PC-6600 series explained

NEC PC-6601
Type:Personal Computer
Media:143KB 3-inch floppy disks
Input:Keyboard, Graphics tablet
Cpu:Zilog Z80A compatible μPD780C-1 clocked at 4MHz, μPD8049 co-processor clocked at 8MHz
Memory:64KB RAM + 1KB floppy disk interface, 50KB VRAM, 32KB (Basic + machine language monitor) + 32KB(chinese characters) + 16KB (voice data) + 16KB ROM
Display:80×40 (15 colors), 160×200 (15 colors), 320×200 (4 colors)
Sound:3 voices, 8 octaves (AY-3-8910), optional speech synthesizer
Weight:4.5 kg
Predecessor:NEC PC-6001

The NEC PC-6600 Series were a lineup of personal computers produced by the NEC Corporation in 1985. They were essentially a PC-6001 MK2 with a built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive. Two models in this series were produced: the PC-6601 and the PC-6601 SR.
