Paleobiota of the Chinle Formation explained

The Chinle Formation is an extensive geological unit in the southwestern United States, preserving a very diverse fauna of Late Triassic (primarily Norian-age) animals and plants. This is a list of fossilized organisms recovered from the formation.




See main article: Archosaurs of the Chinle Formation.

Other Archosauromorphs

Non-crurotarsan Archosauromorphs of the Chinle Formation
Crosbysaurus[1] C. harrisae
  • Arizona
  • Utah
An archosauriform represented only by teeth. It is treated as indeterminate archosauriform remains by Irmis in 2005. It was originally thought to be an ornithischian dinosaur.
Doswellia[2] cf. D. kaltenbachi
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Osteoderms, vertebrae, rib and hip fragments.A doswelliid archosauriform.
Puercosuchus[3] P. traverorum
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Two monodominant bonebeds.A carnivorous azendohsaurid archosauromorph.
Rugarhynchos[4] R. sixmilensis
  • New Mexico
  • Bluewater Creek
Skull and postcranial fragments.A doswelliid archosauriform. Originally described as a species of Doswellia,[5] but subsequently transferred to a separate genus.
Syntomiprosopus[6] S. sucherorum
  • Arizona
Two to four individuals from a single quarry.A short-faced archosauriform, possibly an unusual early-diverging crocodylomorph. Appears convergent with some Late Cretaceous notosuchians.
Tanystropheidae[7] Indeterminate
  • New Mexico
  • Petrified Forest
VertebraeModerately-sized tanystropheid vertebrae from the Hayden Quarry, likely representing a new taxon closely related to Langobardisaurus and Tanytrachelos.
Tanytrachelos[8] Indeterminate / T. ahynis
  • New Mexico
  • Arizona
  • Petrified Forest
  • Mesa Redondo
Cervical rib, calcaneum, etc.A small tanystropheid represented by several hundred fossil specimens.
Tecovasaurus[9] T. murryi
  • Arizona
  • Mesa Redondo
An unknown amniote represented by scattered teeth formerly believed to be from an ornithischian dinosaur. Later discoveries of similar teeth in pseudosuchians meant that these could no longer be regarded as anything more specific than some kind of archosauriform.
Trilophosaurus[10] T. buettneri[11]
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
T. dornorum[12]
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela
T. jacobsi[13]
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
  • Mesa Redondo
T. phasmalophos[14]
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela
Vancleavea[15] V. campi
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
A strange aquatic carnivorous archosauriform, represented by both articulated skeletons and scattered elements like osteoderms and vertebrae.

Other amniotes

Miscellaneous amniotes of the Chinle Formation
Acallosuchus[17] A. rectori
  • Arizona
Known only from a partial skull.A strange neodiapsid whose bones were heavily ornamented "with subtriangular knobs... running the length of the bones." Even these ornamentations were ornamented "with additional grooves." It is too bizarre to be currently classified as anything more than a probable diapsid.
Ancistronychus[18] A. paradoxus
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela
Manual unguals (hand claws).A drepanosaur related to Drepanosaurus.
Avicranium[19] A. renestoi
  • New Mexico
  • 'Siltstone'
Skull and neck vertebrae.A drepanosaur with a toothless skull and a flexible neck owing to the heterocoelous (saddle-shaped) articular surfaces of the vertebral centrae. The neural spines are anteroposteriorly short and strongly anterodorsally inclined. These features closely resemble those of Drepanosaurus.
Colognathus[20] C. obscurus
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Known only from a jaw fragment and some isolated teeth.Originally believed to be a fish, Colognathus was a strange amniote with distinctive fluted teeth.
DolabrosaurusD. aquatilis
  • New Mexico
  • Petrified Forest
Articulated vertebral and limb material.A drepanosaur.
Drepanosaurus[21] D. unguicaudatus
  • New Mexico
  • Petrified Forest
A drepanosaur.
Kataigidodon[22] K. venetus
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Partial dentaries.A non-mammalian eucynodont.
Kraterokheirodon[23] K. colberti
  • Arizona
  • Petrified Forest
  • Blue Mesa or Mesa Redondo
Known only from two teeth.A possible cynodont. Although they share some similarities with cynodont teeth, the teeth of Kraterokheirodon are very distinctive and can't be confidently referred to a known amniote group.
Palacrodon[24] Indeterminate
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Jaw fragments.A diapsid reptile of uncertain phylogenetic placement with unusual broadened teeth. More complete fossils of this genus from the Fremouw Formation of Antarctica suggest that it was an arboreal saurian.[25]
Placerias[26] P. hesternus
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
  • Mesa Redondo
Known from several hundred remains, but very rare outside of the highly concentrated Placerias Quarry.A placeriine stahleckeriid dicynodont.
Skybalonyx[27] S. skapter
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Manual unguals (hand claws).A drepanosaur which likely had a burrowing lifestyle.
Uatchitodon[28] U. schneideri[29]
  • Mesa Redondo
Known in Chinle from only a single tooth. The presence of venom channels is consistent with other known Uatchitodon specimens, although the Chinle specimen's channels are unique in being "completely enclosed under the surface of the crown."A reptile of unknown affinities, probably a carnivorous archosauromorph with venomous capabilities.
Whitakersaurus[31] W. bermani
  • New Mexico
  • "Siltstone"
A rhynchocephalian found at Ghost Ranch.
Indeterminate procolophonid[32] Indeterminate
  • Utah


Amphibians of the Chinle Formation
Apachesaurus[33] A. gregorii
  • Arizona
Common in the Owl Rock and Petrified forest members. Blue Mesa remains are fragmentary.A metoposaurid temnospondyl which is a junior synonym of Anaschisma
Anaschisma[34] [35] A. browni[36]
  • Arizona
A. browni is "possibly the most common tetrapod fossil in the lower Chinle", although its presence in the upper Chinle is "unclear".A metoposaurid temnospondyl. Koskinonodon was erected for the species "Buettneria" perfecta when it was discovered that the latter genus was preoccupied. Gee et al., 2017 then synonymised it with Anaschisma.
Chinlestegophis[37] C. jenkinsi
  • Colorado
A temnospondyl in the group Stereospondyli, related to Rileymillerus from the Dockum Group of Texas. Possibly a stem-caecilian according to one analysis, though others have disputed this finding
Funcusvermis[38] F. gilmorei
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Numerous jaw fragments, as well as a referred maxillopalatine, vertebra, and femurA stem-caecilian
Salientia indet.[39] Indeterminate
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela Member
  • Blue Mesa Member
Five bones: four ilia and a partial maxilla.A stem-group frog. Might be more closely related to crown-group frogs (anurans) than to Early Triassic taxa Triadobatrachus and Czatkobatrachus.

Cartilaginous fish

Chondrichthyans of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
Acrodus[40] Indeterminate
  • Arizona
Only a single tooth is known.A hybodontiform shark.
Lonchidion[42] L. humblei
  • Arizona
A hybodontiform shark. Lonchidion remains are common throughout the Carnian microvertebrate sites of the American southwest.
PalaeoxyrisP. humblei[43]
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Several specimensAn egg capsule of a freshwater hybodont shark.
Phoebodus[44] Indeterminate
  • Arizona
  • Mesa Redondo
Only a single specimen has been recovered from the formation.
Reticulodus[45] R. synergus
  • Arizona
  • Owl Rock
  • Petrified Forest
  • Sonsela
The crown of its tooth bears a "reticulating ornamentation on [its] occlusal surface[.]" Reticulodus remains are common throughout the Norian microvertebrate sites of the American southwest.
Mooreodontus[46] [47] M. moorei
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
  • Mesa Redondo
Common in the lower Chinle Formation's microvertebrate localities.A xenacanthiform shark.

Lobe-finned fish


Dipnoans (lungfish) of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotes
Arganodus[50] A. dorotheae
  • Arizona
Arganodus toothplates are the most common fossil in the formation from a non-tetrapod. They are evenly distributed across strata, although some individual localities have very high concentrations.Most Chinlean Arganodus fossils are isolated tooth plates.
CeratodusC. dorotheaeNamed by Case in 1921, in the 1980s it was referred to Arganodus.

Ray-finned fish

Actinopterygians (ray-finned fish) of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
Australosomus[51] Indeterminate[52]
  • Arizona
  • Mesa Redondo
Known only from two vertebrae.
Cionichthys[53] C. dunklei
  • Colorado
  • Utah
A member of Redfieldiiformes.
HemicalypterusH. weiri
  • Utah
  • Church Rock Member
A member of Dapediiformes.[54]
Lasalichthys[55] L. hillsi
  • Utah
A member of Redfieldiiformes.
  • Arizona
Represented by isolated scales.
Lophionotus[57] L. sanjuanensis
  • Utah
  • Church Rock Member
A member of Semionotiformes.
L. chinleana[58]
  • Utah
  • Church Rock Member
A member of Semionotiformes.
Saurichthys[59] Indeterminate
  • Arizona
  • Upper Blue Mesa Member
A member of Saurichthyiformes.
SynorichthysS. stewarti
  • Colorado
  • Utah
A member of Redfieldiiformes.
TanaocrossusT. kalliokoskii
  • Colorado
An enigmatic actinopterygian.
Turseodus[60] T. dolorensis
  • Colorado
A member of Palaeonisciformes.
  • Arizona
  • Owl Rock
  • Petrified Forest
  • Sonsela
  • Blue Mesa
Common.Isolated scales from Chinle microvertebrate sites commonly have Turseodus-like ridges, however that feature is not unique to Turseodus and in 2005 Irmis advised researchers to regard them as indeterminate palaeoniscid remains.


The Chinle Formation has a diverse flora of plant megafossils, though they are concentrated in only a few sites with suitable conditions. One of the most diverse floral communities is found near Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Paleobotanists have traditionally placed the Fort Wingate plant beds into the Monitor Butte Member, though more recently they are placed within the Bluewater Creek Formation, a subunit of the Chinle Formation first defined in 1989.[62] Some Fort Wingate plant fossils belong to the "Lake Ciniza beds", a localized patch of grey mudstone corresponding to an ancient lake.

Another productive areas for plant fossils is Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Though petrified wood could be found through the entire stratigraphy of the park, most other plant fossils are exclusive to greenish mudstone layers adjacent to the Newspaper Rock sandstone bed in the Blue Mesa Member (formerly known as the "Lower Petrified Forest").

Conifers are the most common and diverse plants, including petrified wood and leafy branches from massive trees (Araucarioxylon, Pagiophyllum) as well as smaller shrubby forms (Pelourdea). Cycad and bennettitalean leaves and other remains make up a significant portion of the flora (Zamites, Nilssoniopteris, Williamsonia, etc.). Ferns (Cladophlebis, Phlebopteris, Clathropteris, Cynepteris, etc.) are abundant, with a range of growth habits including low shrubs, tree ferns, and palm-like fronds comparable to their modern relatives. Sphenophytes (horsetails: Neocalamites, Equistetites, Schizoneura, etc.) have low diversity but high abundance, and the largest Neocalamites fossils in the Chinle Formation could reach up to 6 meters (20 feet) in height. "Seed ferns" (Chilbinia, Marcouia?) ginkgophytes (Baiera), and small lycopods (Chinlea, Selaginella) were present but uncommon. The flora is rounded out by unusual low-growing gymnosperms such as Sanmiguelia (an angiosperm-like shrub), Dechellyia, and Dinophyton (possible relatives of Gnetales).

The floral composition of the Chinle Formation (and other parts of Late Triassic North America) seem to shift with changes in climate over time. The lowest parts of the Chinle, such as the Shinarump Conglomerate, are dominated by the bennettitalean Eoginkgoites alongside the first occurrence of other persistent plants such as Phlebopteris, Equisetites, and most common conifer species. Subsequent subunits (such as the Blue Mesa Member, Monitor Butte Member, and Bluewater Creek Formation) are much more diverse, with a wide array of humidity-adapted plants making up the typical Chinle flora. This second floral zone is characterized by Dinophyton, a common but enigmatic shrubby gymnosperm. Plant fossils are rare in the upper part of the Chinle Formation, which was presumably much drier than the lower part. In these later layers, by far the most common plant fossils belong to Sanmiguelia (an endemic of southwestern North America) alongside conifers and horsetails.[63] [64]


Gymnosperms of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
Araucariorhiza[65] A. joae UncommonRoots of conifers similar to modern Araucariaceae. Possibly from the same plant as Araucarioxylon arizonicum.
Araucarioxylon[67] A. arizonicum,

A. sp.[68]

AbundantPetrified trunks of large conifers possibly related to modern Araucariaceae.[71] State fossil of Arizona.
AraucaritesA. rudicula[72]
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa
  • Monitor Butte
Very rareLarge female conifer cones similar to those of araucariacean conifers.
Aricycas[73] A. paulae
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
Moderately commonPinnate cycad leaves
BaieraB. arizonica
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico[74]
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
UncommonGinkgophyte leaves
BrachyphyllumB. sp,B. hegewaldia[75]
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Agua Zarca Sandstone
  • Shinarump
  • Temple Mountain
UncommonConifer leaves and shoots
CarpolithusC. chinleana
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
RareSeeds of uncertain affinities
CephalotaxopsisC. sp.
  • Arizona
Conifer foliage
CharmorgiaC. dijolli
  • Arizona
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
RareShort cycad stems
Chilbinia[76] C. lichii
  • Arizona
  • Shinarump
RareAn archaic seed fern with seeds and leaves more similar to Carboniferous-Permian seed ferns than to Triassic forms.
CreberanthusC. bealeii
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Very rarePollen-bearing cones similar to those of some extinct "pteridosperms" (seed ferns). Associated with Alisporites opii, a common palynomorph.
DadoxylonD. chaneyi
  • Arizona
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
Very rarePossible cordaitalean conifer wood.
Dechellyia[77] D. gormanii
  • Bluewater Creek (formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Monitor Butte
UncommonAn enigmatic gymnosperm with narrow pinnate leaves, "clasping" leaf-like sporophylls, and winged seeds. Some leaves are affected by galls, similar to those formed by eriophyid mites in modern plants.
DinophytonD. spinosus[80]
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico[81]
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Monitor Butte
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
CommonAn unusual gymnosperm combining needle-covered shoots with seed-bearing structures having the form of "pinwheel"-like clusters of tubular needles. Possibly related to Gnetales.
ElatocladusE. puercoensis
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
UncommonLeaf-bearing conifer shoots
EoginkgoitesE. sp.,E. davidsonii[82]
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • Shinarump
Common within its small stratigraphic rangeA bennettitalean with palm-shaped fronds similar to some ginkgo species.
GinkgoitesG. sp.
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
RareA ginkgophyte
LindleycladusL. arizonicus
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
UncommonConifer shoots bearing Podozamites leaves. Formerly known as Podozamites arizonicus.
LyssoxylonL. grigsbyi
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
  • Bluewater Creek (formerly Monitor Butte)
RareCycad trunks
MarcouiaM. neuropteroides
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Monitor Butte
UncommonFern-like gymnosperm leaves of uncertain affinities. Some leaves are affected by feeding traces including crescent-shaped marginal incisions and oval-shaped holes. These were probably produced by beetles or orthopterans (grasshoppers and kin).
MasculostrobusM. clathratus
  • Arizona
  • Monitor Butte
Locally commonA pollen-bearing cone associated with lattice-shaped Equisetosporites chinleana pollen.
NilssoniopterisN. ciniza
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Shinarump
UncommonLarge smooth-edged bennettitalean leaves, some of which were originally identified as Macrotaeniopteris magnifola.
OtozamitesO. macombii
  • New Mexico
  • Agua Zarca Sandstone
UncommonBennettitalean leaves
PagiophyllumP. sp.,P. duttonia,

P. navajoensis,

P. readiana,

P. zuniana,

P. simpsonii[83]

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • New Mexico
  • "Middle Dolores"
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
  • Sonsela
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Agua Zarca Sandstone
Locally very commonConifer leaves
PalissyaP. sp.,P. diffusa,

P. sphenolepis

  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Monitor Butte
  • Agua Zarca Sandstone
  • Shinarump
UncommonConifer leaves and shoots
PelourdeaP. poleoensis
  • Utah
  • Colorado
  • New Mexico
  • "Siltstone"
  • "Middle Dolores"
  • Poleo
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Shinarump
CommonA shrubby conifer with strap-like leaves arranged around a single narrow stem.
PodozamitesP. sp.,P. emmonsi,

P. lanceolatus

  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Shinarump
  • Temple Mountain
UncommonConifer leafs and shoots
PramelreuthiaP. dubielli,[84] P. yazzi
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Blue Mesa
  • Monitor Butte
RareGymnosperm microsporophylls (pollen-bearing organs)
PterophyllumP. sp.,P. braunianum
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • Shinarump
UncommonBennettitalean leaves
SamaropsisS. sp.,S. puerca
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
UncommonSeeds of uncertain affinities
SanmigueliaS. lewisii
  • Rock Point
  • Owl Rock
  • "Middle Dolores"
  • Petrified Forest
  • Sonsela
  • Blue Mesa
CommonAn unusual palm-like shrub, controversially suggested to be a relative or predecessor of angiosperms (flowering plants).
SchilderiaS. adamanica
  • Arizona
  • Petrified Forest
RarePetrified stems of a conifer or gnetalean
WilliamsoniaW. nizhonii[87]
  • New Mexico
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
RareA bennettitalean "flower" (female cone)
WoodworthiaW. arizonica
  • Arizona
  • Petrified Forest
UncommonStems and petrified wood of a conifer related to A. arizonicum.[88]
ZamitesZ. sp.,Z. occidentalis,

Z. powellii

  • Church Rock?
  • Owl Rock?
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Sonsela
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Monitor Butte
  • Agua Zarca
  • Shinarump
Very commonBennettitalean leaves. Some leaves exhibit feeding traces, including sharp diagonal marginal traces and slot-like non-marginal traces. These traces were probably left by beetles. Zamites powellii was formerly known as Otozamites powellii.


Ferns of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
ApacheaA. arizonica
  • Arizona
  • "Petrified Forest"
RareDipteridacean fern leaves, possibly damaged specimens of Clathropteris walkeri.
CladophlebisC. daughertyi,[91] C. subfalcata,

C. yazzia,

C. sp.

  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Monitor Butte
  • Shinarump
Very commonLarge sterile fern leaves of uncertain affinities
ClathropterisC. walkeri
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
CommonDipteridacean fern leaves
CynepterisC. sp.,C. lasiophora
  • Utah
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Church Rock?
  • Owl Rock?
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Monitor Butte
CommonBipinnate fern leaves previously identified as Lonchopteris. Some leaves are affected by crescent-shaped marginal feeding traces, probably from beetles or orthopterans (grasshoppers and kin).
Itopsidema[92] I. vancleavi
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela
UncommonStems of large osmundacean tree ferns. Some stems show evidence of being bored by oribatid mites.[93]
PhlebopterisP. smithii,P. utensis
  • Arizona[94]
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member" / "Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Shinarump
CommonMatoniacean fern leaves with a palmate structure
SphenopterisS. arizonica
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
UncommonSterile fern leaves of uncertain affinities. Some show evidence for marginal damage by insect feeding traces.
ToditesT. fragilis
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (="lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
UncommonOsmundacean fern leaves
WingateaW. plumosa
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek (="lower red member", formerly Monitor Butte)
RareGleicheniacean fern leaves previously named as a species of Coniopteris.

Other plants

Other plants of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
ChinleaC. sp.,C. campii
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
UncommonSmall lycopod stems similar to shrubby forms such as Pleuromeia.
EquisetitesE. sp.,E. bradyi
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • New Mexico
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
  • Bluewater Creek ("Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
  • Shinarump
CommonA horsetail indistinguishable from modern Equisetum.
Equisetocalis[97] E. muirii
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa
Concentrated in a narrow stratigraphic range (the Newspaper Rock sandstone bed)Small three-dimensional horsetail stems preserved in pyrite nodules.
IsoetitesI. circularis
  • Arizona
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
RareQuillwort shoots
LycostrobusL. chinleana
  • Arizona
  • Blue Mesa (= "Lower Petrified Forest")
RareHorsetail cones sometimes placed in the genus Equicalostrobus
NeocalamitesN. sp.,N. virginiensis
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • Colorado[98]
  • New Mexico
  • "Siltstone"
  • Church Rock?
  • Owl Rock?
  • "Petrified Forest" sensu lato
  • Bluewater Creek (= "lower red member" / "Ciniza Lake beds", formerly Monitor Butte)
CommonStems and leaves of a giant sphenophyte (horsetail)
SchizoneuraS. harrisii
  • New Mexico
  • Bluewater Creek (formerly Monitor Butte)
UncommonStems and leaves of a large sphenophyte (horsetail) more typical of Southern Hemisphere plant assemblages.
SelaginellaS. anasazia
  • Arizona
  • Monitor Butte
UncommonA low-growing lycopsid similar to modern broad-leaved species of Selaginella, such as S. kraussiana


Arthropods of the Chinle Formation
GenusSpeciesStateStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
EnoplocytiaE. porteri[99]
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela?
Single well-preserved fossilAn erymid crayfish
Paleoscolytus[100] P. divergus
  • Arizona
  • Sonsela
A species of bark beetle, evidenced by trace fossils of tracks made on A. arizonicum specimens.


Notes and References

  1. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauriformes; Crosbysaurus harrisae," Irmis (2005) p. 71
  2. William G. Parker . Sterling J. Nesbitt . Adam D. Marsh . Ben T. Kligman . Kenneth Bader . 2021 . First occurrence of Doswellia cf. D. kaltenbachi (Archosauriformes) from the Late Triassic (middle Norian) Chinle Formation of Arizona and its implications on proposed biostratigraphic correlations across North America during the Late Triassic . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 41 . 3 . e1976196 . 10.1080/02724634.2021.1976196 . 243474578 .
  3. Marsh . Adam D. . Parker . William G. . Nesbitt . Sterling J. . Kligman . Ben T. . Stocker . Michelle R. . 2022 . Puercosuchus traverorum n. gen. n. sp.: a new malerisaurine azendohsaurid (Archosauromorpha: Allokotosauria) from two monodominant bonebeds in the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic, Norian) of Arizona . Journal of Paleontology . en . 96 . S90 . 1–39 . 10.1017/jpa.2022.49 . 0022-3360 . free.
  4. Brenen M. Wynd . Sterling J. Nesbitt . Michelle R. Stocker . Andrew B. Heckert . 2020 . A detailed description of Rugarhynchos sixmilensis, gen. et comb. nov. (Archosauriformes, Proterochampsia), and cranial convergence in snout elongation across stem and crown archosaurs . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 39 . 6 . e1748042 . 10.1080/02724634.2019.1748042 . 219917329 .
  5. Lucas. Spencer. Heckert. Andrew. A new species of the enigmatic archosauromorph Doswellia from the Upper Triassic Bluewater Creek Formation, New Mexico, USA. Palaeontology. 2012. 55. 6. 1333–1348. 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2012.01200.x. 15431716 . en.
  6. Heckert. A. B. . Nesbitt . S. J. . Stocker . M. R. . Schneider. V. P. . Hoffman . D. K. . Zimmer . B. W. . 2021 . A new short-faced archosauriform from the Upper Triassic Placerias/Downs' quarry complex, Arizona, USA, expands the morphological diversity of the Triassic archosauriform radiation . . 108 . 4 . Article 32 . 10.1007/s00114-021-01733-1 . free . 34213630 . 8253714 . 2021SciNa.108...32H .
  7. Pritchard . Adam C. . Turner . Alan H. . Nesbitt . Sterling J. . Irmis . Randall B. . Smith . Nathan D. . 2015-03-04 . Late Triassic tanystropheids (Reptilia, Archosauromorpha) from northern New Mexico (Petrified Forest Member, Chinle Formation) and the biogeography, functional morphology, and evolution of Tanystropheidae . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . en . 35 . 2 . e911186 . 10.1080/02724634.2014.911186 . 130089407 . 0272-4634.
  8. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauromorpha; Tanytrachelos sp.," Irmis (2005) p. 70
  9. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauriformes; Tecovasaurus murryi," Irmis (2005) p. 71
  10. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauromorpha; Trilophosaurus buettneri, Trilophosaurus jacobsi, Trilophosaurus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 70
  11. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauromorpha; Trilophosaurus buettneri," Irmis (2005) p. 70
  12. "Abstract," Mueller and Parker (2006) p. 119
  13. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauromorpha; Trilophosaurus jacobsi," Irmis (2005) p. 70
  14. Ben T. Kligman . Adam D. Marsh . Sterling J. Nesbitt . William G. Parker . Michelle R. Stocker . 2020 . New trilophosaurid species demonstrates a decline in allokotosaur diversity across the Adamanian-Revueltian boundary in the Late Triassic of western North America . Palaeodiversity . 13 . 1 . 25–37 . 10.18476/pale.v13.a3 . free .
  15. "Vertebrate Fauna; Archosauriformes; Vancleavea campi," Irmis (2005) p. 71
  16. Nesbitt . S.J. . Sterling Nesbitt . Stocker . M.R. . Michelle R. Stocker . Small . B.J. . Bryan J. Small . Downs . A. . Alex Downs . November 26, 2009 . The osteology and relationships of Vancleavea campi (Reptilia: Archosauriformes) . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society . 157 . 4 . 814–864 . 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00530.x . free.
  17. "Vertebrate Fauna; Reptilia incertae sedis; Acallosuchus rectori," Irmis (2005) pp. 69-70
  18. Gabriel S. Gonçalves . Christian A. Sidor . 2019 . A new drepanosauromorph, Ancistronychus paradoxus n. gen. et sp., from the Chinle Formation of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA . PaleoBios . 36 . ucmp_paleobios_46203 .
  19. Pritchard. Adam C.. Nesbitt. Sterling J.. 2017-10-01. A bird-like skull in a Triassic diapsid reptile increases heterogeneity of the morphological and phylogenetic radiation of Diapsida. Royal Society Open Science. en. 4. 10. 170499. 10.1098/rsos.170499. 29134065. 5666248. 2017RSOS....470499P. 2054-5703.
  20. "Vertebrate Fauna; Parareptilia; Colognathus obscurus," Irmis (2005) p. 69
  21. Pritchard. Adam C.. Turner. Alan H.. Irmis. Randall B.. Nesbitt. Sterling J.. Smith. Nathan D.. 2016-10-24. Extreme Modification of the Tetrapod Forelimb in a Triassic Diapsid Reptile. Current Biology. en. 26. 20. 2779–2786. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.084. 27693141. 0960-9822. free.
  22. Ben T. Kligman . Adam D. Marsh . Hans-Dieter Sues . Christian A. Sidor . 2020 . A new non-mammalian eucynodont from the Chinle Formation (Triassic: Norian), and implications for the early Mesozoic equatorial cynodont record . Biology Letters . 16 . 11 . Article ID 20200631 . 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0631 . 33142088 . 7728676 .
  23. "Vertebrate Fauna; Amniota incertae sedis; Kraterokheirodon colberti," Irmis (2005) p. 69
  24. Ben T. Kligman . Adam D. Marsh . William G. Parker . 2018 . First records of diapsid Palacrodon from the Norian, Late Triassic Chinle Formation of Arizona, and their biogeographic implications . Acta Palaeontologica Polonica . 63 . 1 . 117–127 . 10.4202/app.00426.2017 . free .
  25. Jenkins . Kelsey M. . Meyer . Dalton L. . Lewis . Patrick J. . Choiniere . Jonah N. . Bhullar . Bhart-Anjan S. . 2022 . Re-description of the early Triassic diapsid Palacrodon from the lower Fremouw formation of Antarctica . Journal of Anatomy . 241 . 6 . 1441–1458 . 10.1111/joa.13770. 36168715 . 9644968 . 252565757 . December 1, 2024 .
  26. "Vertebrate Fauna; Synapsida; Placerias hesternus," Irmis (2005) p. 82
  27. Jenkins . Xavier A. . Pritchard . Adam C. . Marsh . Adam D. . Kligman . Ben T. . Sidor . Christian A. . Reed . Kaye E. . Kaye Reed . 2020 . Using manual ungual morphology to predict substrate use in the Drepanosauromorpha and the description of a new species . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 40 . 5 . e1810058 . 10.1080/02724634.2020.1810058 . free.
  28. Listed as cf. Uatchitodon sp. in "Vertebrate Fauna; Reptilia incertae sedis; Cf. Uatchitodon sp," Irmis (2005) p. 69
  29. Mitchell . Jonathan S. . Heckert . Andrew B. . Sues . Hans-Dieter . 2010 . Grooves to tubes: evolution of the venom delivery system in a Late Triassic "reptile" . Naturwissenschaften . 97 . 12 . 1117–1121 . 2010NW.....97.1117M . 10.1007/s00114-010-0729-0 . 21060984 . 10093308.
  30. "Vertebrate Fauna; Reptilia incertae sedis; Cf. Uatchitodon sp," Irmis (2005) p. 69
  31. Heckert. Andrew B.. Lucas. Spencer G.. Rinehart. Larry F.. Hunt. Adrian P.. 2008-07-01. A New Genus and Species of Sphenodontian from the Ghost Ranch Coelophysis Quarry (upper Triassic: Apachean), Rock Point Formation, New Mexico, Usa. Palaeontology. en. 51. 4. 827–845. 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2008.00786.x. 1475-4983. free.
  32. Nicholas C. Fraser . Randall B. Irmis . David K. Elliott . 2005 . A procolophonid (Parareptilia) from the Owl Rock Member, Chinle Formation of Utah, USA . Palaeontologia Electronica . 8 . 1 . Article Number 8.1.13 .
  33. "Vertebrate Fauna; Temnospondyli; Apachesaurus gregorii" Irmis (2005) pp. 67-68
  34. Mueller (2007)
  35. Gee . Bryan M. . Parker . William G. . Marsh . Adam D. . Redescription of Anaschisma (Temnospondyli: Metoposauridae) from the Late Triassic of Wyoming and the phylogeny of the Metoposauridae . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology . 2020 . 18 . 3 . 233–258 . 10.1080/14772019.2019.1602855. 190896742 .
  36. "Vertebrate Fauna; Temnospondyli; Buettneria perfecta" Irmis (2005) p. 67. Note that Koskinonodon was listed under the preoccupied (see Mueller 2007) name Buettneria in the preceding reference.
  37. Jason D. Pardo . Bryan J. Small . Adam K. Huttenlocker . 2017 . Stem caecilian from the Triassic of Colorado sheds light on the origins of Lissamphibia . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 114 . 27 . E5389–E5395 . 10.1073/pnas.1706752114 . 28630337 . 5502650 . 2017PNAS..114E5389P . free .
  38. Kligman . Ben T. . Gee . Bryan M. . Marsh . Adam D. . Nesbitt . Sterling J. . Smith . Matthew E. . Parker . William G. . Stocker . Michelle R. . 2023-01-25 . Triassic stem caecilian supports dissorophoid origin of living amphibians . Nature . 614 . 7946 . en . 102–107 . 10.1038/s41586-022-05646-5 . 36697827 . 9892002 . 256272986 . 1476-4687. 10919/113568 . free .
  39. Michelle R. Stocker . Sterling J. Nesbitt . Ben T. Kligman . Daniel J. Paluh . Adam D. Marsh . David C. Blackburn . William G. Parker . 2019 . The earliest equatorial record of frogs from the Late Triassic of Arizona . Biology Letters . 15 . 2 . Article ID 20180922 . 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0922 . 30958136 . 6405462 . 10919/87931 .
  40. "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; Acrodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 65
  41. The Petrified Forest and Sonsela Acrodus specimens are actually Reticulodus. See "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; Acrodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 65 for details.
  42. "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; Lonchidion humblei," Irmis (2005) p. 65
  43. Fischer . Jan . Axsmith . Brian J. . Ash . Sidney R. . 2010-03-01 . First unequivocal record of the hybodont shark egg capsule Palaeoxyris in the Mesozoic of North America . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . en . 255 . 3 . 327–344 . 10.1127/0077-7749/2009/0028 . 0077-7749.
  44. "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; Phoebodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 65
  45. "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; Reticulodus synergus," Irmis (2005) p. 65
  46. "Vertebrate Fauna; Chondrichthyes; 'Xenacanthus' moorei," Irmis (2005) p. 64
  47. Bhat . Mohd Shafi . Ray . Sanghamitra . Datta . P. M. . 2018-09-01 . A new assemblage of freshwater sharks (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Triassic of India . Geobios . 51 . 4 . 269–283 . 10.1016/j.geobios.2018.06.004 . 0016-6995.
  48. Listed as cf. Chinlea sp. in "Vertebrate Fauna; Temnospondyli; Cf. Chinlea sp." Irmis (2005) p. 67
  49. "Vertebrate Fauna; Temnospondyli; Cf. Chinlea sp." Irmis (2005) p. 67
  50. "Vertebrate Fauna; Temnospondyli; Arganodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 67
  51. Listed as "cf. Australosomus" in "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Australosomus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66-67
  52. "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Australosomus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66-67
  53. Bobb Schaeffer . 1967 . Late Triassic fishes from the western United States . Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History . 135 . 285–342 . 2246/1125 .
  54. Sarah Z. Gibson . 2016 . Redescription and Phylogenetic Placement of †Hemicalypterus weiri Schaeffer, 1967 (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii) from the Triassic Chinle Formation, Southwestern United States: New Insights into Morphology, Ecological Niche, and Phylogeny . PLOS ONE . 11 . 9 . e0163657 . 10.1371/journal.pone.0163657 . 27657923 . 5033578. 2016PLoSO..1163657G . free .
  55. Listed as "cf. Lasalichthyes" in "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Lasalichthyes sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66
  56. "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Lasalichthyes sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66
  57. Sarah Z. Gibson . 2013 . A new hump-backed ginglymodian fish (Neopterygii, Semionotiformes) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of southeastern Utah . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 33 . 5 . 1037–1050 . 10.1080/02724634.2013.758125 . 129797885 .
  58. Sarah Z. Gibson . 2013 . Biodiversity and Evolutionary History of †Lophionotus (Neopterygii: †Semionotiformes) from the Western United States . Copeia . 2013 . 4 . 582–603 . 10.1643/CI-12-028 . 85755730 . free .
  59. Ben T. Kligman . William G. Parker . Adam D. Marsh . 2017 . First record of Saurichthys (Actinopterygii) from the Upper Triassic (Chinle Formation, Norian) of western North America . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 37 . 5 . e1367304 . 10.1080/02724634.2017.1367304 . 134301176 .
  60. Listed as "cf. Turseodus" in "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Turseodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66
  61. "Vertebrate Fauna; Osteichthyes; Cf. Turseodus sp." Irmis (2005) p. 66
  62. Lucas . S.G. . Spencer G. Lucas . Hayden . S.N. . 1989 . Triassic stratigraphy of west-central New Mexico . New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference Guidebook . 40 . 191–211 .
  63. Book: Parker, William G. . 2006 . Museum of Northern Arizona . 0-89734-120-1 . Parker . William G. . 62 . 46–64 . The stratigraphic distribution of major fossil localities in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona . 71015548 . Ash . Sidney R. . Irmis . Randall B. .
  64. Lucas . Spencer G. . 2013 . Plant megafossil biostratigraphy and biochronology, Upper Triassic Chinle Group, Western USA . New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin . 61 . 354–365.
  65. Daugherty . Lyman H. . Triassic Roots from the Petrified Forest National Park . 1963 . American Journal of Botany . en . 50 . 8 . 802–805 . 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1963.tb10649.x . 2027.42/141301 . 0002-9122. free .
  66. Book: Ash, Sidney R. . Dawn of the age of dinosaurs in the American Southwest . New Mexico Museum of Natural History . 1989 . Lucas . S.G. . Albuquerque . 189–222 . A catalog of Upper Triassic plant megafossils of the western United States through 1988 . Hunt . A.P. .
  67. Frank H. Knowlton. 1889. New species of fossil wood (Araucarioxylon arizonicum) from Arizona and New Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 11. 676. 1–5. 10.5479/si.00963801.11-676.1.
  68. Ash . Sidney R. . 1987 . The Upper Triassic Red Bed Flora of the Colorado Plateau, Western United States . Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science . 22 . 1 . 95–105 . 40024387.
  69. Ash . Sidney R. . 1974 . Upper Triassic plants of Canon del Cobre, New Mexico . New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook . 25 . 179–184.
  70. Ash . Sidney R. . 1989 . The upper Triassic Chinle flora of the Zuni Mountains, New Mexico . New Mexico Geological Society . 40 . 225–230 . 10.56577/ffc-40.225. 251985942 .
  71. Web site: 2006 . Trees to Stone . live . . September 7, 2015 . October 3, 2010 . National Park Service.
  72. Axsmith . Brian J. . Ash . Sidney R. . 2006 . Two rare fossil cones from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, and New Mexico . Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin . 62 . 82–94.
  73. Ash . Sidney R. . 1991 . A New Pinnate Cycad Leaf from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of Arizona . Botanical Gazette . 152 . 1 . 123–131 . 10.1086/337871 . 83627771 . 0006-8071.
  74. Ash . Sidney R. . 1967 . The Chinle (Upper Triassic) megaflora of the Zuni Mountains, New Mexico . New Mexico Geological Society Fall Field Conference Guidebook . 18 . 125–131 . 10.56577/ffc-18.125. 11630110 .
  75. Ash . Sidney R. . 1973 . Two New Late Triassic Plants from the Petrified Forest of Arizona . Journal of Paleontology . 47 . 1 . 46–53 . 1302865.
  76. Ash . Sidney R. . Chilbinia Gen. Nov., an Archaic Seed Fern in the Late Triassic Chinle Formation of Arizona, USA . 2006 . Palaeontology . en . 49 . 2 . 237–245 . 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2006.00542.x . 129438630 . 0031-0239.
  77. Ash . Sidney R. . 1972 . Late Triassic plants from the Chinle Formation in north-eastern Arizona . Palaeontology . 15 . 4 . 598–618.
  78. Ash . Sidney . 1996 . Evidence of arthropod-plant interactions in the Upper Triassic of the southwestern United States . Lethaia . en . 29 . 3 . 237–248 . 10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01657.x . 0024-1164.
  79. Ash . Sidney R. . 2014-06-01 . Contributions to the Upper Triassic Chinle flora in the American southwest . Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments . en . 94 . 2 . 279–294 . 10.1007/s12549-014-0150-3 . 129297877 . 1867-1608.
  80. Ash . Sidney R. . 1970 . Dinophyton, a problematical new plant genus from the Upper Triassic of the south-western United States . Palaeontology . 13 . 4 . 646–663.
  81. Book: Ash, Sidney R. . Brigham Young University Geology Studies . 1978 . 25 . 4: Plant Megafossils .
  82. Ash . Sidney R. . 1977 . An unusual bennettitalean leaf from the Upper Triassic of the south-western United States . Palaeontology . 20 . 3 . 641–659.
  83. Ash . Sidney R. . 1970 . Pagiophyllum simpsonii, a New Conifer from the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) of Arizona . Journal of Paleontology . 44 . 5 . 945–952 . 1302730.
  84. Ash . Sidney . Litwin . Ronald J. . 1996 . Two new species of the pinnate microsporophyll Pramelreuthia from the upper Triassic of the southwestern United States . American Journal of Botany . en . 83 . 8 . 1091–1099 . 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1996.tb12807.x.
  85. Ash . Sidney R. . Hasiotis . Stephen T. . 2013-04-01 . New occurrences of the controversial Late Triassic plant fossil Sanmiguelia Brown and associated ichnofossils in the Chinle Formation of Arizona and Utah, USA . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 268 . 1 . 65–82 . 10.1127/0077-7749/2013/0316 . 0077-7749.
  86. Ash . Sidney R. . 1982 . Occurrence of the Controversial Plant Fossil Sanmiguelia cf. S. lewisi Brown in the Upper Triassic of Utah . Journal of Paleontology . 56 . 3 . 751–754 . 1304404.
  87. Ash . Sidney R. . 1968 . A new species of Williamsonia from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of New Mexico . Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany . en . 61 . 384 . 113–120 . 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1968.tb00108.x.
  88. Web site: 2012 . Fossil Trees or Petrified Wood . October 14, 2021 . University of Arizona.
  89. Herrick . Alisa S. . Fastovsky . David E. . Hoke . Gregory D. . 1999 . OCCURRENCES OF ZAMITES POWELLII IN OLDEST NORIAN STRATA IN PETRIFIED FOREST NATIONAL PARK, ARIZONA . National Park Service Paleontological Research . 4 . 91–95.
  90. Milner . Andrew C. . 2006 . Plant fossils from the Owl Rock or Church Rock members, Chinle Formation, San Juan County, Utah . New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin . 37 . 410–413.
  91. Ash . S.R. . 1969 . Ferns from the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) in the Fort Wingate area, New Mexico . United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper . Professional Paper . 613-D . 1–40 . 10.3133/pp613d . 2330-7102.
  92. Daugherty . Lyman H. . Itopsidema, A New Genus of the Osmundaceae from the Triassic of Arizona . 1960 . American Journal of Botany . en . 47 . 9 . 771–777 . 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1960.tb07164.x.
  93. Ash . Sidney . 2000 . Evidence of oribatid mite herbivory in the stem of a Late Triassic tree fern from Arizona . Journal of Paleontology . en . 74 . 6 . 1065–1071 . 10.1666/0022-3360(2000)074<1065:EOOMHI>2.0.CO;2 . 86324641 . 0022-3360.
  94. Ash . Sidney . Litwin . Ronald J. . Traverse . Alfred . 1982 . The Upper Triassic fern Phlebopteris smithii (Daugherty) Arnold and its spores . Palynology . en . 6 . 1 . 203–219 . 10.1080/01916122.1982.9989242 . 0191-6122.
  95. Ash . Sidney . 1999 . An Upper Triassic Sphenopteris Showing Evidence of Insect Predation from Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona . International Journal of Plant Sciences . en . 160 . 1 . 208–215 . 10.1086/314115 . 85020560 . 1058-5893.
  96. Miller . Charles N. . The Lepidophytic Affinities of the Genus Chinlea and Osmundites Walkeri . 1968 . American Journal of Botany . en . 55 . 1 . 109–115 . 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1968.tb06950.x.
  97. Rothwell . Gar W. . R. Ash . Sidney . 2015 . Internal anatomy of the Late Triassic Equisetocaulis gen. nov., and the evolution of modern horsetails . The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society . en . 142 . 1 . 27–37 . 10.3159/TORREY-D-14-00042.1 . 86841184 . 1095-5674.
  98. Holt . Edward L. . 1947 . Upright Trunks of Neocalamites from the Upper Triassic of Western Colorado . The Journal of Geology . 55 . 6 . 511–513 . 10.1086/625462 . 129374986 . 0022-1376.
  99. Miller . Gary L. . Ash . Sidney R. . 1988 . The oldest freshwater decapod crustacean, from the Triassic of Arizona . Palaeontology . 31 . 2 . 273–279.
  100. Sidney R. Ash & Geoffrey T. Creber. 2000. The Late Araucarioxylon arizonicum Trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA. Palaeontology. 43. 22–23. 10.1111/1475-4983.00116. 128691956 . free.