Plummer model explained

The Plummer model or Plummer sphere is a density law that was first used by H. C. Plummer to fit observations of globular clusters.[1] It is now often used as toy model in N-body simulations of stellar systems.

Description of the model

The Plummer 3-dimensional density profile is given by\rho_P(r) = \frac \left(1 + \frac\right)^,where


is the total mass of the cluster, and a is the Plummer radius, a scale parameter that sets the size of the cluster core. The corresponding potential is\Phi_P(r) = -\frac,where G is Newton's gravitational constant. The velocity dispersion is\sigma_P^2(r) = \frac.

The isotropic distribution function readsf(\vec, \vec) = \frac \frac (-E(\vec, \vec))^,if


, and


otherwise, where E(\vec, \vec) = \frac v^2 + \Phi_P(r) is the specific energy.


The mass enclosed within radius


is given by M(

Many other properties of the Plummer model are described in Herwig Dejonghe's comprehensive article.[2]

Core radius


, where the surface density drops to half its central value, is at r_c = a \sqrt \approx 0.64 a.

Half-mass radius is




Virial radius is





The 2D surface density is: \Sigma(R) = \int_^\rho(r(z))dz=2\int_^\frac = \frac,and hence the 2D projected mass profile is:M(R)=2\pi\int_^\Sigma(R')\, R'dR'=M_0\frac.

In astronomy, it is convenient to define 2D half-mass radius which is the radius where the 2D projected mass profile is half of the total mass:



For the Plummer profile:



The escape velocity at any point isv_(r)=\sqrt=\sqrt\,\sigma(r),

L=|\vec{r} x \vec{v}|

are given by the positive roots of the cubic equationR^3 + \frac R^2 - \left(\frac + a^2\right) R - \frac = 0,where


, so that


. This equation has three real roots for


: two positive and one negative, given that


, where


is the specific angular momentum for a circular orbit for the same energy. Here


can be calculated from single real root of the discriminant of the cubic equation, which is itself another cubic equation\underline\, \underline_c^3 + \left(6 \underline^2 \underline^2 + \frac\right)\underline_c^2 + \left(12 \underline^3 \underline^4 + 20 \underline \underline^2 \right) \underline_c + \left(8 \underline^4 \underline^6 - 16 \underline^2 \underline^4 + 8 \underline^2\right) = 0,where underlined parameters are dimensionless in Henon units defined as




, and




The Plummer model comes closest to representing the observed density profiles of star clusters, although the rapid falloff of the density at large radii (


) is not a good description of these systems.

The behavior of the density near the center does not match observations of elliptical galaxies, which typically exhibit a diverging central density.

The ease with which the Plummer sphere can be realized as a Monte-Carlo model has made it a favorite choice of N-body experimenters, in spite of the model's lack of realism.[3]

Notes and References

  1. Plummer, H. C. (1911), On the problem of distribution in globular star clusters, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 71, 460.
  2. Dejonghe, H. (1987), A completely analytical family of anisotropic Plummer models. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 224, 13.
  3. Aarseth, S. J., Henon, M. and Wielen, R. (1974), A comparison of numerical methods for the study of star cluster dynamics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 37 183.