
My Little Hassan(Min Lille Hassan)2016–2017Hassan Preisler talks with women about men and feelingsCulture
My name is written with dots(Mit navn det står med prikker)2015Easter with Morten LindbergCurrent and news
Monogram2012–2015Music programCulture
St. Martin's Day(Mortensaften)2011–2012Society
Feel the Host(Mærk Værten)2013RelaxazationSociety
The Night Shift
2011–2019People who are awake can call inSociety
Niels Lindvig's News Year Reception(Niels Lindvigs Nytårskur)2014–2015International
News from North Funen University
(Nyt fra Nordfynsk Universitet)
The News Pyramid(Nyhedstrekanten)2016Summer newsCurrent and news
Pakzad's Polemic
(Pakzads Polemik)
Pharao's Cigars
(Pharaos Cigarer)
2014–2019Karsten Pharao readingCulture
The Poetry Book
2019Poetry read by the authorCulture
The Book Club for Politicians
Police Radio
2015–2019Criminal magazineCurrent and news
Q&A2016–2019Media programCurrent and news
Clean Lines
(René Linjer)
2016–2018Society debate with artistsSociety
Riskær's Friday Bar
(Riskjærs Fredagsbar)
2018–2019Debate with listeners by Klaus Riskær PedersenSociety
The Roman Empire
2011–2019Knud RomerSociety
Rushy's Roulette
(Rushys Roulette)
2012–2019Integration and multiculturalismSociety
Raw Tape
2011–2019Unedited recordings for 24syv DocumentaryDocumentary
2015–2019Jørgen Leth answers assorted questionsCulture
The Tower of Voices
(Stemmernes tårn)
2018Roleplay for adultsCulture
Hard Discourse
(Stram Diskurs)
2019Portraits of people on the far right wingPolitics
Sukiyaki2019Japanese cultureCulture
Sunday Politics
The Brexit Club2019International
The Tibet Papers
2018Tibet flag casePolitics
Tour de France FM2014–2019Culture
Winter Time

Other programs

These program also aired:

Notes and References

  1. News: Bestyrelsesmedlem for Radio24syv-ejer tror på overlevelse. 7 April 2019. Børsen. 16 August 2019. Ritzau. da.
  2. News: PORTRÆT: Forfærdelig flabet og fantastisk – farvel til 24syv. 31 October 2019. Information. 1 November 2019. Ritzau. da.
  3. News: Mediekommentator: Radio24syv har været utraditionel og fræk. 22 October 2019. Berlingske. 1 November 2019. Ritzau. da.
  4. News: 'Den Korte Radioavis' lukker og slukker. 25 October 2019. Politiken. 1 November 2019. da.
  5. News: Radio24syv skabte glæde og vrede i nat. Jensen. Troels. 1 November 2011. DR. 16 August 2019. da.
  6. News: Regeringen indgår smalt medieforlig. Strøyer. Rasmus. 26 May 2010. DR. 16 August 2019. da.
  7. News: Per Stig godt tilfreds med Radio Møller. Grøn. Susanne Vigsø. 1 November 2011. DR. 16 August 2019. da.
  8. News: JP/Politikens Hus opgiver Møllers regel-radio. Jørgensen. Peter. 4 February 2011. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  9. News: Casper C. og co. opgiver Radio Møller. Boensen. Steffen. 21 January 2011. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  10. News: Danmark får ny radiokanal i nat. 31 October 2011. BT. 16 August 2019. Ritzau. da.
  11. News: Radio24syv ikke længere "Danmarks nye taleradio". Andreassen. Andreas Marckmann. 12 December 2012. Journalisten. 1 November 2019. da.
  12. News: Shit-storm mod Radio24syv: Dræbte kanin med cykelpumpe i liveradio. Moestrup. Jonas Hamidavi Rasoulzadeh. 25 May 2015. TV2. 25 October 2019. da.
  13. News: Hun købte kaninen, der blev slagtet i radioen. Obitsø. Ole. 5 November 2015. Journalisten. 25 October 2019. da.
  14. News: He killed a rabbit live on air, and this is why he did it. dead. June 12, 2015. Masri. Lena. 12 June 2015. Reuters. 25 October 2019.
  15. News: Rabbit killed during live radio broadcast to expose 'hypocrisy'. Sarkar. Monica. 26 May 2015. CNN. 25 October 2019.
  16. News: Eks-bandeleder og radiovært er død – dræbt på åben gade. Østergaard. Katja Mejborn. 20 November 2018. TV2. 25 October 2019. Pedersen. Mette Stender. da.
  17. News: Reformed Gang Leader in Denmark Is Shot Dead Leaving Book Party. Sorensen. Martin Selsoe. 21 November 2018. The new York Times. 25 October 2019.
  18. News: Vært blev likvideret: Teledatasag kan sende sigtede på gaden. 29 August 2019. DR. 25 October 2019. Ritzau. da.
  19. News: Sådan døde Radio24syv. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. 29 March 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. Benner. Torben. da.
  20. News: Mads Brügger: »DF vil stikke kniven helt ind. Det er for useriøst. Det er chikane. Og det stopper her«. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. 16 August 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. Benner. Torben. da . Programchef Mads Brügger kalder beslutningen om at flytte radioen væk fra København for »en sejr for småligheden og hævngerrigheden«..
  21. News: DF vil beholde Radio24syv, men ikke åbne udbud. 9 April 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. Ritzau. da.
  22. News: Ny landsdækkende radio får hovedsæde i Aarhus: Radio24syvs afløser skal hedde Radio 4. Pedersen. Tino Rueskov. 4 July 2019. 23 October 2019. Ritzau. da.
  23. News: Regeringen og DF vender rundt og laver redningsplan for Radio24syv. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. 3 May 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  24. News: Radio24syv vil være DAB-kanal. 15 August 2019. DR. 16 August 2019. Ritzau. da.
  25. News: Flere medier dropper at søge omdiskuteret radiokanal og kalder forløbet grotesk: »Radiokanalen er givet til Radio24syv. Det giver ingen mening«. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. 15 August 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  26. News: Radio24syv mister overraskende radiokanal: Roskilde Festival, Nationalmuseet og Vega vinder udbuddet. Thorsen. Nils. 22 October 2019. Politiken. 30 October 2019. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. da. Benner. Torben.
  27. News: Selv Loud-formand blev overrasket over valg: »Vi havde end ikke lagt champagnen på køl«. Almbjerg. Sarah Iben. 23 October 2019. Berlingske. 30 October 2019. Lindberg. Kristian.
  28. News: Eksperter kritiserer proces bag fravalg af Radio24syv: »Det er bare en dum måde«. Schütt-Jensen. Kasper. 25 October 2019. Jyllands-Posten. 31 October 2019. Skyum. Simone. da.
  29. News: Her er fynboen, der tog fusen på Danmark og slog Radio24syv. Thorsen. Nils. 26 October 2019. Politiken. 31 October 2019. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. da. Benner. Torben.
  30. News: Ny radiokanal får lige så høj karakter for satire som Radio24syv – alligevel ser Louds frontfigur store udfordringer i planen. Frank. Søren. 23 October 2019. Berlingske. 31 October 2019. da. subscription.
  31. News: »Det er meget besynderligt«: Radio24syv angriber Loud. Og Loud forsvarer sig. Fejerskov. Johan Moe. 29 October 2019. Politiken. 30 October 2019. Benner. Torben. da.
  32. News: Pengene kostede Radio24syv livet. Almbjerg. Sarah Iben. 23 October 2019. Berlingske. 1 November 2019. Lindberg. Kristian. da.
  33. News: Detektor: Her er fire kritikpunkter af dab-afgørelsen. Thomsen. Kåre Holm. 30 October 2019. DR. 30 October 2019. Bang. Michael Højgaard. da. Sørensen. Laura Marie.
  34. News: Alvorlig tvivl i Radio24syv-sagen: »Der kan anføres gode grunde til, at dette udbud bør gå om«. Jessen. Chris Kjær. 25 October 2019. Berlingske. 31 October 2019. Holm. Line Tolstrup. da. Chor. Jakob. Pedersen. Lars Nørgaard. subscription.
  35. News: Radio24syv beskyldt for at sjuske med ansøgning: »Den vindende byder har været skarpere til at læse, hvad der blev efterspurgt«. Almbjerg. Sarah Iben. 26 October 2019. Berlingske. 31 October 2019. Lindberg. Kristian. da. Ganderup. Mads Bager. subscription.
  36. News: Radikale vil have DAB-udbuddet til at gå om. Brandt. Flemming. 24 October 2019. DR. 31 October 2019. Sommerand. Malthe. da.
  37. News: LA støtter Radikale: Ønsker nyt udbud om dabkanal. 28 October 2019. Jyllands-Posten. 31 October 2019. Ritzau. da.
  38. News: Medieforsker: Armslængdeprincippet skrider, og der er brug for politisk opgør. Trøiborg. Ida. 29 October 2019. Jyllands-Posten. 31 October 2019. da.
  39. News: Professor om ny chance til 24syv: Politikerne skal holde fingrene væk. Ellers bliver de jo ved, til de har fundet den kanal, de gerne vil have. Søndergaard. Bo. 25 October 2019. Politiken. 31 October 2019. da.
  40. News: Kulturminister kræver svar fra Radio- og tv-nævnet: 'Vil have rene linjer'. Sommerand. Malthe. 31 October 2019. DR. 28 October 2019. Lakmann. Cathrine. da. Larsen. Sally Frydenlund.
  41. News: Radio24syv vil have svar på knap 70 spørgsmål efter tabt dab-udbud. 29 October 2019. DR. 31 October 2019. Ritzau. da.
  42. News: Radio- og TV-nævnet fastholder afgørelse: Loud skulle vinde DAB-kanalen. Almbjerg. Sarah Iben. 1 November 2019. Berlingske. 2 December 2019. da.
  43. News: Radio24syvs lyttere klapper Den Korte Radioavis ud. Bohr. Jakob Kjøgx. 31 October 2019. TV2. 1 November 2019. Ritzau. da.
  44. News: Minister: Ikke hjemmel til at lade dab-udbud gå om. 5 November 2019. DR. 2 December 2019. Ritzau. da.
  45. News: Radio24Syv kræver millionerstatning i udbudssag. Guldagger. Mette. 23 November 2019. Politiken. 2 December 2019. da.
  46. News: »Det er selvfølgelig en risikabel fase, vi er i«: Bogbranchens frække dreng skal være chef for det nye Radio24syv. Benner. Torben. 15 August 2019. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  47. Web site: Suzanne Moll fratræder på Radio24syv. 19 November 2012. Radio24syv Memo. da. 16 August 2019.
  48. News: Simon Andersen bliver chef på Radio24syv. Grøn. Tommy. 22 May 2014. Politiken. 16 August 2019. da.
  49. News: Kristoffer Eriksen vender tilbage på Radio24syv. Abildgaard. Amalie. 20 September 2018. BT. 16 August 2019. da.
  50. News: Interne affærer. Andreassen. Andreas Marckmann. 19 December 2012. Journalisten. 16 August 2019. da.