Polymede Explained

In Greek mythology, the female name Polymede may refer to:


Notes and References

  1. [Apollodorus of Athens|Apollodorus]
  2. [Hesiod]
  3. Scholia ad Apollonius Rhodius, 1.45 with Herodorus as authority
  4. Apollonius Rhodius, 1.47, 233 & 259; Scholia ad ibid, 1.45 & ad Homer, Odyssey 12.69, both have Pherecydes as the authority; Valerius Flaccus, 1.297; Hyginus, Fabulae 3, 13 & 14
  5. [Diodorus Siculus]
  6. Tzetzes, Chiliades 6.979
  7. Scholia ad Apollonius Rhodius, 1.45 with Andron on Epitome of Affinity as the source
  8. Tzetzes ad Lycophron, 872
  9. Tzetzes, Allegories of the Iliad Prologue 517
  10. Tzetzes, Allegories of the Iliad Prologue 516
  11. Scholia ad Homer, Odyssey 11.281 citing Pherecydes; Apollodorus, 1.9.9