Quercus ariifolia explained

Quercus ariifolia is a species of oak native to the Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico.


Quercus ariifolia belongs to the Quercus rugosa group of species. The species of this group are characterized by obovate, occasionally broadly obovate or oblanceolate, leaves, with a strongly rugose upper surface and with clustered trichomes on the lower surface.[1]

Range and habitat

Quercus ariifolia is native to the southern Sierra Madre Oriental, where it is found in the states of Puebla, Hidalgo, Querétaro, and San Luis Potosí. It inhabits seasonally dry forests.

Notes and References

  1. Valencia Avalos, Susana (2010). "Notes on the Genus Quercus in Mexico". International Oak Journal No. 21 Spring 2010