Paretroplus menarambo explained

Paretroplus menarambo (pinstripe menarambo or pinstripe damba) is a species of cichlid fish.

It is threatened by invasive species and over-fishing. It is part of a captive breeding program by public institutions like London Zoo and Bolton Museum and among fishkeeping hobbyists.


The pinstripe menarambo is a relatively deep-bodied Paretroplus that reaches 12.8- in length.[1] Body is very laterally compressed. The coloration is brown-gray with vertical darker bands. The fins are gray with reddish-brown border. The tail fin is crescent-shaped.


This species is present in the floodplain lakes in the Sofia River system in northwestern Madagascar. It was formerly classified as extinct in the wild by the IUCN, but a remnant population has recently been discovered in Lake Tseny.[2] The same lake also has populations of the related P. kieneri and P. lamenabe,[2] and the round herring Sauvagella robusta.[3]


Notes and References

  1. Guinane, S. (2000). The Madagascan Cichlid Genus Paretroplus (Bleeker, 1865). Accessed 15 July 2011
  2. Sparks, J. S. (July 6, 2011). To Lake Tseny by Oxcart. New York Times, Scientists at Work.
  3. IUCN Freshwater Fish Specialist Group: Madagascar. Retrieved 27 June 2014.