Paisa Fek Tamasha Dekh is a prank show, web mini-series directed by Nishant Sapkale and produced by Eros Motion Pictures and Box Office Films starring Rahul Purohit as the host. It is a 10-episode based show under Eros Now's new short-format video series- Quickie[1] where pranksters play real-life practical jokes on the people around them.
1 | 1 | Hug It Out | Three contestants, three challenges, who will be called the ultimate prankster? Watch the full episode to find out. | |
2 | 2 | Don't Hold Back | Have you ever helped anyone do the dirties in public? Well, these pranksters just managed that. Watch the full episode and laugh out loud. | |
3 | 3 | Dance Till You Drop | Who are you placing your last dime on? In this dance-off of a prank, who do you think will be the last man standing? | |
4 | 4 | Knockout | Have you ever played cricket without a ball? Watch these three contestants play a masterstroke. | |
5 | 5 | A Shot Of Phenyl | Have you ever given having a shot of phenyl a shot? As bizarre as it might sound, our prankster get people to try it. | |
6 | 6 | Mirror, Mirror On The Wall | Our pranksters need to get to an audition but will they manage to find a make-up man? | |
7 | 7 | What's your OTP | From riding a skate bike in the mall to celebrating a stranger s birthday, these pranks will crack you up. | |
8 | 8 | Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Kabaddi | Khel Kabaddi, win the money. Who will make the most money? | |
9 | 9 | Dog Food Challenge | Will you eat dog food if anyone asked you to? Watch on to know if these pranksters succeed in pulling off this prank. | |
10 | 10 | Mannequin Challenge | Watch this for screams and mini heart-attacks along with bouts of uncontrollable laughter. |
The official trailer was released on 18 December 2018. Paisa Fek Tamasha Dekh was launched on 19 December 2018[2] - all episodes streaming exclusively on Eros Now.[3] It was one of the first series[4] to be released under the category of Quickie.
Paisa Fek Tamasha Dekh is a prank show based on practical jokes. It brings out comedy through hilarious scenes and challenges.