Argentina pacifica explained

Argentina pacifica, sometimes called pacific silverweed,[1] silverweed cinquefoil,[2] or simply silverweed,[3] is a low-growing perennial (6") with pinnately compound green leaves with silvery undersides. It is a member of the species aggregate known as Argentina anserina or Potentilla anserina.[4] The yellow, saucer-shaped flowers appear late spring through summer. Pacific silverweed spreads very quickly in moist areas. Preferring salt marshes, river estuaries and shorelines, they are often seen growing alongside springbank clover.[5] They need sun and regular water.

As food

Pacific silverweed is important in Pacific Northwest coastal indigenous cultures. Indigenous people dig for its edible roots. As an important vegetable, families maintained rights to access patches through potlatch.[6] New plants can grow from small root fragments, and with some attention families could guarantee patches persisted for generations "over hundreds, even thousands of years".[7] Northwest Coast peoples used to dig them in spring with yew-wood shovels before pit-cooking them or boiling them with eulachon grease. Cooked roots have a slightly bitter sweet-potato flavour. Northwest Coast peoples also washed them or mashed them into cakes and dried them for winter.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: An incomplete and ever-evolving catalogue of native plants of Montara Mountains . Chuck Kozak . 1999 . 4 February 2015.
  2. Web site: Cinquefoils West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington . Paul Slichter . 4 February 2015.
  3. Web site: Washington Native Plant Society . 4 February 2015.
  4. 23724290 . Biosystematic studies on the species aggregate Potentilla anserina L. . Arne Rousi . Annales Botanici Fennici . 2 . 1 . 1965 . 47–112.
  5. Book: Turner . Nancy . Plants of Haida Gwaii . 2004 . SONO NIS PRESS . Winlaw BC . 1-55039-176-3 . 140-141 . Second .
  6. News: Turner . Nancy . "Expert Opinion of Dr Nancy J. Turner" . Nancy Turner . 9 January 2017.
  7. Book: Deur . Douglas . Keeping it Living: Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast of North America . 2005 . University of Washington Press . Seattle, Washington . 0774812672 .