People's Movement for the State explained

People's Movement for the State
Native Name:Народни покрет за државу
Narodni pokret za državu
Native Name Lang:sr
Name Lang1:Movement for the People and the State
Abbreviation:NPZD, PZND
Leader:Aleksandar Vučić
Leader1 Title:Initiated
Colors: Blue
Slogan:"Srbija sanja i snove ostvaruje"
("Serbia dreams and its dreams come true")

The People's Movement for the State (Serbian: Народни покрет за државу|Narodni pokret za državu, abbr. NPZD), also referred to as the Movement for the People and the State (Serbian: Покрет за народ и државу|Pokret za narod i državu, abbr. PZND), are the working names of the political movement in Serbia initiated by Aleksandar Vučić, the president of Serbia and then-president of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), in March 2023. Vučić defined it as a "supra-party movement" that would include political parties, such as SNS and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), and other movements, associations, and individuals. He organised rallies to promote the movement in March and May 2023.

Despite not having a programme, the movement has been described as populist, centrist, or not strictly ideologically defined. Political parties such as SNS, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, United Serbia, PUPS – Solidarity and Justice, Serbian Party Oathkeepers, and Greens of Serbia have expressed interest in joining the movement. Inside SPS, there have been voices supportive and opposing of the movement, though Ivica Dačić, the president of SPS, supports the inclusion of SPS in the movement. All the aforementioned parties, including SPS, contested the 2024 Belgrade City Assembly election as part of the Belgrade Tomorrow electoral list, in which they won 64 out of 110 seats in the City Assembly of Belgrade. Miloš Vučević, the president of SNS, said that the electoral list was the realisation of the movement.



The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was founded in 2008 as a split from the Serbian Radical Party, a far-right political party.[1] [2] It was led by Tomislav Nikolić until the 2012 elections, when he resigned from the position of president of SNS after being elected president of Serbia.[3] [4] Aleksandar Vučić succeeded him as president of SNS, while in 2017, he also succeeded Nikolić as president of Serbia after the 2017 presidential election.[5] [6]

In the 2022 general elections, SNS received fewer votes and seats than in the 2020 parliamentary election.[7] Then in September 2022, Vučić hinted at the potential creation of a political bloc or a movement that would act as the rebranded SNS.[8] [9] Nova and Vreme news magazines compared the announced movement to the All-Russia People's Front, saying that "the only common goal of the blocs is to strengthen [Vučić's and [[Vladimir Putin]]'s] personal ratings" (zajedničko im je i to što je pravi cilj, zapravo, jačanje njihovog ličnog rejtinga).[10] [11] The movement was initially referred to as the Movement for Serbia, Serb Bloc, and My Serbia by the media.[12] [13] Since then, the People's Movement for the State (NPZD) and the Movement for the People and the State have both been the working names of the movement.[14]


On 8 March 2023, Vučić announced the formation of the People's Movement for the State (NPZD).[15] [16] Political scientist Boban Stojanović described the formation of the NPZD as "the preparation for the next snap parliamentary elections".[17] Vučić affirmed that SNS would not be dissolved and that the NPZD would instead act as a "supra-party movement" (nadstranački pokret).[18] [19] Vučić organised rallies to promote the movement in Vranje on 11 March,[20] [21] and in Pančevo on 19 May.[22] Miloš Vučević, the minister of defence, succeeded Vučić as president of SNS on 27 May.[23] [24]

Initially, it was announced that the movement would be formalised on Vidovdan; however, shortly before Vidovdan, Vučić announced that it would instead be formalised by September 2023.[25] [26] Later in August, Vučević and Darko Glišić, the president of the executive board of SNS, announced that it would be formalised in early autumn.[27] [28] At the session of the main board of SNS, which was held in October 2023, there were no mentions of the NPZD.[29] However, in late October 2023, Vučić announced that the NPZD will be formed "in the coming period" (u narednom periodu).[30] Parliamentary and Belgrade City Assembly elections were held in Serbia in December 2023.[31] [32] In the parliamentary election, SNS re-gained its parliamentary majority, while the Belgrade City Assembly election resulted in a hung parliament.[33] [34] Election observers declared that electoral fraud occurred on election day.[35] [36] [37]

Vučić revived the question about the formation of the NPZD in February 2024; he said that the movement "should continue the economic growth of Serbia and defend [Serbia's] national and state interests" (koji će imati snage da ubrza ekonomski rast Srbije i odbrani naše nacionalne i državne interese).[38] He did not announce when the official formation of NPZD would take place.[39] This time, analyst Dejan Bursać described NPZD as a "marketing trick" (marketinški trik) and as an attempt to divert from then-ongoing themes regarding the European Parliament adopting a resolution on the irregularities that occurred in the 2023 elections. Đorđe Vukadinović of Nova srpska politička misao argued the same.[40] Political consultant Nikola Tomić said that the cause of the formation of NPZD is the attempt of Vučić and SNS to consolidate power. Psychologist Jovan Byford described NPZD "as another attempt a tundermining democracy in Serbia and creating a one-party system" (još jedan pokušaj podrivanja demokratije u Srbiji i stvaranja jednopartijskog sistema).[41]

For the 2024 Belgrade City Assembly election, SNS formed a joint electoral list, the Belgrade Tomorrow, with its old partners, but this time also including the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and Serbian Party Oathkeepers (SSZ), on 7 April.[42] The electoral list also included Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDPS), Movement of Socialists (PS), United Serbia (JS), PUPS – Solidarity and Justice (PUPS), Healthy Serbia (ZS), Greens of Serbia (Zeleni), Serbian Radical Party, and Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians. Vučević said that the electoral list is effectively the realisation of the movement.[43] Journalist Zoran Panović said that with the formation of the electoral list, the NPZD was also effectively created, despite not having an official announcement.[44] In the election, the Belgrade Tomorrow electoral list won 52 percent of the popular vote and 64 out of 110 seats in the City Assembly of Belgrade.[45]

Ideology and platform

Vučić and Vučević described the NPZD as a "state-building movement" (državotvorni pokret).[46] In June 2023, Vučić announced that they would also publish their political platform "in 10 or 15 days" (za deset ili 15 dana).[47] However, as of August 2023, the platform has not been published yet.

According to the newspaper Danas, the movement would likely promote "responsible national and civic positions" (odgovorne nacionalne ali i građanske politike) and economically liberal policies. Bojan Klačar, the executive director of CeSID, stated for Blic that the movement would most likely be ideologically oriented towards the centre-right but that it would lean closer to the political centre.[48] Nova reported that the movement would be positioned in the centre, that it would support the accession of Serbia to the European Union, and that it would oppose sanctions on Russia related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[49] Balkan Insight has described the movement as centrist.[50]

Deutsche Welle also reported that the NPZD would represent the "third way" (treći put) in Serbian politics, while Nataša Anđelković, a BBC News journalist, concluded that its orientation has not been strictly defined.[51] [52] Political scientist Věra Stojarová noted that NPZD could adopt populist elements due to its proposed name, while political scientist Vujo Ilić described the formation of the movement as the "epitome of catch-all politics" (otelotvorenje catch-all-a).[53] [54] Filip Ejdus, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade, described NPZD as populist.[55] BBC News said that NPZD is not ideologically strictly defined.

Euronews said that with the creation of the movement, politically extremist and pro-Russian individuals could be excluded from taking part in the movement. Regarding this, Vučić said "We will not let you destroy Serbia, neither you extremists on the left, nor you extremists on the right. We want to go straight into the future." (Ne damo vam da uništite Srbiju, ni vama ekstremistima s leve, ni vama ekstremistima s desne strane. Hoćemo da idemo pravo u budućnost).[56]


At its rallies, the "Serbia dreams and its dreams come true" (Srbija sanja i snove ostvaruje) slogan was used.[57] [58]


Nova reported that the movement would not officially have a president but that Vučić would instead act as its representative; Danas reported that Vučić would preside over a body that would include leaders of other political parties.[59] Political scientist Mladen Mrdalj said that Vučić "will try to change the leadership machinery of SNS" (pokušati da presvuče svoju partijsku mašineriju) with the formation of the bloc.[60] After his election as president of SNS, Vučević said that Vučić would be the leader of the NPZD.[61]

Potential members

Political commentator Predrag Rajić said that "the most logical thing for the movement would be to include ruling parties" (najlogičnije bilo da u tom bloku budu partije vladajuće većine); he named the SPS, SDPS, PS, and JS as potential members. Political scientist Zoran Stojiljković said that it could also include minor parties like the Serbian Renewal Movement and individuals that are supportive of Vučić but were not directly involved in politics before. Danas reported that PUPS and Strength of Serbia Movement could also be potential members of the NPZD.[62] Klačar said the bloc could be "widely spaced" (široko postavljen) and that it could exclude far-right parties,[63] while Predrag Lacmanović of the Faktor Plus non-governmental organisation said that opposition parties also might get invited to join the bloc.[64] Vučić stated that the bloc "also needs Bosniaks, Hungarians, Roma, Slovaks, and Romanians in it" (u njemu su nam potrebni i Bošnjaci, Mađari, Romi, Slovaci, Rumuni) and that independent individuals would be part of the bloc.[65] [66] He also saw SPS as a potential member.[67] Goran Vesić, the minister of construction, transport, and infrastructure, added that non-governmental organisations could also take part in the movement.[68]

At the party conference on 10 March 2023, SNS stated its support for the formation of the NPZD, while after Vučević's election as president of SNS, it was confirmed that SNS would take part in the movement.[69] Rasim Ljajić, the leader of SDPS, said that "it is logical for his party to be part of the new movement" (logično da ... stranka bude deo novog pokreta), while SPS, JS, PUPS, and the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina stated their support for the creation of the movement.[70] [71] In an August 2023 interview for Politika, Ljajić said that "[SDPS] certainly expects talks with our coalition partner, the Serbian Progressive Party" ([SDPS] svakako očekuje razgovore s našim koalicionim partnerom Srpskom naprednom strankom) and that he sees the potential of the movement to be the "barrier to any extremism, especially right-wing extremism" (ja ga vidim kao branu svakom ekstremizmu, naročito desničarskom).[72] SNS held negotiations with Milan Stamatović's ZS about joining the movement in October 2023.[73] The SSZ initially declined to take part in the movement; however, in February 2024 Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski, the party's president, confirmed that negotiations were held regarding the party joining the NPZD.[74] Klačar argued that with the addition of Đurđević Stamenkovski and SSZ, the NPZD could receive votes from the right-wing bloc.[75] Aleksandar Vulin, the former president of PS, also said in February 2024 that PS would join the NPZD if it received an invitation.[76]

Ivica Dačić, the leader of SPS, added that with the formation of the movement, the cooperation between SPS and SNS could be put on an even higher stage.[77] A faction opposed to joining the NPZD was formed inside SPS with individuals such as vice-president Predrag J. Marković, who has said that SPS would lose its identity if it joined the movement.[78] [79] Vladan Zagrađanin also said that if SPS joined, it would "renounce everything that it had built up over the years" (odrekla svega što je građeno godinama).[80] Besides Dačić,[81] Đorđe Milićević and Snežana Paunović have also been supportive of SPS joining NPZD.[82] During his visit to Germany, Milićević also called Serbs that live in Hamburg to support the movement. Paunović said that SPS joining the NPZD would not "threaten the party's identity" (ne bi ugrozio stranački identitet) and that they would "put ideological differences aside in order to achieve a common goal" (staviti po strani ideološke razlike i objediniti se oko zajedničkog cilja). Dragan Marković, the president of JS and a coalition partner of SPS, also expressed his support for joining the NPZD. The Zeleni, another partner of SPS, expressed their willingness to join the NPZD in February 2024.[83]

Opposition parties such as the New Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of Freedom and Justice, Democratic Party, Dveri, and Movement of Free Citizens criticised its formation or declined to take part in the movement. Enis Imamović, a Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak member of parliament, said that "the movement does not provide answers to questions of vital importance for Bosniaks" (niti daje odgovore na druga pitanja od vitalnog značaja za Bošnjake), while the Justice and Reconciliation Party said that it would consider participating in the movement.[84] The We – Voice from the People refused to comment on the matter.

Notes and References

  1. News: 10 October 2008 . Nikolić: Službeno osnovana Srpska napredna stranka . sr . Nikolić: The Serbian Progressive Party has been officially founded . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 2 December 2021.
  2. Book: Gorup, Radmila . After Yugoslavia: The Cultural Spaces of a Vanished Land . Stanford University Press . 2013 . 9780804787345 . 72 . 11 March 2023 . 1 January 2023 . . live .
  3. Web site: 24 May 2012 . Nikolić podneo ostavku i zaplakao . Nikolić resigned and cried . live . . 26 July 2022 . 11 March 2023 . B92 . sr.
  4. News: Tomislav Nikolić is elected president of Serbia . 21 May 2012 . Tomislav Nikolić izabran za predsednika Srbije . sr . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 11 March 2023.
  5. News: 29 September 2012 . Aleksandar Vučić novi predsjednik SNS-a . sr . Aleksandar Vučić is the new president of SNS . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 11 March 2023.
  6. News: 20 April 2017 . RIK proglasio konačne rezultate predsedničkih izbora u Srbiji . sr . RIK announced the final results of the presidential elections in Serbia . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 8 June 2020.
  7. Web site: 25 September 2022 . Srpski blok: Tri ključna cilja nove političke formacije koju je Vučić najavio i ko bi mogao da je čini . Serb Bloc: Three key goals of the new political formation announced by Vučić and who could take part in it . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Euronews . sr.
  8. Web site: Vlaović . G. . 12 September 2022 . Vučić gasi Srpsku naprednu stranku i formira "Moju Srbiju"? . Vučić is shutting down the Serbian Progressive Party and forming "My Serbia"? . live . . 5 December 2022 . 11 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  9. Web site: 20 September 2022 . Vučić u narednih šest meseci formira "veliki pokret za opstanak Srbije" . Vučić will form a "great movement for the survival of Serbia" in the next six months . live . . 2 October 2022 . 11 March 2023 . . sr.
  10. Web site: Jelovac . Jelena . 22 September 2022 . Šta zapravo stoji iza Vučićeve ideje o "srpskom bloku" . What actually stands behind Vučić's idea of a "Serb Bloc" . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  11. Web site: Popović . Sofija . 8 March 2023 . Vučićev Narodni pokret za državu: Putinov izum za srpsko tržište . Vučić's People's Movement for the State: Putin's invention for the Serbian market . live . . 10 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Vreme . sr.
  12. News: Karabeg . Omer . 23 October 2022 . Most: Želi li Vučić da se reši naprednjaka? . sr . Bridge: Does Vučić want to get rid of the Progressives? . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 29 October 2022.
  13. News: Glavonjić . Zoran . 28 October 2022 . Šta se zna o pokretu koji je najavio predsednik Srbije? . sr . What is known about the movement announced by the president of Serbia? . Radio Free Europe . live . 11 March 2023 . . 21 January 2023.
  14. Web site: Popović . Predrag V. . 15 February 2024 . "Rebrendiranje pred lokalne izbore i marketinški trik": Vučić i novi pokret, još jednom najava . "Rebranding before local elections and a marketing trick": Vučić and the new movement, once again an announcement . 1 July 2024 . N1 . sr.
  15. Web site: Barišić . Vera . 8 March 2023 . Formiranje Narodnog pokreta . Formation of the People's Movement . 11 March 2023 . FoNet portal . sr.
  16. Web site: 8 March 2023 . Novosti: Vučić formira Narodni pokret za državu i kreće u obilazak Srbije . Novosti: Vučić to form the People's Movement for the State and embark a tour of Serbia . live . . 9 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . N1 . sr.
  17. Web site: 8 March 2023 . Stojanović: Formiranje 'narodnog pokreta za državu' još jedna Vučićeva manipulacija . Stojanović: The formation of the 'People's Movement for the State' is another Vučić's manipulation . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  18. Web site: Stojković . Anđelija . 9 March 2023 . Niko neće ukinuti SNS . No one will abolish SNS . 11 March 2023 . FoNet portal . sr.
  19. Web site: Latković . Nataša . 8 March 2023 . SNS-u pada rejting prvi put od dolaska na vlast: Vučić u panici traži spas u Narodnom pokretu . The rating of the SNS is falling for the first time since coming to power: Vučić is panicking and looking for salvation in the People's Movement . live . . 8 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  20. Web site: Lukač . Davor . 11 March 2023 . Nema predaje . We will not give up . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . FoNet portal . sr.
  21. Web site: Stojanović . Milan . 11 March 2023 . Vučić Vranjance nazvao "čuvarima teritorije", obećao subvencije i ulaganja . Vučić called the Vranjians "guardians of the territory", promises subsidies and investments . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . N1 . sr.
  22. Web site: 19 May 2023 . Vučić na mitingu "Srbija sanja i snove ostvaruje" u Pančevu: Spreman na razgovor, ali ne pristajem na ucene . Vučić at the rally "Serbia dreams and its dreams come true" in Pančevo: I am ready to talk, but I do not agree to blackmail . 28 May 2023 . Insajder . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  23. Web site: Marić . Dunja . 27 May 2023 . Miloš Vučević novi predsednik SNS . Miloš Vučević is the new president of the SNS . 27 May 2023 . NOVA portal . sr . 3 June 2023 . . live .
  24. Web site: 27 May 2023 . Vučević zvanično novi predsednik SNS: Mogu vanredni izbori, ne i prelazna vlada . Vučević is officially the new SNS president: Snap elections are possible, but not a transitional government . 28 May 2023 . N1 . sr . 27 May 2023 . . live .
  25. Web site: 20 April 2023 . Vučić najavio povlačenje sa čela SNS-a 27. maja, formiranje Narodnog pokreta za Srbiju na Vidovdan . Vučić announced his resignation from the leadership of SNS on 27 May, the formation of the People's Movement for Serbia on Vidovdan . 21 April 2023 . Danas . sr . 1 June 2023 . . live .
  26. Web site: Jelovac . Jelena . 26 June 2023 . Ništa od Vučićevog pokreta na Vidovdan: Odlaganje za septembar potvrđuje da je vlast u krizi . Nothing from Vučić's movement on Vidovdan: The postponement to September confirms that the government is in crisis . 26 June 2023 . NOVA portal . sr . 26 June 2023 . . live .
  27. Web site: 11 August 2023 . Vučević: Ne kasnimo sa novim pokretom za državu, videćete kako ćemo ga formirati . Vučević: We are not late with the new movement for the state, you will see how we will form it . 12 August 2023 . . sr . 12 August 2023 . . live .
  28. Web site: 29 July 2023 . Glišić (SNS) o Narodnom pokretu za državu: Videćemo, možda s jeseni budu neki konkretni koraci po tom pitanju . Glišić (SNS) on the People's Movement for the State: We will see, maybe in the autumn there will be some concrete steps in this matter . 12 August 2023 . NOVA portal . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  29. Web site: Radovanović . Vojin . 17 October 2023 . "Bio formiran ili ne – svešće se na slogan": Svi rokovi prošli, izbori se bliže, a Narodnog pokreta za državu još nema . "Whether formed or not – it will come down to a slogan": All deadlines have passed, the elections are approaching, and there is still no People's Movement for the State . 18 October 2023 . Danas . sr . 18 October 2023 . . live .
  30. Web site: Lukač . Davor . 22 October 2023 . Uskoro narodni pokret . The People's Movement will be formed soon . 23 October 2023 . FoNet portal . sr . 29 October 2023 . . live .
  31. Web site: 1 November 2023 . Vučić raspisao vanredne parlamentarne izbore za 17. decembar . Vučić announced snap parliamentary elections for 17 December . live . . 1 November 2023 . 1 November 2023 . N1 . sr.
  32. Web site: 1 November 2023 . Predsednik Skupštine raspisao izbore za odbornike skupština gradova i opština za 17. decembar . The President of the National Assembly announced elections for councillors of city and municipal assemblies for 17 December . 1 November 2023 . Radio Television of Serbia . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  33. Web site: 18 December 2023 . CeSID i IPSOS obradili 97,2 odsto uzorka – SNS-u 128 mandata, SPN-u 65 . CeSID and IPSOS processed 97.2 percent of the sample – SNS 128 mandates, SPN 65 . 18 December 2023 . N1 . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  34. Web site: 31 December 2023 . Vučić: Formiranje vlasti u Beogradu zavisi od liste Branimira Nestorovića, Brnabić neće biti premijer . Vučić: The formation of the government in Belgrade depends on Branimir Nestorović's list, Brnabić will not be prime minister . live . . 21 June 2024 . 21 June 2024 . Insajder . sr.
  35. Web site: 17 December 2023 . CeSID dosad zabeležio više od 50 nepravilnosti na izborima . So far, CeSID recorded more than 50 irregularities in the elections . 18 December 2023 . N1 . sr . 18 December 2023 . . live .
  36. Web site: 17 December 2023 . Porodično glasanje, pritisak na birače: CeSID objavio nepravilnosti od 14 do 17 časova . Family voting, pressure on voters: CeSID announced irregularities from 14:00 to 17:00 . 18 December 2023 . N1 . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  37. Web site: 27 February 2024 . N1 ekskluzivno: Izveštaj ODIHR o izborima 17. decembra u Srbiji – kampanjom dominirao Vučić . N1 exclusive: ODIHR report on the 17 December elections in Serbia – Vučić dominated the campaign . live . . 1 May 2024 . 21 June 2024 . N1 . sr.
  38. News: 13 February 2024 . Vučić: Došlo vreme za osnivanje velikog pokreta za narod i državu . Vučić: The time has come to establish a great movement for the people and the state . 17 February 2024 . Tanjug . sr.
  39. Web site: Prodanović . Milena . 18 February 2024 . "Novo ruho za dalju budućnost" Vučić najavio osnivanje pokreta, pozivnice još na čekanju, a iza svega mogla bi da bude jedna stvar . "New attire for the future" Vučić announced the establishment of a movement, invitations are still pending, and there could be one thing behind everything . 1 July 2024 . Blic . sr.
  40. Web site: Milenković . Mirjana . 14 February 2024 . "Crna politička rupa": Šta je cilj Vučićevog oživljavanja ideje o Pokretu za narod i državu? . "Black political hole": What is the goal of Vučić's revival of the idea of the Movement for the People and the State? . 1 July 2024 . Danas . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  41. Web site: Anđelković . Nataša . 11 March 2023 . Vučićev narodni pokret za državu – šta se može očekivati . Vučić's people's movement for the state – what can be expected . 1 July 2024 . BBC News . sr . 11 March 2023 . . live .
  42. Web site: 7 April 2024 . SNS, SPS i Zavetnici predali zajedničku listu za beogradske izbore . SNS, SPS and Oathkeepers submitted a joint list for the Belgrade elections . 1 July 2024 . Blic . sr . 1 July 2024 . . live .
  43. Web site: 19 May 2024 . Vučević u Novom Sadu: Naša lista je nadstranačka, to je pokret za državu i narod predvođen Vučićem . Vučević in Novi Sad: Our list is non-partisan, it is a movement for the state and the people led by Vučević . 1 July 2024 . . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  44. Web site: Panović . Zoran . 22 May 2024 . Naprednjački "kop" u Novom Sadu i stari navijač sa "šipke" . Progressive "prospect" in Novi Sad and an old fan from the "rod" . 1 July 2024 . Nedeljnik . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  45. Web site: 14 June 2024 . Izveštaj o rezultatima izbora za odbornike Skupštine Grada Beograda . Report on the results of the elections for councillors of the City of Belgrade Assembly . 1 July 2024 . City of Belgrade . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  46. Web site: 9 March 2023 . Vučević: Narodni pokret okuplja sve koji žele da očuvaju Srbiju u ovim okolnostima . Vučević: The People's Movement will gather everyone who wants to preserve Serbia in these circumstances . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Tanjug . sr.
  47. Web site: Kojić . Nikola . 11 August 2023 . Ni slovo na papiru: Vučićev Narodni pokret za državu i dalje samo u najavi . Not even a word on a paper: Vučić's People's Movement for the State is still just an announcement . 12 August 2023 . N1 . sr . 12 August 2023 . . live .
  48. Web site: Luković . Danijela . 20 September 2022 . Tri muve jednim pokretom Šta Vučić hoće da postigne novom organizacijom: Od rebrendiranja SNS, preko sređivanja desnice, do prevazilaženja podela, a sve to ima veze i sa Putinom . Three flies with one movement, What Vučić wants to achieve with the new organisation: From rebranding the SNS, to sorting out the right wing, to overcoming divisions, and all of this has to do with Putin . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Blic . sr.
  49. Web site: Milovančević . Vojislav . 16 December 2022 . Vučićev pokret "Srpski blok" na čekanju do proleća, prvo izbori u SNS . Vučić's "Serb Bloc" movement is on hold until spring, first the SNS elections will come . live . . 8 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  50. Web site: Dragojlo . Saša . 7 June 2023 . Illusion of Change: Serbia's Vucic Puts 'Movement' Ahead of Party . 7 June 2023 . Balkan Insight . en-US.
  51. Web site: Petrović . Ivica . 11 March 2023 . Zbijanje redova iza Vučića: Čemu služi Narodni pokret? . Closing ranks behind Vučić: What is the purpose of the People's Movement? . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Deutsche Welle . sr.
  52. Web site: Anđelković . Nataša . 11 March 2023 . Vučićev narodni pokret za državu – šta se može očekivati . Vučić's people's movement for the state – what can be expected . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . BBC News . sr.
  53. Web site: Đurović . Jovana . Ranković . Rade . 14 March 2023 . Hoće li Vučićev Narodni pokret za državu "pojesti" nacionalnu desnicu . Will Vučić's People's Movement for the State "eat" the national right . 8 April 2023 . Voice of America . sr.
  54. Web site: Marković . Radmilo . 15 March 2023 . Narodni pokret za državu ili stvaranje paralelne države . People's movement for a state or the creation of a parallel state . 1 July 2024 . Vreme . sr . 1 July 2024 . . live .
  55. Web site: Nešić . Nenad . 16 February 2024 . Voz je opet u "Pokretu": Vučić oživljava skoro pa zaboravljenu temu – "za narod i državu" . The train is in motion again: Vučić revives an almost forgotten topic – "for the people and the state" . 1 July 2024 . N1 . sr.
  56. Web site: 14 February 2024 . "Nacionalni interes mora biti ispred politikanstva": Šta je cilj Pokreta za narod i državu i hoće li ujediniti Srbiju? . "The national interest must come before politics": What is the goal of the Movement for the People and the State and will it unite Serbia? . 1 July 2024 . Euronews . sr.
  57. Web site: 10 March 2023 . Srbija sanja i snove ostvaruje: Otkriven slogan novog Vučićevog pokreta . Serbia dreams and its dreams come true: The slogan of Vučić's new movement has been revealed . 28 May 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  58. Web site: Rujević . Nemanja . 24 May 2023 . Mitinzi Aleksandra Vučića: Kako ljudi "dezertiraju" . Aleksandar Vučić's rallies: How people are "deserting" . 28 May 2023 . Vreme . sr.
  59. Web site: Valtner . Lidija . 16 December 2022 . Najavljeno, pa stavljeno po strani: Zašto Vučić gotovo da ne pominje stvaranje srpskog pokreta? . Announced, then put aside: Why does Vučić hardly mention the creation of the Serbian movement? . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  60. Web site: 8 March 2023 . Kako novi Vučićev pokret može biti put ka defakto diktaturi . How the new Vučić movement can be a path to a defacto dictatorship . live . . 9 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . N1 . sr.
  61. Web site: 28 May 2023 . Vučević: Vučić će biti lider novog pokreta, nema razloga za strah . Vučević: Vučić will be the leader of the new movement, there is no reason to fear . 28 May 2023 . N1 . sr . 2 June 2023 . . live .
  62. Web site: Valtner . Lidija . 9 March 2023 . Od preventivnog vezivanja do političkog suicida: Kako će se SPS odnositi prema novom Vučićevom pokretu? . From pre-trial detention to political suicide: How will the SPS treat the new Vučić movement? . live . . 10 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  63. Web site: Luković . Danijela . 1 September 2022 . Ni na istok, ni na zapad... Šta je Vučićev novi blok: Ni stranka, ni pokret, već konsenzus! U njemu ima mesta za sve, osim za jednu grupu, a ključno pitanje je: Može li da pomiri Srbiju? . Neither to the east nor to the west... What is Vučić's new bloc, Neither a party, nor a movement, but a consensus! There is room in it for everyone, except for one group, and the key question is: Can it reconcile Serbia? . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Blic . sr.
  64. Web site: Luković . Danijela . 11 January 2023 . U novoj godini – nova politička sila! Šta je naumio Vučić sa SNS i kako bi sve to moglo da izgleda u 2023. . In the new year – a new political force! What is Vučić up to with SNS and how could it all look like in 2023? . live . . 22 January 2023 . 11 March 2023 . Blic . sr.
  65. Web site: 21 October 2022 . Vučić: Na sledećim izborima i 'Blok Srbija' i SNS, Nova vlada iduće nedelje . Vučić: In the next elections, both the 'Serb Bloc' and the SNS, the new government will be announced next week . live . . 21 October 2022 . 11 March 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  66. Web site: Lukač . Davor . 10 March 2023 . Istorijski rez . Historical cut . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . FoNet portal . sr.
  67. Web site: 14 February 2024 . Vučić ponovo oživeo ideju o "Pokretu za narod i državu" . Vučić revived the idea of the "Movement for the People and the State" . 1 July 2024 . NIN . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  68. Web site: 14 March 2023 . Vesić: Narodni pokret istorijska inicijativa, neophodno jedinstvo po pitanju KiM . Vesić: The People's Movement is a historical initiative, necessary unity on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija . 8 April 2023 . Euronews . sr . 8 April 2023 . . live .
  69. Web site: 10 March 2023 . Podržan Vučićev predlog . Vučić's proposal has support . live . . 11 March 2023 . 11 March 2023 . FoNet portal . sr.
  70. News: Cvetković . Ljudmila . 13 March 2023 . Pet odgovora o Narodnom pokretu za državu predsednika Srbije . Five answers about the People's Movement for the State of the President of Serbia . 8 April 2023 . Radio Free Europe . sr.
  71. Web site: 1 April 2023 . Palma: Svi zajedno treba da podržimo osnivanje Narodnog pokreta za državu koje je Vučić najavio . Palma: We should all together support the establishment of the People's Movement for the State that Vučić announced . 8 April 2023 . Telegraf . sr.
  72. Web site: Spalović . Dejan . 7 August 2023 . Potpuni debakl međunarodne zajednice na Kosovu . A complete debacle of the international community in Kosovo . 12 August 2023 . Politika . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  73. Web site: Latković . Nataša . 23 October 2023 . Stamatović pregovara o ulasku u Vučićev pokret . Stamatović is negotiating to join Vučić's movement . 23 October 2023 . NOVA portal . sr . 15 April 2024 . . live .
  74. Web site: 17 February 2024 . Đurđević Stamenkovski: Razgovaramo o mogućem ulasku u Vučićev Pokret za narod i državu . Đurđević Stamenkovski: We are discussing possible entry into Vučić's Movement for the People and the State . 17 February 2024 . N1 . sr . 17 February 2024 . . live .
  75. Web site: Slavković . Stefan . 22 January 2024 . Kako je Milica Zavetnica postala Milica miljenica: Razvojni put od opozicije, preko Banjaluke do Vučićevih pohvala . How Milica Zavetnica became Milica Lover: Development path from the opposition, via Banja Luka to Vučić's praises . 1 July 2024 . NIN . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  76. Web site: 27 February 2024 . Vulin: Ako budemo pozvani, ući ćemo u Pokret za narod i državu . Vulin: If we get invited, we will join the Movement for the People and the State . 1 July 2024 . Insajder . sr.
  77. Web site: 26 March 2023 . Dačić: Narodni pokret može da bude nova, viša faza saradnje SNS i SPS . Dačić: The People's Movement can be a new, higher state of cooperation between SNS and SPS . 8 April 2023 . N1 . sr . 11 April 2023 . . live .
  78. Web site: Savić . Danilo . 23 June 2023 . Šta se dešava sa Vučićevim pokretom: Socijalisti pod pritiskom i podeljeni oko ulaska, spremna "zamka" za sve koji odbiju poziv . What is happening with Vučić's movement: Socialists under pressure and divided about entry, a ready "trap" for all who refuse the invitation . 26 June 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  79. Web site: 8 June 2023 . Predrag Marković protiv utapanja SPS u Vučićev Narodni pokret za državu . Predrag Marković against submerging the SPS in Vučić's People's Movement for the State . 26 June 2023 . NOVA portal . sr . 26 June 2023 . . live .
  80. Web site: 20 February 2024 . Zagrađanin: Ako SPS uđe u Vučićev pokret znači da bi se odrekla svega što je građeno godinama . Zagrađanin: If the SPS joins Vučić's movement, it means that it would renounce everything that has been built over the years . 1 July 2024 . . sr.
  81. Web site: Ilić . Mladen . 27 February 2024 . Reakcije političara na Vučićev pokret za narod i državu: Od "najozbiljnije organizacije" do "očajničkog" poteza . Politicians' reactions to Vučić's movement for the people and the state: From the "most serious organisation" to a "desperate" move . 1 July 2024 . Danas . sr.
  82. Web site: 25 February 2024 . SPS ulazi u Pokret za narod i državu: Milićević u Hamburgu pozvao Srbe iz dijaspore da im se pridruže, a šefica poslaničke grupe tvrdi da to ne ugrožava identitet stranke . SPS will join the Movement for the People and the State: Milićević in Hamburg invited Serbs from the diaspora to join them, and the head of the parliamentary group claims that this does not threaten the party's identity . 1 July 2024 . Blic . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .
  83. Web site: 4 March 2024 . Zeleni Srbije: Podržavamo državotvorni pokret za narod i državu . Greens of Serbia: We support the state-building movement for the people and the country . 1 July 2024 . Radio Television of Vojvodina . sr.
  84. Web site: Šehović . Nedžib . 28 March 2023 . Bošnjačke partije (ne)odlučno o Vučićevom Narodnom pokretu . Bosniak parties (undecided) about Vučić's People's Movement . 8 April 2023 . Radio Sto Plus . sr . 27 July 2024 . . live .