Queísmo Explained

Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|Queísmo is a phenomenon in Spanish grammar, the omission of a preposition, usually Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|de, which, in Standard Spanish, would precede the conjunction (or complementizer) Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|que. For example, "Spanish; Castilian: No me di cuenta '''que''' habías venido" ("I didn't realize you had come"), compared to the standard "Spanish; Castilian: No me di cuenta '''de que''' habías venido". Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|Queísmo is frowned upon by prescriptive grammar.

Although the omitted preposition is typically Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|de, other prepositions occasionally are also subject to omission by Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|queísmo: "Spanish; Castilian: Insisto '''que''' te vayas" ("I insist that you go"); compare standard "Spanish; Castilian: Insisto '''en que''' te vayas".

Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|Queísmo may be, in some cases, a hypercorrective reaction to Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|[[dequeísmo]]: the insertion of Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|de before Spanish; Castilian: italic=yes|que where it would not appear in standard Spanish, which is considered a much more serious and socially stigmatized mistake, but which is nevertheless widespread in both Peninsular and American Spanish.
