Pisinna rekohuana is a species of marine gastropod mollusc in the family Anabathridae.[1] First described by Badwn Powell in 1933 as Estea rekohuana, it is endemic to the waters of New Zealand. There are two subspecies of the gastropod: Pisinna rekohuana rekohuana, primarily found in the south and Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra, primarily found on the north-east coast of the North Island.
Powell described the species as follows:
Pisinna rekohuana is similar in appearance to Pisinna minor and Pisinna subfusca, and can be identified by its size (intermediate between the two) and relatively larger aperture.
A subspecies, Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra, was described in 1965 by Winston Ponder, differentiated by its proportionately longer spire and different colour pattern. While Ponder noted a similarity of Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra to Pisinna zosterophila, he believed it was best to classify it as a subspecies of Pisinna rekohuana, due to its distribution and the relationships of forms between the three groups.
The species measures 2.0mm, by 0.9mm,[2] while the subspecies Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra measures 3.2mm by 1.5mm.[3]
The species is endemic to New Zealand.[1] The holotype was collected by Powell himself in February 1933 at Waitangi, Chatham Islands.[4] It is found around the South Island,[5] [6] [7] in the waters of the Chatham Islands, commonly at Stewart Island, the Auckland Islands and the Kermadec Islands.[8] [9] [10]
Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra is primarily found to the north-east of North Island under stones in the littoral zone, preferring open coasts. It has been identified on Manawatāwhi / Three Kings Islands,[11] the Manukau Harbour on the west coast of the North Island,[12] [13] and the Mahia Peninsula.[14]
Since the subspecies was first described, Pisinna rekohuana rekohuana has been identified as living in the range previously thought to be that of Pisinna rekohuana lactorubra, such as the north-east coast of the North Island,[15] and the Mahia Peninsula.[16]