PSD–UNPR–ALDE Alliance explained

Native Name:Alianța PSD–UNPR–ALDE
Founded:10 February 2014
Dissolved:August 2019
Predecessor:Social Liberal Union (claimed, not legal successor)[1] [2]
Slogan:USL lives ! (ro|USL trăiește !)[3]
Proud to be Romanians ! (ro|Mândri că suntem români !)[4] [5]
Flag:2014 Social Democratic Union logo.jpg

The PSD–UNPR–ALDE Alliance was a political alliance in Romania. It was initially established on 10 February 2014 as the Social Democratic Union between the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR) and the Conservative Party (PC).[6] However, the name was rejected by the Permanent Electoral Bureau, because an alliance with an identical name existed in 1996, and the Democratic Liberal Party, that owned the copyright for the name, refused to grant it to the PSD.[7] On 7 March 2014, the PSD–UNPR–PC Alliance was registered.[8]

At the 2014 European Parliament election in Romania, the alliance won 37.60% of the votes, coming first. It won 16 MEPs, 2 being from PC, 2 from UNPR and 12 from PSD.

On 19 June 2015, PC merged with the Liberal Reformist Party to form the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE).[9] ALDE joined the alliance, thus forming the PSD–UNPR–ALDE Alliance.[10]

After the dismissal of the Fourth Ponta Cabinet on 17 November 2015, UNPR left the alliance and, on 12 July 2016, it merged into the People's Movement Party.[11]

After the 2016 Romanian parliamentary election, PSD and ALDE formed 3 successive coalition governments. ALDE withdrew from the Dăncilă Cabinet in August 2019, thereby marking the end of the alliance.[12] [13]


bgcolor= Social Democratic PartyPSDSocial democracy
Christian left
bgcolor= National Union for the Progress of RomaniaUNPRSocial democracy
bgcolor= Conservative PartyPCConservatism
bgcolor= Alliance of Liberals and DemocratsALDELiberalism
Conservative liberalism

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Scandal pe sloganul "USL trăieşte".PNL va contesta folosirea denumirii USL pe materialele alianţei PSD-PC-UNPR . 5 May 2014 .
  2. Web site: Ivan, către PNL: Dacă sloganul "USL trăieşte" deranjează, vom spune altfel. Dar mesajul va fi exact acelaşi .
  3. Web site: "USL TRĂIEŞTE". Explicaţiile date de Alianţa PSD-UNPR-PC - . 7 May 2014 .
  4. Web site: Afisele PSD, interzise in unele judete, pentru folosirea marcii USL si a sloganului "Mandri sa suntem romani" - . 19 May 2014 .
  5. Web site: Sloganul campaniei PSD-UNPR-PC, "Mândri că suntem români", interzis de Biroul Electoral Judeţean Alba . 19 May 2014 .
  6. Web site: O noua alianta, inainte de europarlamentare: Uniunea Social-Democrata. Reuneste PSD, PC si UNPR - Ziarul National . 10 February 2014 .
  7. Web site: Alianţa electorală PSD-UNPR-PC, aprobată de BEC pentru europarlamentare. PNL contestă la ICCJ .
  8. Web site: Partidul Social Democrat. 2014-11-29. 2024-08-01.
  9. Web site: Partidul rezultat din fuziunea PLR-PC se va numi ALDE şi va candida independent la alegeri .
  10. Web site: 2015, resetare totală a scenei politice - Alianţa PSD-UNPR-ALDE dispare, PNL, spre unificare .
  11. Web site: UNPR fuzionează prin absorbţie cu PMP/ Băsescu: Gabriel Oprea rămâne doar cu onoarea, partidul nu mai e după fuziune. Partidul se va numi Partidul Mişcarea Populară .
  12. Web site: S-a rupt coaliția PSD-ALDE. Tăriceanu iese de la guvernare, renunță la candidatura la prezidențiale și la șefia Senatului . 31 August 2019 .
  13. Web site: ALDE iese de la guvernare, declară surse din conducerea formațiunii, după eșecul negocierilor Tăriceanu-Dăncilă. 2024-08-01.