Puer natus est nobis explained

Type:Gregorian introit
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"" (A boy is born for us) is a Gregorian chant, the introit for Christmas Day. Thomas Tallis wrote a Christmas mass on the chant.


The text of the antiphon is taken from Isaiah 9:6, while the psalm verse is verse 1 from Psalm 98, "Sing a new song to the Lord".Puer natus est nobis,et filius datus est nobis :cuius imperium super humerum eius :et vocabitur nomen eius, magni consilii angelus.

Cantate Domino canticum novum :quia mirabilia fecit.A child is born to us,and a Son is given to us:Whose government is upon His shoulder:and His Name shall be called, the Angel of Great Counsel.

Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle:because He hath done wonderful things.

Musical settings

The melody was used by composers in contrafacta such as the Christmas mass by Thomas Tallis.

External links