A Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) is a certification sponsored by the Transportation Professional Certification Board, and promulgated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The certification process, which has been adopted for professional traffic operations engineers, requires that the holder be a licensed professional engineer if he or she practices in the United States, Canada or any other country that provides governmental licensing of engineers. This certification process builds on and supports the practice of professional engineering registration. The PTOE is the highest leveling licensing available in the field of Traffic Engineering. As of November 29, 2022, there are 3,767 licensed PTOEs worldwide, 3,562 of whom are located in the United States.[1]
A Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) must meet all of the following requirements:[2]
The 150-question certification examination currently includes the following topics:[3]
Traffic Operations Analysis: | |
Roadway and intersection operations | |
Freeway operations | |
Traffic flow concepts | |
Road user characteristics and accommodations | |
Site impact analysis | |
Travel demand management | |
Intelligent transportation systems | |
Operational Effects of Geometric Designs: | |
Functional classification | |
Geometric design controls and criteria | |
Roadway cross section element | |
Intersection layout/elements | |
Interchange configurations | |
Traffic Safety: | |
Safety systems and programs | |
Roadway/roadside safety concepts | |
Safety analysis and evaluation | |
Safety countermeasures | |
Traffic Control Devices: | |
Signing application | |
Traffic signal application | |
Marking application | |
Roadway/railroad grade crossings | |
Work zone applications | |
Road user guidance | |
Traffic control systems | |
Devices for transportation system management | |
Traffic Engineering Studies: | |
Applied statistical analysis | |
Traffic operational characteristics | |
Traffic engineering operations study techniques | |
Assessment of long- and short-range traffic impacts | |
Social, Environmental and Institutional Issues: | |
Environmental impacts | |
Urban and regional planning | |
Intermodal considerations | |
Transportation laws and ordinances | |
Total number of questions |