Predictions and claims for the Second Coming explained

The Second Coming is a Christian and Islamic concept regarding the return of Jesus to Earth after his first coming and his ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago. The belief is based on messianic prophecies found in the canonical gospels and is part of most Christian eschatologies. Views about the nature of Jesus' Second Coming vary among Christian denominations and among individual Christians.

A number of specific dates have been predicted for the Second Coming. This list shows the dates and details of predictions from notable groups or individuals of when Jesus was, or is, expected to return. This list also contains dates specifically predicting Jesus' Millennium, although there are several theories on when the Millennium is believed to occur in relation to the Second Coming.

Past predictions

Predicted dateClaimantDescription
500Hippolytus of Rome, Sextus Julius Africanus, IrenaeusThese three Christian theologians predicted Jesus would return in the year 500. One prediction was based on the dimensions of Noah's ark.[1] In Hippolytus' Commentary on Daniel, he writes that six thousand years must pass, since the creation of the world, and he believes it was created 5500 years before Christ.
1260Joachim of FioreThe Italian mystic determined that the Millennium would begin between 1200 and 1260.[2]
1368/1370Jean de RoquetailladeThe Antichrist was predicted to come in 1366 and the Millennium would begin in 1368 or 1370.[3]
1492Various RussiansMany Russian Orthodox Christians beginning from the start of the 15th century believed this year would mark the end of the world (and by extension, the Second Coming) since it would be the end of the seventh millennium and the start of the eighth millennium according to the Byzantine calendar. In 1408, this belief led to the Russian Orthodox Church making the decision not to compute the date of Easter beyond 1491.[4]
1504Sandro BotticelliBelieved he was living during the time of the Tribulation, and that the Millennium would begin in three and a half years from 1500.
20 February 1524Johannes StöfflerA planetary alignment in Pisces was seen by this astrologer as a sign of the Millennium.[5]
1524–1526Thomas Müntzer1525 would mark the beginning of the Millennium, according to this Anabaptist.
19 October 1533Michael StifelThis mathematician calculated that the Judgement Day would begin at 8:00 am on this day.
1673William AspinwallThis Fifth Monarchist claimed the Millennium would begin by this year.[6]
1694Johann Jacob ZimmermannBelieved that Jesus would return and the world would end this year.[7]
John Mason and Johann Heinrich AlstedBoth claimed the Millennium would begin by this year.
1700Henry ArcherArcher counted 1335 years from the end of the reign of Julian the Apostate (the dates of whose reign he was uncertain), taking the 1335 days in Daniel 12:12 as years.[8]
1757Emanuel SwedenborgIn 1758 Swedenborg reported that the Last Judgment had taken place in the spiritual world in 1757, the year before his report (so he presented this not as a prediction but as an eyewitness account).[9] [10] This was one of many events recounted in his works resulting from visions of Jesus Christ returned. He tells of almost daily interaction with Christ over the course of almost 30 years. His return is not in the flesh, but in His Holy Spirit. "Neither shall they say see here or see there, for behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20).[11]
1770Emanuel SwedenborgOn 19 June 1770, Swedenborg reported that upon completion of the theological work "True Christian Religion", that the Lord had completed his Second Coming by means of a man. Not returning again in the flesh, but instead as the Spirit of Truth.[12]
1770Ann LeeIn the late 1700s, the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing also known as the Shakers, believed that the second coming of Christ would be through a woman. In 1770, Ann Lee became the leader of the Shakers and they believed she was revealed in "manifestation of Divine light" to be the second coming of Christ and was called Mother Ann.
1793–1795Richard BrothersThis retired sailor stated the Millennium would begin between 1793 and 1795. He was eventually committed to an insane asylum.[13]
25 December 1814Joanna SouthcottThis 64-year-old self-described prophet claimed she was pregnant with the Christ child, and that he would be born on Christmas Day, 1814. She died on the day of her prediction, and an autopsy proved that she was not pregnant.[14]
15 September 1829George RappFounder and leader of the Harmony Society, predicted that on 15 September 1829, the three and one half years of the Sun Woman would end and Christ would begin his reign on Earth.[15] Dissension grew when Rapp's predictions went unfulfilled. In March 1832, a third of the group left and some began following Bernhard Müller who claimed to be the Lion of Judah. Nevertheless, most of the group stayed and Rapp continued to lead them until he died on 7 August 1847. His last words to his followers were, "If I did not so fully believe, that the Lord has designated me to place our society before His presence in the land of Canaan, I would consider this my last."[16]
1836John WesleyWesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, foresaw the Millennium beginning this year. He wrote that Revelation 12:14 referred to the years 1058–1836, "when Christ should come".[17]
22 October 1844William Miller, MilleritesThe fact that this failed to happen the way people were expecting was later referred to as the Great Disappointment. Some Millerites continued to set dates; others founded the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Advent Christian Church, which continue to expect a soon Second Coming but no longer set dates for it. Followers of the Baháʼí Faith claim that Miller's prediction of the year 1844 was in fact calculated correctly, and refers to the advent of the Báb.
7 August 1847George RappRapp, the founder of the Harmony Society, preached that Jesus would return in his lifetime, even as he lay dying on 7 August 1847.
1861Joseph MorrisMorris told his followers not to plant crops because he firmly believed that "Christ will come tomorrow."
1863John WroeThe founder of the Christian Israelite Church calculated that the Millennium would begin this year.
1874Charles Taze RussellThe first president of what is now the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses, calculated 1874 to be the year of Christ's Second Coming, and until his death taught that Christ was invisibly present, and ruling from the heavens from that date prophesied.[18] [19] [20] [21] Russell proclaimed Christ's invisible return in 1874, the resurrection of the saints in 1875, and predicted the end of the "harvest" and a rapture of the saints to heaven for 1878, and the final end of "the day of wrath" in 1914. 1874 was considered the end of 6,000 years of human history and the beginning of judgment by Christ.[22]
1890WovokaThe founder of the Ghost Dance movement predicted in 1889 that the Millennium would occur in 1890.[23]
1891Joseph Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsThe minutes of a meeting held on 14 February 1835 (in which the first twelve apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were chosen, ordained, and instructed) state that "President Smith then stated that the meeting had been called, because God had commanded it; and it was made known to him by vision and by the Holy Spirit. He then gave a relation of some of the circumstances attending us while journeying to Zion—our trials, sufferings; and said God had not designed all this for nothing, but He had it in remembrance yet; and it was the will of God that those who went to zion, with a determination to lay down their lives, if necessary, should be ordained to the ministry, and go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time, or the coming of the Lord, which was nigh—even fifty-six years should wind up the scene" ("History of the Church Volume 2", page 182).[24]

However, in a revelation dated 2 April 1843, and published as scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 130:14–17, Smith states: "I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter. I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face. I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time". Smith was born December, 1805, which would put that date at no earlier than 1890. [25]

Furthermore, in a revelation dated 7 May 1831, Smith records: "Thus saith the Lord; for I am God, and have sent mine Only Begotten Son into the world for the redemption of the world, and have decreed that he that receiveth him shall be saved, and he that receiveth him not shall be damned—And they have done unto the Son of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the right hand of his glory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies under his feet, which time is nigh at hand—I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes" (Doctrine and Covenants 49:5–7).[26]

According to FAIR (Mormon apologetics organization), Smith believed no one knew when the Second Coming would be.[27]

1901Catholic Apostolic ChurchThis church, founded in 1831, claimed that Jesus would return by the time the last of its 12 founding members died. The last member died in 1901.[28]
1914Jehovah's WitnessesThe "Second Coming" is important in the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, although they do not use this term. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ's visible (to humans) return will be at Armageddon. They believe that 1914 marked the beginning of Christ's invisible presence (Matt. 24:3 gr.) as the King of God's Kingdom (Psalm 110; Revelation 12:10), and the beginning of the last days of the human ruled system of society. They believe the signs Christ revealed about his return in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 began to occur starting in 1914. In a parallel biblical account at Revelation 6, they believe the ride of the symbolic four horsemen began in the same year, and that the first rider on the white horse depicts the Christ. He goes forth to complete his conquest of the earth, while the rule by human leaders continues for a short while until they meet their end at Armageddon by the power of the Christ (Revelation 19:11–21).
1915John ChilembweThis Baptist educator and leader of a rebellion in Nyasaland predicted the Millennium would begin this year.
1917–1930Sun Myung MoonThe followers of Reverend Sun Myung Moon consider Reverend Moon to be the Lord of the Second Advent called by Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday at the age of 15 on a Korean mountainside (see Divine Principle).
1930–1939Rudolf SteinerSteiner described the physical incarnation of Christ as a unique event, but predicted that Christ would reappear in the etheric, or lowest spiritual, plane beginning in the 1930s. This would manifest in various ways: as a new spiritual approach to community life and between individuals; in more and more individuals discovering fully conscious access to the etheric plane (clairvoyance); and in Christ's appearance to groups of seekers gathered together.[29]
1935, 1943, 1972 and 1975Herbert W. ArmstrongArmstrong, Pastor-General and self-proclaimed "Apostle" of the Radio Church of God, and then the Worldwide Church of God, felt the return of Jesus Christ might be in 1975. Of particular note was the book 1975 in Prophecy! written by Armstrong and published by the Radio Church of God in 1956. Though, never explicitly stating a date in the booklet, the title led people to believe the date was the second coming. It was actively preached in sermons in the 1960s by all of his ministers that his church would "flee" to Petra, Jordan in 1972 and Christ would return years later.After the failure to flee in 1972 (and a defection of his ministry) Armstrong was careful not to set specific dates but claimed that Christ would return before he died. He died 16 January 1986.

Armstrong had previously predicted in a 1934 edition of The Plain Truth magazine that Christ would return in 1936. After that prediction failed, he stated in a 1940 edition of The Plain Truth that "Christ will come after 3 1/2 years of tribulation in October 43." After those failed predictions and loss of members he moved his operation from Oregon to Pasadena, California.

After Armstrong's death in 1986, his Worldwide Church of God and the empire he created slowly disintegrated, abandoning his beliefs and philosophies and eventually the name. His three college campuses and the majority of his Pasadena headquarter properties were closed and sold. His successors changed the name to Grace Communion International in 2009.

October 1964Movement within Seventh-day AdventistmSince the 1950s there was a movement within the Seventh-day Adventist Church that quoted the Bible where it says: "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be when the Son of Man comes" 24:37 and it was suggested that if the end-time was as long as the days of Noah (who preached for 120 years 6:3 ) Christ would come around October 1964, 120 years after the Great Disappointment of 1844.[30]
21 June 1982Benjamin CremeThe followers of the New Age Theosophical guru Benjamin Crème, like Alice A. Bailey, believe the Second Coming will occur when Maitreya (the being Theosophists identify as being Christ) makes his presence on Earth publicly known—Crème believes Maitreya has been on Earth since 1977, living in secret.Crème put advertisements in many of the world's major newspapers in early 1982 stating that the Second Coming would occur on Monday, 21 June 1982 (summer solstice in the northern hemisphere), at which time Christ (Maitreya) would announce his Second Coming on worldwide television (this is called the Emergence or Day of Declaration; this is when, Crème's followers believe, the Maitreya will telepathically overshadow all of humanity when he appears on worldwide television)[31] When this event did not occur, Crème claimed that the "world is not yet ready to receive Maitreya"; his followers continue to believe it will happen "soon".
1988Hal LindseyPublished a book, The Late Great Planet Earth, suggesting Christ would return in the 1980s, probably no later than 1988.
Edgar C. WhisenantPublished a book, 88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be in 1988, predicting the Second Coming and World War III, starting on Rosh Hashanah that year.[32]
1989Edgar C. WhisenantIn 1989, Whisenant published The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989, updating his prediction to 1989.[33]
1993Edgar C. WhisenantWhen his 1989 prediction failed, Whisenant predicted the Second Coming in 1993, publishing 23 Reasons Why a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Looks Like it will Occur on Rosh-Hashanah 1993.[34]
6 September 1994Harold CampingCamping, general manager of Family Radio and Bible teacher, published a book, 1994?, a prediction that Christ's return was likely pointing to 1994.[35]
1999–2009Jerry FalwellFundamentalist preacher who predicted in 1999 that the Second Coming would probably be within 10 years.[36]
2000Frank CherryFounder of the Black Hebrew Israelite religion, who predicted the end would occur in A.D. 2000.[37]
Ed DobsonThis pastor predicted the end would occur in his book The End: Why Jesus Could Return by A.D. 2000.[38]
Timothy Dwight IVThis President of Yale University foresaw Christ's Millennium starting by 2000.
Edgar CayceThis psychic predicted the Second Coming would occur this year.[39]
6 April 2000James HarmstonThe leader of the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days predicted the Second Coming of Christ would occur on this day.
21 May 2011
21 October 2011
Harold CampingSee: 2011 end times prediction. Camping claimed that the rapture would be on 21 May 2011 followed by the end of the world on 21 October of the same year. Camping wrote "Adam when?" and claimed the biblical calendar meshes with the secular and is accurate from 11,013 BC–AD 2011.[40]
29 September 2011
27 May 201218 May 2013
Ronald WeinlandWeinland predicted Jesus would return on 29 September 2011.[41] [42] [43] When his prediction failed to come true, he moved the date of Jesus' return to 27 May 2012.[44] When that prediction failed, he then moved the date to 18 May 2013, claiming that "a day with God is as a year," giving himself another year for his prophecy to take place. Weinland was convicted of tax evasion in 2012 and sentenced to years in federal prison.
2012Jack Van ImpeTelevangelist who has, over the years, predicted many specific years and dates for the Second Coming of Jesus, but has continued to move his prediction later. When many of these dates had already passed, he pointed to 2012 as a possible date for the second coming. After 2012, Van Impe no longer claimed to know the exact date of the Second Coming, but quoted verses which imply that mankind should know when the Second Coming is near.
28 September 2015Mark BiltzStarting in 2008, Mark Biltz began teaching that Christ's return would correspond with the 28 September 2015 lunar eclipse. His idea, known as the Blood Moon Prophecy, attracted attention from pastor John Hagee (who stopped short of claiming Christ would return on that precise date) and mainstream media such as USA Today.[45]
9 June 2019Ronald WeinlandWeinland believed that Jesus Christ would return on Pentecost in 2019.[46]
2020Jeane DixonThe alleged psychic claimed that Armageddon would take place in 2020 and Jesus would return to defeat the unholy Trinity of the Antichrist, Satan and the False prophet between 2020 and 2037.[47]
22 July 2020Chad and Lori DaybellChad and Lori Daybell, a couple charged with multiple murders, including those of Lori's children Tylee Ryan and J. J. Vallow, believed that the second coming would be on 22 July 2020.[48]
2021F. Kenton "Doc" BeshoreBeshore based his prediction on the prior suggestion that Jesus could return in 1988, i.e., within one biblical generation (40 years) of the founding of Israel in 1948. Beshore argued that the prediction was correct, but that the definition of a biblical generation was incorrect and was actually 70–80 years, placing the Second Coming of Jesus between 2018 and 2028 and the Rapture by 2021 at the latest.[49]

Future predictions

Predicted dateClaimantNotes
After 2025Alice A. BaileyIn January 1946, the New Age Theosophical guru prophesied that Christ would return "sometime after AD 2025"[50] (Theosophists identify "Christ" as being identical to a being they call Maitreya) to inaugurate the Age of Aquarius; thus, this event will be, according to Bailey, the New Age equivalent of the Christian concept of the Second Coming.[51] Bailey stated that Saint Germain is the manager of the executive council of the Christ (Like C.W. Leadbeater, Bailey refers to Saint Germain as the Master Rakoczi or the Master R. in her books); thus, according to Bailey, Saint Germain's primary task is to prepare the way for the Second Coming.
2028Kent HovindIn 2013, Hovind self-published a dissertation which was written whilst in prison, for a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Patriot Bible University.[52] In response to "When is The Lord Coming Back?," Hovind wrote: "During the feast of Trumpets in 2028."
2029Jakob LorberAustrian musician who wrote during 24 years a vast number of works later called the New Revelation, claimed to be received through an inner voice which belonged to Jesus Christ, offered many detailed prophecies concerning the unfolding of the Second Coming, pointing to a time before the passing of 2,000 years[53] after the death of Christ on the cross (note that most scholars assume a date of birth of Jesus between 6 BC and 4 BC).
By 2057Frank J. TiplerIn 1994, the physicist published a book called The Physics of Immortality, in which he claimed to scientifically prove the existence of God as a consequence of what he calls the Omega Point Theory. In 2007, he published a sequel to The Physics of Immortality called The Physics of Christianity, which applies the principles of the Omega Point Theory to the Christian religion. In this 2007 book, he asserts in the first chapter that the Second Coming of Christ will occur within 50 years, i.e., by 2057, and will be coincident with what futurist Ray Kurzweil calls the Singularity (which Kurzweil himself predicts will occur by 2045).[54]
2060Isaac NewtonNewton had an interest in Biblical prophecy. He believed that the number "1260" had particular significance in the prophetic books of the Bible. He viewed the merger of the Pope’s religious authority with political authority as the Great Apostasy. After considering several possible starting dates, he settled on 800 AD—the year when Charlemagne and Pope Leo III established a power-sharing agreement that created the Holy Roman Empire. Newton believed it would come to an end with the Apocalypse after 1260 years i.e. in the year 2060 AD. In actuality, the territories of the Holy Roman Empire shrank after the mid-1200s, until it ended in 1806. The last of the Pope’s lands (The Papal States) were lost in 1870. Refusing to recognize this loss and therefore refusing to leave the Vatican, the Pope became, in effect, a prisoner in the Vatican thus invalidating Newton’s hypothesis.[55]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Book: Are You Rapture Ready. Todd. Strandberg. Terry. James. Dutton. June 2003. New York City.
  2. Richard Kyle, The Last Days are Here Again. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998.
  3. Book: Weber, Eugen . Apocalypses . . 1999 . 0-7567-5314-7 . Cambridge, Massachusetts . registration.
  4. Web site: Saint Gennadius, Archbishop of Novgorod . 2024-11-08 .
  5. Book: Randi, James . James Randi

    . James Randi . The Mask of Nostradamus . 1993 . . 978-0-87975-830-1 .

  6. Richard Abanes, End-Time Visions. Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 1998.
  7. Daniel Cohen, Prophets of Doom. The Millbrook Press, Inc., Brookfield, Connecticut, 1999.
  8. Book: Brady, David. The Contribution of British Writers Between 1560 and 1830 to the Interpretation of Revelation 13.16–18. 1983. Mohr Siebeck. 183. 9783161444975. 24 September 2016. 17 December 2016. live.
  9. Web site: The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed. All the Predictions in the Apocalypse are at This Day Fulfilled, by Emanuel Swedenborg.
  10. Web site: The True Christian Religion, Containing the Universal Theology of The New Church Foretold by the Lord in Daniel 7; 13, 14; and in Revelation 21; 1, 2, by Emanuel Swedenborg . 2023-06-14 . . Chapter 14.
  11. Web site: Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Providence . . 21 November 2009 . 28 October 2013 . . live .
  12. Book: Swedenborg, Emanuel . True Christian Religion . 1770 . 779–791.
  13. Tom McIver, The End of the World: An Annotated Bibliography. McFarlane & Co., Jefferson, North Carolina, 1999.
  14. Stephen Skinner, Millennium Prophecies. Longmeadow Press, Stamford, Connecticut, 1994.
  15. Frederic J. Baumgartner, Longing for the End: A History of Millennialism in Western Civilization (1999) p.166
  16. William E. Wilson, The Angel and the Serpent: The Story of New Harmony (Indiana University Press, 1984) p.11
  17. Web site: Revelation 12 - Wesley's Notes on the Bible . Biblehub . 1 July 2024 . . 14 March 2018.
  18. Web site: Charles Taze Russell—FREE Charles Taze Russell Information . . 21 November 2009 . 17 August 2009 . . live .
  19. "The writer, among many others now interested, was sound asleep, in profound ignorance of the cry, etc., until 1876, when being awakened he trimmed his lamp (for it is still very early in the morning.) It showed him clearly that the Bridegroom had come and that he is living "in the days of the Son of Man."Zion's Watch Tower . C.T. Russell . From and To The Wedding . April 1880 . 2 . 30 November 2011 . 28 May 2013 . . live .
  20. Russell explained how he accepted the idea of an invisible return of Christ from N.H. Barbour in "Harvest Gatherings and Siftings" in the 15 July 1906 Watch Tower, Reprints page 3822.
  21. The Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World by N.H. Barbour and C.T. Russell (1877). Text available online at:
  22. In 1935, the idea that the 6,000 years ran out in 1874 was moved forward 100 years.The Golden Age. The Second Hand in the Timepiece of God. 412–413. 27 March 1935. dead. 28 September 2007.
  23. Stephen Jay Gould, Questioning the Millennium. Harmony Books, New York, 1997.
  24. Web site: Joseph Smith Papers Manuscript History of The Church.
  25. Web site: Doctrine & Covenants 130.
  26. Web site: Doctrine & Covenants 49.
  27. Web site: Question: Did Joseph Smith prophesy that Jesus Christ would return in 1890? – FAIR. 27 August 2018. 16 October 2018. live.
  28. Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992.
  29. Web site: Reappearance/Christ: Lecture I: The Event of the Appearance of Christ in the Etheric World . 21 November 2009.
  30. Book: Paulien . Jon . What the Bible says about the end-time . 1994 . Review and Herald Pub. Association . 0-8280-0843-4 . Hagerstown, Maryland . 19–24 . en.
  31. Crème, Benjamin Maitreya's Mission Amsterdam: 1986 Share International Foundation
  32. News: Suplee . Curt . December 17, 1989 . APOCALYPSE NOW; the Coming Doom Boom . subscription . October 13, 2024 . . b01 . ProQuest.
  33. News: Suplee . Curt . December 17, 1989 . APOCALYPSE NOW; the Coming Doom Boom . subscription . October 13, 2024 . . b01 . ProQuest.
  34. News: Suplee . Curt . December 17, 1989 . APOCALYPSE NOW; the Coming Doom Boom . subscription . October 13, 2024 . . b01 . ProQuest.
  35. News: Graham . Charlotte . January 2, 1993 . A new year, a new end of the world – '1994?' . October 13, 2024 . . 1D, 5D .
  36. Falwell: Antichrist May Be Alive
  37. Book: Gallagher . Eugene V. . Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America [Five Volumes] . 2006 . . 978-0-313-05078-7 . 73 . English. ...he accepted the collection of Jewish law known as the Talmud as the ultimate authority on religious matters. Like many black Israelites and black Muslims, Cherry stigmatized Southern black culture, forbidding his followers to eat pork, drink heavily, or observe Christian holidays. He also separated himself from African American Christianity by forbidding pianos, public collections, emotional expression in worship, or speaking in tongues. ... Services began and ended with a prayer said while facing east ... Prophet Cherry's theology was strongly millenarian, black nationalist, and idiosyncratic. He emphasized strict adherence to the Ten Commandments, and his followers believed in a square earth surrounded by three layers of heaven. He claimed that Jesus was black and would return in the year 2000 and raise all the saints who obeyed the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Prophet Cherry. Cherry denigrated white Jews as interlopers and frauds and vilified them for denying the divinity of Jesus. Prophet Cherry passed away in 1963 and was succeeded by his son Prince Benjamin F. Cherry..
  38. The End: Why Jesus Could Return by A.D. 2000. Ed Dobson. 1997. Zondervan.
  39. Nick Hanna, The Millennium: A Rough Guide to the Year 2000. Rough Guides, London, 1998. Page 219.
  40. Book: Camping, Harold . 1994? . Vantage Press, Inc. . 0-533-10368-1 . 1992 .
  41. Web site: Moving Forward Rapidly, February 7, 2008 . Ronald . Weinland . 5 May 2008 . dead . . 9 May 2008 .
  42. Web site: New Truth, June 18, 2008 . Ronald . Weinland . 5 May 2008 . dead . . 5 December 2008 .
  43. Web site: 1260 Days, December 13, 2008 . Ronald . Weinland . 17 December 2008 . dead . . 17 December 2008 .
  44. Web site: Eurovision 2012: a sign of the apocalypse?. Kissick, Peter. 26 May 2012. 6 June 2012. 14 January 2013. dead.
  45. News: Blood moon eclipse on 15 April is a special event. 3 April 2014. USA Today. Elizabeth. Weise. 3 April 2014. 29 December 2017. live.
  46. Web site: PROPHESY AGAINST THE NATIONS. Weiland. Ronald. 18 June 2019. 3 July 2018. live.
  47. Jeane Dixon, The Call to Glory. Bantam Books, New York, 1971. pp. 170, 172
  48. News: Mejia . Garna . Date of Chad Daybell's predicted end of the world comes and goes . 12 August 2020 . East Idaho News . 23 July 2020 . 14 August 2020 . . live .
  49. Web site: Bible Scholar Predicts New date of Christ's Second Coming . Anderson . Troy . 6 December 2012 . . 4 February 2014 . 19 January 2013 . . live .
  50. Bailey, Alice A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy New York: 1957 Lucis Publishing Co.
  51. Bailey, Alice A. The Reappearance of the Christ New York: 1948 Lucis Publishing Co.
  52. News: What on Earth is about to happen.. for Heaven's sake?: A Dissertation on End Times According to the Bible . Kent Hovind . 2013 . Kent . Hovind . 2013-09-02.
  53. Web site: Website of Jacob Lorber. Lorber. Jakob. 7 September 2018. 11 August 2018. live.
  54. Web site: Website of Dr. Frank J. Tipler—Content of the first chapter of The Physics of Christianity is downloadable from Dr. Tipler's website . 30 November 2011 . 31 January 2010 . . live .
  55. John Chambers, The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton. Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, 2018, Chapter 8--Apocalypse 2060? pp. 152-171