Papyrus 967 Explained

Papyrus 967 (also signed as TM 61933, LDAB 3090) is a 3rd-century CE[1] biblical manuscript, discovered in 1931. It is notable for containing fragments of the original Septuagint text of the Book of Daniel, which was completely superseded by a revised text by the end of the 4th century and elsewhere survives only in Syriac translation and in Codex Chisianus 88. The manuscript is also important for early variants, both in the text of the Book of Ezekiel and of the Book of Daniel.

The exact circumstances of the find are unclear, but the ancient Aphroditopolis is assumed to be the place where it was found.[2] [3] [4] [5]


The scope was originally 59 sheets, which corresponds to 118 leaves or 236 pages. One side measures approximately 344 × 128 mm (13½" x 5"). The pages are written in one column with an average of 42 lines in a square uncial.

The book of Daniel already contains a chapter division in Greek letters. These numbers, entered as a subscriptio, were not added later, but were already present in the original text.


For the Ezekiel text, a writer who differs from the Daniel and Esther texts can be identified. Various corrections by the scribe and later hands are entered. The text contains nomina sacra as well as text-critical signs to indicate the readings according to Theodotion.


In addition to the special readings that the text offers for Ezekiel, above all, the early attestation of the Septuagint text on Daniel is significant, since this was later superseded by the Theodotion text in almost all manuscripts.[6] However, Kristin De Troyer reports that some scholars believe that it is a revised text.


In Papyrus 967 the story of Susanna in the bath (Dan 13) follows the story of Bel and the dragon (Dan 14). In addition, the chapters Dan 7f. before chapter 5f. classified. Papyrus 967 has Ezekiel before Daniel as does Codex Alexandrinus, while Codex Chisianus R.VII.45 (Rahlfs siglum 88) and Syrohexaplarian Codex Ambrosianus C. 313 Inf. have Ezekiel after Daniel.

The final wish at the end of the book of Daniel is also interesting (including the Susanna story that closes the book of Daniel here; see the fig.). After the summary "Daniel" follows the wish: "Peace to him who wrote and to those who read". Since the book of Esther follows from the hand of the same scribe, the desire for completion at this point probably does not come from the scribe, but from tradition. This perhaps reflects an old canon boundary, to which the book of Esther (long disputed) was added.


The surviving 59 manuscript pages of P 967 are at present kept in five different places.



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Notes and References

  1. Book: Israel's Restoration: A Textual-Comparative Exploration of Ezekiel 36-39. 207. 9789047442714. Crane. A. S.. 2008.
  2. Web site: DCLP/Trismegistos 61933 = LDAB 3090 = princeton.apis.p3. 5 March 2022.
  3. Book: Daniel: A Commentary. 9780664220808. Newsom. Carol Ann. Breed. Brennan W.. January 2014.
  4. Book: The Madness of King Nebuchadnezzar: The Ancient Near Eastern Origins and Early History of Interpretation of Daniel 4. 9004114211. Henze. M. H.. 1999.
  5. Unofficial translation of Pierre Maurice-Bogaert, "Le témoignage de la Vetus Latina dans l'étude de la tradition des Septante Ézéchiel et Daniel dans le Papyrus 967". Carson. Bay. 5 March 2022.
  6. R. Timothy McLay: Daniel (Old Greek and Theodotion), in: James K. Aitken (Hrsg.): T&T Clark Companion to the Septuagint. London, 2015, pp. 544–554, on p. 545: "There are only three main witnesses to the OG version. The Chisian codex 88 and the Syro-Hexaplar (Syh) version are post-Hexaplaric and reflect very similar texts, while the more fragmentary Papyrus 967 is the only pre-Hexaplaric witness to the OG version of Daniel."