RTX (operating system) explained

RTX (operating system) should not be confused with Mbed.

Supported Platforms:x86, x86-64
Family:Real-time operating system
Latest Release Version:RTX 2016 (32-bit)
RTX64 4.x (64-bit)

RTX / RTX64 are real-time operating system (RTOS) by the firm IntervalZero. They are software extensions that convert Microsoft Windows operating system into a RTOS.[1] It was the first Windows real-time solution on the market.[2]


RTX and RTX64 real-time software extensions to Windows combine the familiar user experience of Microsoft Windows (rich GUI, available drivers and software, ...) and the direct control of embedded hardware by providing hard real-time determinism and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) abilities.[3] [4]

The RTX / RTX64 extensions have followed the Windows architecture since Windows NT 3.5.[5] Generally, RTX supports 32-bit Windows; RTX64 supports 64-bit Windows.[6]

The systems are used in different markets such as industrial automation, testbed and simulation, digital audio, digital video, aerospace military, medical devices, electrical grid, electricity generation, and other uses.

Technical details

Notes and References

  1. http://files.iccmedia.com/pdf/ecemay13-p13.pdf Windows as a RTOS
  2. http://www.ueidaq.com/rtos-support/ Real-Time for Windows Support
  3. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms838583(v=winembedded.5).aspx Real-time with RTX on Microsoft Windows
  4. http://www.embedded.com/electronics-blogs/other/4027026/software-tools-IntervalZero-releases-two-versions-of-multicore-RTX-Real-Time Software tools: IntervalZero releases two versions of multicore RTX Real-Time
  5. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1267663 The RTX real-time subsystem for Windows NT
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/intervalzero-releases-rtx64-2014-real-130000335.html IntervalZero Releases RTX64 2014 real-time software; adds monitoring infrastructure, additional debug capabilities
  7. http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/intelligent-systems/intel-technology/multicore-intervalzero-rtx-paper.html RTX on multi-core-based Intel processors