Quotient automaton explained
In computer science, in particular in formal language theory, a quotient automaton can be obtained from a given nondeterministic finite automaton by joining some of its states. The quotient recognizes a superset of the given automaton; in some cases, handled by the Myhill–Nerode theorem, both languages are equal.
Formal definition
A (nondeterministic) finite automaton is a quintuple A = ⟨Σ, S, s0, δ, Sf⟩, where:
- Σ is the input alphabet (a finite, non-empty set of symbols),
- S is a finite, non-empty set of states,
- s0 is the initial state, an element of S,
- δ is the state-transition relation: δ ⊆ S × Σ × S, and
- Sf is the set of final states, a (possibly empty) subset of S.[1] [2]
A string a1...an ∈ Σ is recognized by A if there exist states s1, ..., sn ∈ S such that ⟨si-1,ai,si⟩ ∈ δ for i=1,...,n, and sn ∈ Sf. The set of all strings recognized by A is called the language recognized by A; it is denoted as L(A).
For an equivalence relation ≈ on the set S of A’s states, the quotient automaton A/≈ = ⟨Σ, S/≈, [''s''<sub>0</sub>], δ/≈, Sf/≈⟩ is defined by[3]
- the input alphabet Σ being the same as that of A,
- the state set S/≈ being the set of all equivalence classes of states from S,
- the start state [''s''<sub>0</sub>] being the equivalence class of A’s start state,
- the state-transition relation δ/≈ being defined by δ/≈([''s''],a,[''t'']) if δ(s,a,t) for some s ∈ [''s''] and t ∈ [''t''], and
- the set of final states Sf/≈ being the set of all equivalence classes of final states from Sf.
The process of computing A/≈ is also called factoring A by ≈.
Quotient examplesROWSPAN=2 | | ROWSPAN=2 | Automaton diagram | ROWSPAN=2 | Recognized language | COLSPAN=3 | Is the quotient of |
A by | B by | C by |
A: | | 1+10+100 | | | |
B: | | 1*+1*0+1*00 | a≈b | | |
C: | | 1*0* | a≈b, c≈d | c≈d | |
D: | | (0+1)* | a≈b≈c≈d | a≈c≈d | a≈c | |
For example, the automaton A shown in the first row of the table[4] is formally defined by
- ΣA =,
- SA =,
- s = a,
- δA =, and
- S = .
It recognizes the finite set of strings ; this set can also be denoted by the regular expression "1+10+100".
The relation (≈) =, more briefly denoted as a≈b,c≈d, is an equivalence relation on the set of automaton A’s states.Building the quotient of A by that relation results in automaton C in the third table row; it is formally defined by
- ΣC =,
- SC =,[5]
- s = a,
- δC =, and
- S = .
It recognizes the finite set of all strings composed of arbitrarily many 1s, followed by arbitrarily many 0s, i.e. ; this set can also be denoted by the regular expression "1*0*".Informally, C can be thought of resulting from A by glueing state onto state b, and glueing state c onto state d.
The table shows some more quotient relations, such as B = A/a≈b, and D = C/a≈c.
- For every automaton A and every equivalence relation ≈ on its states set, L(A/≈) is a superset of (or equal to) L(A).[3]
- Given a finite automaton A over some alphabet Σ, an equivalence relation ≈ can be defined on Σ* by x ≈ y if ∀ z ∈ Σ*: xz ∈ L(A) ↔ yz ∈ L(A). By the Myhill–Nerode theorem, A/≈ is a deterministic automaton that recognizes the same language as A.[1] As a consequence, the quotient of A by every refinement of ≈ also recognizes the same language as A.
See also
Notes and References
- Book: 0-201-02988-X . John E. Hopcroft . Jeffrey D. Ullman . John E. Hopcroft . Jeffrey D. Ullman . . Reading/MA . Addison-Wesley . 1979 .
- Hopcroft and Ullman (sect.2.3, p.20) use a slightly deviating definition of δ, viz. as a function from S × Σ to the power set of S.
- Analysis of Communicating Infinite State Machines Using Lattice Automata . 1166-8687 . Tristan le Gall and Bertrand Jeannet . Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA) - Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu . Publication Interne . 1839 . Mar 2007 .
- In the automaton diagrams in the table, and are colored in and, respectively; final states are drawn as double circles.
- Strictly formal, the set is SC = = . The class brackets are omitted for readability.