Coleophora Explained

Coleophora is a very large genus of moths of the family Coleophoridae. It contains some 1,350 described species. The genus is represented on all continents, but the majority are found in the Nearctic and Palaearctic regions. Many authors have tried splitting the genus into numerous smaller ones, but most of these have not become widely accepted.

As with most members of the family, the larvae initially feed on the seeds, flowers or leaves of the host plant, but when larger, they feed externally and construct distinctive protective silken cases, often incorporating plant material. Many species have specific host plants; discarded larval cases are often scattered thickly on affected plants.

Technical description

Based on terms described in the article External morphology of Lepidoptera: Antennae 4/5, porrected in repose, often thickened with scales towards base, in male simple, basal joint long, usually with rough scales or projecting tuft. Labial palpi rather long, recurved, second joint more or less roughscaled or tufted towards apex beneath, terminal shorter, acute. Posterior tibiae rough-haired. Forewings with costa often long-haired beneath ; lb furcate, 4 sometimes absent, 5 absent, 6 and 7 connate or stalked, 7 to costa, 8 absent. Hindwings 2/3, linear-lanceolate, cilia 3-4 ; transverse veins sometimes partly absent, 4 usually absent, 6 and 7 closely approximated or stalked.[1]


SynonymNotes species
AbaraschiaColeophora pagmana[2]
AgapalsaColeophora viminetella
AmselghiaColeophora fringillella
AmseliphoraColeophora niveicostella
Apistajunior subjective synonymTinea gallipennella
ApocoptaC. campella
AporipturaC. keireuki
ArdaniaC. bilineatella
ArgyractiniaPorrectaria ochrea
AscleriductiaC. lithargyrinella
Astyagesjunior objective synonym of Haploptilia
AtractulaC. lycii
Aurelianiajunior homonym of AurelianiaEcebalia
BacescuiaC. moeniacella
BaraschiaC. paradoxella
BelinaC. bojalyshi
BenanderpiaC. adspersella
Bimincorrect subsequent spelling of Bima
BimaC. arctostaphyli
BourgognejaPhalaena (Tinea) onosmella
CalcomarginiaOrnix ballotella
Caleophoraincorrect subsequent spelling of Coleophora
CarpochenaFlakovichC. squalorella
CasasTinea leucapennella
Casignetajunior homonym of CasignetaCasignetella
Casignetellaobjective replacement nameC. millefolii
CharaciaC. haloxyli
ChnooceraC. botaurella
CorethropoeaC. elephantella
CornulivalvuliaC. vicinella
Corothropoeaincorrect subsequent spelling of Corethropoea
CricotechnaC. vitisella
Damophilajunior subjective synonymPorrectaria spissicornis (C. mayrella)
DuctispiraC. unistriella
DumitrescumiaC. cecidophorella
EcebaliaOrnix laripennella
Eupistajunior subjective synonymTinea ornatipennella
Falkovitshiamisspelling FalkovitschiaFalkovitshia marcella
FrederickoenigiaOrnix flavipennella
GlaseriaC. biseriatella
GlobuliaC. cornuta
GlochisC. tshogoni
HamuliellaC. otitae
Haploptiliajunior subjective synonymTinea coracipennella
HelophareaC. ledi
HelvalbiaPorrectaria lineolea
Heringiellajunior homonym of HeringiellaCarpochena
IonescumiaC. clypeiferella
IonnemesiaC. chalcogrammella
KasyfiaOrnix binderella
KlimeschjaC. oriolella
Klimeschjosefiaunnecessary replacement name of Klimeschja
KlinzigediaC. phlomidella
Klinzigiaincorrect original spelling of Kinzigedia
KuznetzovvliaC. solidaginella
LatisacculiaC. crocinella
LongibacilliaC. fergana
LucidaesiaPhalaena frischella
LuzulinaC. antennariella
LvariaC. lassella
MacrocorystisC. byrsostola
MembraniaC. calycotomella
Metallosetiajunior objective synonym of Damophila
MetapistaC. stramentella
MonotemachiaTinea auricella
MulticoloriaC. ditella
Nemesiajunior homonym of NemesiaIonnemesia
NeugenviaEupista vlachi
NosyrisliaC. linosyris
OedicaulaC. serinipennella
OmphalopodaC. stegosaurus
OrghidaniaTinea gryphipennella
OrthographisC. brevipalpella
OudejansiaC. obviella
PapyrosiphaC. zhusguni
ParavalvuliaC. spiraeella
PatzakiaC. silenella
PerygraC. caespititiella
PerygridiaFalkovichC. sylvaticella
PhagolamiaC. virgatella
PhylloschemaC. glitzella
PlegmidiaC. juncicolella
PolystrophiaC. calligoni
Porrectariajunior objective synonym of ColeophoraTinea anatipennella
PostvinculiaOrnix lutipennella
ProglaseriaC. laticostella
ProtocryptisProtocryptis obducta
QuadratiaC. fuscocuprella
RamidomiaC. micronotella
RazowskiaC. hafneri
RhabdoecaC. galligena
RhamniaC. ahenella
SacculiaC. excellens
ScleriductiaC. ochripennella
StabilariaC. univittella
Stolliajunior homonym of StolliaColeophora
SuireiaOrnix badiipennella
SymphypodaC. transcaspica
SystrophoecaC. siccifolia
TolleophoraC. asthenella
TollsiaC. hornigi
TritemachiaC. captiosa
TuberculiaC. albitarsella
UlnaC. saponariella
ValvulongiaC. falcigerella
VladdeliaC. niveistrigella
ZagulajeviaC. tadzhikiella
ZangheriphoraTinea laricella

External links

Notes and References

  1. Meyrick, E., 1895 A Handbook of British Lepidoptera MacMillan, London pdf Keys and description
  2. Retrieved April 19, 2018.