Róža Domašcyna Explained

Róža Domašcyna (11 August 1951, in Zerna, East Germany) is a poet,[1] translator and writer. She writes in German and in the Upper Sorbian language. Winner of the promotional award for Ćišinski-Preis and Anna Seghers Prize (1998).[2] [3]



Notes and References

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYbBnydKR5E Róža Domašcyna/Rosa Domaschke in dialog with Hans Thill. She don't want to be called „sorbish poet“ – only „poet“ – she doesn't likes nationalisms
  2. Book: Dichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts meine 24 sächsischen Dichter . 2008 . Hörwerk . 978-3-86189-935-8 .
  3. http://www.literarny-konopej.de/spisowaceljo/5 Róža Domašcyna at literarny-konopej.de