Private militias in Iraq explained

The term militia in contemporary Iraq refers to armed groups that fight on behalf of or as part of the Iraqi government, the Mahdi Army and Badr Organization being two of the biggest. Many predate the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, but some have emerged since, such as the Facilities Protection Service. The 2003 invasion of Iraq by United States-led forces undermined the internal order in the country and brought about, among other things, the establishment of several pro-Iranian militias affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's Quds Force. The militias were set up with the purpose of driving the U.S. and Coalition forces out of Iraq and establishing Iranian involvement in the country. Prominent among the militias are Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata'ib Hezbollah and Harakat al-Nujaba.[1]

Since the 2014 collapse of the Iraqi army in the North of Iraq against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and the fatwa by the Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani calling for jihad or Hashd al-Shaabi ("Popular Mobilization")[2] against ISIL, militias have become even more prominent in Iraq.[3]


According to Eric Davis, professor of Middle East politics at Rutgers University, "They get some salary, they get a rifle, they get a uniform, they get the idea of belonging, protection from a group." However, he also notes that "People in [Mahdi Army] only get sporadic incomes. It's also very dangerous. You might be fighting another militia, such as the Badr organization, or worse the American army or the Iraqi army."[4] It is stated that Iran is backing the militias.[5]

The militias have also received American weapons, which were handed over to them from the Iraqi government.

List of militias

Iraqi government

Nouri al-Maliki asked political parties to dismantle their militias on 5 October 2006.[15] He also stressed that militias are "part of the government", that there is a "political solution", and finally that they should "dissolve themselves" because "force would not work."[16] He blamed the sectarian violence on "al Qaeda in Iraq". He has also condemned "Saddam Hussein loyalists".[17] Lindsey Graham has said, "You are not going to have a political solution [in Iraq] with this much violence."[18] This has led to growing concerns about al-Maliki's unwillingness to eliminate Shia militias.[19] The Mahdi Army, a group linked to Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, is held responsible for "execution-style killings" of 11 Iraqi troops in August 2006.[20] Some U.S. officials posit that the militias are a more serious threat to Iraq's stability than the Sunni insurgency.[21] Additionally, U.S.-led coalition troops have been "told hands off Sadr City because Maliki is dependent upon Sadr, the Mahdi Army."[22] However, in late January, Maliki reversed his decision

SCIRI refused to acknowledge own militia, the Badr Organization.



Due to the collapse of some segments of the Iraqi Army under the Islamic State offensive, the activity of the militias fighting the group is largely supported by the Shia majority in the country, and many among the Sunni minority.[23] [24]


According to former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, "the existence of private militias" has loomed as "a persistent problem."[25]

Brett H. McGurk, Director for Iraq, from the National Security Council has stated, "The Iraqi constitution makes clear that militias are illegal and the new government platform pledges to demobilize militias as one of its principal goals....[The] private militias...purport to enforce religious law through illegal courts. "[26]

U.S. Senator Dennis Falcone has said, "Sectarian violence between Shiites and Sunnis is being fueled by the private militias, is now the biggest threat to stability."[27] Moreover, U.S. Senator John Warner has urged the White House to prod Nouri al-Maliki to empower the Iraqi army to subdue the militias and stated, "It is their job, not the U.S. coalition forces' to subdue and get rid of these private militias".[28]

According to Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International's senior crisis response adviser, as of late 2014, "The crimes being committed by Shia militias throughout Iraq amount to war crimes. These are not one-off cases. They are systematic and widespread." These crimes target the Sunni population,[29] including ethnic cleansing in Sunni areas,[30] particularly around the Baghdad Belts and Diyala Governorate.[31]

American official, Ali Khedery, has been scathing of United States involvement with the militias, stating: "The United States is now acting as the air force, the armory, and the diplomatic cover for Iraqi militias that are committing some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet. These are "allies" that are actually beholden to our strategic foe, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and which often resort to the same vile tactics as the Islamic State itself."[32]

According to The Economist, "the militias Iran is sponsoring are in some ways the Shia mirror-image of the Sunni jihadists of Islamic State (IS)."[33]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2022-11-15 . The Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq – the current situation . The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.
  2. According to another source "Hashed al-Sha'abi" is the name for "the coalition of militias which are now doing most of the fighting against Isil outside Kurdish areas" (source: News: The Americans Cannot Save Ramadi, Says Leader of Iraq's Most Powerful Shia Militia. dead. July 13, 2015. 8 July 2015. Daily Telegraph. 1 June 2015.)
  3. Pelham. Nicolas. ISIS & the Shia Revival in Iraq. New York Review of Books. June 4, 2015.
  4. Web site: Luring away from militias . . 2017-09-08 . 2014-01-15 . . dead.
  5. Kuwaiti MP Dr. Walid Al-Tabtabai: I Don't Think It Is True that the Iranian Nuclear Project Is for Energy Purposes
  6. Web site: Iran's new strategy: Iraqi ghost militias? | Opinion. Daily Sabah. 17 April 2020.
  7. Web site: US military convoy comes under attack in Iraq – Video – Alghadeer TV . 2020-07-16 . 2020-07-12 . . dead.
  8. Web site: Who Changed the Rules?. 5 December 2014.
  9. Web site: Kata'ib al-Ghadab: An Armed Wing of the Islamic Da'wah Party (Tanẓim al-Dakhil).
  10. Web site: Profile: Qasem al-Jabbarin.
  11. Web site: Shi'a Militant Unit "Revenge of al-Muhandis Brigade" Claims Bombing U.S. Logistical Support Convoy in al-Muthanna . 30 November 2021.
  12. Web site: Shi'a Militant Unit "Khaybar Brigade" Claims Bombing on U.S. Logistical Support Convoy in Diwaniya, Provides Video Documentation. 16 December 2021.
  13. Web site: Iraq-based Sabiqun Battalion Claims Attack on U.S. Logistical Support Convoy in Anbar. 21 December 2021.
  14. 1475548559294484484. Rita_Katz. Shi'a militant units claim separate strikes on US support convoys in Iraq:-Revenge of al-Muhandis Brigade claims…. 27 December 2021.
  15.;_ylt=AtnAkKR8k6Zix1r3a4gxCNys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b3JuZGZhBHNlYwM3MjE- Iraq political groups warned on militias
  16. Rice Urges Greater Effort to Stem Violence in Surprise Baghdad Visit
  17. Dozens Killed in Baghdad Bombing
  19. Iraq plan 'fails to impress': US concerns
  20. U.S. Coalition Kills 30 Shiite Fighters
  21. Revenge attacks grip town north of Baghdad
  22. MTP Transcript for Jan. 7, 2007 - Meet the Press, online at NBC News -
  23. Iraqi Sunnis join Shiite Militias
  24. Anbar tribes form first Sunni militia to fight ISIS
  25. Khalilzad: Crackdown under review
  26. Ask the White House
  27. Senator Kennedy on "Mission Accomplished" and Supplemental Funding
  28. Lawmakers to Bush: Push Iraq on Militias
  29. Think the Islamic State is bad? Check out the 'good guys'
  30. News: Josh Rogin. Eli Lake. Iran-Backed Militias Are Getting U.S. Weapons. dead. January 8, 2015. 4 March 2015. Bloomberg. 8 Jan 2015.
  31. Inside Iraq’s ‘killing zones’
  32. News: ALI KHEDERY. Iran's Shiite Militias Are Running Amok in Iraq. 4 March 2015. FP. 19 Feb 2015.
  33. News: America, Israel and Iran: The ire over Iran. 3 April 2015. The Economist. 28 Mar 2015.