Réseau Ferré National (France) Explained

See main article: Rail transport in France. In France, the Réseau Ferré National (RFN) is made up of railroad lines and infrastructure belonging to the French state, and assigned to SNCF Réseau.

The Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) was responsible for the network from January 1, 1983, when it was set up as an "établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial" (EPIC), until February 13, 1997, on the basis of the network conceded by the State, which had built it up since 1938 from the networks of the former major railway companies. From February 13, 1997, to December 31, 2014, the national rail network belonged to the EPIC Réseau ferré de France (RFF), with maintenance and operation delegated to SNCF. On January 1, 2015, following the demise of RFF, the network became the property of SNCF Réseau, which manages and operates it directly. In 2020, it will become the property of the French State, while remaining entrusted to SNCF Réseau.

By 2018, with over 28,000 km of track in operation and more than 2,800 stops and stations served, France has the second largest network in Europe (behind Germany), as well as the leading network of high-speed lines. Most of the network's traffic (81%) is passenger traffic (1.35 billion people carried, with an average occupancy rate of 45%). However, trains face stiff competition from trucks, roads, and even airplanes. France has developed its high-speed network but has abandoned many small lines and stations, making access to certain services more difficult in rural areas.[1] These short lines are considered unprofitable, due to their high cost for low ridership, as well as their environmental impact when not electrified.[2]


Under old companies

The very first French railroad line, and also the first in continental Europe, was the Saint-Étienne–Andrézieux railway, granted by order of King Louis XVIII to Louis-Antoine Beaunier in 1823 and opened on June 30, 1827. The 18 km line was designed to transport coal from the mines in the Loire coalfield to the river. It opened to passengers on March 1, 1832.

The law on the establishment of major railway lines (also known as the "Railway Charter"), passed on June 11, 1842, defined the French railroad system, creating a model of public-private partnership. The State became the owner of the land on which the lines were to be constructed and financed the construction of the infrastructure (engineering structures and buildings). Use of the line was then granted to private companies, who built the superstructure (tracks and facilities), invested in rolling stock, and enjoyed a monopoly of operation on their lines.

The rail network rapidly expanded throughout the country. The network was built from Paris in the form of a star network, known as the Legrand star.

The Freycinet plan, adopted in 1879, envisaged linking each sub-prefecture to the rail network.

The network reached 3,000 km by 1852, 17,000 km by 1870, and 26,000 km by 1882.[3]

Alsace-Lorraine was annexed to the German Empire in 1871. As a result, its rail network was operated by the Kaiserliche Generaldirektion der Eisenbahnen in Elsaß-Lothringen (Imperial Railways in Alsace-Lorraine - EL). When Alsace-Lorraine returned to France after World War I, this network was operated by the Administration des chemins de fer d'Alsace et de Lorraine, created in 1919 and managed by the State, since the Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Est, which had operated it before 1871, did not wish to take it over.

By 1914, the French general-interest rail network had reached 39,400 km, rising to 42,000 km at its peak in the late 1920s. Added to this was the voie ferrée d'intérêt local, with a maximum extension in 1928 of 20,921 km of lines, operated directly by the general councils or by various private companies on behalf of the départements. The total represents some 63,000 km of track in mainland France. This local network declined rapidly from the 1930s onwards, with 70 km remaining in 2010.[4]

In 1937, just before the creation of the SNCF, the French rail network was operated by the Compagnie des chemins de fer du Nord (Nord), the Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Est (Est), the communauté d'intérêt financière, commerciale et technique des Compagnies des chemins de fer de Paris à Orléans and du Midi et du Canal latéral à la Garonne (known as PO-Midi), the Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (PLM), plus the Syndicats du chemin de fer de Grande Ceinture et de Petite Ceinture and the two national administrations, chemins de fer d'Alsace-Lorraine (AL) and chemins de fer de l'État (État).

Under the SNCF

See also: SNCF. The Société nationale des chemins de fer français was created by agreement on August 31, 1937,[5] between the French government and the various private railway companies of the day: Nord, Est, PO, Midi, PLM, the Grande Ceinture and Petite Ceinture railway unions, and the national administrations of the Alsace and Lorraine railways and the state railways. On January 1, 1938,[6] the operation of the lines of these former companies, unions, and administrations was transferred to the new SNCF, while the former railway companies remained owners of their own private domain.[7]

At the time of its creation, the SNCF was a semi-public company, operating a network of 42,500 km of track (8% of which was electrified) and organized around five regions: East, North, West, South-East and South-West. These regions correspond to the networks of the former companies, with the Alsace-Lorraine network integrated into the East region. The SNCF also operates the lines conceded by the Société royale grand-ducale des chemins de fer Guillaume-Luxembourg (GL), which were previously operated by the Administration des chemins de fer d'Alsace et de Lorraine.

The creation of the SNCF was accompanied by the strengthening of the rail-road coordination policy initiated in 1934, which led to a major program of line closures. By the end of 1939, 9,546 km were closed to passenger service, most of them in 1938 and 1939. The vast majority, however, continued to be used for freight services, pending the generally later closure to all traffic. Passenger and freight closures continued from the 1950s onwards, reaching a total of over 17,000 km of lines closed to all traffic in 2011.[8]

After the second German annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, the Deutsche Reichsbahn managed the Alsace-Moselle and Guillaume-Luxembourg rail networks during World War II, from July 1, 1940, until the Liberation (from September 1944).

The sixth region, Méditerranée, was created in 1947.

France's first high-speed line, the LGV Sud-Est, was inaugurated on September 22, 1981.

On January 1, 1983, SNCF became an Établissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial (EPIC).

The creation of RFF

See also: Réseau Ferré de France and SNCF Infra. Réseau ferré de France (RFF) was created on February 13, 1997, as a split-off from SNCF.

The aim was to separate two distinct activities: railway infrastructure management on the one hand, and the organization of transport services on the other. It was a response to European directives aimed at creating a supranational railway area. It had two consequences: by taking over infrastructure-related debts, RFF reduced SNCF's debt, and by managing only the infrastructure, it allowed the network to be opened up to other operators without any risk of conflict of interest.

However, while RFF became the owner of the network, Infra, the network maintenance and operations department, remained with SNCF. This allowed RFF to call on third-party companies when they are less expensive.

Ownership of the "public railway domain" was transferred for the most part to Réseau ferré de France when it was created in 1997: 30,000 kilometers of lines in service and 108,000 hectares spread over more than 10,000 communes. The SNCF, for its part, retained ownership of the "industrial tracks" (equipment maintenance workshops, depots, goods halls, etc.) as well as commercial and administrative buildings (notably passenger station buildings), covering a total of 7,000 hectares. Certain areas, proportionally very limited but quantitatively not insignificant, remained disputed for a long time before the French government imposed external arbitration between 2005 and 2006.

Between February 13, 1997, and December 31, 2014, Réseau ferré de France owned and managed the national rail network, with Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) as delegated manager (as defined by Decree 2002–1359), which in practice consists of all rail infrastructure: tracks, platforms, signal boxes; the passenger buildings in stations, as well as several hundred service tracks for parking rolling stock, are still owned by SNCF.

Reuniting RFF and SNCF

A new reform of the rail system was adopted by the Senate and National Assembly in 2014. It provides for the reunification of SNCF and RFF into a single entity on January 1, 2015. A new organization was set to be put in place. The SNCF will be structured around three EPICs: the head company SNCF, the infrastructure manager SNCF Réseau, and SNCF Mobilités, responsible for train operations.[9]

RFF ceased to exist on December 31, 2014, and the new SNCF organization took effect on January 1, 2015.

The SNCF (through SNCF Réseau and SNCF Mobilités) then became the owner of the national rail network and all railway stations and infrastructure, as well as the owner, manager, and operator of the network.

The 2015 law on the new territorial organization of the Republic (NOTRe) gives regions and inter-municipalities the opportunity to become owners of capillary freight lines on the national rail network. Capillary freight lines represent around 3,000 km of track (or 10% of the RFN).[10]

Two new high-speed lines went into service on July 2, 2017: the LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire and the LGV Sud Europe Atlantique, the latter financed by a public-private partnership. At the inauguration of the LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, President Emmanuel Macron declared: "the promise I want us to keep together for the years to come is this: (...) not to relaunch major new projects, but to commit to financing infrastructure renewal".[11]

Article 9 of Ordinance no. 2019-552 of June 3, 2019, containing various provisions relating to the SNCF group, assigns ownership of the national rail network to the State,[12] [13] while declaring SNCF Réseau, which will become a public limited company in January 2020, to be responsible for this network.

Line closure

After an initial wave of closures, essentially limited to passenger services in 1938 and 1939, as a result of transport coordination measures, closures resumed after World War II, extending to lines still open to freight traffic.

Kilometres of closures by period[14]
Yearsuntil 19391940-19491950-19591960-19691970-19791980-19891990-19992000-2009Total
Passenger lines9 5392 4422 0882 6672 8111 01243829721 294
Cargo lines1171 3473 0881 6143 2253 9703 19758917 130
Notes :
  • the length of passenger and freight closures is not cumulative. Freight closures are mostly on lines previously closed to passenger service, or in some cases on lines closed to both. The total of 17,000 kilometers therefore corresponds approximately to the closed network;
  • the number of kilometers of lines reserved for goods traffic would be around 4,000 kilometers. Unlike the situation in the 1950s and 1970s, when the majority of passenger lines were also used by cargo trains, a large proportion of the lines in today's network, apart from a few major routes, are restricted to passenger services.
Already reduced from 42,000 kilometers in 1937 to around 28,000 kilometers in the 21st century,[15] the national rail network could lose a further 9,000 kilometers of lines (i.e. almost a third of the remaining network) in the coming years. Indeed, this is what is recommended by the "Spinetta" report published on February 15, 2018.[16] However, when presenting the reform of the public company, the Prime Minister guaranteed that the Spinetta report would not be followed on this point.[17]

Rail network


The French State is the owner and SNCF Réseau the operator of rail lines and infrastructure in France, with the exception of:

According to Danielle Brulebois, LREM MP and member of the board of the Établissement public de sécurité ferroviaire, the French rail network is suffering from "30 to 40 years of underinvestment".[18]


See also: Railway electrification in France and French railway signalling. By the year 2022, the national rail network,[19] owned by SNCF Réseau, includes around 28,000 km of lines in service, of which around 24,000 km are open to passenger service,[20] with the remaining lines limited to freight service. It includes 2,700 km of high-speed lines, 1,576 tunnels for a total length of 656 km, 26,733 bridges and viaducts, 1,201 overhead walkways, 2,200 signal boxes, including 1,250 electric ones, and 15,000 level crossings.

The highest point on the SNCF-owned network is the Bolquère-Eyne station in the Pyrénées-Orientales region, at an altitude of 1,593 m: it is served by TER Occitanie trains on the Cerdagne line.

Some 15,000 trains run on the national rail network every day.[21]

It is the second longest rail network in the European Union, behind the DB Netz network in Germany.

In 2013, 3,029 SNCF stations were open to passengers (including Monaco).[22] By 2022, some 2,850 stations or stops will serve the passenger network.

Nearly 1,400 private branches are connected to the national rail network, and more than 300 stations have freight yards.

The network comprises 15,687 km of electrified lines, of which 5,863 km, mainly south of Paris, are direct current at 1,500 volts. The rest of the network uses alternating current at 25,000 volts.

Track gauge is 1,435 mm (standard track). However, three lines belonging to the national rail network are metre-gauge: the Chemin de fer du Blanc-Argent, the Saint-Gervais–Vallorcine railway (frontier) and the Cerdagne line.

Trains run on the left-hand side of the national rail network's double-track lines, except in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle, where they run on the right-hand side (with the exception of a few sections of line linking Alsace-Moselle to the rest of the national network, such as between Mulhouse and Territoire de Belfort, or on the LGV Est high-speed line). As these three departments were annexed by Germany in 1871, the standards in force on the German rail network were maintained after Alsace-Moselle was returned to France in November 1918.

French rail signalling uses several systems: on high-speed lines, it is on board, based on the TVM 300 and 430 systems. On other lines, signalling is by trackside light signals (absolute, automatic, BAPR). On a few lightly used lines, mechanical signalling is still used, or the single-track simplified signalling system (VUSS). Finally, some capillary freight lines are operated under a single track with a restricted traffic (VUTR) system. Speed is controlled by the KVB system. With the standardization of rail signalling in Europe, high-speed lines and certain major freight routes are also equipped with ERTMS signalling.

Some 15,000 km of lines are equipped with the Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R).[23]

Corsica's railroads are owned by the Corsican local authority, not the State. Corsican lines do, however, have an official number, as they were operated by SNCF from 1983 to 2011. Other local lines operated by the SNCF have also been assigned numbers, such as the Chemin de fer de l'Est de Lyon line or the Colombiers to Cazouls-lès-Béziers line, although they do not belong to the national rail network.

Some lines carry an official number, but are no longer part of the national rail network; they may have been decommissioned, but are still operated for tourist traffic, or transferred to third parties (local authorities, chambers of commerce and industry, autonomous ports).

Finally, the military rail network comprises 2,000 km of track.[24]

Delegated operations

Some lines, although part of the national rail network, are operated under a leasing contract. This is notably the case for the following lines:

Line classification

According to the classification of the International Union of Railways (UIC, French: Union internationale des chemins de fer), the lines of the national network are divided into nine categories,[25] according to the importance of traffic. Today, the first six categories-the most important ones, covering high-speed lines, electrified main lines, and the Ile-de-France network, i.e. almost 90% of traffic-are regularly maintained and modernized. The last three, covering a total of 15,000 kilometers, are maintained when essential, and in the meantime are subject to more or less extensive speed restrictions. Regional services, which are more numerous and have greatly renewed rolling stock, are sometimes hampered by this state of affairs. It should not be forgotten, however, that RFF inherited a large part of SNCF's debt, which had a significant impact on its financing capacity.[26]

Speed limits and performance

The network is divided into six speed limits. These speeds, which meet the various needs of rail transport, from local service to very high speed, are divided as follows:[27]

  1. 1-100 km/h
  2. 101-120 km/h
  3. 121-140 km/h
  4. 141-160 km/h
  5. 161-200 km/h
  6. 201-350 km/h

Economic liberalization

In rail transport, opening up to external competition-or liberalization-commonly refers to the possibility for different companies to offer their transport services to customers. In Europe, rail network management is recognized as a natural monopoly, and rail network facilities as an essential infrastructure to which rail companies must have access.

Without opening up the network to several transport companies, there could be no competition between them. The institutional separation of the railway infrastructure manager (French: RFF) from the original railway company (SNCF) was intended to reinforce equality between railway companies and make competition more effective.

Beyond the general aspects of opening up rail transport in France to competition, the opening up of the network is characterized by:

Definition and legal status


Law no. 97-135 of February 13, 1997, on the creation of the public establishment Réseau ferré de France with a view to the renewal of rail transport,[29] specifies that "the consistency and main characteristics of this network are set by the State, under the conditions laid down in article 14 of law no. 82-1153 of December 30th, 1982 on the orientation of domestic transport". (LOTI).

The definition and scope of the national rail network were set out in Decrees 97-444 and 97-445 of May 5, 1997. Article 1 of decree no. 97-445 of May 5, 1997,[30] [31] concerning the initial assets of the public establishment Réseau ferré de France, specifies that "the assets transferred in full ownership to Réseau ferré de France, hereinafter referred to as RFF, in accordance with article 5 of the aforementioned law of February 13th, 1997, are divided into four categories, which are listed in the appendix to this decree". These four categories correspond respectively to track, telecommunications facilities, buildings and installations, and other assets.

Current regime

Code des transports

Article L.2111-1 of the French Transport Code states: "The composition and main characteristics of the national rail network are laid down by regulation (...). The SNCF Réseau company is responsible for the lines of the national rail network, which are the property of the State".[32] Railroad lines are part of the State's real estate public domain.

Decree 97-444

Article 2 of "Decree no. 97-444 of May 5th, 1997 concerning the missions of SNCF Réseau"[33] states that "the composition of the national rail network is set by decree. (...) The list of lines on the national rail network is kept up to date by Réseau ferré de France (now SNCF Réseau). The lines or sections of lines to which railway companies have access are specified in the national rail network reference document provided for in article 17 of decree no. 2003-194 of March 7th, 2003, as amended, on the use of the national rail network."

Decree 2002-1359

The RFN was defined in "Decree 2002-1359 of November 13th, 2002 stipulating the composition of the national rail network".[34] According to art. 1 of the decree, it includes:

Article 2 of this text specifies that "the list of lines or sections of lines making up the national rail network is appended to the decree provided for in the third paragraph of article 2 of the aforementioned decree of May 5th, 1997" (decree 97-444).

Decree 2003-194

Decree no. 2003-194 of March 7, 2003 relatif à l'utilisation du réseau ferré national, introduced the concept of a national rail network reference document, which contains all the information required to exercise access rights to the national rail network. It was drawn up by Réseau ferré de France (now SNCF Réseau).

The reference document includes, in particular, a presentation of the structure and characteristics of the infrastructure.

Ministerial decrees

Several ministerial decrees have been issued in succession to define the basic sections of the national rail network and the list of stations for which station-stop reservation fees are payable, most recently on December 4, 2006. To consult the annexed list, readers are referred to the Ministry of Ecological Transition website, which in turn refers to the network reference document on the SNCF Réseau website.

Line statuses

Open for traffic

A line is open (in whole or in part) when it gives rise to a user charge for rail traffic. The list is updated in the network reference document. It can be used by both passenger and freight trains. Some lines are used solely for passenger traffic, while others are used solely for freight.


A line is neutralized (in whole or in part) when its access is blocked by physical means (crossbeams, bolts blocking the access needle), but can be reopened after technical safeguards have been taken.


A line is closed (in whole or in part) when the Board of Directors of SNCF Réseau has decided to close it, after having submitted its project to the Regional Council responsible for organizing regional passenger rail transport (in accordance with article 22 of decree no. 97-444), and for which the Minister of Transport has expressed no opposition. The line may be closed and the track kept in place, either for national defense purposes, or to make it available to a third party (cyclo-draisine, tourist railway, community), or at the request of the Minister for subsequent use.


A line is cut off (in whole or in part) when the Board of Directors of Réseau ferré de France has decided to do so. Introduced when RFF was created in 1997, line cutting no longer exists since the publication of decree no. 2006-1517 of December 4, 2006. During this period, the cutting off of a line meant its removal from the national rail network.

While the possibility of line cutting no longer exists, lines cut between 1997 and 2006 without any subsequent change in status are still covered by this status.


A line is decommissioned (in whole or in part) when SNCF Réseau has decided to decommission it, following authorization to close the line without maintaining it. SNCF Réseau may decommission a line:

When a line is decommissioned, it passes from the public domain to the private domain (in any case, it is no longer part of the national rail network). Once the line has been decommissioned, SNCF Réseau can sell the land.

Some decommissioned lines can still be operated (tourist trains or even regular freight or passenger services).

In planning

A planned non-concessioned line is assigned a line number at the latest when the declaration of public utility is pronounced, in order to identify and reference all documents.


This is not a status of the line, but a state of the line, referring to the presence or absence of the track. A line can be deposited when it is closed or decommissioned.

Non-exhaustive list of lines

Eastern Region

Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).[35]

Railway Name (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)(7) Observations
001 000 X
001 391 Raccordement court de MulhouseX
002 000 Gretz-Armainvilliers to Sézanne
from Gretz-Armainvilliers to Coulommiers (PK 72,142) X
from Coulommiers to La Ferté-Gaucher (PK 91,160) X
from Ferté-Gaucher to Meilleray (PK 102,508) X
from Meilleray to Esternay (PK 115,470) X
from Esternay to Sézanne X
003 000 Longueville to Esternay
from Longueville to Villiers-Saint-Georges (PK 111,676) X
from Villiers-Saint-Georges to Esternay XX
004 000 Mézy to Romilly-sur-Seine
from Mézy to Artonges (PK 17,135) X
from Artonges to Montmirail (PK 25,860) X
from Montmirail to Romilly-sur-Seine XX
005 000 LGV EstX
006 000 Coolus to Sens
from Coolus to Charmont (PK 75,226) X
from Charmont to Troyes (PK 88,680) X
from Troyes (PK 88,680 to 90,212) XX
from Troyes to Villeneuve-l'Archevêque (PK 131,700) X
from Villeneuve-l'Archevêque to Malay-le-Grand (PK 151,880) X
from Malay-le-Grand to Sens (PK 156,900) XX
007 000 Fère-Champenoise to Vitry-le-François
from Fère-Champenoise to Lenharrée (PK 9,000) X
from Lenharrée to Sompuis (PK 37,641) XX
from Sompuis to Vitry-le-François (PK 47,876) X
010 000 Oiry-Mareuil to Romilly-sur-Seine
from Oiry to Sézanne X
from Sézanne to Anglure (PK 72,660) X
from Anglure Romilly-sur-Seine XX
012 000 Troyes to Brienne-le-ChâteauX
013 000 X
014 000 LGV Rhin-Rhône (east branch, phase 1)
from Genlis to Villers-les-Pots X
from Villers-les-Pots to Petit-Croix X
from Petit-Croix to Lutterbach XCompletion by 2028?
015 000 Jessains to Sorcy
from Jessains to Dienville XXFor SNCF Réseau, the section is still officially in operation.
from Dienville to Brienne-le-Château X
from Brienne-le-Château to Vallentigny-Maizières (PK 229,818) X
from Vallentigny-Maizières to Sorcy XX
016 000 Montier-en-Der to ÉclaronXX
018 000 Saint-Dizier to Doulevant-le-ChâteauXXFrom 1994 to 2011, operated by the Syndicat Mixte des Chemins de Fer de Blaise-et-Der.
019 000 Revigny to Saint-Dizier
from Revigny to PK 3,930 XTo serve the I.T.E. ArcelorMittal plant.
from PK 3,930 to Saint-Dizier XX
020 000 X
026 000 Bologne to Pagny-sur-Meuse
from Bologne to Neufchâteau (PK 46,500) X
from Neufchâteau to Coussey (PK 56,200) X
from Coussey to Saint-Germain-sur-Meuse (PK 88,235) XX
from Saint-Germain-sur-Meuse to Pagny-sur-Meuse X
027 000 Nançois-Tronville to Neufchâteau
from Nançois-Tronville to Velaines (PK 3,400) X
from Velaines to Gondrecourt-le-Château (PK 35,885) X
from Gondrecourt-le-Château to Neufchâteau X?
on the outskirts of Neufchâteau X
030 000 Neufchâteau to Épinal
from Neufchâteau to Gironcourt-Houécourt (PK 77,350) X
from Gironcourt-Houécourt to Mirecourt (PK 93,528) XX
from Mirecourt to Hymont-Mattaincourt (PK 98,373) X
from Hymont-Mattaincourt to Épinal XX
032 000 Culmont-Chalindrey to ToulX
033 000 Langres to Andilly-en-BassignyX
035 000 Merrey to Hymont-MattaincourtX
039 000 Toul to Rosières-aux-Salines
from Toul to Neuves-Maisons (PK 23,115) X
from Neuves-Maisons to Rosières-aux-SalinesX
040 000 Jarville-la-Malgrange to Mirecourt
from Jarville-la-Malgrange to Xeuilley (PK 19,500) X
from Xeuilley to Mirecourt X
041 000 Barisey-la-Côte to Frenelle-la-Grande-Puzieux
from Barisey to PK 2,906 XFor service to the I.T.E. at Nancy-Ochey air base.
from PK 2,906 to Frenelle-la-Grande-Puzieux XX
042 000 Blainville-Damelevières to LureX
050 000 Vitrey-Vernois to Bourbonne-les-BainsXX
051 000 Jussey to Darnieulles-UxegneyXX
053 000 Aillevillers to Plombières-les-BainsXX
054 000 Corbenay to Faymont
from Corbenay to Fougerolles (PK 103,200) X
from Fougerolles to Faymont XX
055 000 Bas-Évette to GiromagnyX
057 000 Aillevillers to Port-d'Atelier-Amance
from Aillevillers to Port-fromAtelier-Amance (PK 123,550) XX
on the outskirts of Port-fromAtelier-Amance XX
060 000 Épinal to Bussang
from Épinal to Remiremont (PK 28,050) X
from Remiremont to Bussang XXroute verte of Hautes-Vosges.
061 000 Remiremont to CornimontXXroute verte of Hautes-Vosges.
062 000 Arches to Saint-DiéX
063 000 Laveline-devant-Bruyères to Gérardmer
from Laveline-devant-Bruyères to Gérardmer (PK 16,700) X
inside Gérardmer (from PK 16,700 to 17,999)XX
064 000 Saint-Léonard to FraizeXX
065 000 Mont-sur-Meurthe to Bruyères
from Mont-sur-Meurthe to Rambervilliers (PK 34,000) X
from Rambervilliers to Bruyères X
067 000 Lunéville to Saint-DiéX
068 000 Baccarat to BadonvillerXX
069 000 Igney-Avricourt to CireyX
070 000 Noisy-le-Sec to Strasbourg-VilleX
070 346 Connection of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg (route S)X
071 000 Esbly to Crécy-la-ChapelleX
072 000 Trilport to BazochesX
073 000 Château-Thierry to Oulchy-BrenyXX
074 000 Épernay to ReimsX
076 000 Aulnay-sous-Bois to Roissy 2-RERX
078 000 Champigneulles to Houdemont
from Champigneulles to PK 348,650 X
from PK 348,650 to Nancy-Saint-Georges (PK 352,435) XX
inside Nancy-Saint-Georges (PK 352,435 to 353,734)XX
from Nancy-Saint-Georges to Jarville-la-Malgrange (PK 355,459) X
from Jarville-la-Malgrange to Houdemont
081 000 Châlons-en-Champagne to Reims-CérèsX
082 000 Reims to LaonX
085 000 Saint-Hilaire-au-Temple to Hagondange
from Saint-Hilaire-au-Temple to Islettes (PK 238,350) X
from Islettes to Baleycourt (PK 268,350) X
from Baleycourt to Hagondange X
086 000 Conflans-Jarny to Metz-Ville
from Conflans-Jarny to Batilly (PK 326,000) X
from Batilly to Longeville-lès-Metz (PK 341,474) X
from Longeville-lès-Metz to Metz X
088 000 Lérouville to Pont-Maugis
from Lérouville (PK 2,000) to Dugny (PK 45,140) X
from Dugny to Verdun (PK 54,950) X
from Verdun to Mouzon (PK 131,150) X
from Mouzon to Pont-Maugis X
089 000 Lérouville to Metz-VilleX
090 000 Frouard to NovéantX
091 000 Dieulouard to RémillyLine never built.
095 000 Longuyon to Onville and Pagny-sur-MoselleX
096 000 Pompey to Nomeny
from Pompey to Leyr (PK 12,332) XX
from Leyr to Nomeny XX
097 000 Champigneulles to Sarralbe
from Champigneulles to Eulmont-Agincourt (PK 6,355) XX
from Eulmont-Agincourt to Bénéstroff (PK 54,900) XX
inside Bénestroff (PK 54,900 to 56,670)X
from Bénestroff to Rech (PK 78,700) XX
from Rech to Sarralbe X
098 000 Burthécourt to Vic-sur-SeilleXX
099 000 Metz-Ville to Château-Salins
inside Metz (PK 2,300 to 6,200)X
from Metz to Pommérieux (PK 18,780) X
from Pommérieux to Secourt-Solgne (PK 29,000) X
from Secourt-Solgne to Château-Salins X
100 000 Nouvel-Avricourt to Bénestroff
from Nouvel-Avricourt to Dieuze (PK 20,700) XX
from Dieuze to Bénestroff X
106 000 Sarrebourg to AbreschvillerXX
107 000 La Forge to Vallérysthal-TroisfontainesXX
110 000 Strasbourg-Ville to Saint-DiéX
110 306 Connection from Strasbourg to Koenigshoffen-NordX
110 311 Connection from Strasbourg to Koenigshoffen-SudX
111 000 Sélestat to Saverne
from Sélestat to Molsheim (PK 33,261) X
from Molsheim to Saverne (PK 63,900) X
111 064 Connection of SaverneXX
114 300 Connection of Sarrebourg to SarraltroffX
115 000 Strasbourg-Ville to Saint-LouisX
115 306 Connection from Mulhouse-Dornach to Mulhouse-NordX
116 000 Sélestat to Lesseux-Frapelle
from Sélestat to Bois-l'Abbesse (PK 10,480) X
from Bois-l'Abbesse to Lesseux-Frapelle XX
117 000 Val-de-Villé to VilléXX
118 000 Sélestat to SundhouseXX
119 000 Colmar-Central to MetzeralX
120 000 Colmar-Central to Neuf-BrisachX
121 000 Colmar-Sud to Bollwiller
from Colmar-Sud to Ensisheim (PK 26,940) X
from Ensisheim to Bollwiller X
122 000 Bollwiller to Lautenbach
from Bollwiller to Heissenstein (PK 9,450) X
from Heissenstein to Lautenbach X
123 000 Neuf-Brisach to Bantzenheim
from Neuf-Brisach to Blodelsheim (PK 16,450) X
from Blodelsheim to Bantzenheim X
124 000 Mulhouse-Ville to ChalampéX
124 606 Mulhouse-Ville main lineX
125 000 Connection of the bifurcation of Wanne to Mulhouse-VilleX
125 005 Mulhouse-Nord to Mulhouse-Port-du-Canal railwayX
125 306 Connection of the Wanne bifurcation to Mulhouse-VilleX
128 000 Saint-Maurice to WesserlingXXUnfinished line.
129 000 Colmar-Central to MarckolsheimX
130 000 Lutterbach to KruthX
131 000 Cernay to SewenX
132 000 Lutterbach to Rond-point StrickerX
133 000 Dannemarie to PfetterhouseXX
134 000 Altkirch to Ferrette
from Altkirch to PK 2,280 X
from PK 2,280 to Ferrette XX
135 000 Waldighoffen to Saint-Louis-La ChausséeX
136 000 Saint-Louis to HuningueX
137 000 Logelbach to LapoutroieXX
138 000 Graffenstaden to HausbergenX
139 300 Connection of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg (route 1C)X
139 301 Connection of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg (route H)X
139 302 Connection of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg (route K)X
140 000 Réding to Metz-VilleX
141 000 Graffenstaden to Strasbourg-NeudorfX
141 306 Connection from Strasbourg-Neudorf to Strasbourg-KoenigshoffenX
142 000 Strasbourg-Ville to Strasbourg-Port-du-RhinX
143 000 Independent Port of Strasbourg railwayXServes the southern sector of the Autonomous Port of Strasbourg from Strasbourg-Neudorf.
145 000 Strasbourg to LauterbourgX
145 002 Schiltigheim bypassX
145 306 Bischheim's connectionX
146 000 Vendenheim to WissembourgX
150 000 Haguenau to Rœschwoogandfrontier
from Haguenau to PK 8,600 XTo serve the Oberhoffen military camp.
from PK 8,600 to Rœschwoog (PK 21,511) X
inside Rœschwoog (PK 21,511 to 26,164)X
from Rœschwoog to Beinheim (PK 28,530) X
from Beinheim to la frontier X
151 000 Lauterbourg-Gare to Lauterbourg-Port-du-RhinX
152 000 Wissembourg to Lauterbourg-GareXX
153 000 Mertzwiller to SeltzXX
154 000 Walbourg to LembachXX
157 000 Lutzelbourg to Drulingen (1 m)XX
158 000 Maisons-Rouges to Phalsbourg (1 m)XX
159 000 Haguenau to Hargarten-Falck
from Haguenau to Niederbronn-les-Bains (PK 21,558) X
from Niederbronn-les-Bains to Sarreguemines (PK 83,200) X
from Sarreguemines to Hargarten-Falck X
160 000 Steinbourg to Schweighouse-sur-Moder
from Steinbourg to Obermodern (PK 18,427) XX
inside Obermodern (PK 18,427 to 19,500)X
from Obermodern to Schweighouse-sur-Moder X
161 000 Mommenheim to SarregueminesX
162 000 Bouxwiller to IngwillerXX
163 000 Sarreguemines towards SarrebruckX
164 000 Ingwiller to La Petite-Pierre (1 m)Line never built.
166 000 Wingen-sur-Moder to Saint-Louis-lès-BitcheandfrontierXX
167 000 Réding to Diemeringen
from Réding to PK 7,000 X
from PK 7,000 to Drulingen (PK 19,165) X
inside Drulingen (PK 19,165 to 19,990)X
from Drulingen to Diemeringen XX
168 000 Berthelming to Sarreguemines
from Berthelming to Sarre-Union (PK 17,870) X
from Sarre-Union to Sarralbe (PK 26,150) X
inside Sarralbe (PK 26,150 to 28,129)X
from Sarralbe to Hambach (PK 33,440) X
from Hambach to Sarreguemines XX
169 000 Kalhausen to SarralbeX
170 000 Sarreguemines to BliesbruckXX
172 000 Rémilly to Stiring-WendelX
173 000 Courcelles-sur-Nied to TéterchenXX
174 000 Metz-Ville to the German border to Überherrn
from Metz-Ville to Bettelainville XFrom Vigy to Bettelainville, a section of line operated by CFTVC.
from Bettelainville to Anzeling (PK 29,620) X
from Anzeling to Hargarten-Falck (PK 50,752) X
from Hargarten-Falck to the German border to Überherrn X
175 000 Bettelainville to Waldwisse
from Bettelainville to Hombourg-Budange (PK 7,230) XLine operated by CFTVC.
from Hombourg-Budange to Waldwisse XX
176 000 Bouzonville to Guerstling (frontier)X
177 000 Thionville to AnzelingX
178 000 Thionville to Apach (frontier)X
180 000 Metz-Ville to ZoufftgenX
186 000 Bettembourg (Luxembourg) to Audun-le-TicheXLine operated by CFL.
190 000 Hettange-Grande to EntrangeXX
191 300 Connection of Metz-Ville to Metz-MarchandisesX
192 000 Metz-Sablon to Woippy (Ceinture de Metz)X
194 000 Knutange-Nilvange to Algrange-RochonvillersX X
195 000 Fontoy to Audun-le-Tiche
de Fontoy to PK 18,750 X
from PK 18,750 to Audun-le-Tiche XX
196 000 Audun-le-Tiche to Hussigny-GodbrangeXX
196 300 Connection of Audun-le-TicheXX
197 000 Boulange to Rumelange-OttangeXX
200 000 Vireux-Molhain to the Belgian border towards MariembourgXX
201 000 Montmédy to ÉcouviezXX
202 000 Longuyon to Mont-Saint-Martin (towards Athus)X
202 100 Longuyon to Mont-Saint-Martin (towards Luxembourg)X
203 000 Longwy to Villerupt-MichevilleXX
204 000 Mohon to ThionvilleX
205 000 Soissons to Givet
from Soissons to PK 6,100 X
from PK 6,100 to Ciry-Sermoise (PK 11,500) X
from Ciry-Sermoise to Braine (PK 16,953) X
from Braine to Givet (PK 207,235) X
from Givet to la frontier belge X
207 000 Bazancourt to ChallerangeX
208 000 Challerange to Apremont-sur-Aire
from Challerange to PK 51,650 X
from PK 51,650 to Apremont-sur-Aire XX
209 000 Givet to Belgian border towards MorialméX
210 000 Amagne-Lucquy to Revigny
from Amagne-Lucquy to Challerange (PK 41,780) X
from Challerange to Sainte-Menehould (PK 71,880) XX
inside Sainte-Menehould (PK 71,880 to 74,300)X
from Sainte-Menehould to Revigny (PK 106,762) XX
fromkm 106,762 to Revigny X
212 000 Hirson to Amagne-Lucquy
from Hirson to Liart (PK 27,640) X
from Liart to Novien-Porcion (PK 52,262) XX
from Novien-Porcion to Amagne-Lucquy X
213 000 Marcq-Saint-Juvin to BaroncourtXX
214 000 Carignan to MessempréXX
215 000 Vrigne-Meuse to Vrigne-aux-BoisXX
216 000 Fretin to Fréthun (LGV)X
218 000 Baroncourt to Audun-le-RomanX
219 000 Audun-le-Tiche to Audun-le-Tiche-VilleruptXX
220 000 Valleroy-Moineville to Villerupt-Micheville
from Valleroy-Moineville to Tucquenieux (PK 339,880) XX
from Tucquenieux to Villerupt-Micheville XX
221 000 Tournes to AuvillersXX
222 000 Liart to TournesX
223 000 Charleville-Mézières to Hirson (par Auvillers)
from Charleville-Mézières to Tournes X
from Tournes to Hirson XX
224 000 Monthermé-Château-Regnault-Bogny to PhadeX
225 000 Remilly-Aillicourt to RaucourtXX

Northern Region

Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).

Railway Name (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Observations
226 000 Gonesse to Lille-frontier (LGV)X
226 310 LGV Interconnexion EstX
227 000 Ormoy-Villers to Mareuil-sur-Ourcq
from Ormoy-Villers to Antilly (PK 70,165) X
from Antilly to Mareuil-sur-Ourcq XX
228 000 Laon to Liart
from Laon to Montcornet (PK 174,150) X
from Montcornet to Liart (PK 196,160) XX
229 000 La Plaine to Hirson and Anor (frontier)
from La Plaine to Anor X
from Anor to la frontier belge X
230 000 Aulnay-sous-Bois to VerberieXXUnfinished line.
231 000 Chantilly-Gouvieux to Crépy-en-ValoisXX
232 000 Ormoy-Villers to Boves
from Ormoy-Villers to Longueil-Sainte-Marie (PK 76,189) X
from Longueil-Sainte-Marie to Estrées-Saint-Denis (PK 90,000) X
fromEstrées-Saint-Denis to Boves X
233 000 Rethondes to La Ferté-Milon
from Rethondes to Villers-Cotterêts (PK 98,200) XX
inside Villers-Cotterêts (PK 98,200 to 101,750)X
from Villers-Cotterêts to La Ferté-Milon XX
234 000 Anizy-Pinon to ChaunyXX
236 000 Laon to Cateau
from Laon to Sains-Richaumont (PK 177,940) X
from Sains-Richaumont to Guise (PK 188,865) X
from Guise to Wassigny (PK 206,330) X
from Wassigny to Cateau X
237 000 Flavigny-le-Grand to Ohis-Neuve-MaisonXX
238 000 Busigny to HirsonXX
239 000 Avesnes to Sars-Poteries
from Avesnes to Camp de César (PK 95,530) X
from Camp de César to Sars-Poteries X
240 000 Maubeuge to Fourmies
from Maubeuge to Ferrière-la-Grande (PK 90,020) X
from Ferrière-la-Grande to Trélon-Glageon (PK 120,870) XX
from Trélon-Glageon to Fourmies X
241 000 Ferrière-la-Grande to CousolreX
242 000 Creil to JeumontX
242 610 Main line of Chauny-Saint-GobainX
242 626 Main line of Saint-Quentin (Origny-Sainte-Benoîte)X
247 000 Hautmont to Feignies (frontier)X
248 000 Compiègne to Roye-Faubourg-Saint-Gilles
from Compiègne to Bienville (PK 86,300) X
from Bienville to Roye-sur-Matz (PK 106,835) X
from Roye-sur-Matz to Roye-Faubourg-Saint-Gilles (PK 116,000) XX
inside Roye-Faubourg-Saint-Gilles (PK 116,000 to 117,540)XX
249 000 Marcoing to MasnièresXX
250 000 Busigny to SomainX
251 000 Escaudœuvres to Gussignies
from Escaudœuvres to Quesnoy (PK 241,834) X
from Quesnoy to Bavay (PK 255,000) X
from Bavay to Bettrechies-Bellignies (PK 260,654) X
from Bettrechies-Bellignies to Gussignies XX
252 000 Prouvy-Thiant au CateauXX
253 000 Valenciennes-Faubourg-de-Paris to Hautmont
from Valenciennes-Faubourg-de-Paris to Bavay (PK 68,697) X
from Bavay to PK 80,025 X
from PK 80,025 to Hautmont X
254 000 Lourches to ValenciennesX
255 000 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux to Blanc-Misseron
from Saint-Amand-les-Eaux to Fresnes-sur-Escaut (PK 48,730) XX
inside Fresnes-sur-Escaut (PK 48,730 to 49,814)XHBNPC network rights-of-way.
from Fresnes-sur-Escaut to Blanc-Misseron XX
256 000 Denain to Saint-Amand-les-EauxXX
257 000 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux to Maulde-MortagneX
258 000 Aubigny-au-Bac to Somain
from Aubigny-au-Bac to Aniche X
from Aniche to Somain X
259 000 Saint-Just-en-Chaussée to Douai
from Saint-Just-en-Chaussée to Roye (PK 118,175) X
from Roye to Chaulnes (PK 131,800) X
from Chaulnes to Péronne-la-Chapelette (PK 148,760) X
from Péronne-la-Chapelette to Péronne-Flamicourt (PK 150,220) XX
from Péronne-Flamicourt to Épehy (PK 170,984) X
from Épehy to Cambrai-Ville(PK 193,599) X
from Cambrai-Ville to Douai X
261 000 Amiens to LaonX
262 000 Douai to Blanc-Misseron
from Douai to Beuvrages (PK 246,993) X
from Beuvrages to Valenciennes(PK 249,312) X
from Valenciennes to Blanc-Misseron X
264 000 Pont-de-la-Deûle to Bachy-Mouchin
from Pont-de-la-Deûle to Orchies (PK 236,380) XX
inside Orchies (PK 236,380 to 241,507)X
from Orchies to Bachy-Mouchin XX
265 000 Templeuve to Don-Sainghin
from Templeuve to Seclin (PK 29,280) XX
inside Seclin (PK 29,280 to 30,825)X
from Seclin to Don-Sainghin XX
265 029 Seclin to Seclin-AnnexeXX
267 000 Fives to HirsonX
268 000 Somain to Halluin
from Somain to Orchies (PK 245,726) XX
inside Orchies (PK 245,726 to 246,950)X
from Orchies to Ascq (PK 264,733) X
from Ascq to Tourcoing (PK 275,109) X
inside Tourcoing (PK 245,726 to 276,832)X
from Tourcoing to Halluin (et to la frontier belge) XX
269 000 Fives to Baisieux (frontier)X
271 000 Roubaix-Wattrelos to WattrelosXX
272 000 Paris-Nord to LilleX
278 000 Fives to Mouscron (frontier)X
281 000 Lens to Corbehem
from Lens to Quiéry-la-Motte (PK 225,600) XX
from Quiéry-la-Motte to Corbehem X
284 000 Lens to OstricourtX
285 000 Hénin-Beaumont to Bauvin-ProvinXX
286 000 Lens to Don-SainghinX
288 000 Bully-Grenay to La Bassée-ViolainesX
289 000 Fives to Abbeville
from Fives to Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise (PK 73,480) X
from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise to Abbeville X
290 000 Beuvry to Béthune-Rivage
from Beuvry to PK 37,480 X
from PK 37,480 to Béthune-Rivage X
291 100 Lille-Saint-Sauveur to Lille-Port-VaubanX
292 000 Haubourdin to Saint-AndréX
293 000 Wavrin to Armentières
from Wavrin to Quesne (PK 238,515) XX
from Quesne to Armentières X
294 000 Armentières to Arques
from Armentières to PK 36,106 X
from PK 36,106 to Merville (PK 39,780) X
from Merville to Berguette-Isbergues (PK 53,655) X
from Berguette-Isbergues to Aire-sur-la-Lys (PK 60,076) X
from Aire-sur-la-Lys to Wardrecques (PK 60,076) X
from Wardrecques to Arques X
295 000 Lille to FontinettesX
296 000 La Madeleine to Comines-France
from La Madeleine to Comines-France (PK 20,500) X
from Comines-France to la frontier belge X
298 000 Armentières to Houplines
from Armentières to PK 21,547 X
from PK 21,547 to Houplines (et to la frontier belge) XX
299 000 Hazebrouck to BoeschepeXX
300 000 Dunkerque-Locale to Bray-DunesX
301 000 Arras to Dunkerque-LocaleX
303 000 Watten-Éperlecques to BourbourgXX
304 000 Coudekerque-Branche to FontinettesX
305 000 Saint-Roch to Frévent
from Saint-Roch to Bertangles-Poulainville (PK 10,791) X
from Bertangles-Poulainville to Doullens (PK 42,600) XX
from Doullens to Frévent XX
306 000 Doullens to Arras
from Doullens to Dainville (PK 74,320) XX
from Dainville to Arras X
307 000 Arras to Saint-Pol-sur-TernoiseX
308 000 Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise to ÉtaplesX
309 000 Bully-Grenay to Brias
from Bully-Grenay to Bruay-les-Alouettes (PK 34,800) X
from Bruay-les-Alouettes to Brias XX
310 000 Saint-Omer to Hesdigneul
from Saint-Omer to Lumbres (PK 81,930) X
from Lumbres to Desvres (PK 101,850) X
from Desvres to Hesdigneul X
311 000 Longueau to Boulogne-VilleX
314 000 Boulogne-Ville to Calais-MaritimeX
315 000 Montsoult-Maffliers to LuzarchesX
316 000 Creil to BeauvaisX
317 000 Rochy-Condé to Soissons
from Rochy-Condé to Bresles (PK 14,840) X
from Bresles to La Rue-Saint-Pierre (PK 19,320) XX
from La Rue-Saint-Pierre to Clermont-de-l'Oise (PK 26,300) XX
from Clermont-de-l'Oise to Avrigny (PK 40,442) X
from Avrigny to Estrées-Saint-Denis (PK 46,758) XX
from Estrées-Saint-Denis to Lamotte-Breuil (PK 76,550) X
from Lamotte-Breuil to Vic-sur-Aisne-Ressons (PK 86,100) X
from Vic-sur-Aisne-Ressons to Soissons X
318 000 La Rue-Saint-Pierre to Saint-Just-en-ChausséeXX
319 000 Breteuil-Embranchement to Breteuil-VilleX
320 000 Saint-Omer-en-Chaussée to VersXX
321 000 Saint-Roch to Darnétal-BifurcationX
322 000 Canaples to Longroy-GamachesXX
323 000 Abbeville to EuX
324 000 Noyelles-sur-Mer to Saint-Valery-Canal (double gauge)XLine operated by CFBS.
325 000 Épinay-Villetaneuse to Tréport-MersX
326 000 The Neuville bifurcation to Cergy-PréfectureX
328 000 Ermont-Eaubonne to ValmondoisX
329 000 Pierrelaye to CreilX
330 000 Saint-Denis to Dieppe
from Saint-Denis to Serqueux (PK 118,912) X
from Serqueux to Arques-la-Bataille (PK 159,500) XX
from Arques-la-Bataille to Dieppe X
332 000 Beauvais to Gisors-Embranchement
from Beauvais to Auneuil (PK 12,300) X
from Auneuil to Gisors XX
333 000 Goincourt to Gournay-FerrièresXX

Western Region

Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).

Railway Name (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Observations
334 000 Paris-Saint-Lazare to Mantes-Station by Conflans-Sainte-HonorineX
334 900 Paris-Saint-Lazare to Ermont-EaubonneX
336 000 Conflans-Sainte-Honorine to Éragny-NeuvilleX
338 000 Achères to PontoiseX
339 000 Gisors-Boisgeloup to Pacy-sur-EureXX
340 000 Paris-Saint-Lazare to HavreX
342 000 Gisors-Embranchement to Pont-de-l'Arche
from Gisors to Étrépagny (PK 15,380) X
from Étrépagny to Pont-de-l'Arche X
343 000 Saint-Pierre-du-Vauvray to AndelysXX
344 000 Charleval to SerqueuxXX
347 000 Chars to Magny-en-VexinXX
348 000 Chars to MarinesXX
349 000 Montérolier-Buchy to Saint-SaënsXX
350 000 Malaunay-Le Houlme to DieppeX
351 000 Barentin to Caudebec-en-Caux
from Barentin to Duclair (PK 170,300) X
from Duclair to Caudebec-en-Caux-Marchandises (PK 184,940) XX
from Caudebec-en-Caux-Marchandises to Caudebec-en-Caux XX
353 000 Motteville to ClèresXX
354 000 Montérolier-Buchy to MottevilleX
356 000 Rouxmesnil to Eu
from Rouxmesnil to Envermeu (PK 15,750) X
from Envermeu to Saint-Quentin-au-Bosc (PK 23,300) XSection operated by EDF to serve the Penly nuclear power plant.
from Saint-Quentin-au-Bosc to Eu XX
357 000 Dieppe to Fécamp
from Dieppe to Saint-Pierre-le-Viger (PK 27,400) XX
from Saint-Pierre-le-Viger to Saint-Vaast-Bosville (PK 40,857) X
from Saint-Vaast-Bosville to Fécamp XX
358 000 Motteville to Saint-Valery-en-Caux
from Motteville to PK 199,400 X
from PK 199,400 to Saint-Valery-en-Caux XXOnly the station site has been decommissioned.
359 000 Bréauté-Beuzeville to FécampX
360 000 Ifs to Étretat
from Ifs to PK 217,257 X
from PK 217,257 to Étretat XTourism operation of the section by TTEPAC.
361 000 Havre-Graville to Tourville-les-Ifs
from Havre to Rolleville (PK 233,400) X
from Rolleville to Criquetot (PK 241,722) X
from Criquetot to Tourville-les-Ifs X
362 000 Bréauté-Beuzeville to Gravenchon-Port-JérômeX
365 000 Rouen-Gauche to Petit-CouronneX
366 000 Mantes-la-Jolie to CherbourgX
369 000 Sotteville to Rouen-Rive-GaucheX
370 000 Saint-Georges-Motel to Grand-Quevilly
from Saint-Georges-Motel to Acquigny (PK 64,294) XFrom Breuilpont to Cocherel, tourist use of the section by CFVE.
from Acquigny to Louviers (PK 70,910) X
from Louviers to Saint-Pierre-les-Elbeuf (PK 87,270) X
from Saint-Pierre-les-Elbeuf to Grand-Quevilly X
371 000 Évreux-Embranchement to Acquigny
from Évreux to Hondouville (PK 17,540) X
from Hondouville to Acquigny X
372 000 Serquigny to OisselX
375 000 Évreux-Embranchement to Quetteville
from Évreux-Embranchement to Glos-Montfort (PK 153,650) XX
from Glos-Montfort to Quetteville X
376 000 Saint-Pierre-du-Vauvray to LouviersX
377 000 Pont-l'Évêque to Honfleur
from Pont-l'Évêque to Quetteville (PK 220,400) X
from Quetteville to Honfleur X
379 000 Mézidon to Trouville-Deauville
from Mézidon to Dives-Cabourg (PK 27,067) XX
from Dives-Cabourg to Trouville-Deauville X
380 000 Caen to Dozulé-PutotXX
381 000 Neuilly-la-Forêt to Isigny-sur-MerXX
390 000 Lisieux to Trouville-DeauvilleX
395 000 Saint-Cyr to SurdonX
396 000 Plaisir-Grignon to Épône-MézièresX
397 000 Dreux to Saint-Aubin-du-Vieil-Évreux
from Dreux to Saint-André (Eure) (PK 24,175) XX
from Saint-André (Eure) to Saint-Aubin-du-Vieil-Évreux X
398 000 Saint-Martin-d'Écublei to ConchesXX
400 000 Échauffour to BernayXX
401 000 La Trinité-de-Réville to LisieuxXX
402 000 Sainte-Gauburge to Mesnil-MaugerXX
405 000 Argentan to GranvilleX
406 000 Nouvelle Paris-NormandieX
408 000 Connerré to Rennes (LGV)X
409 000 Chartres to Dreux
from Chartres to Saint-Sauveur-Châteauneuf (PK 24,024) X
from Saint-Sauveur-Châteauneuf to Aunay-Tréon (PK 34,274) X
d’Aunay-Tréon to Dreux X
410 000 Coulibœuf to FalaiseXX
411 000 Falaise to BerjouXX
412 000 Caen to Cerisy-Belle-Étoile
from Caen to Saint-Rémy (Calvados) (PK 273,080) XX
from Saint-Rémy to Cerisy-Belle-Étoile XSection from the Gouttes tunnel to Pont-Érambourg operated as a tourist attraction by the Amicale pour la mise en valeur from la ligne Caen-Flers (ACF).
413 000 Caen to VireXX
414 000 Saint-Lô to Guilberville
from Saint-Lô to Condé-sur-Vire (PK 12,000) XTouring by velorail between Gourfaleur and Condé-sur-Vire.
from Condé-sur-Vire to Guilberville XX
415 000 Lison to LamballeX
416 000 Orval-Hyenville to RegnévilleXX
417 000 Coutances to SottevastXX
418 000 Carentan to Carteret
from Carentan to Port-Bail XX
from Port-Bail to Carteret XSection operated by ATCM for tourism purposes.
420 000 Paris-Montparnasse to BrestX
422 000 La Loupe to Prey
from La Loupe to La Framboisière (PK 13,262) XTo serve the Dreux-Louvilliers airbase EP.
from La Framboisière to Breteuil (Eure) (PK 54,365) XX
from Breteuil (Eure) to Prey X
423 000 Alençon to Condé-sur-HuisneXX
424 000 Mortagne-au-Perche to L'AigleXX
425 000 Mortagne-au-Perche to Sainte-GauburgeXX
426 000 Mamers to Mortagne-au-PercheXX
427 000 La Hutte-Coulombiers to MamersXX
428 000 Sillé-le-Guillaume to La Hutte-Coulombiers
from Sillé-le-Guillaume to Ségrie-Vernie (PK 13,500) X
from Ségrie-Vernie to La Hutte-Coulombiers XX
429 000 Courtalain to Conneré (LGV)X
430 000 Mans to MézidonX
431 000 Paris-Montparnasse to Monts (LGV)
from Paris-Montparnasse to Chambray-lès-Tours (PK 223,628) X
from Chambray-lès-Tours to Monts X
432 000 Alençon to Domfront
from Alençon to Couterne (PK 46,200) X
from Couterne to Domfront XX
433 000 Couterne to La Ferté-MacéXX
434 000 Briouze to La Ferté-MacéXX
435 000 Pré-en-Pail to Mayenne
from Pré-en-Pail to PK 5,180 X
from PK 5,180 to Mayenne XX
436 000 La Chapelle-Anthenaise to Flers
from La Chapelle-Anthenaise to Ambrières (PK 323,315) X
from Ambrières to Flers XX
437 000 Domfront to PontaubaultXX
438 000 Mayenne to La Selle-en-LuitréXX
439 000 Vitré to Pontorson
from Vitré to Montreuil-sous-Pérouse (PK 7,535) X
from Montreuil-sous-Pérouse to Fougères (PK 36,157) XX
from Fougères to Pontorson XX
440 000 Vire to RomagnyXX
441 000 Rennes to Saint-Malo-Saint-ServanX
443 000 La Brohinière to DinanXX
444 000 Dinan to Dinard-Saint-ÉnogatXX
445 000 Saint-Brieuc to LéguéX
446 000 Plouaret to LannionX
446 506 Ligne from Lannion to Lannion portX
447 000 Morlaix to RoscoffX
448 000 Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët to FougèresXX
450 000 Mans to Angers-Maître-ÉcoleX
451 000 LGV Le Mans-AngersX
452 000 LGV Bordeaux-ToulouseX
453 000 Miniac-Morvan to La Gouesnière-Cancale-Saint-MéloirXX
454 000 LGV Poitiers-LimogesX
456 000 Juigné-sur-Sarthe to Sillé-le-GuillaumeXX
457 000 Segré to Nantes-État
from Segré to Carquefou (PK 383,710) XX
from Carquefou to Nantes X
458 000 Laval to Gennes-Longuefuye
from Laval to Bonchamp-les-Laval (PK 303,875) X
from Bonchamp-les-Laval to Longuefuye (PK 329,139) XX
from Longuefuye to Gennes-Longuefuye X
460 000 Sablé to Montoir-de-Bretagne
from Sablé to Château-Gontier (PK 289,985) X
from PK 293,160 to PK 302,400 XX
from PK 302,400 to Châteaubriant XX
from Châteaubriant to PK 356,280 X
from PK 356,280 to PK 359,200 X
from PK 359,200 to PK 364,442 X
from PK 364,442 to Besné-Pont-Château (PK 429,257) XX
from Besné-Pont-Château to Montoir-de-Bretagne X
461 000 Chemazé to CraonXX
462 000 Laval to PouancéXX
463 000 Châteaubriant to PloërmelXX
464 000 Saint-Vincent-des-Landes to MasséracXX
465 000 Beslé to BlainXX
466 000 Châteaubriant to RennesX
467 000 Martigné-Ferchaud to VitréXX
468 000 Rennes to RedonX
470 000 Savenay to LanderneauX
471 000 Questembert to PloërmelXX
472 000 Ploërmel to La Brohinière
from Ploërmel to Mauron (PK 52,150) XX
from Mauron to Gaël (PK 59,800) X
from Gaël to La Brohinière X
473 000 Auray to QuiberonX
474 000 Auray to PontivyX
475 000 Saint-Brieuc to Pontivy
from Saint-Brieuc to Loudéac (PK 525,700) X
from Loudéac to Saint-Gérand (PK 537,531) X
from Saint-Gérand to Pontivy X
476 000 Rosporden to Concarneau
from Rosporden to the ZI de Coat-Conq (PK 671,700) X
from the ZI de Coat-Conq to Concarneau X
477 000 Quimper to Pont-l'Abbé
from Quimper to Pluguffan (PK 695,190) X
from Pluguffan to Pont-l'Abbé XX
478 000 Quimper to Douarnenez-TréboulXX
480 000 Carhaix to Camaret-sur-Mer (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
481 000 Perros-Saint-Fiacre to Fret (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
482 000 Saint-Méen to Loudéac (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
483 000 Morlaix to Carhaix (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
484 000 Carhaix to Rosporden (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
485 000 Guingamp to CarhaixXOriginally a metre-gauge line, now operated by Transdev Rail under a leasing agreement.
486 000 Guingamp to PaimpolXLine leased to Transdev Rail.
487 000 Carhaix to Loudéac (1 m)XXRB line leased from SE.
500 000 Chartres to Bordeaux-Saint-Jean
from Chartres to Mondoubleau (PK 163,598) X
from Mondoubleau to Bessé-sur-Braye (PK 183,400) XX
from Bessé-sur-Braye to Chenu (PK 232,700) X
from Chenu to Vivy (PK 277,450) X
from Vivy to Bordeaux-Saint-Jean X
504 000 Brou to La LoupeXX
505 000 Arrou to Nogent-le-RotrouXX
506 000 Thorigné to Courtalain-Saint-PellerinXX
507 000 Bessé-sur-Braye to Saint-CalaisXX
508 000 Aubigné-Racan to Sablé
from Aubigné-Racan to Thorée-les-Pins (PK 318,025) XX
from Thorée-les-Pins to La Flèche (PK 329,900) XX
from La Flèche to the bifurcation of l'Aubinière (PK 336,465) X
from the bifurcation of l'Aubinière to Louailles (PK 349,400) XX
from Louailles to La Chapelle-du-Chêne (PK 353,254) X
from La Chapelle-du-Chêne to Sablé X
509 000 L'Aubinière to La SuzeX
510 000 La Flèche to Vivy
from La Flèche to Longué (PK 35,932) XX
from Longué to Vivy X
511 000 Angers-Saint-Laud to La Flèche
from Angers-Saint-Laud to Saint-Barthélémy-d'Anjou (PK 4,140) X
from Saint-Barthélémy-d'Anjou to Gouis (PK 36,931) XX
from Gouis to La Flèche X
515 000 Tours to Saint-NazaireX
516 000 Saint-Nazaire to CroisicX
517 000 La Baule-Escoublac to GuérandeXX
518 000 Segré to Angers-Saint-Serge
from Segré to Montreuil-Belfroy (PK 342,220) XX
from Montreuil-Belfroy to Angers-Saint-Serge X
519 000 Nantes-Orléans to ChâteaubriantX
520 000 Blain to La Chapelle-sur-ErdreXX
521 000 Loudun to Angers-Maître-École
from Loudun to Montreuil-Bellay (PK 92,050) XX
inside Montreuil-Bellay (PK 92,050 to 93,057)XSection used to serve the Méron industrial zone.
from Montreuil-Bellay to Angers-Saint-Serge XX
522 000 Perray-Jouannet to FourneauxXX
523 000 La Possonnière to Niort
from La Possonnière to Cholet (PK 44,234) X
from Cholet to Nueil-les-Aubiers (PK 73,520) X
from Nueil-les-Aubiers to Bressuire (PK 88,900) XX
from Bressuire to Breuil-Barret (PK 118,810) XX
from Breuil-Barret to Benet (PK 151,800) XX
from Benet to Niort X
524 000 Neuville-de-Poitou to Bressuire
from Neuville-de-Poitou to Chalandray (PK 21,250) X
from Chalandray to Parthenay (PK 36,250) X
from Parthenay to Bressuire XX
525 000 Sables-d'Olonne to Tours
des Sables-d'Olonne to Beuxes (PK 187,100) X
from Beuxes to Chinon (PK 200,727) X
from Chinon to Tours X
526 000 Vouvant-Cezais to Saint-Christophe-du-Bois
from Vouvant-Cezais to PK 19,490 XX
from km 19,490 to Chantonnay X
from Chantonnay to Saint-Christophe-du-Bois XFrom Herbiers to Mortagne-sur-Sèvre, a section operated as a tourist attraction by the Chemin de fer de la Vendée.
527 000 Clisson to CholetX
528 000 Breuil-Barret to Velluire
from Breuil-Barret to Fontenay-le-Comte (PK 29,985) X
inside Fontenay-le-Comte (PK 29,985 to 30,310)X
from Fontenay-le-Comte to Velluire XX
529 000 Fontenay-le-Comte to BenetX
530 000 Nantes-Orléans to SaintesX
531 000 Nantilly to Saumur-Rive-GaucheXX
534 000 Nantes-État to La Roche-sur-Yon by Sainte-Pazanne
from Nantes-État to the Commequiers bifurcation (PK 68,427) X
from the Commequiers bifurcation to La Roche-sur-Yon XX
535 000 Commequiers to Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie
from Commequiers to the Commequiers bifurcation (PK 1,310) XX
from the Commequiers bifurcation to Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie X
536 000 Sainte-Pazanne to PornicX
537 000 Saint-Hilaire-de-Chaléons to PaimbœufX
538 000 Saint-Benoît to La Rochelle-VilleX
539 000 La Rochelle-Ville to La Rochelle-PalliceX
540 000 Aigreffeuille-le-Thou to RochefortXX
541 000 Saint-Laurent-de-la-Prée to Pointe-de-la FuméeXX
542 000 Cabariot to ChapusXX
543 000 Saint-Jean-d'Angély to TaillebourgXX
544 000 Saintes to RoyanX
545 000 Saujon to La GrèveXXOperated as a tourist service by Train des mouettes.
546 000 Pons to Saujon
from Pons to Gémozac (PK 9,780) XX
from Gémozac to Saujon X
553 000 Ouest-Ceinture to Chartres
from Ouest-Ceinture to Montrouge (PK 6,018) X
from Montrouge to Massy-Palaiseau (PK 16,115) XXLine platform reused by the LGV Atlantique.
from Massy-Palaiseau to Gallardon-Pont (PK 66,367) XX
from Gallardon-Pont to Chartres X
554 000 Auneau-Ville to DreuxXX

Southwest Region

Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).

Railway Name (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Observations
547 000 Saint-Mariens-Saint-Yzan to BlayeX
549 000 Étampes to Auneau-EmbranchementXX
550 000 Brétigny to La Membrolle-sur-ChoisilleX
551 000 Bourg-la-Reine to Sceaux-RobinsonXLine owned and operated by RATP.
552 000 Paris-Luxembourg to Limours
from Paris-Luxembourg to Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse XLine owned and operated by RATP.
from Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse to Limours XX
555 000 Beaulieu-le-Coudray to Auneau-Embranchement
from Beaulieu-le-Coudray to Auneau-Ville (PK 20,162) XX
from Auneau-Ville to Auneau-Embranchement X
556 000 Chartres to OrléansX
557 000 Voves to Toury
from Voves to Janville (PK 24,470) XX
from Janville to Toury X
558 000 Courtalain-Saint-Pellerin to Patay
from Courtalain-Saint-Pellerin to Châteaudun (PK 18,681) XX
from Châteaudun to Patay X
559 000 Pont-de-Braye to Blois
from Pont-de-Braye to Troo (PK 8,020) XX
from Troo to Montoire-sur-le-Loir (PK 12,340) X
from Montoire-sur-le-Loir to Selommes (PK 45,600) X
from Selommes to Villefrancœur (PK 50,942) XX
from Villefrancœur to Blois X
560 000 Sargé-sur-Braye to VouvrayXX
561 000 Tours to MansX
566 000 Ligne SEA-Atlantique (LGV)X
567 000 Nantes-État to IndretXX
568 000 Lormont to Bordeaux-BastideX
569 000 Aubrais-Orléans to OrléansX
570 000 Paris-Austerlitz to Bordeaux-Saint-JeanX
571 000 Port-Boulet to Port-de-Piles
from Port-Boulet to Chinon (PK 13,500) XX
inside Chinon (PK 13,500 to 14,900)X
inside Chinon (PK 14,900 to 15,920)X
from Chinon to Trogues (PK 36,390) X
from Trogues to PK 50,885 X
from PK 50,885 to Port-de-Piles X
572 000 Ligré-Rivière to RichelieuXX
573 000 Loudun to Châtellerault
from Loudun to Bouchet (PK 36,390) X
from Bouchet to Châtellerault-Châteauneuf (PK 47,500) XX
from Châtellerault-Châteauneuf to Châtellerault X
574 000 Poitiers to Arçay
from Poitiers to Neuville-de-Poitou (PK 17,310) X
from Neuville-de-Poitou to Saint-Jean-de-Sauves (PK 40,220) XX
from Saint-Jean-de-Sauves to Arçay X
575 000 Airvault-Gare to MoncontourXX
578 000 Aiffres to Ruffec
from Aiffres to Prahecq (PK 4,500) X
from Prahecq to Ruffec XX
579 000 Beillant to AngoulêmeX
580 000 Châteauneuf-sur-Charente to Saint-Mariens-Saint-Yzan
from Châteauneuf-sur-Charente to Clérac-Charente (PK 53,500) XX
from Clérac-Charente to Saint-Mariens-Saint-Yzan X
581 000 Cavignac to Coutras
from Cavignac to Guîtres (PK 20,700) XFrom Marcenais to Guîtres, a section operated as a tourist attraction by the TTGM.
from Guîtres to Coutras X
582 000 Marcenais to LibourneXX
583 000 Bassens to Bec-d'AmbèsXLine operated by the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux.
584 000 Ravezies to Pointe-de-Grave
from Ravezies to the bif. of Beyreman (PK 3,595) Part of the platform was reclaimed by TBM to build the Blanquefort branch of Bordeaux's tramway line C.
from the bif. of Beyreman to Pointe-de-Grave X
586 000 Ceinture de BordeauxX
590 000 Aubrais-Orléans to Montauban-Ville-BourbonX
591 000 Villefranche-sur-Cher to Blois
from Villefranche-sur-Cher to Romorantin-Lanthenay (PK 130,937) X
inside Romorantin-Lanthenay (PK 130,937 to 131,428)X
from Romorantin-Lanthenay to La Chaussée-Saint-Victor (PK 174,500) XX
from La Chaussée-Saint-Victor to Blois X
592 000 Saint-Aignan-Noyers to Blois (1 m)XX
593 000 Vierzon to Saint-Pierre-des-CorpsX
594 000 Joué-lès-Tours to Châteauroux
from Joué-lès-Tours to Verneuil-Saint-Germain (PK 290,000) X
from Verneuil-Saint-Germain to Buzançais (PK 327,200) X
from Buzançais to Châteauroux X
597 000 Sainte-Maure-Noyant to Sainte-Maure-VilleXX
598 000 Port-de-Piles to Argenton-sur-Creuse
from Port-de-Piles to Descartes (PK 289,220) X
from Descartes to Argenton-sur-Creuse (PK 383,000) XX
599 000 Châtellerault to LaunayXX
600 000 Salbris to Blanc (1 m)
from Salbris to Luçay-le-Mâle (PK 245,900) XBlanc-Argent line operated by Kéolis.
from Luçay-le-Mâle to Argy (PK 273,000) XSection operated for tourism purposes by SABA between Valençay and Argy.
from Argy to Blanc XXThe section between Argy and Buzançais was upgraded to standard gauge to serve the Argy silo.
601 000 Saint-Benoît to Blanc
from Saint-Benoît to Jardres (PK 361,400) X
from Jardres to Saint-Aigny-Le Blanc (PK 404,000) XX
from Saint-Aigny-Le Blanc to Blanc XX
603 000 Montmorillon to Saint-Aigny-Le BlancXX
604 000 Mignaloux-Nouaillé to Bersac
from Mignaloux-Nouaillé to Dorat (PK 419,840) X
from Dorat to Bessines (PK 445,900) X
from Bessines to Bersac X
605 000 Dorat to Magnac-LavalXX
606 000 Dorat to Limoges-BénédictinsX
607 000 Lussac-les-Châteaux to Saint-Saviol
from Lussac-les-Châteaux to Civray (PK 433,937) XX
from Civray to PK 438,700 X
from PK 438,700 to Saint-Saviol X
608 000 Roumazières-Loubert to Vigeant
from Roumazières-Loubert to Confolens (PK 16,935) XSection operated as a tourist attraction by CFCL.
from Confolens to Vigeant XX
609 000 Ruffec to Roumazières-LoubertXX
610 000 Limoges-Bénédictins to AngoulêmeX
611 000 Limoges-Bénédictins to PérigueuxX
613 000 Nexon to Brive-la-GaillardeX
614 000 Bussière-Galant to Saint-YrieixXX
615 000 Saillat-sur-Vienne to Bussière-Galant
from Saillat-Chassenon to Châlus (PK 484,211) XX
from Châlus to Bussière-Galant XSection operated by velorail for tourist purposes.
616 000 Thiviers to Saint-AulaireXX
617 000 Quéroy-Pranzac to ThiviersXX
618 000 Magnac-Touvre to MarmandeXX
619 000 Ribérac to Parcoul-MédillacXX
620 000 La Cave to RibéracXX
621 000 Coutras to TulleX
623 000 Hautefort to TerrassonXX
627 000 Condat-Le Lardin to SarlatXX
628 000 Siorac-en-Périgord to Cazoulès
from Siorac-en-Périgord to Sarlat (PK 591,190) X
from Sarlat to Cazoulès XX
629 000 Libourne to BuissonX
630 000 Carsac to Gourdon
from Carsac to PK 582,468 XX
from PK 582,468 to Gourdon X
631 000 Niversac to AgenX
632 000 Monsempron-Libos to Cahors
from Monsempron-Libos to Fumel (PK 610,826) X
from Fumel to Cahors XX
633 000 Cahors to MoissacXXUnfinished line.
634 000 Penne-d'Agenais to Tonneins
from Penne-d'Agenais to Villeneuve-sur-Lot (PK 633,679) X
from Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Tonneins XX
635 000 Villeneuve-sur-Lot to FalgueyratXX
637 000 Bordeaux-Benauge to La Sauvetat-du-Dropt
from Bordeaux-Benauge to Latresne (PK 11,000) XX
from Latresne to La Sauvetat-du-Dropt XX
640 000 Bordeaux-Saint-Jean to Sète-VilleX
640 100 Colombiers to Cazouls-lès-BéziersXX
641 000 Langon to Gabarret
inside Langon (PK 44,460 to 45,200)X
inside Langon (PK 45,200 to 46,675)X
from Langon to Gabarret XX
642 000 Marmande to Mont-de-Marsan
from Marmande to Casteljaloux (PK 104,390) X
from Casteljaloux to Bourriot-Bergonce (PK 139,400) XX
from Bourriot-Bergonce to Roquefort (PK 152,100) XX
from Roquefort to Mont-de-Marsan X
643 000 Port-Sainte-Marie to Riscle
from Port-Sainte-Marie to Condom (PK 155,086) X
from Condom to Gondrin (PK 171,000) XX
from Gondrin to Eauze (PK 188,868) XX
from Eauze to Mont-de-Marsan X
644 000 Nérac to Mont-de-Marsan
from Nérac to Mézin (PK 148,900) X
from Mézin to Mont-de-Marsan XX
645 000 Condom to Castéra-VerduzanXX
646 000 Eauze to AuchXX
647 000 Bon-Encontre to Vic-en-Bigorre
from Bon-Encontre to PK 185,000 X
from PK 185 to Auch (PK 204,130) X
inside Auch (PK 204,130 to 204,675)X
inside Auch (PK 204,675 to 206,577)X
from Auch to Vic-en-Bigorre XX
648 000 Saint-Agne to AuchX
649 000 Castelsarrasin to Beaumont-de-LomagneX
650 000 Toulouse to BayonneX
651 000 LGV Bordeaux-EspagneX
652 000 Morcenx to Bagnères-de-Bigorre
from Morcenx to Mont-de-Marsan (PK 149,000) X
from Mont-de-Marsan to PK 187,761 X
from PK 187,761 to Tarbes (PK 245,120) X
from Tarbes to Ampèrevielle (PK 248,976) X
from Ampèrevielle to Bagnères-de-Bigorre X
653 000 Saint-Sever to HagetmauX
654 000 Dax to Mont-de-Marsan
from Dax to Narrosse (PK 156,500) X
from Narrosse to Augreilh (PK 192,200) XX
from Augreilh to Mont-de-Marsan X
655 000 Bordeaux-Saint-Jean to IrunX
656 000 Puyoô to DaxX
657 000 Lamothe to ArcachonX
658 000 Bayonne to Allées-Marines
from Bayonne to PK 203,020 X
from PK 203,020 to Allées-Marines X
659 000 Biarritz-la-Négresse to Biarritz-VilleXX
660 000 Bayonne to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-PortX
660 306 Connection of AïtachouriaXX
661 000 Ossès-Saint-Martin-d'Arrossa to Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry
from Ossès-St-Martin-d'Arrossa to Eyheralde (PK 243,345) X
from Eyheralde to Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry X
662 000 Puyoô to MauléonXX
663 000 Autevielle to Saint-PalaisXX
664 000 Pau to Canfranc (frontier)
from Pau to Bedous (PK 275,413) X
from Bedous to Canfranc X
665 000 Buzy to Laruns-Eaux-Bonnes-Les Eaux-Chaudes
from Buzy to Arudy (PK 241,223) XX
from Arudy to Laruns-Eaux-Bonnes-Les Eaux-Chaudes XX
666 000 Lourdes to Pierrefitte-NestalasXX
667 000 Lannemezan to Arreau-Cadéac
from Lannemezan to La Barthe-Avezac (PK 125,205) X
from La Barthe-Avezac to Sarrancolin (PK 139,900) X
from Sarrancolin to Arreau-Cadéac XX
668 000 Montréjeau-Gourdan-Polignan to LuchonX
669 000 Villefranche-Vernet-les-Bains to Latour-de-Carol (1 m)X
670 000 Boussens to Saint-GironsXX
671 000 Foix to Saint-GironsXX
672 000 Portet-Saint-Simon to Puigcerda (frontier)X
673 000 Pamiers to LimouxXX
674 000 Moulin-Neuf to LavelanetXX
675 000 Bram to BelvèzeXX
676 000 Carcassonne to Rivesaltes
from Carcassonne to Limoux (PK 373,595) X
from Limoux to Quillan (PK 402,000) X
from Quillan to Saint-Martin-Lys (PK 409,600) XX
from Saint-Martin-Lys to Caudiès (PK 425,729) XTPCF tourism operation...
from Caudiès to Rivesaltes X... and Régiorail Languedoc-Roussillon between Axat and Rivesaltes.
677 000 Narbonne to Port-Bou (frontier)X
679 000 Perpignan to Villefranche-Vernet-les-BainsX
680 000 Elne to Arles-sur-Tech
from Elne to Saint-Jean-Pla-de-Corts (PK 501,214) X
from Saint-Jean-Pla-de-Corts to PK 502,215 X
from PK 502,215 to Céret (PK 504,800) X
from Céret to Arles-sur-Tech XX
681 000 La Guerche-sur-l'Aubois to Marseille-lès-AubignyX
682 000 Auxy-Juranville to Bourges
from Auxy-Juranville to Bordes (PK 41,530) XX
from Bordes to Aubigny-sur-Nère (PK 85,303) X
from Aubigny-sur-Nère to Asnières-lès-Bourges (PK 129,850) XX
from Asnières-lès-Bourges to Bourges X
683 000 Aubrais-Orléans to Malesherbes
from Aubrais-Orléans to Pithiviers (PK 159,751) X
from Pithiviers to Malesherbes X
684 000 Étampes to Beaune-la-Rolande
from Étampes to Saint-Martin-from Étampes (PK 57,919) X
from Saint-Martin-from Étampes to Sermaises-du-Loiret (PK 79,109) X
from Sermaises-du-Loiret to Engenville (PK 85,900) XX
from Engenville to Pithiviers (PK 95,789) X
from Pithiviers to Beaune-la-Rolande X
685 000 Gien to Argent
from Gien to Poilly-lez-Gien (PK 8,700) X
from Poilly-lez-Gien to Argent XX
686 000 Aubrais-Orléans to Montargis
from Aubrais-Orléans to Marigny-les-Usages (PK 125,820) X
from Marigny-les-Usages to PK 127,750 X
from PK 127,750 to Boiscommun-Nibelle (PK 158,000) X
from Boiscommun-Nibelle to Bellegarde-Quiers (PK 164,234) XX
from Bellegarde-Quiers to Montargis X
687 000 Orléans to Gien
from Orléans to Bordes (PK 161,942) X
from Bordes to Nevoy (PK 181,900) XX
from Nevoy to Gien X
689 000 Saint-Germain-du-Puy to Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire
from Saint-Germain-du-Puy to Maubranche (PK 241,850) X
from Maubranche to Aix-d'Angillon (PK 254,812) X
from Aix-d'Angillon to Saint-Satur (PK 289,696) XX
from Saint-Satur to Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire X
690 000 Vierzon to SaincaizeX
691 000 Saint-Florent-sur-Cher to IssoudunXX
692 100 Saint-Satur to Saint-Satur-Gare-d'EauX
693 000 Salbris to Argent (1 m)XXFormer BA line.
695 000 Bourges to Miécaze
from Bourges to Montluçon (PK 328,403) X
from Montluçon to Eygurande-Merlines (PK 420,662) X
from Eygurande-Merlines to Bort-les-Orgues (PK 454,121) XX
from Bort-les-Orgues to PK 459,0004 X
from PK 459,0004 to Mauriac (PK 495,415) XX
from Mauriac to Miécaze X
696 000 Châteauroux to La Ville-Gozet
from Châteauroux to PK 265,794 X
from PK 265,794 to La Châtre (PK 299,324) X
from La Châtre to La Ville-Gozet XX
697 000 Argenton-sur-Creuse to La ChausséeXX
698 000 La Châtre to Guéret
from La Châtre to PK 300,347 X
from PK 300,347 to Guéret (PK 371,952) XX
inside Guéret (PK 371,952 to 372,034)X
699 000 Champillet-Urciers to Lavaufranche
from Champillet-Urciers to Boussac (PK 342,707) XX
from Boussac to Lavaufranche X
701 000 Capdenac to RodezX
702 000 Montluçon to Saint-Sulpice-LaurièreX
703 000 Vieilleville to BourganeufX
704 000 Saint-Sébastien to Guéret
from Saint-Sébastien to Guéret (PK 365,700) XX
inside Guéret (PK 365,700 to 368,038)X
705 000 Montluçon to Moulins
from Montluçon to Commentary (PK 341,510) X
from Commentary to Moulins X
706 000 Doyet-la-Presle to Bézenet-OrléansXX
707 000 Commentary to GannatX
708 000 Montluçon to GouttièresXX
709 000 Lapeyrouse to VolvicX
710 000 Laqueuille to Mont-Dore
from Laqueuille to Mont-Dore (PK 453,752) X
inside Le Mont-Dore (PK 453,752 to 456,788)X
711 000 Eygurande-Merlines to Clermont-Ferrand
from Eygurande-Merlines to Laqueuille (PK 442,278) X
from Laqueuille to Clermont-Ferrand X
712 000 Busseau-sur-Creuse to Ussel
from Busseau-sur-Creuse to Felletin (PK 423,650) X
from Felletin to La Courtine (PK 447,900) XX
from La Courtine to Ussel X
713 000 Palais to Eygurande-Merlines
from Palais to Ussel (PK 496,891) X
from Ussel to Eygurande-Merlines X
714 000 Uzerche to Tulle (1 m)XXFormer POC line.
715 000 Seilhac to Treignac (1 m)XXFormer POC line.
716 000 Tulle to MeymacX
717 000 Tulle to Argentat (1 m)XXFormer POC line.
718 000 Brive-la-Gaillarde to Toulouse-Matabiau via CapdenacX
719 000 Souillac to Viescamp-sous-Jallès
from Souillac to Saint-Denis-près-Martel (PK 637,507) XFrom Martel to Saint-Denis-près-Martel, operated as a tourist attraction by CFTHQ.
from Saint-Denis-près-Martel to Viescamp-sous-Jallès X
720 000 Figeac to ArvantX
721 000 Bort-les-Orgues to NeussarguesXFrom Riom-ès-Montagnes to Allanche, operated as a tourist attraction by CFHA.
722 000 Béziers to NeussarguesX
723 000 Monastier to La Bastide-Saint-Laurent-les-BainsX
724 000 Cahors to CapdenacX
725 000 Sévérac-le-Château to RodezX
726 000 Bertholène to EspalionXX
727 000 Tournemire-Roquefort to ViganXXOn the section renovated by the Army, between Tournemire and l'Hospitalet-du-Larzac, operated as a tourist attraction between La Bastide-Pradines and l'Hospitalet by Vélorail du Larzac.
728 000 Tournemire-Roquefort to Saint-AffriqueXX
729 000 La Tour-sur-Orb to Plaisance-AndabreXX
730 000 Faugères to PaulhanXX
731 000 Sète-Ville to Montbazin-GigeanXX
731 100 Balaruc-les-Bains to MèzeXX
732 000 Vias to Lodève
from Vias to Lézignan-La-Cèbe (PK 472,400) X
from Lézignan-La-Cèbe to Lodève XX
733 000 Colombiers to Quarante-Cruzy
from Colombiers to Capestang (PK 433,600) X
from Capestang to Quarante-Cruzy XX
734 000 Narbonne to Bize
from Narbonne to Mirepeisset-Argeliers (PK 422,550) X
from Mirepeisset-Argeliers to Bize X
735 000 Moux to Caunes-MinervoisXX
736 000 Castelnaudary to Rodez
from Castelnaudary to Revel-Sorèze (PK 337,730) X
from Revel-Sorèze to La Crémade (PK 358,710) XX
from La Crémade to Castres (PK 366,560) X
from Castres to Labastide-Dénat (PK 408,300) XX
from Labastide-Dénat to Albi-Ville (PK 412,500) X
fromAlbi-Ville to Rodez X
737 000 Castres to Bédarieux
from Castres to Mazamet (PK 385,470) X
from Mazamet to Bédarieux XX
738 000 Montauban-Ville-Bourbon to La Crémade
from Montauban-Ville-Bourbon to PK 207,680 X
from PK 207,680 to PK 209,000 X
from PK 209,000 to Saint-Sulpice (PK 248,120) XX
from Saint-Sulpice to La Crémade X
739 000 Lexos to Montauban-Ville-BourbonXX
741 000 Tessonnières to AlbiX
742 000 Albi to Saint-JuéryX
743 000 Viviez to DecazevilleXX
744 000 Carmaux to VindracXX

Southeast region

Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).

Railway Name (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Observations
694 000 Paulhan to Montpellier
from Paulhan to Campagnan (PK 480,100) X
from Campagnan to Villeveyrac (PK 491,600) X
from Villeveyrac to Montbazin-Gigean (PK 500,870) X
from Montbazin-Gigean to Montpellier XAt Saint-Jean-de-Védas, part of the line is used by TAM to build line 2 of the Montpellier tramway.
745 000 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges to Montargis
from Villeneuve-Saint-Georges to Malesherbes (PK 80,074) X
from Malesherbes to Auxy-Juranville (PK 100,025) X
from Auxy-Juranville to Montargis X
746 000 Corbeil-Essonnes to MontereauX
747 000 Bourron-Marlotte-Grez to Malesherbes
from Bourron-Marlotte-Grez to La Chapelle-la-Reine (PK 8,445) X
from La Chapelle-la-Reine to Malesherbes X
748 000 Montargis to Sens
from Montargis to Triguères (PK 140,550) X
from Triguères to Courtenay (PK 152,670) X
from Courtenay to Sens X
749 000 Triguères to Surgy
from Triguères to Charny (PK 155,050) X
from Charny to Fontenoy (PK 188,324) XTTPPF operates the section as a tourist attraction.
from Fontenoy to Surgy XX
750 000 Moret-Veneux-les-Sablons to Lyon-PerracheX
751 000 Auxerre-Saint-Gervais to Gien
from Auxerre-Saint-Gervais to Toucy-Moulins (PK 29,272) XX
from Toucy-Moulins to Saint-Fargeau (PK 54,731) XTTPPF operates the section as a tourist attraction.
from Saint-Fargeau to Arrabloy (PK 90,800) XX
from Arrabloy to Gien X
752 000 Combs-la-Ville to Saint-Louis (LGV)X
752 100 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges to the Moisenay bifurcation (LGV)X
752 308 Connection of Coubert (LGV)X
753 000 Laroche-Migennes to Cosne
from Laroche-Migennes to Étais (PK 244,800) X
from Étais to Entrains (PK 252,200) X
from Entrains to Cosne XX
754 000 Clamecy to Nevers
from Clamecy to Arzembouy (PK 259,031) X
from Arzembouy to Nevers X
755 000 Cravant-Bazarnes to Dracy-Saint-Loup
from Cravant-Bazarnes to Avallon (PK 229,300) X
from Avallon to Dracy-Saint-Loup X
756 000 Avallon to Nuits-sous-RavièresXX
757 000 Maison-Dieu to Laumes-Alésia
from Maison-Dieu to Époisses (PK 249,350) XX
from Époisses to Laumes-Alésia X
760 000 Netowards to ChagnyX
761 000 Étang to Santenay (via Autun)
from Étang to Autun (PK 15,500) X
from Autun to Dracy-Saint-Loup (PK 22,374) X
from Dracy-Saint-Loup to Santenay XX
762 000 Clamecy to Gilly-sur-Loire
from Clamecy to Cercy-la-Tour (PK 310,459) X
from Cercy-la-Tour to Gilly-sur-Loire XX
763 000 Tamnay-Châtillon to Château-ChinonX
764 000 Saint-Florentin-Vergigny to Monéteau-Gurgy
from Saint-Florentin-Vergigny to PK 4,220 X
from PK 4,220 to Pontigny (PK 12,240) X
from Pontigny to Monéteau-Gurgy XX
765 000 Épinac to PouillenayXX
766 000 Dijon-Ville to ÉpinacXXFrom Pont-d'Ouche to Bligny-sur-Ouche, the platform has been taken over by CFVO for tourist use.
768 300 Connection of Pasilly to AisyX
769 000 Coteau to Montchanin
from Coteau to Pouilly-sous-Charlieu (PK 18,733) X
from Pouilly-sous-Charlieu to Paray-le-Monial (PK 59,095) XX
from Paray-le-Monial to Montchanin X
770 000 Moulins to Mâcon
from Moulins to Paray-le-Monial (PK 66,956) X
from Paray-le-Monial to Mâcon XX
771 000 Étiveau to MontchaninXX
772 000 Cluny to Chalon-sur-SaôneXX
774 000 Pouilly-sous-Charlieu to Clermain
from Pouilly-sous-Charlieu to Charlieu (PK 5,250) X
inside Charlieu (PK 5,250 to 5,900)X
from Charlieu to Clermain XX
775 000 Paray-le-Monial to Givors-CanalX
776 000 Belleville to BeaujeuXX
780 000 Saint-Étienne-La-Terrasse to Saint-Étienne-Pont-de-l' ne
from Saint-Étienne-La-Terrasse to PK 0,470 XX
from PK 0,470 to PK 2,155 X
from PK 2,155 to Saint-Étienne-Pont-de-l' ne X
782 000 Lyon-Saint-Paul to Montbrison
from Lyon-Saint-Paul to Sainte-Foy-l'Argentière (PK 42,398) XCFTB operates the section from l'Arbresle to Sainte-Foy-l'Argentière as a tourist attraction.
from Sainte-Foy-l'Argentière to Montrond-les-Bains (PK 63,290) XXThe section between Bellegarde-en-Forez and Montrond-les-Bains has been restored to serve the I.T.E. des Carrières from la Loire.
from Montrond-les-Bains to Boisset-le-Cerizet (PK 67,354) XX
from Boisset-le-Cerizet to Montbrison XX
783 000 Coteau to Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d'OrX
784 000 Clermont-Ferrand to Saint-Just-sur-Loire
from Clermont-Ferrand to Thiers (PK 46,797) X
from Thiers to Boën (PK 93,300) X
from Boën to Saint-Just-sur-Loire X
785 000 Saint-Germain-des-Fossés to Darsac
from Saint-Germain-des-Fossés to Puy-Guillaume (PK 386,400) X
from Puy-Guillaume to Pont-de-Dore (PK 400,600) XX
from Pont-de-Dore to Arlanc (PK 464,580) XSection operated by AGRIVAP.
from Arlanc to Sembadel (PK 493,960) XSection run by AGRIVAP for tourism purposes.
from Sembadel to Darsac XX
786 000 Vichy to CussetX
787 000 Vichy to RiomX
789 000 La Ferté-Hauterive to Gannat
from La Ferté-Hauterive to Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule (PK 341,820) X
inside Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule (PK 341,820 to 343,430)X
from Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule to Bayet (PK 349,000) XX
from Bayet to Gannat X
790 000 Saint-Germain-des-Fossés to Nîmes-CourbessacX
791 000 Brives-Charensac au Monastier
from Brives-Charensac to Présailles XSection where the platform has been built but the track has never been laid.
from Présailles to Lalevade-d'Ardèche Unfinished section.
792 000 Puy to Langogne
fromPuy to Landos (PK 35,518) XX
from Landos to Langogne (PK 50,800) XSection operated by velorail for tourist purposes.
inside Langogne (PK 50,800 to 53,471)X
793 000 Riom to Châtelguyon
from Riom to Mozac (PK 409,930) X
from Mozac to Châtelguyon XX
793 606 ZI de Volvic main line to RiomX
794 000 Beaumont-Loriat to Saint-FlourXX
795 000 Bonson to Sembadel
from Bonson to Estivareilles (PK 31,150) XX
from Estivareilles to Sembadel XSection operated as a tourist attraction by the CFHF.
796 000 Saint-Just-sur-Loire to Fraisses-Unieux
from Saint-Just-sur-Loire to Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert (PK 1,900) X
from Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert to Fraisses-Unieux XX
797 000 Firminy to Saint-Rambert-d'Albon
from Firminy to Dunières (PK 27,800) X
from Dunières to Peyraud (PK 81,000) XX
from Peyraud to Saint-Rambert-d'Albon X
798 000 Saint-Georges-d'Aurac to Saint-Étienne-ChâteaucreuxX
799 000 Saint-Étienne-le-Clapier to La BéraudièreXX
800 000 Givors-Canal to GrezanX
804 000 Pouzin to PrivasXX
805 000 Teil to Alès
fromTeil to Aubignas-Alba (PK 674,460) X
from Aubignas-Alba to Villeneuve-de-Berg (PK 687,563) X
from Villeneuve-de-Berg to Robiac (PK 736,249) XX
from Robiac to Salindres (PK 755,250) X
from Salindres to Alès X
806 000 Vogüé to Lalevade-d'ArdècheXX
807 000 Saint-Sernin to LargentièreXX
808 000 Bessèges to RobiacX
809 000 La Valette to RobiacXX
810 000 Tarascon to Sète-VilleX
811 000 La Peyrade-Bifurcation to Sète-MéditerranéeX
812 000 Alès to Port-l'Ardoise
from Alès to Laudun-Saint-Victor (PK 52,018) XX
from Laudun-Saint-Victor to Port-l'Ardoise (PK 57,257) X
inside Port-l'Ardoise (PK 57,257 to 58,018)X
813 000 Martinet to Beaucaire
fromMartinet to Saint-Florent-sur-Auzonnet (PK 2,500) XX
fromMartinet to Saint-Julien-les Fumades (PK 10,204) X
from Saint-Julien-les Fumades to Vers-Pont-du-Gard (PK 61,911) XX
from Vers-Pont-du-Gard to Remoulins (PK 67,559) X
from Remoulins to Sernhac (PK 69,180) X
from Sernhac to Beaucaire (PK 85,317) XX
inside Beaucaire X
814 000 Mas-des-Gardies to Mazes-le-Crès
from Mas-des-Gardies to Castries (PK 740,870) XX
from Castries to Vendargues (PK 742,930) XX
from Vendargues to Mazes-le-Crès X
815 000 Lézan to Saint-Jean-du-Gard
from Lézan to Anduze (PK 697,710) XX
from Anduze to Saint-Jean-du-Gard XSection operated by CITEV for tourism purposes.
816 000 Vigan to QuissacXX
817 000 Sommières to Saint-Césaire
from Sommières to PK 83,391 XX
from PK 83,391 to Saint-Césaire XX
818 000 Sommières to GallarguesXX
819 000 Saint-Césaire to Grau-du-RoiX
820 000 Arles to Lunel
from Arles to Arles-Trinquetaille (PK 1,414) XX
from Arles-Trinquetaille to Cailar (PK 35,797) X
fromCailar to Aimargues (PK 38,645) X
from Aimargues to Marsillargues (PK 40,930) XX
from Marsillargues to Lunel XX
821 000 Arles to Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône
from Arles to PK 3,900 X
from PK 3,900 to PK 34,700 XX
from PK 34,700 to Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône X
823 000 Uzès to Nozières-BrignonXX
824 000 Villeneuve-lès-Avignon to AvignonX
830 000 Paris-Lyon to Marseille-Saint-CharlesX
830 359 Virgule d'Avignon CourtineX
831 000 Flamboin-Gouaix to MontereauX
832 000 Saint-Julien (Troyes) to Saint-Florentin-Vergigny
from Saint-Julien to Roncenay-Bouilly (PK 179,600) X
from Roncenay-Bouilly to Saint-Florentin-Vergigny X
834 000 Angles to Lattes (LGV)X
837 000 Perpignan to Figueras (LGV)XLine owned and operated by Línea Figueras Perpignan SA.
838 000 Saint-Julien (Troyes) to Gray
from Saint-Julien to Polisot (PK 205,350) X
from Polisot to Sainte-Colombe-sur-Seine (PK 231,180) X
from Sainte-Colombe-sur-Seine to Châtillon-sur-Seine (PK 233,812) X
from Châtillon-sur-Seine to Is-sur-Tille (PK 305,119) X
inside Is-sur-Tille (PK 305,119 to 306,047)X
from Is-sur-Tille to Gray X
839 000 Nuits-sous-Ravières to Châtillon-sur-SeineX
840 000 Bricon to Châtillon-sur-Seine
from Bricon to Veuxhaulles (PK 23,400) X
from Veuxhaulles to Bissey-la-Côté (PK 32,920) X
from Bissey-la-Côté to Châtillon-sur-Seine X
842 000 Poinson-Beneuvre to LangresXX
843 000 Is-sur-Tille to Culmont-ChalindreyX
846 000 Culmont-Chalindrey to GrayX
847 000 Vaivre to GrayX
849 000 Dijon-Ville to Is-sur-TilleX
850 000 Dijon-Ville to Vallorbe (frontier)X
851 000 Gray to Saint-Jean-de-Losne
from Gray to Villers-les-Pots (PK 33,988) X
inside Villers-les-Pots (PK 33,988 to 40,144)XThe chain turns back at Auxonne.
from Villers-les-Pots to PK 53,000 XX
from PK 53,000 to Saint-Jean-de-Losne X
852 000 Dole-Ville to BelfortX
853 000 Gray to FraisansXX
854 000 Belfort to DelleX
855 000 Montagney to Miserey
from Montagney to PK 45,260 XX
from PK 45,260 to Miserey XX
856 000 Besançon-Viotte to Vesoul
from Besançon-Viotte to Devecey (PK 418,719) X
from Devecey to Loulans-les-Forges (PK 440,550) XX
from Loulans-les-Forges to Montbozon (PK 446,150) XX
from Montbozon to Vesoul XX
857 000 Montbozon to Lure
from Montbozon to Villersexel (PK 469,000) XX
from Villersexel to Lure XX
858 000 Montbéliard to Morvillars
from Montbéliard to Audincourt (PK 5,880) X
from Audincourt to Beaucourt (PK 11,800) XX
from Beaucourt to Morvillars XX
859 000 Voujeaucourt to Saint-Hippolyte
from Voujeaucourt to Pont-de-Roide (PK 16,000) X
from Pont-de-Roide to Saint-Hippolyte XX
860 000 Dijon-Ville to Saint-AmourX
864 000 Beaune to Saint-Loup-de-la-SalleXX
865 000 Chagny to Dole-Ville
from Chagny to PK 3,006 X
from PK 3,006 to Alleray (PK 23,913) XX
from Alleray to Verdun-sur-le-Doubs (PK 27,832) X
from Verdun-sur-le-Doubs to Saint-Bonnet-en-Bresse (PK 36,950) X
from Saint-Bonnet-en-Bresse to Tavaux (PK 71,850) XX
inside Tavaux (PK 71,850 to 73,307)XX
from Tavaux to Dole-Ville X
867 000 Seurre to Chalon-sur-Saône
from Seurre to Alleray (PK 87,273) XX
from Alleray to Chalon-sur-Saône X
868 000 Chaugey to Lons-le-Saunier
from Chaugey to Chemin-Peseux (PK 357,815) X
from Chemin-Peseux to Bletterans (PK 392,500) XX
from Bletterans to Lons-le-Saunier XX
869 000 Dole-Ville to Poligny
from Dole-Ville to Mont-sous-Vaudrey (PK 381,000) X
from Mont-sous-Vaudrey to Poligny XX
870 000 Mouchard to Salins-les-BainsXX
871 000 Franois to Arc-et-SenansX
872 000 Besançon-Viotte to Locle-Col-des-RochesX
873 000 L'Hôpital-du-Grosbois to LodsXX
874 000 Pontarlier to GilleyXX
875 000 Frasne to Verrières-de-Joux (frontier)X
876 000 Pontarlier to Vallorbe (frontier)XXFrom Fontaine-Ronde to Hopitaux-Neufs, a section recreated and operated by Coni'fer.
878 000 Andelot-en-Montagne to La Cluse
from Andelot-en-Montagne to Saint-Claude (PK 73,905) X
from Saint-Claude to Dortan-Lavancia (PK 96,338) X
from Dortan-Lavancia to Oyonnax (PK 103,869) X
from Oyonnax to La Cluse (PK 115,490) X
inside La Cluse (PK 115,490 to 116,170)XX
879 000 Champagnole to Lons-le-Saunier
from Champagnole to PK 41,600 XX
from PK 41,600 to Lons-le-Saunier XX
880 000 Mouchard to Bourg-en-BresseX
881 000 Saint-Germain-du-Plain to Lons-le-SaunierXX
882 000 Chalon-sur-Saône to Bourg-en-Bresse
from Chalon-sur-Saône to PK 4,817 X
from PK 4,817 to Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon (PK 5,510) X
from Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon to Bourg-en-Bresse XX
883 000 Mâcon to AmbérieuX
884 000 Bourg-en-Bresse to BellegardeX
886 000 Lyon-Saint-Clair to Bourg-en-BresseX
887 000 Lyon-Croix-Rousse to Trévoux
from Lyon-Croix-Rousse to PK 4,250 XX
from PK 4,250 to Sathonay-Rillieux (PK 6,757) XX
from Sathonay-Rillieux to Neuville-sur-Saône (PK 16,753) X
from Neuville-sur-Saône to Trévoux (PK 24,800) X
inside Trévoux (PK 24,800 to 25,238)XX
888 000 Lyon-Gorge-de-Loup to Lyon-VaiseX
889 000 Ambérieu to Montalieu-Vercieu
from Ambérieu to Lagnieu (PK 6,800) X
from Lagnieu to Montalieu-Vercieu XX
890 000 Lyon-Perrache to Genève (frontier)X
891 000 Collonges-Fort-l'Écluse to Divonne-les-Bains (frontier)X
892 000 Longeray-Léaz to Bouveret
from Longeray-Léaz to Évian-les-Bains (PK 212,340) X
from Évian-les-Bains to Bouveret X
893 000 Collonges-Fontaines to Lyon-GuillotièreX
894 000 Annemasse to Genève-Eaux-Vives (frontier)XXLine rebuilt and extended to Geneva-Cornavin as part of the CEVA project.
895 000 La Roche-sur-Foron to Saint-Gervais-les-Bains-Le FayetX
896 000 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains-Le Fayet to Vallorcine (frontier) (1 m)X
897 000 Aix-les-Bains-Le Revard to AnnemasseX
898 000 Annecy to Albertville
from Annecy to PK 31,205 XX
from PK 31,205 to Ugine (PK 35,771) X
from Ugine to Albertville X
899 000 Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny to Bourg-Saint-MauriceX
900 000 Culoz to Modane (frontier)X
901 000 Lyon-Part-Dieu to Montalieu-VercieuXXLine formerly operated by CFEL; from Lyon-Part-Dieu to Meyzieu, the platform was taken over by TCL to establish line 3 of the Lyon tramway and the Rhônexpress.
903 000 Saint-André-le-Gaz to ChambéryX
904 000 Pressins to Virieu-le-Grand
from Pressins to Peyrieu (PK 96,737) XX
inside Peyrieu (PK 96,737 to 97,835)X
from Peyrieu to Virieu-le-Grand X
905 000 Lyon-Perrache to Marseille-Saint-Charles (via Grenoble)X
906 000 Givors-Canal to Chasse-sur-RhôneX
907 000 Saint-Rambert-d'Albon to Rives
from Saint-Rambert-d'Albon to Beaurepaire (PK 21,990) X
from Beaurepaire to Izeaux (PK 49,800) X
from Izeaux to Rives X
908 000 Valence to MoiransX
909 000 Grenoble to Montmélian
inside Grenoble (PK 1,963) X
inside Grenoble (PK 1,963 to 6,852)XXSection abandoned and replaced by the Grenoble bypass line.
from Grenoble to Montmélian X
909 903 Grenoble detour to MontmélianX
912 000 Livron to Aspres-sur-BuëchX
913 000 Livron to La Voulte
from Livron to La Voulte (PK 4,712) X
inside La Voulte (PK 4,712 to 5,914)XX
914 000 Pierrelatte to NyonsXXThe Pierrelatte mother track is established on the first few kilometers of the line.
915 000 Veynes to BriançonX
916 000 Chorges to BarcelonnetteXUnfinished line.
920 000 Saint-Auban to Digne
from Saint-Auban to PK 308,200 X
from PK 308,200 to Digne X
921 000 Forcalquier to VolxXX
922 000 Cavaillon to Saint-Maime-DauphinXX
923 000 Cheval-Blanc to PertuisX
924 000 Salon to La Calade-ÉguillesXX
925 000 Avignon to MiramasX
926 000 Orange to l'Isle-Fontaine-de-Vaucluse
from Orange to Carpentras (PK 21,480) XX
inside Carpentras (PK 21,480 to 21,926)X
from Carpentras to Pernes (PK 28,390) X
from Pernes to l'Isle-Fontaine-de-Vaucluse XX
927 000 Sorgues-Châteauneuf-du-Pape to CarpentrasX
928 000 Rognac to Aix-en-ProvenceX
930 000 Marseille-Saint-Charles to Vintimille (frontier)X
931 000 Orange to Buis-les-BaronniesXX
935 000 Miramas to L'EstaqueX
937 000 Marseille-Blancarde to Marseille-Prado
from Marseille-Blancarde to La Capelette (PK 2,395) X
from La Capelette to Marseille-Prado XX
938 000 Marseille-Saint-Charles to Marseille-Joliette
from Marseille-Saint-Charles to the bif. of Lajout (PK 1,985) X
from the bif. of Lajout to Marseille-Joliette XX
939 000 L'Estaque to Marseille-Joliette
from L'Estaque to the bif. of Lajout (PK 858,850) X
from the bif. of Lajout to Marseille-Joliette XX
939 001 L'Estaque to Marseille-Saint-CharlesX
941 000 Marseille-Prado to Marseille-Vieux-PortXX
942 000 La Pauline-Hyères aux Salins-d'Hyères
from La Pauline-Hyères to Hyères (PK 10,849) X
from Hyères to La Plage-d'Hyères (PK 14,360) X
from La Plage-d'Hyères to Salins-d'Hyères XX
943 000 Arcs to Draguignan
from Arcs to La Motte-Sainte-Roseline (PK 4,990) X
from La Motte-Sainte-Roseline to Draguignan XX
944 000 Cannes-la-Bocca to GrasseX
945 000 Nice to Breil-sur-RoyaX
946 000 Coni to VintimilleX
947 000 Carnoules to Gardanne
from Carnoules to Peynier-Rousset (PK 64,300) XDes Platanes to Brignoles, a section operated by the ATTCV as a tourist attraction.
from Peynier-Rousset to Gardanne X
948 000 Aubagne to La Barque
from Aubagne to Valdonne-Peypin (PK 17,398) X
from Valdonne-Peypin to La Barque XX


Legend: (1) Line in operation; (2) Line neutralized; (3) Line closed; (4) Line decommissioned; (5) Line cut-off; (6) Line filed; (7) Line in planning (situation as of July 24, 2019).

Railway Name (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Observations
952 000 La Plaine to Pantin
from La Plaine to PK 1,410 X
from PK 1,410 to PK 2,456 X
from PK 2,456 to Pantin X
953 000 Enghien-les-Bains to MontmorencyXX
955 000 La Râpée to Batignolles (Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture)
from La Râpée to Bel-Air-Ceinture (PK 21,020) X
from Bel-Air-Ceinture to Batignolles X
956 000 Paris-Bastille to Marles-en-Brie
from Paris-Bastille to Saint-Mandé (PK 4,210) XX
from Saint-Mandé to Boissy-Saint-Léger (PK 22,220) XSection owned and operated by RATP.
from Boissy-Saint-Léger to Yèbles-Guignes (PK 50,010) XXBetween Limeil-Brévannes and Villecresnes, platform reused for construction of the line from Villeneuve-Saint-Georges to the Moisenay bifurcation (LGV), no. 752 100.
from Yèbles-Guignes to Verneuil-l'Étang (PK 54,320) X
from Verneuil-l'Étang to Marles-en-Brie XX
957 000 Bobigny to Sucy-BonneuilX
958 000 Bondy to Aulnay-sous-BoisXOperated as line 4 of the Île-de-France tramway network.
960 000 Sartrouville to Noisy-le-Sec (Tangentielle Légère Nord)XOperated as line 11 Express of the Île-de-France tramway network.
961 300 Connection of ÉpinettesXX
962 000 Ermont-Eaubonne to Champ-de-Mars (VMI)X
963 000 La Plaine to Ermont-Eaubonne
from La Plaine to Saint-Ouen Les Docks (PK 6,327) X
from Saint-Ouen Les Docks to Ermont-Eaubonne XSection integrated into the Ermont-Eaubonne to Champ-de-Mars (VMI) line, no. 962,000.
964 000 Argenteuil to Ermont-EaubonneXThis line underwent major renovation work in 2006 to recreate a direct link from Paris to Ermont; it is now part of the Paris-Saint-Lazare to Ermont-Eaubonne line, no. 334 900.
966 000 Maisons-Laffitte to Champ-de-CoursesXX
970 000 Avenue-Henri-Martin to Champ-de-MarsXLine integrated with the Ermont-Eaubonne to Champ-de-Mars (VMI) line, no. 962,000.
971 000 Pont-Cardinet to Auteuil – Boulogne
from Pont-Cardinet to Pereire-Levallois XX
from Pereire-Levallois to Avenue Henri-Martin XSection integrated into the Ermont-Eaubonne to Champ-de-Mars (VMI) line, no. 962,000.
from Avenue Henri-Martin to Auteuil-Boulogne XX
972 000 Puteaux to Issy-PlaineXXPlatform reused by RATP to create line 2 of the Île-de-France tramway.
973 000 Paris-Saint-Lazare to Versailles-Rive-DroiteX
974 000 Saint-Cloud to Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche-Forêt-de-MarlyX
975 000 Paris-Saint-Lazare to Saint-Germain-en-Laye
from Paris-Saint-Lazare to Nanterre-Université (PK 10,911) X
from Nanterre-Université to Saint-Germain-en-Laye XSection owned and operated by RATP.
975 900 Nanterre-Université to SartrouvilleX
976 000 Saint-Germain-Grande-Ceinture to Saint-Germain-en-LayeXX
977 000 Des Invalides to Versailles-Rive-GaucheX
978 300 Connection of ViroflayX
979 000 Paris-Est to Pont-Cardinet (EOLE)X
980 000 Auteuil-Boulogne to La Râpée (Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture)
from Auteuil-Boulogne to Grenelle-Ceinture (PK 9,607) XX
from Grenelle-Ceinture to Vaugirard-Ceinture (PK 11,332) X
from Vaugirard-Ceinture to PK 18,617 X
from PK 18,617 to La Râpée X
981 000 Paris-Nord to Paris-Gare-de-Lyon (RER ligne D)X
983 000 Des Invalides to Quai-d'OrsayX
984 000 Quai-d'Orsay to Paris-AusterlitzX
985 000 Choisy-le-Roi to Massy-VerrièresX
988 000 Grigny to Corbeil-EssonnesX
990 000 Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture
from Versailles-Chantiers to Saint-Cyr-Grande-Ceinture (PK 5,100) X
from Saint-Cyr-Grande-Ceinture to Noisy-le-Roi (PK 10,060) X
from Noisy-le-Roi to Saint-Germain-en-Laye-Grande-Ceinture X
from Saint-Germain-en-Laye-Grande-Ceinture to Achères (bif. des Ambassadeurs) (PK 26,153) X
from Achères (bif. des Ambassadeurs) to Versailles-Chantiers X
992 300 Connection of Bas-MartineauX

Corsica Lines

The three lines in Corsica are not part of the Réseau Ferré National. The two lines with passenger services still in operation are managed by Chemins de fer de la Corse, the infrastructure being the property of the Collectivité de Corse. Numbers for these lines were created in the RFN nomenclature for IT purposes, when they were operated by SNCF (from 1983 to 2012).

Railway NameStatus
995 000Bastia to AjaccioOpen to the public
996 000Ponte-Leccia to CalviOpen to the public
997 000Casamozza to Porto-VecchioDecommissioned and filed


  1. (fr) L'accès aux services publics dans les territoires ruraux archive, Cour des comptes (Investigation commissioned by the Comité d'évaluation et de contrôle des politiques publiques de l'Assemblée nationale), March 2019, 154 pages.
  2. (fr) "Les transports express régionaux à l'heure de l'ouverture à la concurrence" archive, on Cour des comptes, October 2019 (accessed February 1st, 2020).
  3. (fr) Petite histoire du chemin de fer en France archive.
  4. (fr) "Dossier: 1930-2010, 80 ans de fermetures de lignes", Historail, April 2011, pp. 18-20.
  5. (fr) Centre de documentation du ministère de l'équipement (Textes de base sur la SNCF archive): convention du 31 août 1937 archive transférant, au 1er janvier 1938, l'exploitation des lignes des anciens réseaux à la SNCF (cf. article 1er de la convention). See brief presentation of the agreement archive by Antoine Albitreccia in Annales de Géographie, year 1938, volume 47, number 266, pp. 206-207.
  6. (fr) Art. 1 para. 4 of the agreement of August 31st, 1937.
  7. The private domain comprises all property and rights acquired by the railroad companies outside the concessions granted to them - cf. art. 1, para. 6 of the agreement of August 31, 1937.
  8. (fr) "Dossier: les fermetures de lignes au trafic voyageurs en France", Historail, April 2011, p. 18-143.
  9. (fr) Projet de loi portant réforme ferroviaire on the vie-publique.fr. website.
  10. (fr) "Premiers résultats du plan de sauvegarde des lignes capillaires de fret ferroviaire", article L'Antenne of August 29th, 2016.
  11. (fr) "VIDEO. TGV: Ces lignes à grande vitesse qui pourraient ne jamais voir le jour", in 20minutes.fr, article of July 2nd, 2017 (accessed August 9th, 2017).
  12. (fr) Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance du 3 juin 2019.
  13. (fr), art. 9.
  14. (fr) "Dossier: les fermetures de lignes au trafic voyageurs en France", Historail, April 2011, p. 114
  15. This reduction of 14,000 kilometers represents the balance between line closures (17,000 kilometers) and line openings (mainly 2,700 kilometers of high-speed lines), as well as the rare reopening of closed lines.
  16. (fr) "Terminus en vue pour les 'petites lignes' de la SNCF", L'Expansion, February 20th, 2018.
  17. (fr) "Discours de M. Edouard PHILIPPE, Premier ministre : Présentation de la méthode et du calendrier de la réforme ferroviaire" [PDF], on gouvernement.fr, February 26th, 2018 (accessed April 4, 2018): "This is not a reform of short lines. I won't follow the Spinetta report on this point. You don't decide to close 9,000 km of lines from Paris on administrative and accounting criteria.", p. 3.
  18. (fr) Web site: 2019-08-20. fr-FR. Etat du réseau ferré : "Il y a eu 30 à 40 ans de sous-investissement". leparisien.fr. .
  19. (fr) SNCF Réseau website, consulted on July 14th, 2022.
  20. (fr) "Dossier: les fermetures de lignes au trafic voyageurs en France", Historail, January 2010, p. 38
  21. (fr) Atlas du réseau ferré en France, page 5, SNCF Réseau, 2015.
  22. (fr) Questions et réponses SNCF.
  23. (fr) Télécommunications GSM-R in the SNCF Réseau website.
  24. (fr) Ministère de la Défense, "La composante voie ferrée du génie", in defense.gouv.fr via web.archive.org, June 10th, 2015 (accessed 20th, 2023).
  25. (fr) Tableau en bas de la page 18, in the developpement-durable.gouv.fr website, accessed December 18th, 2012.
  26. (fr) RFF: le scénario envisagé pour isoler la «mauvaise» dette, article of 29 october 2012, lefigaro.fr, accessed on 3 june 2018.
  27. (fr) Carte des vitesses, on the site rff.fr website.
  28. (fr) "RFF signe un 1er accord-cadre avec Europorte", in rff.fr, January 23rd, 2013.
  29. (fr) Loi No. 97-135 du 13 février 1997 portant création de l'établissement public « Réseau ferré de France » en vue du renouveau du transport ferroviaire, legifrance.gouv.fr, (accessed April 26th, 2011).
  30. (fr) Décret No. 97-444 du 5 mai 1997 relatif aux missions et aux statuts de Réseau ferré de France and Décret No. 97-445 du 5 mai 1997 portant constitution du patrimoine initial de l'établissement public Réseau ferré de France.
  31. (fr) Decree No. 97-444 has changed title several times: first "Décret relatif aux missions et aux statuts de Réseau ferré de France" (1997-2015), then "Décret relatif aux missions et aux statuts de SNCF Réseau" (2015-2019), and now "Décret relatif aux missions de SNCF Réseau".
  32. (fr) Code des transports, art. L.2111-1.
  33. (fr) Décret No. 97-444 du 5 mai 1997 relatif aux missions de SNCF Réseau), legifrance.gouv.fr (accessed July 14th, 2015).
  34. (fr) Site légifrance, décret n° 2002-1359 du 13 novembre 2002 fixant la consistance du réseau ferré national. read online (accessed April 26th, 2011).
  35. (fr) Web site: Lignes par statut. ressources.data.sncf.com.

See also

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