Pronunciation of v in German explained

The pronunciation of (v) is one of the few cases of ambiguity in German orthography. The German language normally uses (f) to indicate the sound pronounced as //f// (as used in the English word fight) and (w) to indicate the sound pronounced as //v// (as in victory). However, (v) does occur in a large number of German words, where its pronunciation is pronounced as //f// in some words but pronounced as //v// in others.

Originally, in Middle High German, the sound pronounced as //f// had been voiced in some dialects and was therefore written (v). Contemporary German has gone back to the unvoiced pronunciation, but idiosyncratically sometimes retained the medieval spelling. As a general (and defective) rule, it can thus be said that (v) is pronounced pronounced as //f// in originally German words and pronounced as //v// in words of foreign origin.


(v) is pronounced pronounced as //f//

(v) is pronounced pronounced as //v// (or pronounced as //ʋ//)

Pronunciation varies between pronounced as //f// and pronounced as //v//