Pestalotiopsis Explained
Pestalotiopsis is a genus of ascomycete fungi in the Sporocadaceae family.[1]
The genus was circumscribed by René Leopold Alix Ghislain Jules Steyaert in Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat. vol.19 on page 300 in 1949.
The genus name of Pestalotiopsis is in honour of Fortunato Pestalozza (died 1878), who was an Italian botanist and doctor who worked in Constantinople and Antalya.[2]
The phylogenetic relationships of genus Pestalotiopsis and allied genera has been calculated from ribosomal DNA sequences and morphological characters in 2002.[3]
The sexual state of Pesalotiopsis is Pestalosphaeria, which was introduced by Barr (in 1975) with the type species Pestalosphaeria concentrica. This species was isolated from the grey-brown spots on the living leaves of Rhododendron maximum growing in North Carolina, USA.[4]
Some species of Pestalotiopsis are confirmed to cause human and animal diseases. For example, Pestalotiopsis spp. have been isolated from a bronchial biopsy, corneal abrasions, eyes, feet, fingernails, scalp, and sinuses from the human body.[5] In 2013, the first case of fungal keratitis caused by Pestalotiopsis clavispora was recorded.[6]
Pestalotiopsis species are known as plant pathogens, common endophytes or saprobes in a variety of hosts and environments. The species of fungi within this genus are normally considered as secondary pathogens that can be responsible for a variety of plant diseases, including cankers, dieback, leaf spots, needle blight, tip blight, grey blight, severe chlorosis, fruit rots and various other post-harvest diseases.[7] [8] [9] Pestalotiopsis species occur as generalist endophytes in trees of Western Ghats forests of southern India.[10] In Chile, Pestalotiopsis clavispora and other Pestalotiopsis spp. causes postharvest stem end rot on avocado plants.[11] Pestalotiopsis spp. also cause leaf spot on Japanese persimmon.[12]
19 different Pestalotiopsis species have been found as endophytes from bark and needles of Pinus armandii . in China.[13] Botella and Diez reported the isolation of a Pestalotiopsis sp. from Pinus halepensis in Spain,[14] and Maharachchikumbura et al. referred to a Pestalotiopsis sp. isolated from a Pinus sp. in China.[15] Pestalotiopsis species have also been isolated as endophytes from pine seeds of Pinus armandii in Yunnan province, China,[16] and several other pine species across Europe and North America.[17] Then in 2020, Pestalotiopsis pini sp. nov., was found as an emerging pathogen on Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) and on Pinus pinaster in Portugal.[18]
A new species of Pestalotiopsis from leaf spots on Licuala grandis from Hainan, China was found in 2013.[19]
Neopestalotiopsis and Pestalotiopsis species were noted as causal agents of guava scab in Colombia.[20]
In 2018, the first report of leaf spot disease of elephant apple (Dillenia indica) caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. occurred in India.[21]
In 2021, the first sighting of Pestalotiopsis chamaeropis causing leaf spot on Eurya nitida occurred in China.[22] In the same year, Pestalotiopsis kenyana was found to cause leaf spot disease on Zanthoxylum schinifolium (a species of prickly ash) in Sichuan Province, China.[23]
Some members of the genus are able to grow on the synthetic polymer polyurethane as the sole carbon source under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, hence show promise as a form of bioremediation for waste reduction.[24]
Some members of the genus are able to produce taxol.[25]
In 2009, Chloropestolide A, an anti-tumor metabolite was found in Pestalotiopsis fici.[26] [27]
As accepted by Species Fungorum;[28]
- Pestalotiopsis abietis
- Pestalotiopsis aceris
- Pestalotiopsis acrocomiarum
- Pestalotiopsis acroramosa
- Pestalotiopsis adusta
- Pestalotiopsis aeruginea
- Pestalotiopsis affinis
- Pestalotiopsis aggestorum
- Pestalotiopsis albomaculans
- Pestalotiopsis algeriensis
- Pestalotiopsis aloes
- Pestalotiopsis alpiniae
- Pestalotiopsis anacardiacearum
- Pestalotiopsis anacardii
- Pestalotiopsis angusta
- Pestalotiopsis annonae
- Pestalotiopsis annulata
- Pestalotiopsis antenniformis
- Pestalotiopsis anthurii
- Pestalotiopsis antiaris
- Pestalotiopsis apiculata
- Pestalotiopsis aquatica
- Pestalotiopsis arachidis
- Pestalotiopsis arborei
- Pestalotiopsis arceuthobii
- Pestalotiopsis ardisiae
- Pestalotiopsis arengae
- Pestalotiopsis australasiae
- Pestalotiopsis australis
- Pestalotiopsis baarnensis
- Pestalotiopsis batatas
- Pestalotiopsis besseyi
- Pestalotiopsis betazamiae
- Pestalotiopsis bicilia
- Pestalotiopsis biciliata
- Pestalotiopsis bicolor
- Pestalotiopsis brachiata
- Pestalotiopsis brassicae
- Pestalotiopsis breviseta
- Pestalotiopsis brideliae
- Pestalotiopsis briosiana
- Pestalotiopsis bruguierae
- Pestalotiopsis bulbophylli
- Pestalotiopsis calabae
- Pestalotiopsis camelliae
- Pestalotiopsis camelliae-oleiferae
- Pestalotiopsis canangae
- Pestalotiopsis canarii
- Pestalotiopsis capitata
- Pestalotiopsis capparicola
- Pestalotiopsis carbonacea
- Pestalotiopsis caroliniana
- Pestalotiopsis carveri
- Pestalotiopsis casuarinae
- Pestalotiopsis caudata
- Pestalotiopsis cephalotaxi
- Pestalotiopsis ceratoniae
- Pestalotiopsis chamaeropis
- Pestalotiopsis chethallensis
- Pestalotiopsis chiangmaiensis
- Pestalotiopsis chinensis
- Pestalotiopsis cibotii
- Pestalotiopsis cinchonae
- Pestalotiopsis cinnamomi
- Pestalotiopsis citri
- Pestalotiopsis citrina
- Pestalotiopsis clavata
- Pestalotiopsis clusiae
- Pestalotiopsis coffeae
- Pestalotiopsis coffeae-arabicae [29]
- Pestalotiopsis colombiensis
- Pestalotiopsis congensis
- Pestalotiopsis conigena
- Pestalotiopsis conspicua
- Pestalotiopsis coperniciae
- Pestalotiopsis crassiuscula
- Pestalotiopsis cruenta
- Pestalotiopsis cryptomeriae
- Pestalotiopsis cycadis
- Pestalotiopsis darjeelingensis
- Pestalotiopsis decolorata
- Pestalotiopsis dianellae
- Pestalotiopsis digitalis
- Pestalotiopsis dilleniae
- Pestalotiopsis dilucida
- Pestalotiopsis diploclisiae
- Pestalotiopsis disseminata
- Pestalotiopsis distincta
- Pestalotiopsis diversiseta [29]
- Pestalotiopsis doitungensis
- Pestalotiopsis dracaenae
- Pestalotiopsis dracaenicola
- Pestalotiopsis dracontomelonis
- Pestalotiopsis effecta
- Pestalotiopsis elaeagni
- Pestalotiopsis elasticola
- Pestalotiopsis eleutherococci
- Pestalotiopsis endophytica
- Pestalotiopsis ericacearum
- Pestalotiopsis etonensis
- Pestalotiopsis eugeniae
- Pestalotiopsis eupyrena
- Pestalotiopsis eusora
- Pestalotiopsis fici [30] [31]
- Pestalotiopsis flagisetula
- Pestalotiopsis flavidula
- Pestalotiopsis formosana
- Pestalotiopsis fuchsiae
- Pestalotiopsis funerea
- Pestalotiopsis funereoides
- Pestalotiopsis furcata
- Pestalotiopsis gastrolobii
- Pestalotiopsis gaultheriae
- Pestalotiopsis gibberosa
- Pestalotiopsis gibbosa
- Pestalotiopsis gigas
- Pestalotiopsis glandicola
- Pestalotiopsis gossypii
- Pestalotiopsis gracilis
- Pestalotiopsis granati
- Pestalotiopsis grandis
- Pestalotiopsis gravesii
- Pestalotiopsis grevilleae
- Pestalotiopsis guangdongensis
- Pestalotiopsis guepini
- Pestalotiopsis hainanensis
- Pestalotiopsis hawaiiensis
- Pestalotiopsis heritierae
- Pestalotiopsis heterospora
- Pestalotiopsis heucherae
- Pestalotiopsis hispanica
- Pestalotiopsis hollandica
- Pestalotiopsis humicola
- Pestalotiopsis hunanensis
- Pestalotiopsis hydei
- Pestalotiopsis hypodermia
- Pestalotiopsis iberica
- Pestalotiopsis ilicis
- Pestalotiopsis inflexa [29]
- Pestalotiopsis intermedia [29]
- Pestalotiopsis italiana
- Pestalotiopsis ixorae
- Pestalotiopsis jacksoniae
- Pestalotiopsis japonica
- Pestalotiopsis javanica
- Pestalotiopsis jiangxiensis
- Pestalotiopsis jinchanghensis
- Pestalotiopsis juncestris
- Pestalotiopsis kaki
- Pestalotiopsis kandelicola
- Pestalotiopsis kenyana
- Pestalotiopsis keteleeriae
- Pestalotiopsis knightiae
- Pestalotiopsis krabiensis
- Pestalotiopsis kunmingensis
- Pestalotiopsis kwangsiensis
- Pestalotiopsis lagerstroemiae
- Pestalotiopsis lambertiae
- Pestalotiopsis langloisii
- Pestalotiopsis laughtonae
- Pestalotiopsis lawsoniae
- Pestalotiopsis leprogena
- Pestalotiopsis leucadendri
- Pestalotiopsis leucopogonis
- Pestalotiopsis leucothoes
- Pestalotiopsis licualicola
- Pestalotiopsis lijiangensis
- Pestalotiopsis lindquistii
- Pestalotiopsis linearis [29]
- Pestalotiopsis loeiana
- Pestalotiopsis longiappendiculata
- Pestalotiopsis longiaristata
- Pestalotiopsis longiseta
- Pestalotiopsis lucumae
- Pestalotiopsis lushanensis
- Pestalotiopsis macadamiae
- Pestalotiopsis macadamii
- Pestalotiopsis macrochaeta
- Pestalotiopsis macrospora
- Pestalotiopsis maculans
- Pestalotiopsis maculiformans
- Pestalotiopsis magnoliae
- Pestalotiopsis malayana
- Pestalotiopsis malicola
- Pestalotiopsis mangiferae
- Pestalotiopsis mangifolia
- Pestalotiopsis matildae
- Pestalotiopsis mayumbensis
- Pestalotiopsis melaleucae
- Pestalotiopsis menezesiana
- Pestalotiopsis menhaiensis
- Pestalotiopsis metasequoiae
- Pestalotiopsis micheliae
- Pestalotiopsis microspora
- Pestalotiopsis millettiae
- Pestalotiopsis moluccensis
- Pestalotiopsis monochaeta
- Pestalotiopsis monochaetioides
- Pestalotiopsis montellica
- Pestalotiopsis montellicoides
- Pestalotiopsis moorei
- Pestalotiopsis nanjingensis
- Pestalotiopsis nanningensis
- Pestalotiopsis nattrassii
- Pestalotiopsis nattrassioides
- Pestalotiopsis neglecta
- Pestalotiopsis nelumbonis
- Pestalotiopsis neolitseae
- Pestalotiopsis novae-hollandiae
- Pestalotiopsis oenotherae
- Pestalotiopsis oleandri
- Pestalotiopsis oryzae
- Pestalotiopsis osyridis
- Pestalotiopsis owenii
- Pestalotiopsis oxyanthi
- Pestalotiopsis pachirae
- Pestalotiopsis paeoniae
- Pestalotiopsis paeoniicola
- Pestalotiopsis pallidicolor
- Pestalotiopsis pallidotheae
- Pestalotiopsis palmarum
- Pestalotiopsis pampeana
- Pestalotiopsis pandani
- Pestalotiopsis pandanicola
- Pestalotiopsis papposa
- Pestalotiopsis papuana
- Pestalotiopsis paraguariensis
- Pestalotiopsis parva
- Pestalotiopsis perseae
- Pestalotiopsis pestalozzioides
- Pestalotiopsis peyronelii
- Pestalotiopsis phaii
- Pestalotiopsis phoenicis
- Pestalotiopsis photiniicola
- Pestalotiopsis pini
- Pestalotiopsis pinicola
- Pestalotiopsis pipericola
- Pestalotiopsis pittospori
- Pestalotiopsis planimi
- Pestalotiopsis pleurocrinita
- Pestalotiopsis podocarpi
- Pestalotiopsis portugallica
- Pestalotiopsis psidii
- Pestalotiopsis puttemansii
- Pestalotiopsis puyae
- Pestalotiopsis pycnoides
- Pestalotiopsis quadriciliata
- Pestalotiopsis quercicola
- Pestalotiopsis rapanea
- Pestalotiopsis rhamni
- Pestalotiopsis rhizophorae
- Pestalotiopsis rhododendri
- Pestalotiopsis rhodomyrti
- Pestalotiopsis rosea [29]
- Pestalotiopsis royenae
- Pestalotiopsis sabal
- Pestalotiopsis saccardensis
- Pestalotiopsis sapotae
- Pestalotiopsis schimae
- Pestalotiopsis scirpina
- Pestalotiopsis scoparia
- Pestalotiopsis sequoiae
- Pestalotiopsis shiraiana
- Pestalotiopsis shoreae
- Pestalotiopsis sichuanensis
- Pestalotiopsis siliquastri
- Pestalotiopsis sinensis
- Pestalotiopsis smilacicola
- Pestalotiopsis smilacis
- Pestalotiopsis sonsensis
- Pestalotiopsis sorbi
- Pestalotiopsis spathulata
- Pestalotiopsis spathuliappendiculata
- Pestalotiopsis stellata
- Pestalotiopsis stictica
- Pestalotiopsis subcuticularis
- Pestalotiopsis submersa
- Pestalotiopsis subshorea
- Pestalotiopsis suffocata
- Pestalotiopsis sydowiana
- Pestalotiopsis synsepali
- Pestalotiopsis taslimiana
- Pestalotiopsis tecomicola
- Pestalotiopsis telopeae
- Pestalotiopsis terminaliae
- Pestalotiopsis termitarii
- Pestalotiopsis terricola
- Pestalotiopsis thailandica
- Pestalotiopsis thujicola
- Pestalotiopsis tiliae
- Pestalotiopsis toxica
- Pestalotiopsis trachycarpicola [29]
- Pestalotiopsis trichocladi
- Pestalotiopsis triseptata
- Pestalotiopsis triseta
- Pestalotiopsis unicolor [29]
- Pestalotiopsis uvicola
- Pestalotiopsis ventricosa
- Pestalotiopsis verruculosa
- Pestalotiopsis versicolor
- Pestalotiopsis virgatula
- Pestalotiopsis vismiae
- Pestalotiopsis westerdykiae
- Pestalotiopsis woodfordiae
- Pestalotiopsis yanglingensis
- Pestalotiopsis yunnanensis
A phylogenetic analysis in 2013 with some of the Pestalotiopsis species are found in the following tree:[29]
See also
Other sources
- Song Y, Geng K, Zhang B, Hyde KD, Zhao WS, Wei JG, Kang JC, Wang Y (2013) Two new species of Pestalotiopsis from Southern China. Phytotaxa 126(1): 22–30.
Notes and References
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- Jeewon . R. . Liew . E.C.Y. . Hyde . Kevin D. . Phylogenetic relationships of Pestalotiopsis and allied genera inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences and morphological characters. . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution . 2002 . 25 . 3 . 378–392 . 10.1016/S1055-7903(02)00422-0.
- Maharachchikumbura . S.S.N. . Hyde . K.D. . Groenewald . J.Z. . Xu . J. . Crous . P.W. . Pestalotiopsis revisited . Studies in Mycology . September 2014 . 79 . 121–186.
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- Monden . Y. . Yamamoto . S. . Sunada . A. . Asari . S. . Makimura . K. . Inoue . Y. . First case of fungal keratitis caused by Pestalotiopsis clavispora. . Clin. Ophthalmol. . 2013 . 7 . 2261–2264.
- Espinoza . J.G. . Briceño . E.X. . Keith . L.M. . Latorre . B.A. . Canker and twig dieback of blueberry caused by Pestalotiopsis spp. and a Truncatella sp. in Chile. . Plant Dis. . 2008 . 92 . 1407–1414.
- Lorenzini . M. . Zapparoli . G. . Identification of Pestalotiopsis bicilita, Diplodia seriata and Diaporthe eres causing fruit rot in withered grapes in Italy. . Eur. J. Plant Pathol. . 2018 . 151 . 1089–1093.
- Maharachchikumbura . S. . Larignon . P. . Hyde . K. . Al-Sadi . A. . Liu . Z.-Y. . Characterization of Neopestalotiopsis, Pestalotiopsis and Truncatella species associated with grapevine trunk diseases in France. . Phytopathol. Mediterr. . 2017 . 55 . 380–390.
- Reddy . M.S. . Murali . T.S. . Suryanarayanan . T.S. . Rajulu . M.B.G. . Thirunavukkarasu . N. . Pestalotiopsis species occur as generalist endophytes in trees of Western Ghats forests of southern India. . Fungal Ecology . 2016 . 24 . 70‑75 . 10.1016/j.funeco.2016.09.002.
- Valencia . A. L. . Torres . R. . Latorre . B. A. . First report of Pestalotiopsis clavispora and Pestalotiopsis spp. causing postharvest stem end rot of avocado in Chile. . Plant Dis. . 2011 . 95 . 4 . 492 . 10.1094/PDIS-11-10-0844. free .
- Yasuda . F. . Kobayashi . T. . Watanabe . H. . Izawa . H. . Addition of Pestalotiopsis spp. to leaf spot pathogens of Japanese persimmon. . J. Gen. Plant Pathol. . 2003 . 69 . 29–32 . 10.1007/s10327-002-0011-1.
- Hu . H. . Jeewon . R. . Zhou . D. . Zhou . T. . Hyde . K.D. . Phylogenetic diversity of endophytic Pestalotiopsis species in Pinus armandii and Ribes spp.: Evidence from rDNA and β-Tubulin gene phylogenies. . Fungal Divers. . 2007 . 24 . 1–22.
- Botella . L. . Javier Diez . J. . Phylogenic diversity of fungal endophytes in Spanish stands of Pinus halepensis. . Fungal Divers. . 2011 . 47 . 9–18.
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- Tibpromma . S. . Mortimer . P.E. . Karunarathna . S.C. . Zhan . F. . Xu . J. . Promputtha . I. . Yan . K. . Morphology and multi-gene phylogeny reveal Pestalotiopsis pinicola sp. nov. and a new host record of Cladosporium anthropophilum from edible pine (Pinus armandii) seeds in Yunnan province, China. . Pathogens . 2019 . 8 . 285.
- Cleary . M. . Oskay . F. . Doğmuş . H.T. . Lehtijärvi . A. . Woodward . S. . Vettraino . A.M. . Cryptic risks to forest biosecurity associated with the global movement of commercial seed. . Forests . 2019 . 10 . 459.
- Silva . Ana Cristina . Diogo . Eugénio . Henriques . Joana . Ramos . Ana Paula . Sandoval-Denis . Marcelo . Crous . Pedro W. . Bragança . Helena . Pestalotiopsis pini sp. nov., an Emerging Pathogen on Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) . Forests . 2020 . 11 . 8 . 805 . 10.3390/f11080805 . free . 10400.5/20420 . free .
- Geng . K . Zhang . B. . Song . Y. . Hyde . Kevin D. . Kang . J.C. . Wang . Y. . A new species of Pestalotiopsis from leaf spots of Licuala grandis from Hainan, China. . Phytotaxa . 2013 . 88 . 3 . 49–54 . 10.11646/phytotaxa.88.3.2. free .
- Solarte . F. . Munoz . C.G. . Maharachchikumbura . S.S.N. . Alvarez . E. . Diversity of Neopestalotiopsis and Pestalotiopsis spp., causal agents of guava scab in Colombia. . Plant Disease . 2018 . 102 . 1 . 49–59 . 10.1094/PDIS-01-17-0068-RE. free .
- Banerjee . A. . Mandal . R. . Nath . P.S. . First report of leaf spot disease of elephant apple (Dillenia indica) caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. in India . New Disease Reports . 2018 . 37 . 14 . 10.5197/j.2044-0588.2018.037.014. free .
- Qiu . L. . Liu . J. . Kuang . W. . Zhang . K. . Ma . J. . First Report of Pestalotiopsis chamaeropis Causing Leaf Spot on Eurya nitida in China. . Plant Dis. . Aug 18, 2021 . 106 . 329 . 10.1094/PDIS-06-21-1170-PDN.
- Liu . C. . Luo . F . Zhu . T. . Han . S. . Li . S. . Leaf Spot Disease Caused by Pestalotiopsis kenyana on Zanthoxylum schinifolium in Sichuan Province, China. . Plant Dis. . 24 May 2021 . 105 . 11 . 3747 . 10.1094/PDIS-10-20-2247-PDN. free .
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