Korean ethnic nationalism explained

Korean ethnic nationalism should not be confused with Korean nationalism.

Korean ethnic nationalism, minjok nationalism, or Korean racial nationalism,[1] is a political ideology and a form of ethnic and racial identity for Korean people. It is based on the belief that Koreans form a nation, a race, and an ethnic group that shares a unified bloodline and a distinct culture.[2] It is centered on the notion of the minjok, a term that had been coined in Imperial Japan ("minzoku") in the early Meiji period. Minjok is a similar meaning to the Volk, officially translated as "nation", "people", and "ethnic group",[3] [4] but critics of Korean ethnic nationalism are translating it as "race".[5] [6] [7] It has been described by several observers as racist, chauvinist, and ethnosupremacist.[8] [9] [10]

This conception started to emerge among Korean intellectuals after the Japanese-imposed protectorate of 1905, leading to Korea's colonization by Japan.[11] The Japanese then tried to persuade the Koreans that both nations were of the same racial stock to assimilate them, similar to what they did with the Ainu and Ryukyuans. The notion of the Korean minjok was first made popular by essayist and historian Shin Chae-ho in his New Reading of History (1908), a history of Korea from the mythical times of Dangun to the fall of Balhae in 926 CE. Shin portrayed the minjok as a warlike race that had fought bravely to preserve Korean identity, had later declined, and now needed to be reinvigorated.[12] During the period of Japanese rule (1910–1945), this belief in the uniqueness of the Korean minjok gave an impetus for resisting Japanese assimilation policies and historical scholarship.[13]

The concept has continued to be relevant after the colonial period. In from 1945 to the 1950s, there was the White Shirts Society, a far-right ultranationalist terrorist group. In the 1960s, South Korean president Park Chung Hee strengthened "an ideology of racial purity" to legitimize his authoritarian rule.[14] However, Korean ethnic nationalism is more prominent in left-leaning politics in South Korea,[15] because traditionally Korean ethnic nationalism has an anti-imperialistic nature that resists right-wing authoritarian regimes and foreign powers such as the United States and Japan.[16]

This shared conception of a racially defined Korea continues to shape Korean politics and foreign relations, gives Koreans an impetus to national and racial pride,[17] and feeds hopes for the reunification of the two Koreas.[18] South Korea is a highly homogenous society, but has in recent decades become home to a number of foreign residents (4.9%), whereas North Korea has not experienced this trend. However, a lot of them are ethnic Koreans with a foreign citizenship. Many residents from China, post-Soviet states, the United States and Japan are, in fact, repatriated ethnic Koreans (labelled "Overseas Koreans") who may meet criteria for expedited acquisition of South Korean citizenship.[19] [20] In recent decades, discussions have continued to be held both abroad and in Korea on the topics of race and multi-culturalism.[21] [20]


See also: Korean nationalist historiography.

Early usage and origins

Contemporary Korean ideology of a "pure Korean race" began in the early 20th century when the Japanese annexed Korea and launched a campaign to persuade them that they were of the same pure racial stock as the Japanese themselves.

Around the 1920s, the term "white-clothed people" developed as a ethnonationalist term for Korean people. The term was a reference to the historic Korean practice of wearing white clothing. It also arose in response to unsuccessful Japanese attempts to end the practice.[22] [23]

In the colonial period, the Imperial Japanese's assimilation policy claimed that Koreans and Japanese were of common origin but the former always subordinate. The pure blood theory was used to justify colonialist policies and to replace Korean cultural traditions with Japanese ones in order to supposedly get rid of all distinctions and achieve equality between Koreans and Japanese.[24] As was previously done with the Ainu and Ryukyuans, Japan's extensive policy of cultural genocide included changing Korean names into Japanese, exclusive use of Japanese language, school instruction in the Japanese "ethical system", and Shinto worship. This policy was an attempt of forced assimilation, in which Korean language, culture, and history were suppressed.[25]


Shin Chae-ho (1880–1936), the founder of the nationalistic historiography of modern Korea and a Korean independence movement activist, published his influential book of reconstructed history Joseon Sanggosa (The Early History of Joseon) in 1924–25, proclaiming that Koreans are descendants of Dangun, the legendary ancestor of Korean people, who merged with Buyo of Manchuria to form the Goguryeo people.[26]

Borrowing from the Japanese theory of nation, Shin Chaeho located the martial roots of the Korean in Goguryeo, which he depicted as militarist and expansionist which turned out to inspire pride and confidence in the resistance against the Japanese. In order to establish Korean uniqueness, he also replaced the story of Gija Joseon, whose founder (Gija) was the paternal uncle or brother of the Chinese Shang emperor Zhou, with the Dangun legend[27] and asserted that it was an important way to establish Korea's uniqueness.

After independence in the late 1940s, despite the split between North and South Korea, neither side disputed the ethnic homogeneity of the Korean nation based on a firm conviction that they are purest descendant of a legendary progenitor and half-god figure called Dangun who founded Gojoseon in 2333 BCE based on the description of the Dongguk Tonggam (1485).[28]

From 1945 until 1950, minjok nationalism was more prominent in the political "centre" than in the "right-wing" or the "left-wing". While the right, including Syngman Rhee, valued building an anti-communist state in the south of the Korean Peninsula and the left, including Kim Il-sung and Park Heon-young, valued building a socialist state in the north of the Korean Peninsula, centrists opposed the division of minjok. This is called "centrist [minjok] nationalism" (중도파 민족주의). For example, centre-right Kim Kyu-sik formed the Minjok Independence Federation and opposed the construction of a South Korean independent government promoted by Syngman Rhee; centre-left Lyuh Woon-hyung also opposed far-left proletarian internationalism and argued that "Korean minjok" interests were more important. Centrist nationalists tried to prevent the division of the Korean Peninsula through the Left-Right Coalition Movement.[29] [30] Syngman Rhee's staunchly "right-wing" anti-Communist government (1948–1960) also made the notion of minjok less central to historiography in the South Korea. Today, South Korean "liberal" ethno-nationalism inherits this centrist minjok nationalism.


According to the opinions of some scholars, pure blood theory is a common belief,[31] with even some South Korean presidents subscribing to it.[32] The debates on this topic can be found sporadic in the South, whereas the public opinion in the North is hard to access. Scholar Gi-Wook Shin claimed that, "to impugn or challenge the theory would have been tantamount to betraying Koreanness in the face of the challenge of an alien ethnic nation".

Some Korean scholars observed that the pure blood theory served as a useful tool for the South Korean government to make its people obedient and easy to govern when the country was embroiled in ideological turmoil. They argued that this especially applied during the dictatorships under Syngman Rhee and Park Chung Hee, when nationalism was incorporated into anti-Communism.

Role in contemporary South Korean society

According to one scholar, in South Korea, the notion of "pure blood" results in discrimination toward people of both "foreign-blood" and "mixed blood".[20] Those with this "mixed blood" or "foreign blood" are sometimes referred to as Honhyeol in South Korea.[33]

The South Korean nationality law is based on jus sanguinis instead of jus solis, which is a territorial principle that takes into account the place of birth when bestowing nationality. In this context, most South Koreans have stronger attachment to South Koreans residing in foreign countries and foreigners of South Korean descent, than to naturalized South Korean citizens and expatriates residing in South Korea. In 2005, the opposition Grand National Party suggested a revision of the current South Korean nationality law to allow South Korean nationality to be bestowed to people who are born in South Korea regardless of the nationalities of their parents but it was discarded due to unfavorable public opinion against such a measure.

According to Jon Huer, a columnist for the Korea Times:

Many political parties in South Korea, such as the Democratic Party of Korea, support and adhere to the ideology in their policies, by opposing immigration, for example.[34]

Changing attitudes

Emma Campbell from the Australian National University argues that the conceptions of South Korean nationalism are evolving among young people and that a new form is emerging that has globalised cultural characteristics.[35] These characteristics challenge the role of ethnicity in South Korean nationalism.[35] According to Campbell's study, for which she interviewed 150 South Koreans in their twenties, the desire for reunification is declining. However, these who are in favor of a Korean unification state reasons different from ethnic nationalism. The respondents stated that they only wanted unification if it would not disrupt life in the South or if North Korea achieves economic parity with the South. A small number of respondents further mentioned that they support a "unification on the condition that it did not take place in their lifetime."[35] Another reason stated for the wish for unification was the access to North Korea's natural resources and cheap labor.[35] This notion of evolving nationalism has been further elaborated by the meaning of uri nara (Korean: 우리나라 our country [sic!]) for young South Koreans, which only refers to South Korea for them instead to the whole Korean peninsula.[35] Campbell's interviews further showed that many young South Koreans have no problems to accepting foreigners as part of uri nara.[35]

A poll by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in 2015 found that only 5.4% of South Koreans in their twenties saw North Koreans as people sharing the same bloodline with them. The poll also found that only 11% of South Koreans associated North Korea with Koreans, with most people associating them with words like military, war or nuclear weapons. It also found that most South Koreans expressed deeper feelings of "closeness" with Americans and Chinese than with North Koreans.[36]

According to a December 2017 survey released by the Korea Institute for National Unification, 72.1% of South Koreans in their 20s believe reunification is unnecessary.[37] Moreover, about 50% of men in their 20s see North Korea as an outright enemy that they want nothing to do with.[38]

Steven Denney from the University of Toronto said, "Younger South Koreans feel closer to North Korean migrants than, say, foreign workers, but they will feel closer to a native born child of non-Korean ethnicity than a former resident of North Korea."[39]


Scholar B. R. Myers noted in a 2010 New York Times editorial that there was relatively little public outrage in South Korea over the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan earlier that year, which he attributed partly to a feeling of sympathy towards North Korea among South Koreans, resulting from a closer identification with the Korean race than with the South Korean state.[40] Myers also stated that racialized nationalism in South Korea undermines the South Korean citizenry's patriotism towards South Korea by increasing sympathy towards North Korea, thus threatening the country's national security in the face of North Korean aggression, a sentiment shared by Korea Times columnist Jon Huer. He stated that South Koreans' racialized nationalism "is no problem when you have a nation state like Japan or Denmark, but is a problem when you have a state divided".[41] Myers has also stated that conversely, North Korea does not suffer from this dilemma as by and large the North Korean people tend to equate the "Korean race" and the country of North Korea as being one and the same, unlike in South Korea where the "Korean race" and South Korea are largely seen as different entities.[42]

Social issues

As part of the deterioration of relations between North Korea and the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, North Korea forced its male citizens who had married Soviet and Eastern European women to divorce, whereupon the women, a few hundred, were expelled from the country.[43] North Korea is alleged to have abducted foreign women in the 1970s to marry to foreign men that immigrated to North Korea in order to keep these men from having children with North Korean women. North Korea is accused of killing babies born to North Korean mothers and Chinese fathers.[44]

In 2006, American football player Hines Ward, who was born in Seoul to a South Korean mother and a black American father, became the first South Korean-born American to win the NFL Super Bowl's MVP award. This achievement threw him into the media spotlight in South Korea.[45] When he traveled to South Korea for the first time, he raised unprecedented attention to the acceptance of "mixed-blood" children. He also donated US$1 million to establish the "Hines Ward Helping Hands Foundation", which the media called "a foundation to help mixed-race children like himself in South Korea, where they have suffered discrimination."[46] Hines Ward was granted honorary South Korean citizenship.[47]

However, while some South Koreans are fascinated by the biracial sportsman, the majority of ordinary mixed-race people and migrant workers face various forms of discrimination and prejudice.[20] In 2007, the "Korean pure blood theory" became an international issue when the U.N. Committee on the International Convention Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination urged better education on the pure blood theory is needed, especially for judicial workers such as police officers, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.[48] [49]

In 2007, the South Korean government passed the Act on Treatment of Foreigners.[50] [51] [52] Later in 2007, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination praised the Act on Treatment of Foreigners, but also expressed a number of concerns. The committee was concerned "about the persistence of widespread societal discrimination against foreigners, including migrant workers and children born from inter-ethnic unions, in all areas of life, including employment, marriage, housing, education and interpersonal relationships." It also noted that the terminology such as "pure blood" and "mixed blood" used in South Korea, including by the government, is widespread, and may reinforce concepts of racist superiority. The committee recommended improvement in the areas of treatment of migrant workers, abuse of and violence against foreign women married to South Korean citizens, and trafficking of foreign women for the purpose of sexual exploitation or domestic servitude.[53] It also noted that contrary to popular domestic perception, South Korea was no longer "ethnically homogenous".[54]

Another legislation aimed at improving the integration of ethnic minorities into South Korean society, the Support for Multicultural Families Act was passed in 2008[55] but revised in 2011.[52] [56] According to 2009, statistics published by South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, there were 144,385 couples of international marriage in South Korea as of May 2008. 88.4% of immigrants were female, and 61.9% were from China.[57] Recently it has been argued that South Korean society had already become a multicultural society, although foreigners make up for 3.4% of the South Korean population.[58] As of 2011, ten ministries and agencies of South Korean government are supporting international couples and foreign workers in the country.[59]

Existing provisions in South Korean criminal law may be used to punish acts of racial discrimination, but were never used for that purpose[53] until 2009, when the first case of a South Korean citizen verbally insulting a foreigner was brought to court.[54]

In 2010, the South Korean government changed the oath of enlistment of Korean soldiers, so that they do not swear allegiance anymore to the Korean race.[60] [61] [62] Similarly, prior to 2007 the South Korean pledge of allegiance was towards the "Korean race" rather than towards the country of South Korea.[62]

A poll from 2015 found that Koreans tend to amalgamate Korean ethnic nationalism with classism, resulting in a "hierarchy", viewing immigrants from more affluent countries less negatively than those who came from poorer countries.[63]

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Gi-Wook Shin, Ethnic Nationalism in Korea: Genealogy, Politics, and Legacy (Stanford University Press, 2006), p. 223.
  2. Gi-wook Shin, Ethnic Nationalism in Korea: Genealogy, Politics, and Legacy (Stanford University Press, 2006), p. 2.
  3. Web site: 민족 (民族) . people; ethnic group . 2024-02-14 . National Institute of Korean Language's: Korean-English Learners' Dictionary . ko.
  4. Web site: 민족주의 (民族主義) . nationalism . 2024-08-15 . National Institute of Korean Language's: Korean-English Learners' Dictionary . ko.
  5. Book: Lee, Jin-seo. North Korean Prison Camps. 26. 2016. Radio Free Asia. 3 March 2016. 9781632180230.
  6. Book: Em, Henry H.. 2013. The Great Enterprise: Sovereignty and Historiography in Modern Korea, Part 2. 77. Duke University Press . As noted earlier, the word minjok (read as minzoku in Japanese) was a neologism created in Meiji Japan. When Korean (and Chinese and Japanese) nationalists wrote in English in the first half of the twentieth century, the English word they generally utilized for minjok was 'race.'. 978-0822353720.
  7. Book: Choi, Hee-an. 2015. A Postcolonial Self: Korean Immigrant Theology and Church. 24. SUNY Press . The word minjok (민족,民族) translates as race.. 9781438457352.
  8. Web site: Koo . Se-woong . July 2018 . Opinion – South Korea's Enduring Racism . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20180709035603/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/01/opinion/south-korea-racism.html . 2018-07-09 . 9 July 2018 . The New York Times.
  9. Web site: Denney . Steven . February 2014 . Political Attitudes and National Identity in an Era of Strength and Prosperity . A Primer on a New Nationalism in South Korea . Department of Political Science of the University of Toronto . South Koreans do ascribe a relatively higher value to race than do other nations. . Dominion of Canada.
  10. Web site: Denney . Steven . 1 April 2015 . Workers, Immigration, and Racialized Hierarchy . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20160103011031/http://sinonk.com/2015/04/01/south-korea-as-subempire-workers-immigration-and-racialized-hierarchy/ . January 3, 2016 . SinoNK . Racism is as much, if not more, a problem in South Korea as it is in the United States..
  11. Book: Schmid, Andre . Korea Between Empires, 1895-1919 . New York . Columbia University Press . 2002 . 174.
  12. [Sheila Miyoshi Jager]
  13. Hyung-il Pai, Constructing "Korean" Origins: A Critical Review of Archaeology, Historiography, and Racial Myth in Korean State-Formation Theories. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard University Press, 2000), p. 1.
  14. Nadia Y. Kim, Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to L.A. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008), p. 25.
  15. Web site: North Korea's state-loyalty advantage.. https://archive.today/20180520092751/https://www.thefreelibrary.com/North+Korea's+state-loyalty+advantage.-a0274114570. Myers. Brian Reynolds. Brian Reynolds Myers. Free Online Library. 20 May 2018. 20 May 2018. Although the change was inspired by the increase in multiethnic households, not by the drive to bolster state-patriotism per se, the left-wing media objected ....
  16. Book: Sang-hoon Jang . A Representation of Nationhood in the Museum . 20 January 2020 . Korean ethnic nationalism which tended to be against authoritarian regimes and foreign powers . Taylor & Francis. 978-0-429-75396-1 .
  17. Gi-wook Shin, Ethnic Nationalism in Korea: Genealogy, Politics, and Legacy (2006), pp. 1–3.
  18. Gi-wook Shin, Ethnic Nationalism in Korea: Genealogy, Politics, and Legacy, chapter 10: "Ethnic Identity and National Unification" (pp. 185–203).
  19. Web site: Kwon . Jessie Yeung, Jake . 2023-05-15 . They left South Korea for the American Dream. Now their children are moving back . 2023-12-04 . CNN . en.
  20. Web site: Park . Chung-a . Myth of Pure-Blood Nationalism Blocks Multi-Ethnic Society . . August 14, 2006 . July 25, 2011 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20110725232752/http://www.dhseol.org/activity/ein2006_06.html . July 25, 2011 .
  21. Book: Kim, Nadia Y. . Imperial citizens: Koreans and race from Seoul to LA . Stanford University Press . 2008 . 978-0-8047-5887-1 . 24 . Koreans' beloved trope of tanil minjok—'the single ethnic nation'— would soon come into its own (see Shin 1998). The centrality of "blood" has been revived in more current times as well..
  22. Lee . Yeseung . November 2022 . The white-clad people: The white hanbok and Korean nationalism . Cultural Dynamics . en . 34 . 4 . 271–296 . 10.1177/09213740221117811 . 251363822 . 0921-3740.
  23. Web site: 박 . 성수 . 백의민족 (白衣民族) . The White Clothed People . 2023-09-29 . . ko.
  24. Web site: Shin . Gi-Wook . 2006-08-02 . Korea's ethnic nationalism is a source of both pride and prejudice . 2024-01-16 . aparc.fsi.stanford.edu . en.
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  26. The Koguryo Controversy,National Identity, and Sino-Korean Relations Today http://www.ou.edu/uschina/gries/articles/texts/Gries2005KoguryoEAIQ.pdf, Peter Hays Gries, Institute for US-China Issues, The University of Oklahoma
  27. Andre Schmid, "Rediscovering Manchuria: Som Cj’aeho and the Politics of Territorial History in Korea," in The Journal of Asian Studies, 56, no. 1 February 1997
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