Qiamuddin Khadim Explained
Mawlana Qiamuddin Khadim(1901 - 1979, Afghanistan, Kabul) (ps|مولنا قیام الدین خادم) was a renowned Afghan scholar, poet, writer, journalist,[1] public speaker and one of the founding member of the first political party of Afghanistan, Weekh Zalmian (the vigilant youth). His scholastic achievements, political contribution and dedication to the Afghan national cause earned him the title Mawlana. He was also a senator[2] in the era of King Mohammad Zahir Shah. He was the author and publisher of hundreds of Afghan books and articles.
Books by Qiamuddin Khadim
- د کوچنيانو اخلاقي پالنه Ethical education of children
- نوی ژوندون New Life
- پښتونولي Pakhtunwali
- د شريف سرگذشت Sharif's fate
- د ملغلرو امېل Necklace of pearls
- بايزيد روښان Bayazid Rokhan
- مکارم اخلاق High Ethics
- خيالي دنيا Fantasy World
- نبوغ او عبقريت Intelligence and Genius
- نوې رڼا New light
- اوسني پښتانه لیکوالان Contemporary Afghan Writers
- لوی اصحابان Great Companions
- کاروان Caravan
- د نثر او نثاراو تذکره Prose and Prose writers' biography
- پښتو کلي، دويم جلد Pakhto Kele, second volume
- د معلم پښتو يوه برخه Pashto Teacher's co-writer
- پښتانه شعرا ، لومړۍ لويه برخه Afghan Poets co-writer
- د مولانا جامي د کافۍ شرحه Description of Mawlana Jami's Kafi
- د خوشحال او رحمان موازنه The comparison of Khushal & Rahman
- افغاني تهذيب او تمدن Afghan customary and civilization
- د خوشحال خان پر دستار نامه شرحه The Description of Khushal Khan's Dastarnama
- د تاريخ يوه سره پاڼه A red page of History
- د پارتيانو حکومت The rule of Parthia
- د کوشانيانو حکومت The rule of Kushans
- علمي پښتونولي Scientific Pashtunwali
- د روښانيانو مبارزې The struggles of The Rokhanians
- پر تذکرة الاوليا تبصره A commentary on Tazkiratulawliya
- د بابا نصيحت The Advice of Baba
- سيد کمال او بوبو جانه Sayed Kamal & Bobo jan
- غلجي په تاريخ کې Ghilji in the course of history
- د مور حماسه Enthusiasm of Mother
- لرغونې پښتانه قومونه Ancient Afghan Tribes
- ټولنپال افغان مونوفېسټ Social Afghan Mono fest [3]
- نصوص الحکم Provisions of Governance
- د مور مينه Mother's love
- بلکا Balka
- پښتون او پښتونولي Pakhtun & Pakhtunwali
- زما د ژوند کيسه The story of my life
- زريادريس او اوداتيس کيسه The story of Zaryadis & Odatis
- کره پښتو گرامر Concise Pashto Grammar
- نوې لار The New path
- مکالمات Conversation
- غريزه حب الخير Instinct Philanthropy
- Afghan Intellectuals in Exile: Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions by Sayed Bahauddin Majroh
- http://content.library.arizona.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p16127coll6/id/19715/rec/18 Khushal Ranked with great Eastern Writers
- https://archive.today/20130219175545/http://acku-koha.osslabs.biz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=7863 Koha online catalog › Details for: ټولنپال افغان مونوفست د مولانا قیام الدین خادم سیاسي افکار 1350 / روښان ((خادم))، تورپیکۍ ((خادم)) سنگین ؛ مهتمم روښان ((خادم))