Radical 209 meaning "nose" is 1 of 2 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 14 strokes.
In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 49 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.
strokes | character | |
without additional strokes | 鼻 | |
2 additional strokes | 鼼 鼽 | |
3 additional strokes | 鼾 鼿 | |
5 additional strokes | 齀 齁 | |
8 additional strokes | 齂 | |
9 additional strokes | 齃 齄 | |
10 additional strokes | 齅 齆 | |
11 additional strokes | 齇 | |
13 additional strokes | 齈 | |
22 additional strokes | 齉 |
As an independent sinogram 鼻 is a Chinese character. It is one of the Kyōiku kanji or Kanji taught in elementary school in Japan.[1] Specifically it is a third grade kanji.