Peter Pčolinský Explained

Office:Member of the National Council
Termstart:5 March 2016
Birth Date:6 April 1982
Birth Place:Nižný Hrabovec, Czechoslovakia
Spouse:Adriana Pčolinská
Party:We Are Family
Alma Mater:Comenius University

Peter Pčolinský (born 6 April 1982) is a Slovak activist and politician. Since 2016, he has served as a member of the National Council and, since 2020, he has held the position of deputy speaker. He is one of the co-founders of the We are Family party.

Early life

Pčolinský was born in 1982 in the village of Nižný Hrabovec, close to Vranov nad Topľou.[1] He studied management at the Comenius University.[2]

Activism and political career

Pčolinský served as an aide to the Interior Ministers Vladimír Palko and Daniel Lipšic.[3]

In 2012, Pčolinský was one of the key organizers of the anti-corruption protests sparked by the Gorilla scandal.[4] In 2015, he co-founded, with Milan Krajniak, the 300 Movement, named after the 300 Spartans who heroically fell in the Battle of Thermopylae. Later that year, Pčolinský, Krajniak and Boris Kollár took control of a minor political party called NÁŠ KRAJ (OUR REGION), despite objections from some party leaders and transformed it into the We are Family party.[5]

Pčolinský was successfully elected to the parliament on the We are Family list in both the 2016 and 2020 Slovak parliamentary elections. In October 2020, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the National Council.[6]

Personal life

His brother, Vladimír Pčolinský, was the director of the Slovak Information Service from 2020 until his arrest for alleged bribery in 2021. Peter Pčolinský defended his brother following the arrest and blamed the interior affairs minister Roman Mikulec for plotting against him.[7]

His sister in law, Adriana Pčolinská, is also a Sme Rodina MP.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Karolyi . Dušan . 2021-07-13 . Marcela Pčolinská, matka exriaditeľa SIS: Ak by mal Vlado vo väzbe klímu a Netflix, bol by spokojný . 2023-03-27 . Denník N . sk . Marcela Pčolinská, mother of the ex-director of SIS: If Vlado had air conditioning and Netflix in custody, he would be satisfied.
  2. Web site: 2020-03-24 . Profily členov poslaneckého klubu Sme rodina . Teraz . sk . Profiles of members of the parliamentary club We are a family.
  3. Web site: Tódová . Monika . Kto sú jedenásti poslanci Borisa Kollára? Tu sú ich profily . Denník N . 27 March 2023 . sk . Who are Boris Kollár's eleven deputies? Here are their profiles . 6 March 2016.
  4. Web site: 2012-02-29 . Demonštranti pri NR SR narazili na ťažkoodencov . Teraz . sk . Demonstrators at the NR SR ran into heavy-handed people.
  5. Web site: 2015-11-16 . Michal . Frank . Členovia a expredsedníčka strany Náš kraj sa dištancujú od Kollára . Korzár Prešov . sk . Members and ex-president of the Náš kraj party distance themselves from Kollár .
  6. Web site: 2022-10-19 . Poslanci zvolili P. Pčolinského za podpredsedu parlamentu . Teraz . sk . The deputies elected P. Pčolinski as the deputy speaker of the parliament.
  7. Web site: 2022-02-22 . P. Pčolinský bude hlasovať za odvolanie Mikulca z funkcie ministra . Teraz . sk . P. Pčolinský will vote for Mikulec's dismissal from the post of minister.