Polysiphonia denudata (Polysiphonia variegate (C.Agardh) Zanardini) is a small red alga, Rhodophyta, growing as tufts up to 20 cm long without a main branch axis.[1]
Polysiphonia denudata is erect with repeatedly branched axes. Each branch consists of a central axis with 5 to 7 elongated pericentral cells all of the same length. Cortication occurs lower down, these corticating cells grow down in the grooves between the pericentral cells. The holdfast is discoid.[1]
The plants are dioecious. They bear spermatangia towards the tips of branches. Cystocarps are barrel-shaped when mature borne on a wide short stalk. Tetrasporangia occur in a spiral series in the branches near the tips.[1]
The alga is very rare, grows on rock, stones or other large algae in the low-littoral or below in sheltered sites.[1] [2]
Reported from the north of Ireland in 1847, the specimen is in store in the Ulster Museum, Belfast[3] in England from the south coast,[4] Scottish records considered misidentifications,[5] Netherlands to Portugal and West Africa. The Mediterranean and west Atlantic.[1]
Bunker, F.StP.D., Maggs,C.A., Brodie, J.A., Bunker, A.R. 2017. Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition. Wild Nature Press, Plymouth. UK.